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Updated T__T__ promo info:
T__T___ info tab:
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Note that Apophis requires 7600 points to get him. There are threshold requirements(points needed) for each set of gifts but the points needed are not displayed anywhere currently unless a certain set is your next threshold to reach. Until or if we are not given the points threshold I am keeping a record of the number of points needed for each threshold and can post them once I complete them.

Detailed promo info
Click to display

I'm also keeping notes of what incorrect treat combos give what range of points, but they seem to be similar to last year's promo so if you were here for the previous trick or treat promo you should have a handle of what combo of incorrect treats to give to still get you a fair amount of points.Unless you'd rather wait to get the correct treats needed and don't want to give any incorrect treats.

D__S__M item info
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This is the item's bonus:
This item will give the horse the following bonuses:

Stamina: +5
Speed: +5
Dressage: +5

Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jumping: +5

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,132
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By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 17:57:50
Legacy Ann wrote:

D__S__M item info

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I really cannot wait to try and get some of these... I desperately want the Fallen Angel/Demonic Angels ones (Supernatural anyone?). I think they could have come up for a better name for it though... Just my thoughts really. The "Janus Medallion" or the "Two-Faced Medallion" sounds a bit more mysterious. Glad to see there has been less of an uproar with the release of the coats for this than there was for the Seal of the Apocalypse. Any details on the coat rarities, or is it random?
@Cookie Monster
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I don't have a Medallion yet myself, so I couldn't say for sure about rarities. My guess is that the rarest could possibly be the Werehorse, since it gets that addition .02 skill points on every mission(not sure if "mission" literally means just "mission" or if lessons count as well) which could be a big boost for skillers in the Grand Prix. That's my own guess since none of the other coat bonuses really scream "wow!" to me.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,132
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The...the... omgdefault smiley (l)
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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I don't have a Medallion yet myself, so I couldn't say for sure about rarities. My guess is that the rarest could possibly be the Werehorse, since it gets that addition .02 skill points on every mission(not sure if "mission" literally means just "mission" or if lessons count as well) which could be a big boost for skillers in the Grand Prix. That's my own guess since none of the other coat bonuses really scream "wow!" to me.

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Can anyone calculate how many skills would skiller (with clouds and everything) get with this 0,02? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 659
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default smiley (lol) those are cuuuuute Assasins Creed

Thanks for posting bibbs
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Hi! Does anybody know how many passes are approximately needed to complete
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Trick and Treat
promo? thanks
  • Posted messages: 356
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Rynx wrote:

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Can anyone calculate how many skills would skiller (with clouds and everything) get with this 0,02? default smiley :)

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It says in the item description that the extra 0.02 is only when it shows it's dark side, which is random. Since it's completely based on luck, you probably won't be able to get a very accurate calculation.
  • Posted messages: 4,017
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@ Hermiiona

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it took me 178 passes to complete, but with packs or something it should be a lot less
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
  • Posted messages: 2,506
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

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The...the... omgdefault smiley (l)

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Dressup things are my favorite! I have an addiction to them! Why did I not get an invite! So sad!
  • Posted messages: 32,496
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By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:07:01
T_T_ Promotion information:
(If it's already posted, I apologize, I just want something that I can go back to.)

Promo main page:

Click to display

Every day, children will turn up and ask you for treats.
Give them the specific treats they ask for in order to get the maximum number of Satisfaction Points and win prizes.
Expect a trick if you give them treats they don't like!

How do you get treats?
when you log in for the first time each day (17 per day)
when grooming a horse (limited to 4 a day)
from winning competitions (limited to 4 per day)
by making them in your workshops
in flash sales
by trading passes for them on the Black Market
How do you get children to visit?
Children will turn up regularly throughout the day. Every day the number of children who come and ask you for treats increases. These children will go away after 48 hours if you don't give them treats.
Get bell rings by purchasing them with your passes in order to get extra children to visit you.

Apophis is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
some flax
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Apophis's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

See a list of everyone who owns Apophis
Golden horseshoes:
Gagnez également des fers en or pour le trophée Event lorsque vous cumulez :
20 Satisfaction Points
940 Satisfaction Points
3730 Satisfaction Points
7600 Satisfaction Points
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Apophis.

Click to display

Name: Candy apple

Name: Candy cane

Name: Cherry

Name: Crocodile

Name: Fried Egg

Name: Ghosts

Name: Gummy worms

Name: Heart

Name: Ice cream

Name: Licorice

Name: Lollipops

Name: Pumpkin

Order of rarity:

Click to display

That seems to be:


Fried Egg
Ice Cream


Candy Apple
Candy Cane

Gummy Worms

Click to display

Apophis is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
some flax
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Apophis's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

Prize List:
Click to display

3 x Aging point
1 x Helios' Ray
25 x Carrot seeds
1 x Bell boots
1 x 2** Classical Bridle
1 x Apollo's Lyre
20 x Mash
1 x Croesus' Fortune
1 x 2** Classical Saddle
500 Points in the overall ranking
1 x Black 2** polo wraps
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
50 x Leather
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Black and white 2** ear bonnet
1 x Water trough
100 % morale for your horses
1 x Medusa's Blood
1 x 2** Black classical saddle cloth
1 x The Bewitched Pumpkin
5,000 Equus
1 x Fertility Wand
Use within 90 days.
1 x 2** Black and white Western saddle cloth
1 x Bonus Pack
20 x Aging point
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
10 % energy for your horses
1 x Poseidon's Pack
1 x Spurs
1 x Hestia's Gift
25 x Manure
1 x Magic Hat
Use within 90 days.
1 x Hypnos' Blanket
1 x Philosopher's Stone
Use within 90 days.
1 x Achilles' Heel
1 x Double-Sided Medallion
Use within 90 days.
1 x Shower
1 x Themis' Scale


Click to display

1.) ?Free?: 3 x Aging Point; 1 x Helios' Ray
2.) 80 points: 25 x Carrot seeds; 1 x Bell Boots
3.) 180 points: 1 x 2** Classical bridle; 1 x Apollo's Lyre
4.) 310 points: 20 x Mash; 1 x Croesus' Fortune
5.) 480 points: 1 x 2** Classical Saddle; 500 points in overall ranking
6.) 690 points: 1 x Black 2** polo wraps; 1 x Plouto's Parchment
7.) 940 points: 50 x leather; 1 x Water of Youth
8.) 1220 points: 1 x Black and White 2** ear bonnet; 1 x Water Trough
9.) 1540 points: 100 morale for your horses; 1 x Medusa's Blood
10.) 1900 points: 1 x 2** Black saddle cloth; 1 x Bewitched Pumpkin
11.) 2300 points: 5,000 equus; 1 x Fertility Wand (Time limited; use within 90 days.)
12.) 2740 points: 1 x 2** black and white saddle cloth; 1 x Bonus Pack
13.) 3220 points: 20 x Aging Points; 1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
14.) 3730 points: 10 % energy for all your horses; 1 x Poseidon's pack
15.) 4280 points: 1 x Spurs; 1 x Hestia's Gift
16.) 4870 points: 25 x Manure; 1 x Magic Hat (Time limited; use within 90 days.)
17.) 5500 points: 1 x Hypnos' Blanket; 1 x Philosopher's Stone (Time limited; use within 90 days.)
18.) 6160 points: 1 x Achilles' Heel; 1 x Double-Faced Medallion (Time limited; use within 90 days.)
19.) 6860 points: 1 x Shower; 1 x Themis' Scale
20.) 1 x Shower; 1 x Apophis


Click to display

All crafting duration are: 1 day

Craft 8 x Fried egg
240 Carrot

Craft 8 x Cherry
800 Apple

Craft 8 x Heart
2400 Oats

Craft 8 x Ice cream
4800 Wheat bran

Craft 8 x Ghosts
2 Black and white 2** Classical saddle cloth
4 Red 2** polo wraps

Craft 8 x Lollipops
2 Violet and white 2** Classical saddle cloth
4 Violet and white 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Candy apple
4 Piñata 2** polo wraps
4 Red and white 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Candy cane
2 2** Black classical saddle cloth
2 White 2** polo wraps
2 Red and blue 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Licorice
4 Croesus' Fortune
100 Apple

Craft 8 x Pumpkin
2 Piece of Cloud
40 Apple

Craft 8 x Gummy worms
2 Horn of Plenty

Craft 8 x Crocodile
2 Golden Apple

How Many?

Click to display

It took me 266 100% happy kids to get to Threshold 19.
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:08:28
#20 fix:

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You get Apophis at 7600 threshold points. default smiley (y)
Uuummm...why was my comment censored? I don't think I wrote anything horrible or disobeyed any of the rules....
  • Posted messages: 66
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By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:18:16
MikaNyanHenders wrote:

Uuummm...why was my comment censored? I don't think I wrote anything horrible or disobeyed any of the rules....

Did it have any information non-spoilered about a promo yet to come? If so, that was the reason.
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:23:12
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When I heard that if you don't give the kids the right candy you get a trick, I got really paranoid. What would the trick most likely be? default smiley :o

I have a question about the T__ T__ promo.
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:25:20
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a question about the T__ T__ promo.

If I remember correctly, it was just silly things like

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Dropping rain, eggs or toilet paper thrown across the screen, or your screen gardening briefly.

default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:25:55
*darkening, not gardening! Weird auto-correct! default smiley (o)

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So will Libra be available to win during the GC with HoPs, TCs, or GFs?
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:30:12
Thanks disco513! I was really worried at first!
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:44:58
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Does anyone know when The Great Challenge will start?
By Retired breeder, 28th September 2016 23:45:23
Yes thank you Disco, you are a gemdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 29th September 2016 00:01:14
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know when The Great Challenge will start?

I don't know for certain, but I don't think we can know the exact date.

Wolf of the North wrote:


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So will Libra be available to win during the GC with HoPs, TCs, or GFs?

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In the Titan's Challenge's.
Wolf of the North wrote:

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So will Libra be available to win during the GC with HoPs, TCs, or GFs?

Just to elaborate on Champion Arabian's post:

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As they said, Libra will be released in Titan's Challenges. If a player buys or uses 8 TCS without winning Libra, the Divine is reserved to them for 19 passes. Players can then purchase Libra for 19 passes, or open more TCs. With each additional TC opened after Libra is initially reserved, the price goes down by 2 passes. Once Libra's price has dropped down to 5 passes, it will not get any lower. So if you don't win Libra after opening multiple TCs, you can purchase them in the Reserved Sales. It will take a total of 15 TCs to get Libra reserved for 5 passes. If one should win Libra in a TC after it was reserved to them and they did not yet purchase the reserved Divine, it will disappear (from what I've been told), so they will instead get the Libra found in the TC.

There are two strategies that can be used to guarantee winning Libra, provided one has enough passes and/or TCs. The first strategy is just to open 15 TCs, taking whatever prizes you can, and then buy Libra once its price has dropped to 5 passes. The other strategy is to *try* and win Libra in TCs, and if the Divine has not been found after using 15 TCs, a player can then go and purchase the reserved Divine, using it as a sort of 'safety net' in case they have bad luck with the TCs.

Speaking which, I am so super excited that the GC is almost here. Like, I can't even verbalize it. I'm itching with excitement to get Libra! ^-^
The Fifth Queen
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By Retired breeder, 29th September 2016 01:15:58
Retired breeder wrote:

Yes thank you Disco

No problem. I just like knowing what I'll need to do, haha.

I'm sure that someone will come out with some calculations on prices and such later on. That's something that I'm not too good at...waiting. I finished almost the whole thing this afternoon. default smiley (h)
By Retired breeder, 29th September 2016 01:24:18
MikaNyanHenders wrote:

Uuummm...why was my comment censored? I don't think I wrote anything horrible or disobeyed any of the rules....

Mine was too. Its because we mentioned the promo thing without the spoilers default smiley ^)
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