[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 00:17:07

< things in the Howrse Blog are not needed to be put in spoilers, as they are produced by Howrse and common knowledge !>
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 00:18:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
redline2008 wrote:

Has anybody else noticed that on Nicole.N's collage of all the Quarter Horses (on the page before), if you look at the far right column of horses and go four horses down, there is a horse without a forelock?

And on page 215, the 6th paint horse down on the left does not have a firework either. What is up horse!?
AVH Lover
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TheSilverUnicorn wrote:

The donkeys have never been changed. They are the same now as they were during V1. It would be wonderful if they finally changed them. In my opinion, they are screaming for an update louder than anything on Howrse. Of course, there is no way for us to really know what Owlient plans to do with them, but they are so focused on horses, ponies, tack, ECs, and other things around the site right now that I think it's a very safe bet to say that donkeys will be overlooked this time, just like they were last time, and the time before that. Such a shame! Long ears (my term of affection for donkeys) are offered very little respect or appreciation in the real world. It seems that is playing out here, too.

I agree. Are they going to have the tack on the donkeys like they do with the horse's and ponies or are the donkeys going to be misfits. The GAs,RCs,and DAs have reason for no tack on the image, but not Donkeys.
AVH Lover
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 00:35:16
AVH Lover wrote:

And on page 215, the 6th paint horse down on the left does not have a firework either. What is up horse!?

Plus in my Gypsy Vanner foal collage post on the page back (221) the last foal doesn't even have a mane at all!
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 00:42:09
Have they changed the mustang's new art? I keep coming back hoping they've gotten better art with an actual mane...
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

The dun looks soo... yellow
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 01:09:10
shinybubbles wrote:

The dun looks soo... yellow

Perhps a bit. But not drasticly. I think its cutedefault smiley :)
Does anyone know when the tack shown on horses will be launched?
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< >
Here is the track pic from Nicole.N
AVH Lover
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*tack pic. Sorry. And sorry it is so big.
AVH Lover
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Anyone know which breeds changed their coats today?
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 03:16:38
AVH Lover wrote:

Here is the track pic from Nicole.N

this picture is the one from the blog...
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 03:17:03

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 04:24:49
Does anyone know what coat is coming out tomorrow?
Click to display
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 04:37:57
Ugizawane wrote:

Click to display

Okay thanks!
The Brumby cremello looks almost identical to the light gray. default smiley (o) And the eyes aren't blue!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 06:10:28
The equestrian centre stuff looks really good default smiley (y) Can't wait
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 09:58:00
is it bugging anyone else that the girths for some of the English saddles are too far back? and that the bonnets go under the bridle, bonnet goes on first then the bridle not the other way around so when you are riding the bonnet doesn't fly off.
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 10:01:39
The GV's and shetties are horrid!!!! I love my fluffy, chubby GV's.... And my is loves her plumpy shetties. Some of these are horrid.
I dont like how the new shetlands and the new vanners look. they outright ruined my 2 favorite breeds. :C
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What is the new Gypsy Vanner coat?
  • Posted messages: 2,804
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amanda2132 wrote:

What is the new Gypsy Vanner coat?
Trust me. You don't want to see it. But it's on page 144.
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Retired breeder wrote:

is it bugging anyone else that the girths for some of the English saddles are too far back? and that the bonnets go under the bridle, bonnet goes on first then the bridle not the other way around so when you are riding the bonnet doesn't fly off.

*raises hand ME

Err quiestion aren't we supposed to use spoiler for the new features?
Any ways

Also the Western saddle...on... check the spoiler

Click to display

makes the horse look so very weird. The back is too short and the rump all wrong.

But it still looks very cute default smiley (lol)
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