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RachelCinnamon wrote:

Just a quick question...

Unlikely as a regular item.
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Rogin wrote:

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While I agree and can see why players are so upset about the pass change, I can really see it from Howrse's point of view. With so many players being able to get so many free passes each month, that means less players actually buying their passes thus supporting the game. They don't have to give us the option to get free passes, they could have taken away pass horses altogether making the only way to get passes from buying them or from horse sales. I personally have never taken advantage of the 30 a month, just takes so much work to get that many pass horses aged up and killed off. Some months I have not even done the full 10. I get by and still manage to support my account. I think most players are freaking out before they have even given it a chance, or looked at it from Howrse's perspective. If Howsre can't make money to keep the game going they will end up shutting it down altogether. I think this may be a good compromise to still give players the option of free passes while they can still make money. Just my two cents.

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Im happy about new change... I think the old way was good way for multi accounts and cheaters to gain a lot of passes by simply kill horses on other accounts and send it to main ones or ask other players to kill their horses and so on ...to me that was unfair ... so I think new way of gaining passes is more fair way ... and I also agree because hard working players will be rewarded that way for hard work ... I understand why top players are angry about it but if you look from other side... you will see is not fair that those who buy passes but they are to lazy to gain same horses or items with hard work on promo games have advantage over those who don't buy passes and work hard for each horse (by the way I do buy passes too but on my server not international one)... so I understand and I do agree with new change about passes... finally hard work will be rewarded and cheaters with multi accounts will lose all... so keep up with the good work howrse I like it

by the way sorry for my bad English ... its not my native language default smiley :-))
Nyx Ulric
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By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 20:29:02
RachelCinnamon wrote:

Just a quick question...
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Will the Double-Faced Medallion be available in the BM store?

I assume it will be as other Halloween items have been offered in the BM before (SoA and BP)
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 21:02:48
How much were these items?
Retired breeder wrote:

How much were these items?

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2 passes, I believe.
The Fifth Queen
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Here it is! This is for the T__T__ promo by Legacy Ann

Legacy Ann wrote:

T__T__ tips(next promo)

I included stuff I thought players will ask questions about when the promo gets here.

collecting stuff
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First, my terms for the treat levels so as not to cause confusion.

A short guide on the free ways to collect which treats(You also start with a few during a little mini tutorial, but I didn't include those).
-From login(x17 per day) you get a combination of all three rarities: 12 most common treats, 4 common treats, 1 rare treat

-Most common/top jar treats from login:

-Common /middle jar treats from grooming (x4 treats per day):

-Rare/bottom jar treats from competition wins (x4 treats per day):

These stats have been over the past 3 days and have held the same so I *suspect* this will hold for the rest of the promo. ***New Note: the stats have still held true in the few days since***

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Notes on children arrival:

The number of kids that show up seems to increase by 1 kid each day, with their being throughout the day. The free kids will leave after 48 hours(there is a countdown above the kid letting you know how long you've got until s/he leaves). The kids you call with the bells will stay until the end of the event so you can leave them be until you get their requested treats. On Day 1 we got 6 kids, Day 2 saw 7 kids,, Day 3 saw 8 and so on.

***New Tip: Since we have 48 hours until a child leaves patience is a good thing to have in this promo. If you don't have the two correct treats you need you can wait to see if you might get one you need from daily freebies or flash sales. That way you won't have to send anyone away with less than 21 points.

Getting Points:
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There are 3 levels of satisfaction a kid will leave with that will determine the number of points you get. Whenever you drag a treat into the pumpkin bag the pumpkin will give a reaction face giving you an idea of what satisfaction level you will get.

"Sad face" pumpkin(worst satisfaction)
"Ouch faced" pumpkin(better satisfaction)
"Happy face" pumpkin(best, obviously!)

Obviously giving the pumpkin the correct treat will yield a "happy" face; giving it the incorrect treat of the same rarity level will yield a "ouch" face; and an incorrect treat of a lower rarity level will yield a "sad" face. Since you're giving it two treats, the pumpkin will give you two reaction faces for each treat you give him.

Promo part of Kušni's post!
Retired breeder wrote:


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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
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By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 23:01:20
Guys, do we know when the T_T_ starts?
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 23:05:14
As in time of day, not date?
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 23:11:57
Retired breeder wrote:

As in time of day, not date?

I believe it would be in the early morning as usual; promos start and end at 8am for me. (EST)
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2016 23:17:27
Awesome thank you! default smiley :)
Nyx Ulric wrote:

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Im happy about new change... I think the old way was good way for multi accounts and cheaters to gain a lot of passes by simply kill horses on other accounts and send it to main ones or ask other players to kill their horses and so on ...to me that was unfair ... so I think new way of gaining passes is more fair way ... and I also agree because hard working players will be rewarded that way for hard work ... I understand why top players are angry about it but if you look from other side... you will see is not fair that those who buy passes but they are to lazy to gain same horses or items with hard work on promo games have advantage over those who don't buy passes and work hard for each horse (by the way I do buy passes too but on my server not international one)... so I understand and I do agree with new change about passes... finally hard work will be rewarded and cheaters with multi accounts will lose all... so keep up with the good work howrse I like it

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Multi accounters will lose ALL? How? They'll be able to get a pass with only three days of work.

It makes it easier- start an account, earn passes until they get direct sales access (30 days, can be mostly just logging in for seniority), and buy a horse from their other account to transfer the passes. Delete and repeat. And if their main account is a Pegasus account, they can start auctions for passes and start transferring as soon as the other has finished the GA tutorial.

Easier than buying pass horses to kill, since neither account needs to invest anything but time.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 02:48:20
The past few pages and some beyond those have plenty of info. Just takes a bit of time sorting through which ones are for promos and which ones are opinions
Thanks! I got a bit weary sorting through all the posts default smiley :o
I was hoping for an original - explain it all here - so I won't have to hunt - post. default smiley ;)
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lisaofbb wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Retired breeder wrote:

The past few pages and some beyond those have plenty of info. Just takes a bit of time sorting through which ones are for promos and which ones are opinions on *possible pass changes and which ones are just info on pass changes.

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Most of the posts in the last several pages are actually rants or arguments about the new pass change. You'll need to go way back, probably somewhere around 5 or 6 pages. It may have been bumped up back there somewhere. The actual posts are completely buried.
The Fifth Queen
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lisaofbb wrote:

Thanks! I got a bit weary sorting through all the posts default smiley :o
I was hoping for an original - explain it all here - so I won't have to hunt - post. default smiley ;)

I think it's somewhere around page 1909
Dolphins Refuge
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By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 03:04:25
ClaryB wrote:

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Seems like there won't be a chance to send old horses to the heaven and get passes from them. This function is about to be replaced with different system - to get a pass we'll have to actively play and we'll have a chance to get one pass in three days (if we did enough actions to fill the bar) - and that's how our free ten passes would look like. Also, there was announced a new divine horse but with no details about his name or look. To get the horse we'll have to send 10 old horses (25 years and older) to the heaven, more info next week (says the statement) And another thing - new ranking categories: Amout of horses sended to heaven from the first day of month (there are no limits for age), amout of old horses sended to heaven per month and amount of horses sold to the safe haven.

Legacy Ann wrote:

There's some speculation on Equideow about whether those changes are real or fake.
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though someone did report seeing it posted on the Czech and Italian servers, so maybe it is real if it's posted on both. This was a post someone translated into English:

We would like to inform you there is going to be a change in a way how to recieve Passes for sending horses to heaven.
The change will be announced on 8th of November.
Recieving Passes for sending horses to heaven will be able no more.
Do not be desperate though, this feature will be changed into Passes for real player because we want to reward real players of the game. You won't have to send horses into heaven anymore, you will recieve Pass every third day played instead.
Keep your old horses, they will come in hand! There will be new divine horse announced which will be able to recieve by sending old horses to heaven.
So far the preview of announcement was put on czech server forum."

I know it's way too early to judge it since we don't really know what the actual change is or even if it will actually be implemented, but this whole "pass reward for active player" thing is becoming a pain. I rarely log into US and UK servers anymore because getting the points is not as easy on those accounts as it is here. So that loyal player's pass makes me play less on those accounts. Just seems silly to change something that has been on the game for so long.

I'll sit tight for now until we get something concrete. No point in counting my pass horses gone until they're gone, so to speak.

This is all the way back from page 1900, but it's the clearest explanation I could find of what's going on with the pass system, for those who just joined the conversation. c:
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i will explain this slowly

do you have a pie chart of exactly how many players are buying said passes?


do you have a pie chart of how many are sending 30 each and EVERY month?


do you have a pie chart of how many are are buying passes AND sending 30 each AND every month?


i used to buy passes but no more

i would try to do 30 passes each month but it doesn't always work that way. real life gets in the way some days i do not even get a chance to log in.

the point is if i wanted to do that then i could. and i highly doubt anyone person did it each and every month from the time they started to now. and i mean each and every month no breaks in between

so you are going from having that option to not having that option. and those that did not take advantage of it, well that is their loss.

if everyone was doing the 30 passes per month many more people would have divines and better ecs and more bmis. but that is not the case.

sending pass horses to heaven has NOTHING to do with multi accounters.

i know people who were accused of having multiple accounts who DID NOT and are no longer on the game.

when i contacted the game about that, they told me that they had a foolproof way to tell who was multi accounting and who was not and how dare i question them.

so if they have this foolproof way why are they not using it now???

sounds fishy to me.

people who log in every day and do everything they can to get to those 300 points to get a try at a mini game and a free pass DO NOT always get those 10 points a day because there is no way of knowing what you do will give you those points.

do you think that it will be any different for those 30 points a day for 3 days. pppffftt no way they will make that easy. so those of you counting on getting a pass every 3 days Good Luck, you are going to need it.
wicked witch
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Since everyone is entitled to my opinion, here it is. I have never done the pass horse thing. I don't send horses to heaven, sold only a few, sent one to SH and wish I hadn't. I am a Howrse Hoarder. and my interest is collecting GAs and HarPacks and PhilStones. I don't breed many horses, so maybe I don't really have a dog in this fight, so to speak. But I don't think this is fair to the many players who have been using this system to achieve their goals in the game. I can't think of any good reason to do it, either. I haven't like a lot of the changes implemented but I've tried to make the best of it. Can't stand the minigame thing. Don't see the point of it, either.

The idea of a Divine that you get for killing a small herd of horses, wouldn't want that critter in my stable. Are you going to call it Azrael, or maybe Samael?
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lol too true tiggrrsf

your post made me laugh and i needed it
wicked witch
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

wouldn't want that critter in my stable

Exactly, you took the words right off my keyboard!default smiley (y)
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

The idea of a Divine that you get for killing a small herd of horses, wouldn't want that critter in my stable. Are you going to call it Azrael, or maybe Samael?

Yup. My thoughts exactly. It seems morally wrong to reward people for just killing off random horses. And to have a ranking for who kills the most? default smiley :k Why...I mean, with pass horses they give you things to help you with your game, but...Unless the divine has some really good perk, it seems just sort of cruel.
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By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 04:01:15
Joblitzen wrote:

Yup. My thoughts exactly. It seems morally wrong to reward people for just killing off random horses. And to have a ranking for who kills the most? default smiley :k Why...I mean, with pass horses they give you things to help you with your game, but...Unless the divine has some really good perk, it seems just sort of cruel.

I'm wondering if perhaps they're trying to find a way to start un-populating the horses on the game so there aren't so many? Maybe they thought players would be killing more horses rather than hoarding them? It seems odd, and I agree, cruel to me unless they are needing to keep numbers in check. And even then... there has to be a better way!
I always feel guilty when I kill horses on the game, but it can come in handy occasionally for the pass. I'm not sure why they keep needing to make so many changes! ... on that note, the Divine should look like the Grim Reaper if it's going to be benefitting from dead horses. default smiley (6) Yuck.
Why are we still arguing/complaining about the update? Howrse has pretty much said it's going to happen no matter what, so there isn't really anything we can do about it. I mean this is a spoiler topic, not a rant and rave topic. The last six or so pages have been clogged with rants and arguments about it instead of info on the actual up coming events and updates. Continuing to argue with other players about it isn't going to get you anywhere. Instead, you might want to try contact us if you're that upset about it. Who knows, they might get tired of the constant complaints coming through their ticket system and might change things around to make the change a little better.

If it wasn't for the amazing players that continue to bump up the actual spoiler master posts. I, including many players, wouldn't be able to find anything.

So, on to my question -

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Does anyone have an exact or estimated guess on how long the ToT promo will last? I'm thinking about being more strategic with it, so I'm hoping I can find out how much time I have with it
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@Tigres I believe I've heard
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2-3 weeks for the ToT promo somewhere.
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