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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 03:40:43
2e42e4 wrote:

I Hate All The New Coats Ow Does Not Have To Change Them You Know Horse Is not even fun anymore i might quit i am send me a massage if you agree wth me

By Luthien Tinuviel of AU Howrse:

By Luthien Tinuviel, 5th April 2014 10:32:35 1
My main "issue" with some of the new coats is that they eyes seem too small, and makes the entire horse seem off.

But let's be real here for a minute. Raise your hand if you've ever tried to draw a horse. Go on, raise 'em high. Now, how hard was it for you to get all of the proportions right? Pretty challenging, huh? Let's face it- horses are really hard to draw. The simplest miscalculation can make the entire picture look off, or even worse, deformed. While the artists that work for Howrse are capable of amazing things (OPAL!!!!!!), they are going to make mistakes from time to time. That's how art, and life in general for that matter, works. You get an idea, you try it, it either works or it doesn't, and you go from there. Try giving the new coats time to sink in; I was initially very displeased with the new Connie coats. And while they still look kind of grumpy and a bit pudgy, the overall design has really started to grow on me. You have to keep your mind open to new things and change- if you're constantly comparing the old coats to the new, and have it in your mind that the new coats are just terrible and will always be terrible, then you're really ruining the game for yourself.

OK, I'll step off my soapbox now.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 03:42:33
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a quick question.default smiley :p

I've been busy lately, and haven't had time to keep up with some of the new "things" circulating through this topic.

Anyway, I know Howrse has made changes to the QH...and now it looks as if they made changes to the Gypsy Vanners, as well. Are there any other breeds/coats that were also updated?

They are all being updateddefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 03:43:06
And she's right. Have an open mind! Horses are hard to draw and seriously, we are all being harsh on the howrse artists. I almost wish they hadn't/couldn't see some of these messages default smiley (lol)
I'm happy that howrse added more hair to the Vanners and I love what they did to the feathers but... the mane just looks so... straight... almost creepy looking. I dunno. default smiley xd

Love what they fixed though. The mane just looks a little strange to me. Lol.
  • Posted messages: 180
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 03:46:38
courtneyolivia wrote:

I'm happy that howrse added more hair to the Vanners and I love what they did to the feathers but... the mane just looks so... straight... almost creepy looking. I dunno. default smiley xd

Love what they fixed though. The mane just looks a little strange to me. Lol.

I agree but I'm looking past it. They are very good looking otherwise!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:05:27
I LOVE all the new coats but there is a few things I can't get past:
- the new Gypsy Manes. I agree that the changes they made are MUCH better, but the Gypsy Manes are very very straight.
- the Friesian changes. The neck is much too thin now, I prefer the old one, except the brightness to the eyes is much better. The face also looks a little short.
- The Arabian eyes. There is no white in them! It is all black and very dull!

Other than these, I have no problems with the coats and am very happy with the creators default smiley (y) They did an excellent job default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:14:28
Retired breeder wrote:

They are all being updateddefault smiley :)

I knowdefault smiley ;) I just meant how they tweaked the newest version of the Gypsy Vanners and lengthened their manes and added more feathering. Or like the QHs, who look more alert.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:17:31
the mustang has also been tweaked
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:17:50
and the fresion
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:28:14
When is the Newfoundland pony going to change?
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 04:42:41
Retired breeder wrote:

When is the Newfoundland pony going to change?

No one knows the order they are changing.

Well, the Howrse Team does. But they're not telling default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:01:57
Breed updating tomorrow:

Click to display
Shetland Ponies

By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:02:06
Click to display
I think the Shetland is to change tonight ....
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:02:29
Ohh sorry Freedom! Lol
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:08:38
Retired breeder wrote:

Ohh sorry Freedom! Lol

It's okay default smiley (y)

I just want the Quarter Horses to update. I breed them and love the new coats. I can't wait for them default smiley :d
I LOVE that howrse is listening to our feedback on the new horse designs! default smiley *-) Way to go howrse team! default smiley :d default smiley (y)default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 36
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:15:35
With the new Friesian coat some of the trouble i think is first the neck had a weird curve at the crest now its to thin.. playing with the image i think its the face that makes it all off. I did a mash up of current and new e.g. current head on new body and made the body darker. its by no means perfect but maybe better?

Click to display

Retired breeder wrote:

And she's right. Have an open mind! Horses are hard to draw and seriously, we are all being harsh on the howrse artists. I almost wish they hadn't/couldn't see some of these messages default smiley (lol)

Yes, but remember these are professional artists who get PAID for their work...and feedback should be respectful, but honest..... This isn't an elementary school art show where you get points for trying.

I'm not a fan of all of the coats...but I do appreciate the efforts the Howrse team has made to correct some of the more terrible errors.

And if I may say so.....the new Fjord foal is pretty cute. default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 05:38:12
Retired breeder wrote:

Coats (adult)

Click to display

Quarter Pony








Gypsy Vanner



Purebred Spanish Horse
Canadian Horse
Peruvian Paso

Irish Hunter
Russian Don Horse

Icelandic Horse

Tennessee Walker




Australian Pony


Quarter Horse
Argentinean Criollo

I've also heard this could be a Tennessee Walker? Not sure.

Highland Pony

Chincoteague Pony

Coats (foals)
Click to display



Tennessee Walker



Gypsy Vanner




Paint Horse



default smiley (y)
Retired breeder wrote:

Here are each breeds new coats I have gathered with all the colors. Bringing them back to the front again so you all can see

Click to display

Gypsy Vanner
Click to display



That last foal with no mane has been fixed by howrse I just haven't updated this thingdefault smiley :p

Tennessee Walker
Click to display

Trotters (Standardbreds and the ones with like breed art)
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Paint Horse
Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

While I do LOVE the new coats, I do have a bit of constructive criticism for a few. I'll just go down the list of horses pictured in the above post.

-The highlights on the face appear a little strong. Not a major issue, but if the coats were to be fixed it might be something to look at.
Over all they look pretty good

Adult Gypsies
- They look pretty good to me. Loving the longer manes and better build (the old ones looked too frufru to me)

Gypsy foals
- look slightly buck kneed (or over at the knee, whichever term you prefer), almost appear to be standing on their tip toes.
No major issues though, just a tweak that could be made.

Tennessee walker:
-Legs slightly too long, makes the neck appear a bit disproportionate, or you could say its the other way and the legs look to short. Just a slight adjustment in the proportions of the neck/legs would be needed if tweaks were to be made.

-Front pasterns look a little long
-Barrel looks a little long as well
Everything else looks pretty good

Looks good

-Back leg is a little too far out. The hock and shank should line up with the point of the buttock.
-slightly camped under in the front

-Long in the barrel
- Looks a little buck kneed in the front to me. It may not actually be and the shading may just make it appear that way.

-same as above

Quarter horse:
-same as above

-Either the chest is too big, or the rear is too small. Just looks disproportionate.
-other than that it looks really nice

-The highlights on the faces look a tad strong for some of the coat colors (mainly the roans) but it looks good in general and that is a minor issue that wouldn't really need fixing.

-slightly camped under in the front and the knees look a little swollen.

I'm still in love with the new coats, these are just a few issues I saw and minor changes that could be made. Thought I'd go ahead and put them out there incase they wanted any further feedback on the conformation and shading for the coats. I'll try and find some of the other breeds later and post some thoughts on them. default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 06:13:31
Whoa! Ok I must be blind. I totally didn't notice they changed the Gypsy Vanner or the Friesian at all. I have several Gypsy Vanners and several Friesian and I take care of them almost every day and I still didn't notice. Granted almost all of the ones I take care of everyday have GA coats..... But if they changed the Friesian why didn't they get rid of all the weird mussels on its face. It makes it look old to me. Or possibly angry. The rest of the body is beautiful though. I wouldn't change that. default smiley ^)

Have all the coats changed now? They say that all of them are going to change but have they all already changed or are there still some that haven't changed yet? Also is there a place where they have the comparisons of new and old side by side. That would be really cool and helpful even. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 06:19:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Whoa! Ok I must be blind. I totally didn't notice they changed the Gypsy Vanner or the Friesian at all. I have several Gypsy Vanners and several Friesian and I take care of them almost every day and I still didn't notice. Granted almost all of the ones I take care of everyday have GA coats..... But if they changed the Friesian why didn't they get rid of all the weird mussels on its face. It makes it look old to me. Or possibly angry. The rest of the body is beautiful though. I wouldn't change that. default smiley ^)

Have all the coats changed now? They say that all of them are going to change but have they all already changed or are there still some that haven't changed yet? Also is there a place where they have the comparisons of new and old side by side. That would be really cool and helpful even. default smiley :)

That's because only a few coats have changed...
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 06:23:32
Is each breed going to look different from the others now? default smiley :-))
Oh if that is the new Knabstrupper, Gypsy Vanner and Friesian I am not sure I like them.default smiley :s I know I like the old Knabstrupper, Gypsy Vanner, and Arabian better. default smiley :$ But I do like the update for the Curlies default smiley :-))default smiley (y)default smiley (l)
Some of the others are Lovely, too. I might have to switch breeds. default smiley :o Very difficult with a bunch of RC and GA unis, pegasus, and regular ones. If I do it will cost a fortune and it will have to be paid for by sell the breeds with coats I no longer like. default smiley :odefault smiley (n)default smiley :'( Oh well maybe it won't be so bad. I might learn to like them. default smiley (8)

I need a cookie now....
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 06:25:22
Sorry about all the emotes. Computer went weird and put most of them in. This is not good.
All the breeds are getting new coats, yes. Its so that they can fit the wearable tack that will added soon
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