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By Retired breeder, 17th October 2016 23:37:40
How did this whole gigantic argument even start? I just read through 2 pages of people complaining and all I gathered was something about pass horses and pass points.
By Retired breeder, 17th October 2016 23:50:34
nellie130 wrote:

@Epona's Loyalty
How can we hate it if we haven't even given it a chance?
Also Howrse wont "shut down". All those ads floating around and fiber offers? Those pay howrse.

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I am open to giving things a chance but going from a possible 30 passes to only a possible max of ten a month does not sit well with me and many others. To top it off they probably won't even tell us what gives us the points.

I always tell people to give something a chance but the fact they are once again going to take from us and give nothing back means I honestly don't feel like giving them another chance.

To add on to the whole "point meter" there have been days where I was super active on days and didn't get max points, but on days I did nothing I go full points? Why they can't just give a hint I don't know. I was very happy and open to that change until that happened.

I honestly wouldn't mind this change if they took the pass default off so there is no risk of being robbed, and two if they kept it to a possible 30.

Yes those do help pay for it, but I am convinced that pass buying is their main income. Them constantly throwing out divine events in luck items and all these promos plus this change just shows they are desparate for money.
Congratulate people, take care of horses and do things in your EC for pointsdefault smiley ;)
They are running a business, and all businesses need money. understandable if you ask me.
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:00:38
I know this. I AM an active player and was caring for several hundreds of horses before I took that hit. I have spent over £200 on this game, so yes, I do KNOW that Howrse is a business and needs money to go on. But there is only so much that we can take before we finally have enough.
nellie130 wrote:

Congratulate people, take care of horses and do things in your EC for pointsdefault smiley ;)

If you had talked to many other players, you would know many people have cared for hundreds of horses per day, and congratulated people / took care of EC, and yet the 10 full points per day (for our one monthly pass) does not always fill up. So, no, it's really not that simple.
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I was saying what worked for me. default smiley ;)
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Kiyomice wrote:

If you had talked to many other players, you would know many people have cared for hundreds of horses per day, and congratulated people / took care of EC, and yet the 10 full points per day (for our one monthly pass) does not always fill up. So, no, it's really not that simple.

I've personally never had a problem with it when I did the daily things. As you stated, I took care of horses, cared for my EC, and congratulated players. I also made sure to post in some topics of the forums, stoke a horse in the SH, and did all the interactive daily divines. I've always gotten 10 points for the days that I did those things. I haven't talked to players about the recent pass meter change, so I don't know how it's working for them. Maybe they could have missed doing something on their game and didn't realize it?
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:42:30
All I do is AP Farm and enter a couple of competitions, and I don't even look at my EC on the weekend. But I still get the 10 points a day.
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:45:35
whats all this about pass horses and change?
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:46:52
Retired breeder wrote:

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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT

1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.

Bumping up.
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:48:08
It didn't bump up the whole thing. Weird. default smiley (o)
Here is all of the post by Kušni.

Retired breeder wrote:



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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT

1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.

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"By !unsubstantiated! information the Divine will "grow" everytime, you send horse to the heaven."

Perk is still a mystery.

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Based on you feedback we decided to cancel the limited items.
Items from promos will no longer be limited, as well, as items from your inventory. (Not sure here, heh.) Also items given by Divines (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini...) will no longer be limited.
Together with this, there'll be new changes in Item Exchange system:

- Hermes' Wings, Bewitched Pumpkin, Seal of the Apocalypse aren't tradeable anymore
- Magic Hat, Double-Sided Medallion, Ow's Helios' Ray aren't tradeable but without a time limit
- Bonus items (whip, spurs etc) not tradeable but giftable
- Golden Fleece is tradeable

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 00:48:18
Retired breeder wrote:

All I do is AP Farm and enter a couple of competitions, and I don't even look at my EC on the weekend. But I still get the 10 points a day.

I was caring for around 400 horses, using forums, exchanges, just about everything else and still didn't get full points. I am quite convinced there is a random factor here as I cut many things out after that and on almost every day I get ten points for doing a lot less.
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By Kušni
"The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT"

I talked with contact us and they said that there was not a set date on introducing the change to IT yet. So, who knows at this point.
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 01:09:47
nellie130 wrote:

Okay, I'm going to be frank. Everyone should calm down a little and stop accusing howrse of ' betraying their customers ' every single time they make changes to try and better their site.
I get it. Pass horses are a big part of income to a lot of players so they changes will be big and mess things up for awhile. But honestly, the price of pass horses will go up if anything because players will be desperate to buy more then they have to get all ten passes.

It's hard to take your comment seriously when you haven't paid attention to the discussion. They are eliminating all passes earned for sending horses to heaven. So your assertion that the price of pass horses "will go up if anything because players will be desperate to buy more then they have to get all ten passes" makes no sense.
nellie130 wrote:

Everyone should calm down a little and stop accusing howrse of ' betraying their customers

Wow just wow. I disagree with you. Up until a few years ago howrse allowed players to send horses to heaven to get as many passes as they wanted to. Then a few years ago they changed that to where players can only get 30 passes from pass horses a month.

Now they are changing it again to where we can only get 10 passes a month. No just no. I can understand and accept the 30 passes a month, but this is the straw that broke the camels back.
I agree with Epona's loyalty and xx-silence-xx. I am adult and used to buy passes for this game and quit a couple of years ago and from all the changes including this one I am glad that I did.

Even though they are testing it, I still don't like it. To have gone from sending as many as you wanted or could down to 30 passes per month to this. No thank you.default smiley (n)
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not at all happy about the pass horses

everyone who is not happy about that really needs to band together and not play and not log in at all for anywhere from a week to two months and stick to it.

that will show the powers that be how many of us are totally unhappy with that change.

this might well be the straw that broke the camels back and makes me finally quit a game i loved until ubikill killed the game

now no one better come back and tell me about how this game needs money. those who say that CLEARLY have no understanding of business and how this game is run and i will not argue with those who have NO UNDERSTANDING of that.

those who want to kiss up to howrse like good little sheep because they want to be a mod or think it will help them in whatever way they think it will, back off because i have no time for you.

howrse has always been a game of strategy. sending however many pass horses you want to heaven is a strategy. now they are taking that away from you. once upon a time you could send as many as you wanted (or what you had) then they changed it to 30 passes. now they are totally taking that away as well.

i was upset with the last change with that stupid points per day and once you reach 300 you can get a pass for free. that is just ludicrous. it should be the way it was before.
after 30 days you buy one with your reserve.

i was quiet about that one but i will not be quiet any longer. the insanity has to stop.
wicked witch
  • Posted messages: 255
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I don't remember being able to get as many passes as we wanted from pass horses. It's always been a guaranteed limit of 10 with a max possibility of 30 for as long as I can remember. I found a Howrse Helper blog post from 2009 stating the current limit. Even in the old days Howrse wasn't that generous default smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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I don't remember being able to get as many passes as we wanted from pass horses. It's always been a guaranteed limit of 10 with a max possibility of 30 for as long as I can remember. I found a Howrse Helper blog post from 2009 stating the current limit. Even in the old days Howrse wasn't that generous default smiley (lol)

Lol really?
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Oops that was meant to be a quotedefault smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 02:20:18
Legacy Ann wrote:

I don't remember being able to get as many passes as we wanted from pass horses. It's always been a guaranteed limit of 10 with a max possibility of 30 for as long as I can remember. I found a Howrse Helper blog post from 2009 stating the current limit. Even in the old days Howrse wasn't that generous default smiley (lol)

Passes from pass horses *did* used to be unlimited. The limits were put in place because of people using scripts to kill LARGE numbers of horses. Now my own memory may be failing me on this [articular point but I think I remember people getting hundreds of passes using scripts before the limits. delyth or nix may remember?
I just can't remember exactly myself. I followed all the game updates from the start but it took me awhile before I bothered with pass horses all that much. It figures there would be people who would try to take advantage of even an unlimited number of pass horses.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2016 03:42:12
Retired breeder wrote:

Passes from pass horses *did* used to be unlimited. The limits were put in place because of people using scripts to kill LARGE numbers of horses. Now my own memory may be failing me on this [articular point but I think I remember people getting hundreds of passes using scripts before the limits. delyth or nix may remember?

The pass restriction was put in whenever they put in the restriction on the number of horses you can work for APs/lesson money (1,000 per day).

and I am not sure whether to be flattered or horrified that I was one of the people you were sure would remember default smiley xd
nellie130 wrote:

Congratulate people, take care of horses and do things in your EC for pointsdefault smiley ;)
They are running a business, and all businesses need money. understandable if you ask me.

nellie130 wrote:

Okay, I'm going to be frank. Everyone should calm down a little and stop accusing howrse of ' betraying their customers ' every single time they make changes to try and better their site.
I get it. Pass horses are a big part of income to a lot of players so they changes will be big and mess things up for awhile. But honestly, the price of pass horses will go up if anything because players will be desperate to buy more then they have to get all ten passes. We will get used to it and who knows, maybe they will make a new feature so players can still free passes.
All of this is being based off something that has been translated from totally different languages. This information could be flawed. So once again, calm down , because all these to the howrse you are on right now, has been changed several hundred times since it started.

We do have people from the Czech version who actually read the language well, and didn't just use google translate. As far as I'm concerned, they're probably right, and given the fact that all the translations have come out more or less the same thing, plus the fact that you don't appear to speak those other languages, I wouldn't be so critical. While I wouldn't use the phrase 'betraying customers' to describe what they're doing, since most of us don't really trust them at all now, as Zilakla said, they are certainly making things harder for us and are trying to push us to spend more money. And yes, while businesses do need money, Howrse has gotten greedy and started to go after more than they needed. I strongly disagree with you when you say Howrse wants to better their site. To some degree, yes, I suppose so, with interesting new items and what not, but the removal of pass horses is not going to really better anything, since it is TAKING AWAY from the free passes we can get. When the game started, people were perfectly happy to shell out real life money to get passes, because it was worth it. However, Howrse started to que up the promos, and it was clear they wanted players to spend more money. Originally, when promos were few and far between, people would spend lots of passes because they were rare and they were worth it to complete. However, with so many promos that costed more and more passes, and rare chance of a break, plus the fact that the prizes weren't all that great, people stopped spending because it just cost too much. Howrse continued to make choices that players were clearly against, which chased away people, and encouraged people to stop buying passes as a result. So it's really their own fault.
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Adding on to my post: It is highly unlikely that the Pass Horse price will raise, since many people breed them themselves, and many people have old horses. But, if by any small chance it does happen to go up, it's only going to be that way until the change in implemented, and it's not going to help Pass Horse breeders all that much. They will simply change to be Heaven Horse breeders. It is simply that the prices for pass horses will be shift to apply to horses closer to 25 years, since it will be 25+ horses that will be sent to Heaven, so it is likely that the current prices will turn out as follows: 180k= horses 25+ and up 150k=20-24 years and so on. Or they could raise if everyone collectively decides to raise Heaven Horse prices since people want to keep their new ranking. However, this isn't going to help Pass Horse breeders at all. And yes, the remaining players may get used to it, but it doesn't mean we'll like it, and as the people who use this site, we do have right to put in our opinions to their changes. And as for making a modification so that people will still get passes, whatever that means, no, it's probably not going to happen since
A: We can already get passes for free, so that doesn't make sense unless Howrse abolishes getting passes for free altogether, then decides to take that move back
B: If you meant they will modify it so people can get more passes, that also makes no sense because why would they cut it down in the first place then?
One might say that they'll realize the errors of their ways with what they did but we're clearly giving them negative feedback and our reaction is very obviously predictable.
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For getting 10 points each day: I always do these things, and I always seem to get 10 points each day so: (in a spoiler just in case)
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Buy at least 1 horse, sell at least one horse, train, feed groom (basically take care of) at least one horse, register a horse in an EC change the meadows in my EC, congratulate at least one person, and post a message in the forums.
Some of these might not be necessary but I always do them and they seem to work.
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