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Guys, just please stop. You're going to get absolutely nothing by continuing the arguments.

If you don't agree with someone else's opinion/post, then just flipping move on.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
  • Karma: 10 points
Ow wrote:

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

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so i am discussing the pass change cause that is coming up. sorry if you think it is arguing. i am not arguing i am talking or discussing it.
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 13:06:00
Retired breeder wrote:

At the current value of a pass horse (160k at the cheapest) you need over 1.5 MILLION e to get all 10 passes. That is a ton of money for a lot of players.

I barely ever go over 10 pass horses a month, because of how expensive they are. Now that I'm mainly playing on Caballow, it's even worse - the cheapest pass horses are 300k. On the other hand, I am not all THAT active on any version of Howrse and I have fluctuating internet. So I'm quite divided on this change!

Retired breeder wrote:

Oh and I also believe howrse has absolutely no way of finding multiaccounters.

It's nice to hear that somebody's noticed this! My first account was deleted and my sister lost 5 karma points because Howrse thought we were multiaccounting. And then I know someone with over 20 different accounts who hasn't been at all bothered by Howrse's high-tech multiaccount detector.
There comes a point when 'discussion' turns into 'argument', however. The past 10 or so pages are filled with rants and people accusing others of 'disrespecting' someone, and posts saying that other people's posts don't make sense or their views are wrong.

That is no longer a discussion; especially when other information is being buried so that people who want to find out about other new things have a hard time trying to locate it.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
  • Karma: 10 points
for those wanting info on the T T promo

Legacy Ann wrote:

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First, my terms for the treat levels so as not to cause confusion.

A short guide on the free ways to collect which treats(You also start with a few during a little mini tutorial, but I didn't include those).
-From login(x17 per day) you get a combination of all three rarities: 12 most common treats, 4 common treats, 1 rare treat

-Most common/top jar treats from login:

-Common /middle jar treats from grooming (x4 treats per day):

-Rare/bottom jar treats from competition wins (x4 treats per day):

These stats have been over the past 3 days and have held the same so I *suspect* this will hold for the rest of the promo. ***New Note: the stats have still held true in the few days since***
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
Starry-Eyed wrote:

There comes a point when 'discussion' turns into 'argument', however. The past 10 or so pages are filled with rants and people accusing others of 'disrespecting' someone, and posts saying that other people's posts don't make sense or their views are wrong.

That is no longer a discussion; especially when other information is being buried so that people who want to find out about other new things have a hard time trying to locate it.

Can't agree more

This has been over discussed and it seems the same 3 players insist that this thread be turned into their own personal rant area. Even if you voice your opinion over a "possible" change which may not align with theirs you are chastised for doing so. The players know who they are and we actually had a break from their incessant rants and rambles that put down everyone else's comments and insist on the topic they want discussed.

Many players have already voiced their displeasure on having to wade through tons of rants so they can discuss important issues like the next prm coming.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
  • Karma: 10 points
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The thing with the pass horses is not just the loss of passes people will suffer each month but also the loss of equus from selling those pass horses. Pass horses sell for 150k+ and are always in demand (especially with the constant promos), which make them a very nice source of income. In some cases, selling a pass horse can actually be more valuable to your game than killing it for the pass, e.g. the money from two pass horses is enough to buy a 300k P Stone from the Exchanges, while killing them would leave you one pass short. Removing them will disrupt more than just some players' pass income.

If this change is inevitable then at the very least I hope works better than the Loyal Player Pass, and that we don't have to complete more asinine mini-games to 'earn' passes we already should have earned by gathering the necessary points. If I want to braid tails or groom horses, there are hundreds of other online games out there where I can do so (and most of them work far better than the Howrse mini-games). One of the appealing things about Howrse is (?was) that it is a mostly text based game that doesn't have constant mini-games to gather resources - you can develop a strategy and stick to it, knowing that a laggy internet connection is not going to ruin your chances of getting the passes you have worked for.
Some people do like the mini-games, so I'm not suggesting we get rid of them, but they should be optional, not a requirement for getting the pass once the points bar is filled. Allow us to opt out of them in our account settings or something, so those of us who do not want to or cannot play the mini-games can still get the pass we have earned.

I also think we should get a definite list of actions that may earn us points. Not a definite "do these ten things each day to get ten points" but something like "these 100 actions can earn points, exactly which ones earn points will change daily", so we at least know what we need to try to do each day to earn our points.
  • Posted messages: 11,909
  • Karma: 10 points
maybe some players just won't let you bully them out of the topic

you can discuss changes. so i am discussing. i only explain a bit better then how it was originally done. people think they only get 10 passes a month. not true it is 30

people think this will eliminate multi accounts. not true

this will still be terrible for people on mobile devices because you still have to do a mini game

account sharing will not give you the points you need

this will also destroy how a lot of players get aging points.

like i said i was quiet before but i will not be quiet anymore and be bullied out of speaking my mind
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
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I agree. Knowing what actions you should do such as in the GC is much easier than aimlessly doing things hooping you have enough points to get a bonus pass. I never go over my 10 passes as I grow leather and that still leaves me 600k short each month for 10 passes. Also I only use my 10 passes for my VIP as the risk of spending 160k on a lyre makes me crazy
  • Posted messages: 3,820
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@ Olewn "I barely ever go over 10 pass horses a month, because of how expensive they are. Now that I'm mainly playing on Caballow, it's even worse - the cheapest pass horses are 300k. On the other hand, I am not all THAT active on any version of Howrse and I have fluctuating internet. So I'm quite divided on this change"

I find that if You look for horses in the 20-23 age range you can get horses for quite a bit cheaper than if you were buying something you don't really have to age up. So in all I am not sure I like this change.
  • Posted messages: 4,253
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

There comes a point when 'discussion' turns into 'argument', however. The past 10 or so pages are filled with rants and people accusing others of 'disrespecting' someone, and posts saying that other people's posts don't make sense or their views are wrong.

That is no longer a discussion; especially when other information is being buried so that people who want to find out about other new things have a hard time trying to locate it.

Spyder wrote:

Can't agree more

This has been over discussed and it seems the same 3 players insist that this thread be turned into their own personal rant area. Even if you voice your opinion over a "possible" change which may not align with theirs you are chastised for doing so. The players know who they are and we actually had a break from their incessant rants and rambles that put down everyone else's comments and insist on the topic they want discussed.

Many players have already voiced their displeasure on having to wade through tons of rants so they can discuss important issues like the next prm coming.

I don't even have to add anything, both these posts express what I was going to say completely!
  • Posted messages: 3,797
  • Karma: 10 points
for help on the T----------T promo

Legacy Ann wrote:

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It's really difficult to predict pass spending for this one as it's very dependent on what treats you're able to collect and give to the kids.

But Cyberhorse posted this on the US server:
First you need 7600 points to get the divine.

You get points by feeding two candies to each kid that shows up. The points depends on what you give and if you give all right ones. Giving two of the easiest will get you 22 points. Giving two rarest gives you 26 points. Giving a mixture of rare, medium and common will earn you from 23 to 25 points.

So for this calculation I am going to use 24 points. On this basis you will need 318 kids to come knocking for the promo duration ( estimated 19 days). Calculated by dividing 24 into 7600.

You are given 6 kids the first day and it increases by 1 extra kid per day. This will give you 261 kids for the complete promo. Enough to get all the prizes without spending any passes.

You will be approx 57 kids short of the total required for the divine. If you wait for the promo "special" which gives you 3 extra kids plus 1 treat for each jar from common to rare ( guaranteed).

So what this means is even if you have all the treats available to give you will need to spend passes to get the 57 kids you are short, no getting around it.

My suggestion is to buy 10 of the special the first weekend it is offered and buy the rest you need from the second special when it is offered. This is the best way to take advantage of the free kids and buying only the kids needed when the second special is offered at the last weekend (the end of the promo).
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
bezo93 wrote:

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The thing with the pass horses is not just the loss of passes people will suffer each month but also the loss of equus from selling those pass horses. Pass horses sell for 150k+ and are always in demand (especially with the constant promos), which make them a very nice source of income. In some cases, selling a pass horse can actually be more valuable to your game than killing it for the pass, e.g. the money from two pass horses is enough to buy a 300k P Stone from the Exchanges, while killing them would leave you one pass short. Removing them will disrupt more than just some players' pass income.

If this change is inevitable then at the very least I hope works better than the Loyal Player Pass, and that we don't have to complete more asinine mini-games to 'earn' passes we already should have earned by gathering the necessary points. If I want to braid tails or groom horses, there are hundreds of other online games out there where I can do so (and most of them work far better than the Howrse mini-games). One of the appealing things about Howrse is (?was) that it is a mostly text based game that doesn't have constant mini-games to gather resources - you can develop a strategy and stick to it, knowing that a laggy internet connection is not going to ruin your chances of getting the passes you have worked for.
Some people do like the mini-games, so I'm not suggesting we get rid of them, but they should be optional, not a requirement for getting the pass once the points bar is filled. Allow us to opt out of them in our account settings or something, so those of us who do not want to or cannot play the mini-games can still get the pass we have earned.

I also think we should get a definite list of actions that may earn us points. Not a definite "do these ten things each day to get ten points" but something like "these 100 actions can earn points, exactly which ones earn points will change daily", so we at least know what we need to try to do each day to earn our points.

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You will have to not only do mini games, you will have to earn 30 points to play a mini game.

And players have agreed that doing the same thing everyday did not get you 10 points. So there are a lot of players that are not going to get their ten passes each month with this ludicrous new pass change.
Some think this will deter multi-accounters, when the game is just hurting the very players they claim they want to reward.

I agree with you, that they should be more specific with how you earn points toward the LOYAL PLAYER PASS, but as usual with "howrse" and I use that term loosely, we know they will never reveal their secrets because they are afraid they will lose money.

I have asked some how will players be earning 1 more pass with this new change over the old system when you could send horses to heaven to get 30 passes.

Not everyone was selling pass horses for ridiculous amounts of equus. I always sold pass horses at a more affordable and cheap price and I didn't always sell pass horses.

The thing is this will affect a lot of players games, this will hurt how they STRATEGICALLY played the game for years.
My pass horses were used for multiple things not just sending them to heaven or occasionally selling them for some equus. They were used for the daily missions and lessons for my own equestrian center. They helped collect iron and some days I also entered them into 1 or 2 competitions to earn equus. They also helped collect aging points. You did also get black market items worth 1 pass when you sent them to heaven.

Howrse says they want to reward "real" players. We ARE your real players.

I have been loyal to this game for a very long time. I have also bought passes with REAL money to support this game, but I have stopped buying passes.

Its not about the passes, it was how players strategically played the game. Pass horses were a major asset to a lot of players, with the missions, aging point farming and competing in competitions.

I'm not quitting the game. I'm staying to watch howrse slowly decay into ruin.
  • Posted messages: 2,814
  • Karma: 10 points
The "discussion" has become "lets repeat my opinion constantly and act like it's different than the last one I posted because I used different words this time." Nobody is saying anything new here. It's all been said multiple times. Therefore, it's not a discussion anymore. "if they don't agree with me, lets constantly post my opinion to show how they're wrong." It doesn't help anybody including yourself. We've seen it, we got, some of us would like to get help on things now.

I want to thank the players that have managed, through all the ranting and raving, to find our questions about the promo and were kind enough to answer them.
  • Posted messages: 3,854
  • Karma: 10 points
Bumping up posts.
Legacy Ann wrote:

Bumping this up as well
T__T__ tips(next promo)

I included stuff I thought players will ask questions about when the promo gets here.

collecting stuff
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First, my terms for the treat levels so as not to cause confusion.

A short guide on the free ways to collect which treats(You also start with a few during a little mini tutorial, but I didn't include those).
-From login(x17 per day) you get a combination of all three rarities: 12 most common treats, 4 common treats, 1 rare treat

-Most common/top jar treats from login:

-Common /middle jar treats from grooming (x4 treats per day):

-Rare/bottom jar treats from competition wins (x4 treats per day):

These stats have been over the past 3 days and have held the same so I *suspect* this will hold for the rest of the promo. ***New Note: the stats have still held true in the few days since***

Click to display

Notes on children arrival:

The number of kids that show up seems to increase by 1 kid each day, with their being throughout the day. The free kids will leave after 48 hours(there is a countdown above the kid letting you know how long you've got until s/he leaves). The kids you call with the bells will stay until the end of the event so you can leave them be until you get their requested treats. On Day 1 we got 6 kids, Day 2 saw 7 kids,, Day 3 saw 8 and so on.

***New Tip: Since we have 48 hours until a child leaves patience is a good thing to have in this promo. If you don't have the two correct treats you need you can wait to see if you might get one you need from daily freebies or flash sales. That way you won't have to send anyone away with less than 21 points.

Getting Points:
Click to display

There are 3 levels of satisfaction a kid will leave with that will determine the number of points you get. Whenever you drag a treat into the pumpkin bag the pumpkin will give a reaction face giving you an idea of what satisfaction level you will get.

"Sad face" pumpkin(worst satisfaction)
"Ouch faced" pumpkin(better satisfaction)
"Happy face" pumpkin(best, obviously!)

Obviously giving the pumpkin the correct treat will yield a "happy" face; giving it the incorrect treat of the same rarity level will yield a "ouch" face; and an incorrect treat of a lower rarity level will yield a "sad" face. Since you're giving it two treats, the pumpkin will give you two reaction faces for each treat you give him.

For a refresher, here are the 3 satisfaction point levels:
Kids with less than 12 satisfaction points are sad. Expect a trick!
Between 12-21 points - neutral satisfaction
Greater than 21 points - happy child.
*The points given depends on the rarity of the treat*(I'll get into this farther down)
there are 26 points max.

Here was the combination of reactions I had vs. the satisfaction level:
(reaction+reaction=points received. Satisfaction level)
Sad+Sad= 2 points. Got a trick
Sad+Ouch= 10 points. Got a trick
Sad+Happy= 14 points. Neutral satisfaction

Ouch+Ouch=12 points. Neutral satisfaction
Ouch+Happy= 18 points. Neutral satisfaction

Happy+Happy= 22 points. Happy satisfaction

As noted above, you do get more points when you give it the correct treat of a higher rarity level, so just because your pumpkin gives an ouch+ouch face doesn't mean it'll get 12 points every time. For the above stats I just recorded the reactions and the points, not the rarity levels given. However, below I *did* record the points received for the correct treats and their rarity levels.

(These were all correct treats given so it was a happy+happy face)
22 points= Most common+Most common treat
23 points= Most common+Common
23 points= Common+Common
24 points= Most Common+ Rare
24 points=Common+Common
25 points= Common+ Rare
26 points=Rare+rare

I did do a point comparison giving 2 correct most common treats vs. giving 1 correct most common+1 incorrect treat of the same rarity level(the pumpkin reactions on second one were happy+ouch).
I got 22 points for giving 2 correct most common treats vs.
14 points for 1 correct most common treat+1 incorrect rare treat

Treats Requested: Cherry(most common) and a Licorice(rare),
Treats Given: Cherry and Pumpkin(rare).

***New Tip: Item Order. This is important!!!***
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I have noticed that when giving incorrect treats, you will receive *less* points if you put them in the pumpkin in the incorrect order. For the examples below I used a common ouch and a most common happy treat for both to demonstrate consistency.

Here, I put the treats in the correct order. You see in the box that the kid asks for a most common ice cream and then common lollipops. I first put the ice cream in the pumpkin, and then I dragged the Ghosts(incorrect treat) in second. I got 18 points as shown.

Here, I did *not* put them in the correct order. The kid asks for Fried Egg and then Candy cane. First I gave him Ghosts (incorrect treat) and then the Fried Egg. However, i only got 13 points for this.

I've tested this several times and got less points when I put them in the incorrect order. Giving two happy treats in the incorrect order does not seem to matter. I got the same points regardless of order
  • Posted messages: 2,814
  • Karma: 10 points
Bumping up another post.

Retired breeder wrote:

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

Click to display

Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
  • Posted messages: 2,814
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 14:14:57
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"Oh and I also believe howrse has absolutely no way of finding multiaccounters.
I remember being a young and niave howrse player and saw someone with accounts named xxxxxx1, xxxxxx2, xxxxxxxx3, and xxxxxx4. I said to myself "oh let me kindly send my findings to contact us, im sure they would be greatful to have some help" and so I sent the account names along with a little letter and thought I was a good samaritan. Lo and behold, I get a letter back saying to mind my own business and that howrse has this amazing way of finding and deleting every multi account. "

If Howrse had this amazing tool to find the multi-accounters - why in the world then do they need to take away something from us (the customers) that so-called will aid in the halting of said multi-accounters.

No matter what UBIKILL does, there will always be multi-accounters. Who cares. What you, them, even my team mates do on this game has absolutely NO affect on me. Do I agree with these multi accounters - NO! But the point is that howrse allegedly has a tool to find and delete them....they do not need to change the pass horses!

Just my 2 cents
default smiley (m)
exactly the point
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2016 15:51:28
Please, please, please stop ranting and arguing. It's getting very annoying.
I think it's very important to have this conversation about the upcoming change. As has been said, player opinion has changed the game or stopped changes in the past. This is a big change that will severely impact the way many people play their games.
Personally, I don't know if I like it or not. The new way does seem easier for me as I find the loyal pass easy. However, I definitely see how it's unfair to many others. I'm also going to have no use for my 30+ horses I have for this purpose anymore which is quite a bummer... I don't know though. I'm very torn.
Tried to keep that spoiler free...
  • Posted messages: 22,920
  • Karma: 10 points
bumping info

GH39 wrote:

Additional info on the T___ T___ promo:
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The new divine will be Apophis:
he is the last of the Egyptian set. In searching back, I haven't found his perk, but I was mostly skimming through anyway.
If you get Apophis, and you have all the other Egyptian Divines, you win Ra:

I don't know anything about his perk either

T___T___ Prize List
Click to display

3 x Aging point
1 x Helios' Ray
25 x Carrot seeds
1 x Bell boots
1 x 2** Classical Bridle
1 x Apollo's Lyre
20 x Mash
1 x Croesus' Fortune
1 x 2** Classical Saddle
500 Points in the overall ranking
1 x Black 2** polo wraps
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
50 x Leather
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Black and white 2** ear bonnet
1 x Water trough
100 % morale for your horses
1 x Medusa's Blood
1 x 2** Black classical saddle cloth
1 x The Bewitched Pumpkin
5,000 Equus
1 x Fertility Wand
Use within 90 days.
1 x 2** Black and white Western saddle cloth
1 x Bonus Pack
20 x Aging point
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
10 % energy for your horses
1 x Poseidon's Pack
1 x Spurs
1 x Hestia's Gift
25 x Manure
1 x Magic Hat
Use within 90 days.
1 x Hypnos' Blanket
1 x Philosopher's Stone
Use within 90 days.
1 x Achilles' Heel
1 x Double-Sided Medallion
Use within 90 days.
1 x Shower
1 x Themis' Scale

D__F___ Medallion
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There will be a new customization BMI called the Double-Faced Medallion.
The Double-Faced Medallion has four possible coats. They switch randomly from one aging to the next between a 'Light' and 'Dark' version of the coat. I am not 100% sure, but I think the perks are activated when the horse is on the evil coat. It's sort of like how the BP Bat switches between hanging upside down and standing on it's feet right-side-up.
In separate spoilers, the pictures of the coats.

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Angel/Demonic Angel

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Robot/Crazy Robot

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Doctor/Mad Doctor

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wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

Please, please, please stop ranting and arguing. It's getting very annoying.

1,) That was over an hour ago and the topic has moved on.

2.) Discourteous to dismiss other player's opinions as ranting an arguing.

Ow wrote:

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

  • Posted messages: 2,814
  • Karma: 10 points
Everybody is entitled to an opinion and everybody can express that, but please can everyone try not to be critical of other players' opinions - they're entitled to their view too. A discussion is perfectly fine but some of the posts are more like rants about something that hasn't even happened yet - admin are far more likely to listen to a reasoned constructive argument (in the true sense of the word) than to "I hate this" angry posts.

Please can everyone be a bit more considerate of others and stop repeating the same point over and over.
  • Posted messages: 37,452
  • Karma: 10 points
Hmm.. For me it is very hard to decide if I like this new change or not. I don't send my horses to heaven often, but then, on the other hand, I breed unis, and I just sell them for 1 pass when they are 30+ yrs old. So it will have an impact on my game too. However, it is easier because I have no problem with this loyaty pass system so I will get all 10 passes a month, which is like, 10 passes more than usual, for free. But it will make me a problem with my breeding- I do get alot more than 10 passesa month for selling my MA 30+ unis. But my heart goes with breeders who depends on pass horses, so yes, Howrse should just leave things be like they were before.
  • Posted messages: 1,169
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