[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Joblitzen wrote:

*On a side note, I'm really curious about your actual opinions on the change. You are telling us that we shouldn't complain so much, so I kind of assume you are for it, but I can't tell? So I'd like to ask if you are for or against the change, or if it doesn't matter to you? Thank you.

Personally I am against it. BUT I have more pressing problems that myself and others are having and will affect more players in the future and this affects the game itself.

But I don't threaten the company or go whining about it. You ( collective you) must think I feel this game is hunky dory but I don't. Especially on the regional servers where it takes me hours to enter just 25 horses because of the release of so many divines ( especially the lower level ones). I had to change my game around from the 80-90 horses I used to enter down to just 25 I do now. I have made suggestions to Howrse but to correct this problem ( that is slowly creeping into the International server) Howrse would have to make some major changes to its whole EC comp structure. I have made less drastic changes and hope Howrse will act on one in particular that will not only gain Howrse money but help players directly gain an advantage and I got more than " will pass on" but were impressed with it ( also never even thought of it). To me this is how ones disappointment should be expressed.

Also nowhere did I say anyone should not express their disappointment but some of the posts here are a bit overboard in the extreme way they express their feelings.

Joblitzen wrote:

Many companies upon making changes to their products, explain why.

Remember the new coke that was introduced a few years back with NO explanation. Yes they changed it back but companies do do things without expatiation.default smiley :-x
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auditore wrote:

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Howrse are sending out surveys to those who have gone to contact us about the removal of pass horses.
Not sure if this link will work for everyone.
So if everyone could fill it in, maybe they might actually notice we don't want pass horses removed.

I just tried the link and it let me do it.
As far as surveys go, it's hardly gathering much information! I was expecting there to at least be a comments box default smiley xd
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DëLizá wrote:

As far as surveys go, it's hardly gathering much information! I was expecting there to at least be a comments box

I thought that too default smiley (lol) at least asking what parts we dont like etc. It just asked us whether we like the idea or not.
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Kind of difficult to ask which parts we liked when we don't have the full details such as the divine's perk or how that whole thing will work. I might be more on board with this **if!** the divine gave us passes. I've checked that server and still don't see any updates to that OT by Ow.
Legacy Ann
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Some good news on Howrse's Facebook page about the mobile app. It doesn't say when though or any other details such as added features not currently found on mobile.
Probably don't need a spoiler since it's on Facebook, but to save space...
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Legacy Ann
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I was able to use the survey too! default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 14:32:40
I have a question
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When Trick or Treat event will start?
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 14:35:51
@ Coffee_Cup,
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It will probably start tomorrow.
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 14:46:49
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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While I agree and can see why players are so upset about the pass change, I can really see it from Howrse's point of view. With so many players being able to get so many free passes each month, that means less players actually buying their passes thus supporting the game. They don't have to give us the option to get free passes, they could have taken away pass horses altogether making the only way to get passes from buying them or from horse sales. I personally have never taken advantage of the 30 a month, just takes so much work to get that many pass horses aged up and killed off. Some months I have not even done the full 10. I get by and still manage to support my account. I think most players are freaking out before they have even given it a chance, or looked at it from Howrse's perspective. If Howsre can't make money to keep the game going they will end up shutting it down altogether. I think this may be a good compromise to still give players the option of free passes while they can still make money. Just my two cents.
  • Posted messages: 13,228
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I'm not going to name names, however it is rude to tell people they are bellyaching and whining. That is a lack of respect and discourteous to people.

Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean they are whining.

And what threats? Do you mean the one where players quit playing the game or the one where we said we weren't going to buy passes for the game.

I would also like to clarify, that I NEVER said it was a right to the passes, only that this change is hobbling how I play the game, HINDERING my game and making my game play SMALLER!
This is a game, or at the very least WAS a game of strategy. If howrse or should I say UBIKILL wants to know why newer players cannot play this game or whine about how they never get anything on the game, I would say that is because they released that DNA Strand( NOW called the Professional Horse Trainer.) That immediately trains their horses for them. How does that help players learn how to play the game. Both times I joined the game there was NO tutorial and the second time around was a simple tutorial showing where you can information and then gave you a free horse.
The strategy is slowly been sucked out of the game with each change. I really do think people are forgetting one very important issue with this pass change and let me repeat myself again.

Are you sure you are going to get 10 passes per month? They said they were changing the points from 10 to 30. And this was discussed around page 1,914 about how even if you do the SAME thing everyday that you did NOT always get points to the LOYAL PLAYER PASS.
This change is going to be like the LOYAL PLAYER PASS. You have to earn around 30 points each day to earn 90 points total to get a CHANCE at the pass. At least that is what has been said.
Not sure if the mini games will be incorporated or not. Lots of players are expressing their disappointment in the forum that they cannot complete a mini game either due to the electronic device they are using, etc. . .
Then it was also expressed that players do not have the option of signing in everyday, so that pretty much puts a dent in how many passes you will be earning per month.

Yet some players still think you will be earning more passes than you ever have before. So incredible when players visit the topic and say this is a start, a good step in the right direction. Yeah right.

So stop telling me I am complaining, I am expressing my disappointment right along with other players. Lack of common courtesy to assume and outright shame others by saying they are complaining. Most of us are adults and mature players and the scolding session is not necessary.default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 15:31:35
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Does anyone have the list to possiably get the divine in trick or treat promo for 19 passesdefault smiley (8)default smiley (a)
celtic_princess wrote:

And I just keep hearing, "I, I, I, me, me, me

celtic_princess wrote:

I would also like to clarify, that I NEVER

celtic_princess wrote:

I am expressing my disappointment

celtic_princess wrote:

Both times I joined the game

No comment.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone have the list to possiably get the divine in trick or treat promo for 19 passesdefault smiley (8)default smiley (a)
There isn't a list really as it's mostly based on luck
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What you're gonna spend is quite dependent on whether you have the treats the kids ask for. However, one of the mods on the U.S server posted this estimation "First you need 7600 points to get the divine. You get points by feeding two candies to each kid that shows up. The points depends on what you give and if you give all right ones. Giving two of the easiest will get you 22 points. Giving two rarest gives you 26 points. Giving a mixture of rare, medium and common will earn you from 23 to 25 points. So for this calculation I am going to use 24 points. On this basis you will need 318 kids to come knocking for the promo duration ( estimated 19 days). Calculated by dividing 24 into 7600. You are given 6 kids the first day and it increases by 1 extra kid per day. This will give you 261 kids for the complete promo. Enough to get all the prizes without spending any passes. You will be approx 57 kids short of the total required for the divine. If you wait for the promo "special" which gives you 3 extra kids plus 1 treat for each jar from common to rare ( guaranteed). So what this means is even if you have all the treats available to give you will need to spend passes to get the 57 kids you are short, no getting around it. My suggestion is to buy 10 of the special the first weekend it is offered and buy the rest you need from the second special when it is offered. This is the best way to take advantage of the free kids and buying only the kids needed when the second special is offered at the last weekend (the end of the promo). one the passes spent can range so widely that you can't always say this many or that many."
Legacy Ann
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@ Spyder

your last post was totally unnecessary and totally rude
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
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celtic_princess wrote:

only that this change is hobbling how I play the game, HINDERING my game and making my game play SMALLER!

It doesn't have to, if you need those passes that bad just buy them, or find other ways to get them.default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 13,228
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I played on howrse for 3 hours yesterday and only got 8 points out of 10... I cared for horses, was in sales and bought a horse was on forms, etc...
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Rogin wrote:

It doesn't have to, if you need those passes that bad just buy them, or find other ways to get them.default smiley (8)

Its not just about the passes, its about HOW I played the game. About how others played the game too.
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celtic_princess wrote:

Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean they are whining.

True, but some people express their disappointment in a way that doesn't help anything. I agree with Spyder, suggestions are a better way to go than long rants with excessive capitals and !!!!'s. For example, I think it would make a lot of people happier if howrse modified the changes, if they absolutely must limit us to 10 free passes a month, then so be it. I think it would make a lot of players happier if they at least gave the option to use pass horses, the meter, or both to get the passes. That would allow people to get the ten passes anyway they please.

Also, since we're all on the internet, it can be easy to misinterpret the meaning of what someone says.
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Rogin wrote:

It doesn't have to, if you need those passes that bad just buy them, or find other ways to get them

Exactly that. We all have options and each have the right to make that choice. At this point anything further that will be said will be a repetition of what has already been said. The Admins are well aware of ALL our opinions and my preference is to actually do what this game was made for---play this game. default smiley :)
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I would suggest that they take the mini game off of the loyalty pass thing, It does make it unfair to those who play on only touch screen devices.
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Exactly that. We all have options and each have the right to make that choice. At this point anything further that will be said will be a repetition of what has already been said. The Admins are well aware of ALL our opinions and my preference is to actually do what this game was made for---play this game. default smiley default smiley :)

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well if that was true and you only wanted to play the game, then why are you being so hard on people that are unhappy?

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people would not feel the need to come back and rehash and explain if you would just leave them to their opinion.

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you are not all knowing so you do not know if people also sent a ticket to contact us and you should not be talking down to other players
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
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Guys can you all just chill?

This has turned into the nastiest, most draining topic in the forums. The last 10+ pages are filled with rants and sniping and pettiness. I barely even want to go in here anymore, but I do because I'd like to keep up to date with the news about upcoming promos.

You keep circling around the same points and the conversation (if it can even be called a 'conversation' anymore) is going absolutely nowhere. Everyone IS entitled to their own opinions. If you don't agree with someone, then just don't comment and move on. If a player thinks that hey, this change might not be so bad, then they can think that. They can also wait to pass judgement until the change has been introduced and in play for a few weeks. And if they later change their mind about it, then hey that's fine too! But there's no need to write a whole discourse telling them why they're wrong and their post makes no sense- that's completely unnecessary.

Continuing to comment and rant here probably won't do much, and it only clutters up the topic and buries information about upcoming promotions that more people are looking for.

It would probably be better to take it to Contact Us before the topic is locked- and if you guys keep going down the road as you are, I see that as a distinct possibility.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Guys can you all just chill?

This has turned into the nastiest, most draining topic in the forums. The last 10+ pages are filled with rants and sniping and pettiness. I barely even want to go in here anymore, but I do because I'd like to keep up to date with the news about upcoming promos.

You keep circling around the same points and the conversation (if it can even be called a 'conversation' anymore) is going absolutely nowhere. Everyone IS entitled to their own opinions. If you don't agree with someone, then just don't comment and move on. If a player thinks that hey, this change might not be so bad, then they can think that. They can also wait to pass judgement until the change has been introduced and in play for a few weeks. And if they later change their mind about it, then hey that's fine too! But there's no need to write a whole discourse telling them why they're wrong and their post makes no sense- that's completely unnecessary.

Continuing to comment and rant here probably won't do much, and it only clutters up the topic and buries information about upcoming promotions that more people are looking for.

It would probably be better to take it to Contact Us before the topic is locked- and if you guys keep going down the road as you are, I see that as a distinct possibility.

agreed! This is a spoiler topic not a ranting topic, at some point repeating the same over and over again won't help.
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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cheecko27 wrote:

I played on howrse for 3 hours yesterday and only got 8 points out of 10... I cared for horses, was in sales and bought a horse was on forms, etc...

Try put horses on competitions
(sory for my english)default smiley :)
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