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By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 09:01:27
About the W_H

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I'm not sure if I'm going for the divine yet. I was thinking that the perk is a bonus pack, it doesn't seem worth it using up HoPs or spending passes. It's likely you could exchange 1 HoP for 2 Bonus Packs.
Retired breeder wrote:

About the W_H

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I'm not sure if I'm going for the divine yet. I was thinking that the perk is a bonus pack, it doesn't seem worth it using up HoPs or spending passes. It's likely you could exchange 1 HoP for 2 Bonus Packs.

That may be true, but
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many players will want Ptah (me included) to complete the set and get Ra. And Ptah is almost definitely cheaper in this promo than it probably will be in luck items/reserved sales.

I'm pretty sure lyrael posted not too long ago saying it could possibly be done with 17 passes (using passes for pollen and HOPs) - But this could change. It will cost less for those of us who find more pollen in UFOs, use diamonds, and use HOPs from our inventories. default smiley (y)
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Did someone have a masterpost for the Wandering Horses?
Topaz Fire
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By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 12:11:30
Has anyone posted the min. amount of passes to get the divine?default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 13:50:11
Guide to obtaining Ptah with ~ 17 passes:

Important note!
Right from the beginning of this promo, plan ahead!
- save pollen from UFOs, don't be too hasty with using it.
- don't be too hasty with completing objectives either.

(If you spot something being wrong, do let me know.)

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The special offer of this promo is the Pollen Pack, which will be available during the second and last weekend of the event.

Price: 1 pass
- 6 x red pollen
- 6 x blue pollen
- 6 x purple pollen
- 6 x orange pollen
- 6 x yellow pollen


For cheapest way to finish you MUST make sure you can use all of the pollen you get in pollen packs. You can't use pollen on horses that are finished, so make sure you have horses of all pollen colours left!

The pass hogs of this promo are Brimstone (open Horns of Plenty) and Leopard Scribonia (use pollen on horses). They both use Yellow Pollen.


The cheapest way:
- 6 HoPs and 11 Pollen Packs = 17 passes total

11 Pollen Packs equals

Yellow Pollen
6 x 11 = 66 Yellow pollen -> use 64 on Brimstone, 2 on Scribonia -> 21,2 points to Scribonia.

Red, Blue, Orange and Purple Pollen, use on any horse of the right colour
6 x 11 x 4 = 264 pollen x 0,3 = 79,2 points to Scribonia

=> 79,2 + 21,2 = 100,4 points to Scribonia.

Finishing Brimstone
6 x 6 = 36 points from HoPs, add 64 from Yellow Pollen
= 100 points to Brimstone


As long as you can use 263 out of 264 of the red/orange/blue/purple pollen from the packs, you can get enough points to Scribonia.

Pollen won from UFOs may bring down the amount of pollen packs you need to buy. Or not. Depends on your UFO luck.

(Alternatively, use 12 Pollen Packs and 5 HoPs. That gives you a bit more leeway with how to use the pollen, but you may also end up with a pile of unnecessary pollen.)


From each group below, select at least one horse that you "save up" for the pollen from pollen packs. You will have 66 pollen of each colour to use. You can also spread the pollen around to several horses of the colour group.

1 pollen = 1 point.

Purple Pollen
* Daggerwing: Give mashes to horses (10 points each)
* Orange Tip: Gift items to your friends (17 points each)
* Poplar Admiral: Do foal games (1 point / 30 min play)

Red Pollen
* Swallowtail: Stroke Horses in Safe Haven (6 points each)
* Glasswing: Log in for the first time of the day (6 points each)
* Blue Icarus: Donate Horses to Ow (12 points each)

Blue Pollen
* Death's Head: Give apples to other players' horses (1 point each)
* Red Admiral: Take horses for rides (point amount varies?)

Orange Pollen
* Monarch: Remove the wings from Pegasi or winged Unicorns (5 points each)
* Blue Menelaus: Take part in competitions (point amount varies)
* Tailed Jay: Give birth to unicorns (12 points each)

Once you have used all the right colour pollen, finish the horses up by doing their tasks.


3rd Yellow Pollen Horse:
Spanish Moon - Objective: Age 5 horses to 50 years

There's 3 ways to do this:

1) 5 Immortal horses, pile of aging points.
- pros: easy to do, just keep aging
- cons: needs lots of aging points

2) 5 Mortal horses with Morpheus' Arms
- pros: saves on aging points, doubles as pass horses
- cons: will require Black Orchids to restore horse's health a few times. You may accidentally kill the horse if you mess up.

(of course, you can also do a mix of mortal and immortal horses)

3) One horse (mortal or immortal) and a Cloud Pack
- pros: you need to just age one horse to 50 years, use a cloud piece to de-age, then age it up again. You won't be using the entire Cloud Pack either, so you can then sell the horse to someone else to do the same process.
- cons: requires using a Cloud Pack, which is 5 passes and requires Pegasus or VIP account. Normal Pieces of Clouds can't be used on horses over the age of 30, but PoCs from Cloud Pack can.

By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 15:01:31
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 16:49:26
Are we able to pick which wondering horses to unlock tomorrow or do they pick for us? If we are able to pick, what is the suggested order to unlock the rest?
Retired breeder wrote:

Are we able to pick which wondering horses to unlock tomorrow or do they pick for us? If we are able to pick, what is the suggested order to unlock the rest?

If you scroll over the horses then you can see how long to wait for each to be unlocked. It's predetermined unless you use passes.
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what is the next event after this one?
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By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 18:40:21
kipton98 wrote:

what is the next event after this one?


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Great Challenge / Lottery
By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 18:41:09
Things that you can get without the use of passes from the Wandering Horse promotion:
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There are 16 Wandering Horses, and one divine.

To get the divine, you would need to spend passes. However, some of the Wandering horses you can get for no passes! That's right! **no passes**! They stay on your account for five days, and when they leave they give you some special gifts!

This post will cover what is needed to get the no pass Wandering Horses!

*** Disclaimer: Your ability to get these horses will differ upon the Wandering Horse and the items that you have on your account. All of these can possibly be won with NO PASSES spent on the promo itself, however, you may need to spend other resources.

Ones that you can possibly get for free:

Blue Icarus

Blue Menelaus







Orange Tip

Poplar Admiral

Red Admiral

Spanish Moon


Tailed Jay

How to get each one:

(Level of difficulty to get it for free:
* = Easy
** = Medium
*** = Hard)

* Blue Icarus:
Objective: Donate horses to Ow - 12 points per horse donated
(It will take 5 donated horses to get this Wandering Horse.)

*** Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows .1 point per competition, which would equal 1,000 competitions to get this horse for free.)

*** Brimstone:
Objective: Open Horns of Plenty - 6 points per Horn of Plenty opened
(You would need to open 17 HoPs. HoPs can be won from Xanthos, but it is unlikely that you'd have so many in your inventory.)

* Daggerwing:
Objective: Give horses mashes - 10 points per mash used
(10 mashes required.)

** Death's-head:
Objective: Give apples to other players' horses - 1 point per apple donated
(100 apples required.)

* Dynamine:
Objective: Unlock Wandering Horses - 49 points per unlocked Wandering Horse
(100% free.)

* Glasswing:
Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day
(*Should* be 100% free, depending on length of promo. Will require you to log on for 17 days.)

*** Monarch
Objective: Remove the wings from Pegasi or winged Unicorns - 5 points per wing removed.
(Will require 20 de-wings.)

* Orange Tip
Objective: Donate items from the shop to your friends - 17 points per donated item
(Will require 6 gifts to friends.)

*** Poplar Admiral (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around 1 or 2 points per 30 minutes of foal games, which would equal around 1,500 or 3,000 minutes of foal games to get this horse for free. 25 to 50 hours of foal games.)

*** Red Admiral:
Objective: Take horses for rides (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around .2 points per 30 minutes of rides, which would equal around 15,000 minutes of rides to get this horse for free. 250 hours of rides.)

***Spanish Moon
Objective: Celebrate a horse's birthday when they reach age 30th - 20 points per horse
(It is unknown if the age will remain 30. The points per horse birthday will lower at the release.)

Objective: Stroke horses in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked
(100% free. Will require 17 strokes.)

**Tailed Jay
Objective: Have a horse give birth to unicorns - 12 points per unicorn born
(Will require 9 unicorn births. Twins unicorns count as two unicorns.)

Prizes that they give:

Blue Icarus
- 1 x Tractor, 50,000 equus

Blue Menelaus
- 1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Water of Youth, 1 x Nyx Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Bell boots, 5,000 equus, 1 x Black Orchid

- 100 x leather, 1 x 2** saddle cloth, 10 x APs

- 100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand

- 1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

- 1 x Zeus' Lighting Bolt, 1 x Harmony Pack (Use within 90 days.)

Orange Tip
- 1 x 3*** Classical Saddle, 1 x Spurs, 1 x Ploutos' Parchment

Poplar Admiral
- 50 x flax, 1 x 2** polo wraps, 1 x Croesus' Fortune

Red Admiral
- 1 x 2** ear bonnet, 1 x 3*** bridle, 1 x Apollo's Lyre

Spanish Moon
- 1 x Horseshoe Studs, 1 x 5th Element

- 10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack

Tailed Jay
- 20 x APs, 1 x Horn of Plenty (Use within 90 days.)

By Retired breeder, 8th September 2016 20:35:02
lyrael, brilliant post!

SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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many players will want Ptah (me included) to complete the set and get Ra. And Ptah is almost definitely cheaper in this promo than it probably will be in luck items/reserved sales.

I'm pretty sure lyrael posted not too long ago saying it could possibly be done with 17 passes (using passes for pollen and HOPs) - But this could change. It will cost less for those of us who find more pollen in UFOs, use diamonds, and use HOPs from our inventories. default smiley (y)

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Good point about those finishing the set.

Also, I thought about this after posting, the individual prizes are good, plus whatever BMIs from opening HoPs.
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I think I might be able to get all of the Wandering Horses and the Divine without purchasing passes, since I've been saving up the ones you get for free and from pass horses, but I don't think I will. I'd be cutting it close, and I think I'd rather wait for a divine that I want more than Ptah. default smiley (y) It's also very unlikely that I'll ever get all of the Egyptian divines to get Ra, but I was able to get Osiris! default smiley :-))

So I'll just enjoy whatever Wandering Horses that I get for free default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 01:12:08
Goat_Girl wrote:

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I think I might be able to get all of the Wandering Horses and the Divine without purchasing passes, since I've been saving up the ones you get for free and from pass horses, but I don't think I will. I'd be cutting it close, and I think I'd rather wait for a divine that I want more than Ptah. default smiley (y) It's also very unlikely that I'll ever get all of the Egyptian divines to get Ra, but I was able to get Osiris! default smiley :-))

So I'll just enjoy whatever Wandering Horses that I get for free default smiley (lol)

That's exactly how I feel, I'm going to get the ones that I can and hopefully get entered into the draw for Ptah default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 09:32:51
For the W_H

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Will we be able to use diamonds for the pollen packs?
By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 10:10:40
Retired breeder wrote:

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Will we be able to use diamonds for the pollen packs?

I seem to remember it was possible, yes.
By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 10:43:07
Retired breeder wrote:

I seem to remember it was possible, yes.

Thanks. This is looking very possible to complete. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 11:57:06
Just wanted to say that Sapphire finally being offered... in a Titan's challenge... is VERY frustrating. default smiley (n)default smiley (d)

The only Gemstone horse I wanted, and the reason I voted for the Gems during the poll, and it comes in a Titan's challenge.

No way jose. Just no. I will NOT spend my entire 50 passes on those darned things and not come out with ANYTHING. default smiley (n)
Retired breeder wrote:

Just wanted to say that Sapphire finally being offered... in a Titan's challenge... is VERY frustrating. default smiley (n)default smiley (d)

The only Gemstone horse I wanted, and the reason I voted for the Gems during the poll, and it comes in a Titan's challenge.

No way jose. Just no. I will NOT spend my entire 50 passes on those darned things and not come out with ANYTHING. default smiley (n)

It took me 28 titan challenges
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By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 12:13:13
So 56 passes. Unbelievable!

How much did he go for in the reserved sales two years ago? 20 passes?
For the Wandering Horses, I'm wondering if
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it's worth buying the pollen packs on the first week they come out, rather than the second week?

My reasoning is that we'll then give all of the pollen away without (hopefully) finishing some of the wanderers, and we won't risk not having any horses of a specific colour to give pollen to. And personally, I don't want to hold off from unlocking any of them since none of them can be fully completed with just pollen (except Scribonia, of course), and I would rather have a constant flow of points going into those wanderers since some require a lot of work (removing wings from pegasi, many hours of foal games, etc).

So if we buy the packs on the first week, it will be a more relaxing promo for the remaining time rather than rushing to get it all done within the last couple of days... Or so I think. default smiley (lol)
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Retired breeder wrote:

So 56 passes. Unbelievable!

Don't forget that many players also get the divine on the first try, or within the first few tries - every player has the same chance with each TC, it is all just luck. The same with HOP's, plenty of players get the divine after opening just one. It balances itself out.
Raf's Mum
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I got the Abaco Barb on July 1st, this year. But I don't remember how I got him. Does anyone know how he was offered?
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I also can't remember how I got Ruby on July 17th.
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Preziouz wrote:

I got the Abaco Barb on July 1st, this year. But I don't remember how I got him. Does anyone know how he was offered?

Titan's Challenge. He was on Level 5.
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