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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:10:30
Retired breeder wrote:

waterwave6, I agree with you that they did a good job fixing up the plastic-y looking coats.
But I must say, I don't agree that it was worth it to give up some of the older coats for it.
Couldn't they leave a few that looked great already? Or couldn't they have made it look really similar?
Like that Arabians. They still look similar to what they used to. But not the Gypsies. They look completely different and...really bad looking.
I understand that the producers worked hard on the coats, but I honestly see nothing improved about the Gypsy Vanner coats. They look even less like how the real horse looks in real life.

Ahh.. Yes - If they could've only slightly improved the GVs or left them alone, many loved them.. They could've voted on which to stay, or maybe at the end of all of the coat making, or half way through it, they could've asked a vote for which to stay or not.. But hey - They worked hard for it and finished it, and we have to go with it. I like it and don't like it, basically torn two ways. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:14:52
Okay, look at this.
Does this picture:

Look more like this:
or this?

Look, I want to apologize for what I said earlier. It wasn't that nice and I know that I would be upset if I was the artist and read what I said about the work. I just want to say that I am unhappy with the results of the coats.
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:16:34
Whoops. I messed up those pictures terribly.
I really need to go to bed soon. It's late here.
Let me put the right picture up for you.

Look more like this:

or this?
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:17:01
The last one was supposed to be this: http://www.howrse.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/normaux/tinker/bai-grand.png?1828806360{/URL]
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:17:28
Bleh. I am messing up horridly.
Last try: [IMG}http://www.howrse.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/normaux/tinker/bai-grand.png?1828806360[/IMG]
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:17:57

I give up.
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:18:43
Hey look, I did it!
Okay, I am going to bed now. The last five posts are proof that it is late where I am and I need sleep.
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 06:20:21
Retired breeder wrote:

Hey look, I did it!
Okay, I am going to bed now. The last five posts are proof that it is late where I am and I need sleep.

Lol, you are right about the GVs, and I agree default smiley ;) Also, Goodnight default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 07:00:40
Retired breeder wrote:

i have been going through this and have seen some pretty negative comments about the new coats. what i have to say is as follows:
i think that we should all be greatful for the new coats. the howrse team have spent a long time working on these. they have put in a whole tot of effort as well. even if some people do think that the coats dont look very nice it doesnt mean that every one does. i for one love the new look of the coats and am very grateful for what the howrse team has done for us
just thought i'd put my opinion out there
Angel 1999 default smiley :)

I defiantly agree the howrse team have out loads of effort into these coats and look at these negative comments!

Also the Connemara's just Gorgeous default smiley (l)
The Connemara in Light Grey reminds me of my childhood pony (who was not a Connemara)... including the tippy "listening" ears. default smiley ^) My pony almost *never* held his ears up for photos. default smiley (lol)
Becky Barnes
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I'm kind of feeling like fluttershy about these coats ...
"I see these coats are far from perfect- but I also see none of you giving them a chance" default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 4,292
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I've been reading along with all of these posts for the last week now and here are my opinions on the entire coat change... default smiley :)

Firstly, I think people can express their negative opinions if they wish, these artists are paid professionals and I'm sure won't feel utterly emotionally traumatised by a few negative comments. That said, constructive criticism is a much better way of going about it. They have already altered a couple of the coats because people have been offering up their helpful opinions on the coats they don't like and that's great news!

We also have to appreciate that the lack of manes and feathers on breeds such as the Gypsy Vanners and Friesians is because of the imminent tack introduction, yes they may not represent the breed as well as they might because of this, but repeatedly complaining won't really help that too much as there is a genuine reason for it! The conformation of some of the breeds is, in my humble opinion, a little skewed which is also to help with the application of the tack. However, as I mentioned above, the design team have taken on board some of the opinions of players and have tried to improve some of the coats.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that people aren't going to be happy with everything, myself included, but that actually saying WHY we don't like these coats is much more helpful that just complaining. I've been here since V1 when we had about a dozen breeds and very basic coats. The way this game has evolved and expanded since then is incredible and whilst some of the new coats are in my opinion a step back from what they were in V3, the majority are a huge improvement. I personally love the Iberique horses despite the lack of mane and I think the Curlys and Warmblood Types are also much nicer. The two I really didn't like were the Mustangs and American Stock Horses, but both of them have been altered because the general consensus appeared to be that the conformation was wrong. Just goes to show what constructive criticism can achieve! default smiley :)

logo44 default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 42
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logo44 wrote:

We also have to appreciate that the lack of manes and feathers on breeds such as the Gypsy Vanners and Friesians is because of the imminent tack introduction,

Not trying to be mean or anything , and I know it would take a bit of work ... But why not have two different graphics ? So you have one graphic with lots of feathering any breeds main characteristics , then you have the graphic with tack? People are annoyed because of this so maybe adding features and then having a separate graphic for tack would make people happier about the new coats ?
I know I could've made that clearer , but I think you see what I'm saying default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 10:20:47
Wow! The new coates are gonna be so beautiful!
I think maybe you're right, but yes, that would be a lot of work for the designers! I think we just have to wait and see what the final released versions are like, maybe they'll have taken some of the opinions on board and made some more changes where they can, who knows? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 42
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The Royal Mirage wrote:

Skeeterbug, the Mustang's necks have actually been slimmed down now - they look a lot better

Click to display

Sorry to burst bubbles, but that's not a new official version of the mustang. It's an edit I made in GIMP to demonstrate that the mustangs would look ok if the neck was thinner.
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 10:45:11
What new breed came out today?
Retired breeder wrote:

What new breed came out today?

Welsh I beleve default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 11:09:18
So, I'm confused. Which coat is the Gypsy? I like both that are shown, but I'm not sure which the new one is. Can anyone help me out?
Retired breeder wrote:

Coats (adult)

Click to display

Quarter Pony








Gypsy Vanner



Purebred Spanish Horse
Canadian Horse
Peruvian Paso

Irish Hunter
Russian Don Horse

Icelandic Horse

Tennessee Walker




Australian Pony


Quarter Horse
Argentinean Criollo

I've also heard this could be a Tennessee Walker? Not sure.

Highland Pony

Chincoteague Pony

Coats (foals)
Click to display



Tennessee Walker



Gypsy Vanner




Paint Horse



They could improve the fjords a lot more than what they have done. All the seem to have done is added a few more bolded lines. I like most of the new coats. The foals could be better. As a fjord breeder I prefer the old foal coat to the new one. The old coat looks more like a fjord than the new one.
  • Posted messages: 971
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 11:28:24
You know whats weird?

the coat that is listed as Quarter pony here is the connemara on the dutch howrse, so maybe this list isn't even right

the coat that should be connie in this last post is not the connie on the dutch howrse :P
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 11:29:55

By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 11:45:22
Some of the coats you posted are mixed up. The one in your quoted spoiler as Highland Pony is actually the Tennesse Walker. I think there are a few others, too, but the coats themselves (from what I have seen) are correct. default smiley ;)
I love the new coats!!
  • Posted messages: 1,174
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 12:45:20
I think some of the coats are quite nice, but some need a bit improvement, such as less swolen cheeks. However, I do not think that is a reason to be mad, because we are already lucky enough to be playing this game. We should be grateful that we aren't using the first version coats.
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