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By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 13:52:05
About the current Potions promo, does anyone know if we get our item if we aren't on to collect it when the promo ends?
If you don't collect you won't get
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what does serpentarius do
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 14:37:44
Princess Celestia wrote:

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what does serpentarius do

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When he wins his very first competition, Serpentarius offers you 1 x Special 5th Element that allows you to customize a horse with the 5th Element coat of your choice.
By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 18:45:13
Retired breeder wrote:

It is changing to earth... ive heard on equidow default smiley (7)

Hey, I think you misunderstood that part. There are 2 servers on the French version. Earth has been in the Treasure Chest since July on the first server, whereas Svadilfari is still on the other server. One of the players is going to ask the staff if they did that on purpose or if it's a mistake, because it seems a bit unfair. So it might change, but it's not for sure yet. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 18:47:32
ah okay thank you default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 21:22:37
Does anyone know anything yet about this divine:

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Retired breeder wrote:

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Sadly no. I hazard a guess that'll he'll be in the promo after
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the Great Challenge where we'll find Libra. The divine pattern has been Zodiac, Egyptian, Zodiac so I'd guess we'll find out about Apophis/Apep in a couple weeks.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 00:50:05
Sorry if someone has already asked this, but when will the Libra zodiac horse come out? Or even is one in the making? I'm wondering because I'm a Libra and would LOVE to see it! default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 01:03:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if someone has already asked this, but when will the Libra zodiac horse come out? Or even is one in the making? I'm wondering because I'm a Libra and would LOVE to see it! default smiley *-)

It has been talked about on the last few pages
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Is the W.H promo the next promo? Would that mean it'd start this Thursday or next Thursday? I've seen all the posts about it, but there doesn't seem to be an approx. date, unless I missed it.
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kaizer wrote:

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Is the W.H promo the next promo? Would that mean it'd start this Thursday or next Thursday? I've seen all the posts about it, but there doesn't seem to be an approx. date, unless I missed it.

Yes, it is. It could start as early as this Thursday, but might take longer - We don't know exactly when it will start so we can't give any more approximations than that.
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By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 12:43:24
Does anyone know when the next promo starts?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the next promo starts?

The answer to your question is the post right above yours.
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I have a question about the next promo
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In the wandering horse promo, you have to birth unicorns. So if I get twin unicorns will this count as the same or double the points?
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By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 13:44:20
daisy44456088 wrote:

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In the wandering horse promo, you have to birth unicorns. So if I get twin unicorns will this count as the same or double the points?

I would assume double as it's two unicorns
By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 13:55:52
daisy44456088 wrote:

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In the wandering horse promo, you have to birth unicorns. So if I get twin unicorns will this count as the same or double the points?

Double, this was verified in testing.
By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 14:41:58
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does anyone know when the wondering horse promo finishes , because I have heard people say it will go on for 5 days only ?
Retired breeder wrote:

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does anyone know when the wondering horse promo finishes , because I have heard people say it will go on for 5 days only ?
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We never know the exact timeline of a promo, though most run through 3 weekends worth, which is about 20 days-ish? The 5 days for that particular promo is likely coming from the fact that each Wanderer will only be on your account for 5 days and then it leaves. The promo will last for much longer than that, especially sine it appears we can't unlock all the Wanderers in one day. It will take at least a few days to do that alone.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 15:37:19
Epona's Lotalty- Do you know which page I could find the discussion on?
Retired breeder wrote:

Epona's Lotalty- Do you know which page I could find the discussion on?
Bumping up info about the promo after the W_H_ Divine and perk
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Libra will be in the Great Challenge promo, which should be after the Wandering Horses promo. Il fait partie des chevaux astrologiques. Balance vous offre un cadeau le 7 du mois (après la mise à jour quotidienne) à condition de vous être connecté au moins une fois dans les 3 jours qui précèdent : sang de méduse 1 x Sang de Méduse à utiliser dans les 90 jours. Si vous êtes natif de ce signe, Balance vous offre 1 x Le 5ème Élément tous les ans, le jour de votre anniversaire, si vous vous connectez ce jour-là. De plus, le 22 octobre, à l'heure de mise à jour du site, un cheval Balance est offert à un joueur parmi les natifs de ce signe. En réunissant les 12 chevaux astrologiques, vous obtiendrez le cheval Serpentaire Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu. >>>>>Basically, it looks like Libra offers a timed Medusa's Blood, on the 7th of the month"
Promo info
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My translation of above: Libra can be found in the Challenge of the Titans (level 6), from the start to the VIP and during the festivities for everyone. (It looks like there are a few changes to it) The Grand Challenge: - Interface objectives / puzzle pieces * In block targets, it displays the actual piece of the puzzle in place of the generic part. * More animation shows the image of the puzzle piece to move to its place in the puzzle. * All special offers are displayed instead of just the current one. This way there is no surprise. - The distribution of gold chains (I believe this refers to the horseshoes) has also been changed: * Iron gold 1: 1st goal directed (rather 9th) * Iron Gold 2: 12th goal directed (instead du18ème) * Iron or 3: 24th goal directed (instead of 27th) * Iron or 4: 36th goal directed (instead of 36th) The festivities - You can offer raffle tickets to the same friend once a draw, not once over the duration of the raffle. - A history of raffle tickets available to friends added. - Gifts of the raffle were slightly changed, for greater diversity.
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Legacy Ann
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Hello! Quick question about the upcoming release of Libra.

I know that Libra is going to be released in TCs during the next Great Challenge/Lottery promo. I also know that once a player opens a certain number of TCs, Libra will be reserved to them for 19 passes and the price will go down 2 passes with each TC opened until it costs 5 passes. However, if one should find a Libra in a TC, will they be able to still open more to get Libra reserved to them, and then open enough to get Libra's price down to 5 passes? Or will the reserved Libra only be available to those who don't win it in TCs? Oh, and if one should already have Libra reserved and they're using TCs to get the price down and happen to win Libra, will the reserved Libra remain or will it disappear? Thank you for any answers. ^-^
The Fifth Queen
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

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Hello! Quick question about the upcoming release of Libra.

I know that Libra is going to be released in TCs during the next Great Challenge/Lottery promo. I also know that once a player opens a certain number of TCs, Libra will be reserved to them for 19 passes and the price will go down 2 passes with each TC opened until it costs 5 passes. However, if one should find a Libra in a TC, will they be able to still open more to get Libra reserved to them, and then open enough to get Libra's price down to 5 passes? Or will the reserved Libra only be available to those who don't win it in TCs? Oh, and if one should already have Libra reserved and they're using TCs to get the price down and happen to win Libra, will the reserved Libra remain or will it disappear? Thank you for any answers. ^-^


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Once you get Libra in the TCs, then you won't be able to buy her in the Reserved Sales; she'll disappear. But if you buy her in sales, then decide to open more TCs, then you would have a chance of finding another one.
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Starry-Eyed wrote:


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Once you get Libra in the TCs, then you won't be able to buy her in the Reserved Sales; she'll disappear. But if you buy her in sales, then decide to open more TCs, then you would have a chance of finding another one.

Thanks for the answer. I thought I might have been able to get two, but after I buy the reserved one if I don't win one in the TCs, I won't be spending any more passes. ^-^;
The Fifth Queen
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By Retired breeder, 5th September 2016 16:34:29
What is the next promo? Please
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