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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:03:51
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:04:07
Those are the New Shettie coats.

By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:22:43
dreamwalker wrote:

All the breeds are getting new coats, yes. Its so that they can fit the wearable tack that will added soon

Do you know when the wearable tack is gonna be added?
Is the donkeys changing?
and dont like the frieshans
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How do people find out what the coats are going to be?
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And why is Howrse changing the Higland Pony when they just put the breed in the game?
Wouldn't they have changed it before putting it in the game?
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:34:14
Anyone have the donkey coat if they are changing it?
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:43:28
ᵉᵖʰᵉᵐᵉʳᵃˡ wrote:

And why is Howrse changing the Higland Pony when they just put the breed in the game?
Wouldn't they have changed it before putting it in the game?

Highland Pony isn't changing...
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 07:43:54
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone have the donkey coat if they are changing it?
howling-wolf wrote:

Is the donkeys changing?
and dont like the frieshans

Nope, donkeys aren't changing, although they definitely need an update
Does anyone know what the Fresian's will look like?That is if they are being changed.
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 08:14:56
I preferred howrses first try at updating the Friesians, yes they had a fat neck, but that's how the breed isdefault smiley (y)
Jumper1 wrote:

Does anyone know what the Fresian's will look like?That is if they are being changed.

If you scroll through the pages, you'll find breeders critizing the ugly new fresian coat.
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I like some of the new coats but some I don't like at all. I really like the new coats for all the warmbloods as the previous coat with the neck lines always put me off them. One little thing I would definitely change is the length of the tail as it is to short and makes them all look like yearlings. I know it's not major but I really think they could easily do that.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I preferred howrses first try at updating the Friesians, yes they had a fat neck, but that's how the breed isdefault smiley (y)

Yes, I think the original neck was fine. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that the colouring was more of a dull dark grey as opposed to a glossy jet black.
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Anyone have the KWPN COAT if thre changing it? default smiley (lol)default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 08:30:55
@ ponyhorsegirl, yes I agree. They should work on that one.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 08:57:36
does anyone know what race is going to change tomorrow?
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 09:00:47
Pumped for new coats! /FINALLY/. Some of the old ones weren't good at all. I'm still really picky about them, but most of the new ones are definitely an improvement. Some breeds I've flat out refused to own considering how ugly I thought they were, that will probably continue with a few, but at least there's improvement! Woo.

I am wondering though, is it just me or do fjord's look EXACTLY the same? In all the spoilers I saw for them anyway. The foals are different, but not the adult art?
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 09:10:48
Retired breeder wrote:

Coats (adult)

Click to display

Quarter Pony








Gypsy Vanner



Purebred Spanish Horse
Canadian Horse
Peruvian Paso

Irish Hunter
Russian Don Horse

Icelandic Horse

Tennessee Walker




Australian Pony


Quarter Horse
Argentinean Criollo

I've also heard this could be a Tennessee Walker? Not sure.

Highland Pony

Chincoteague Pony

Coats (foals)
Click to display



Tennessee Walker



Gypsy Vanner




Paint Horse



default smiley (l)
@♥ Ðαяк Oηε ♥

Thanks - I am glad to have found someone who shares my opinion! default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 10:10:22
2e42e4 wrote:

I Hate All The New Coats Ow Does Not Have To Change Them You Know Horse Is not even fun anymore i might quit i am send me a massage if you agree wth me

Good for you.

How does a simple coat change ruin the entire game for you? Keep in mind that this isn't the first time they have changed.As with every change people get mad and "hate" everything. A lot of people disliked the coats including me. I thought the GV needed more mane and more feathers. I thought that the paint/ quarter/ appaloosa had an extremely long neck and that it looked like it was asleep. But guess what? Howrse listened to us and changed the coats! We didn't just say "I hate them all, never change the coats we have now". We said "The new GV need more feathers." "The new paint needs a shorter neck." "The mustangs should have a thinner neck." *That* is how you change something you don't like. Also, think of the artists. How would you like it if you tried your hardest to make a piece of art for thousands of people, and they all said "I HATE it!"? You would have no examples of *why* people hate it, they just do.

Also, Ow isn't the one making the coats. She is part of the communication team default smiley ;)
I couldn't have said is better myself, @BreezeCatcher default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 850
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 10:18:26
zack9855 wrote:

Anyone have the KWPN COAT if thre changing it? default smiley (lol)default smiley :p

It has already been changed.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 10:19:51
love that they fixed the mustang and gv! but still think the mustang needs a mane!!!
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 10:21:57
Hate is such a strong word default smiley :p

2e42e4 wrote:

I Hate All The New Coats Ow Does Not Have To Change Them You Know Horse Is not even fun anymore i might quit i am send me a massage if you agree wth me

By Luthien Tinuviel of AU Howrse:

By Luthien Tinuviel, 5th April 2014 10:32:35 1
My main "issue" with some of the new coats is that they eyes seem too small, and makes the entire horse seem off.

But let's be real here for a minute. Raise your hand if you've ever tried to draw a horse. Go on, raise 'em high. Now, how hard was it for you to get all of the proportions right? Pretty challenging, huh? Let's face it- horses are really hard to draw. The simplest miscalculation can make the entire picture look off, or even worse, deformed. While the artists that work for Howrse are capable of amazing things (OPAL!!!!!!), they are going to make mistakes from time to time. That's how art, and life in general for that matter, works. You get an idea, you try it, it either works or it doesn't, and you go from there. Try giving the new coats time to sink in; I was initially very displeased with the new Connie coats. And while they still look kind of grumpy and a bit pudgy, the overall design has really started to grow on me. You have to keep your mind open to new things and change- if you're constantly comparing the old coats to the new, and have it in your mind that the new coats are just terrible and will always be terrible, then you're really ruining the game for yourself.

OK, I'll step off my soapbox now.
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