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Preziouz wrote:

I also can't remember how I got Ruby on July 17th.

Titan's Challenge. Level 7.
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Thank you, Starry-Eyed.
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By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 12:59:34
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

For the Wandering Horses, I'm wondering if
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it's worth buying the pollen packs on the first week they come out, rather than the second week?

My reasoning is that we'll then give all of the pollen away without (hopefully) finishing some of the wanderers, and we won't risk not having any horses of a specific colour to give pollen to. And personally, I don't want to hold off from unlocking any of them since none of them can be fully completed with just pollen (except Scribonia, of course), and I would rather have a constant flow of points going into those wanderers since some require a lot of work (removing wings from pegasi, many hours of foal games, etc).

So if we buy the packs on the first week, it will be a more relaxing promo for the remaining time rather than rushing to get it all done within the last couple of days... Or so I think. default smiley (lol)

I agree.
If you wait you might get more from UFOs but I personally doubt UFOs really help all that much.
Retired breeder wrote:

I agree.
If you wait you might get more from UFOs but I personally doubt UFOs really help all that much.

The UFOs could always help with the other wanderers too though, since I'm sure we probably won't have completed them all by then. default smiley :)

And for the ones you plan on giving pollen to, you can give them the extra pollen you find in UFOs to reduce the objectives needed for them even more over that last week~
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Raf's Mum wrote:

Don't forget that many players also get the divine on the first try, or within the first few tries - every player has the same chance with each TC, it is all just luck. The same with HOP's, plenty of players get the divine after opening just one. It balances itself out.

After being really burned by the odds with pearl I have calculated the odds of getting the divine at 1 in .0001 to thje 1000 power in getting it.
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By Retired breeder, 9th September 2016 15:59:57
i tried 50 passes on uk server and o luck default smiley :$
Spyder wrote:

After being really burned by the odds with pearl I have calculated the odds of getting the divine at 1 in .0001 to thje 1000 power in getting it.

While I agree that the odds seem rather long, it seems unlikely that each TC has the odds or receiving the divine that you have stated (which written out would be a 1 followed by 3 thousand 0's if I have interpreted your math correctly) Not only do you not have a way to determine or calculate the actual odds, and can only give it your best guess, but your claim is incredibly misleading. default smiley :@
The Great Cosmos
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The Great Cosmos wrote:

, but your claim is incredibly misleading. default smiley :@

350 Hops opened and no divine. Want to calculate that ?
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Spyder wrote:

350 Hops opened and no divine. Want to calculate that ?

It still does not add up to anywhere close to the odds you claimed. I agree that you've been quite unlucky but as a single player with the same odds as everyone else you have no way of determining what the actual odds are, only how long it takes you.
Also, the divine is being offered in the Titans Challenge and not the Horn of Plenty. I expect this was just a typo, but if it was not...all the HOP's in existence won't win you Sapphire.
The Great Cosmos
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The Great Cosmos wrote:

While I agree that the odds seem rather long, it seems unlikely that each TC has the odds or receiving the divine that you have stated (which written out would be a 1 followed by 3 thousand 0's if I have interpreted your math correctly) Not only do you not have a way to determine or calculate the actual odds, and can only give it your best guess, but your claim is incredibly misleading. default smiley :@

I feel like Spyder was simply exaggerating a bit. And honestly, it would be silly to take that number at face value, no offense to either of you.

I do agree, though, that it seems to be more and more difficult nowadays to win Divines and Wilds in luck items.
The Fifth Queen
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

And honestly, it would be silly to take that number at face value

Perhaps, but even if the number was intended to be sarcastic, players with less experience with the TC or with Howrse in general may not realize that it was unrealistic, and could assume it was accurate as it was coming from an experienced player.
The Great Cosmos
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

I feel like Spyder was simply exaggerating a bit. And honestly, it would be silly to take that number at face value, no offense to either of you.

It is somewhat an exaggeration but with that many HOPs (this was for Pearl) Howrse has lost a pass buyer to get divines in the "luck" items.

It is hard enough to get the divine in level 6 without pushing it to level 7. I would really like Sapphire but the old phase comes to mind where twice offered shame on me. So no way will I be so gullible again. If a divine is offered in a package ( like the Christmas one) then and only then will I go for it.
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How about we just say it's really, really hard to win a divine in a luck item and leave it at that?
Seems like between the Titan's Challenge this weekend and the Wanderers everyone's beast is coming out

Anyways, here's the translations for the G__C__
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And the divine
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Legacy Ann
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Okay so I'm a wee bit confused. I've seen posts that say you can get the current divine without using passes. Then there's the one using only 17 passes. So is it /possible/ to get the divine WITHOUT using passes or no? I've stored up more than enough HOPs which will take care of one of those guys, but pollen doesn't show up in HOPs, or does it? I'm honestly not sure how I should go about this promo orz where's the masterpost with arrows and a rigid structure for me to follow default smiley xd
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Redwallfan12 wrote:

So is it /possible/ to get the divine WITHOUT using passes or no?

It is, but only if you're incredibly lucky and incredibly prepared.


- Have HOPs
- Have Pegasi/Winged Unicorns/M Bloods to spare
- Have either a lot of covered/ready to cover unicorns or a few Hestia's Gifts and Wands
- Have either lots of APs to use or 5 horses close to age 50

And then of course get lucky with getting lots of Pollen UFOs a) yellow ones to give directly to Leopard Scribonia b) other colours to give to other Wanderers to help with getting that objective filled.
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Oh, and not to mention having to have lots of foals that you could do foal games with and horses to do rides with.
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Oh, and not to mention having to have lots of foals that you could do foal games with and horses to do rides with.

I did the foal game wanderer just by doing the game with 1 foal. I have that divine on two of my accounts on other servers. That was an easy objective.default smiley :)
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I was so excited to get Libra, but is the only way to win by winning it int he lottery or in the TC? I've been saving up passes but if that's the only way to get, then I don't see my passes going far enough to be able to get one default smiley :(
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

It is, but only if you're incredibly lucky and incredibly prepared.


- Have HOPs
- Have Pegasi/Winged Unicorns/M Bloods to spare
- Have either a lot of covered/ready to cover unicorns or a few Hestia's Gifts and Wands
- Have either lots of APs to use or 5 horses close to age 50

And then of course get lucky with getting lots of Pollen UFOs a) yellow ones to give directly to Leopard Scribonia b) other colours to give to other Wanderers to help with getting that objective filled.

Gah it's so tempting to try and finish this promo T.T
However if no passes means waiting on luck then nah. I could do the other stuff if I put forth a bit of effort and equus but I'm not that invested in getting a Bonus Pack divine lol
Thank you though for spelling it out for me! I really appreciate; I've been kind of looking at the masterposts not comprehending what's the best course x'D
I'll just have to wait for the
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GC and Lottery, though kinda bummed about those prizes. I like getting 75 AP and a TC in the prizes. Although that's cool they're updating the Lottery a bit. Like being able to send friends tickets every round. And having a history of tickets sent to friends, THAT is really helpful.
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Retired breeder wrote:

i tried 50 passes on uk server and o luck default smiley :$

Used 50 and a few diamonds, didn't get it either D: [norwegian server]
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mewichigo wrote:

I was so excited to get Libra, but is the only way to win by winning it int he lottery or in the TC? I've been saving up passes but if that's the only way to get, then I don't see my passes going far enough to be able to get one default smiley :(

After you
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open enough TC'S during the festivities for Libra, then Libra appears in the reserved sales. So if you saved up quite a few passes then you can still potentially get Libra. Without needing a serious amount of luck.
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@ mewichigo

Wouldn't let me quote for some reason. Anyways, adding onto Azure Iron's statement,

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It should only take you 35 passes at the most to win Libra. You need to open 8 TCs (either from inventory or from buying them), and then Libra will be reserved for 19 passes if you have not won it. With each additional TC that you open, Libra's price will drop by 2 passes until it only costs 5 passes to buy. So you can spend passes on TCs and if you don't win Libra in any of them, you can fall back on the reserved Libra. If you already have TCs saved up, you can open those to count for either the first 8 or the ones to drop Libra's price, I believe.
The Fifth Queen
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By Retired breeder, 10th September 2016 03:21:02
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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it's worth buying the pollen packs on the first week they come out, rather than the second week?

My reasoning is that we'll then give all of the pollen away without (hopefully) finishing some of the wanderers, and we won't risk not having any horses of a specific colour to give pollen to. And personally, I don't want to hold off from unlocking any of them since none of them can be fully completed with just pollen (except Scribonia, of course), and I would rather have a constant flow of points going into those wanderers since some require a lot of work (removing wings from pegasi, many hours of foal games, etc).

So if we buy the packs on the first week, it will be a more relaxing promo for the remaining time rather than rushing to get it all done within the last couple of days... Or so I think. default smiley (lol)

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I think that's a good idea.

I'm wondering whether I need to hold on unlocking some even though they're available because the meters are going to fill up just from doing what I would be doing anyway. Some don't allow for as much control.
By Retired breeder, 10th September 2016 05:11:41
Things that you can get without the use of passes from the Wandering Horse promotion:
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There are 16 Wandering Horses, and one divine.

To get the divine, you would need to spend passes. However, some of the Wandering horses you can get for no passes! That's right! **no passes**! They stay on your account for five days, and when they leave they give you some special gifts!

This post will cover what is needed to get the no pass Wandering Horses!

*** Disclaimer: Your ability to get these horses will differ upon the Wandering Horse and the items that you have on your account. All of these can possibly be won with NO PASSES spent on the promo itself, however, you may need to spend other resources.

Ones that you can possibly get for free:

Blue Icarus

Blue Menelaus







Orange Tip

Poplar Admiral

Red Admiral

Spanish Moon


Tailed Jay

How to get each one:

(Level of difficulty to get it for free:
* = Easy
** = Medium
*** = Hard)

* Blue Icarus:
Objective: Donate horses to Ow - 12 points per horse donated
(It will take 5 donated horses to get this Wandering Horse.)

*** Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows .1 point per competition, which would equal 1,000 competitions to get this horse for free.)

*** Brimstone:
Objective: Open Horns of Plenty - 6 points per Horn of Plenty opened
(You would need to open 17 HoPs. HoPs can be won from Xanthos, but it is unlikely that you'd have so many in your inventory.)

* Daggerwing:
Objective: Give horses mashes - 10 points per mash used
(10 mashes required.)

** Death's-head:
Objective: Give apples to other players' horses - 1 point per apple donated
(100 apples required.)

* Dynamine:
Objective: Unlock Wandering Horses - 49 points per unlocked Wandering Horse
(100% free.)

* Glasswing:
Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day
(*Should* be 100% free, depending on length of promo. Will require you to log on for 17 days.)

*** Monarch
Objective: Remove the wings from Pegasi or winged Unicorns - 5 points per wing removed.
(Will require 20 de-wings.)

* Orange Tip
Objective: Donate items from the shop to your friends - 17 points per donated item
(Will require 6 gifts to friends.)

*** Poplar Admiral (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around 1 or 2 points per 30 minutes of foal games, which would equal around 1,500 or 3,000 minutes of foal games to get this horse for free. 25 to 50 hours of foal games.)

*** Red Admiral:
Objective: Take horses for rides (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around .2 points per 30 minutes of rides, which would equal around 15,000 minutes of rides to get this horse for free. 250 hours of rides.)

***Spanish Moon
Objective: Celebrate a horse's birthday when they reach age 30th - 20 points per horse
(It is unknown if the age will remain 30. The points per horse birthday will lower at the release.)

Objective: Stroke horses in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked
(100% free. Will require 17 strokes.)

**Tailed Jay
Objective: Have a horse give birth to unicorns - 12 points per unicorn born
(Will require 9 unicorn births. Twins unicorns count as two unicorns.)

Prizes that they give:

Blue Icarus
- 1 x Tractor, 50,000 equus

Blue Menelaus
- 1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Water of Youth, 1 x Nyx Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Bell boots, 5,000 equus, 1 x Black Orchid

- 100 x leather, 1 x 2** saddle cloth, 10 x APs

- 100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand

- 1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

- 1 x Zeus' Lighting Bolt, 1 x Harmony Pack (Use within 90 days.)

Orange Tip
- 1 x 3*** Classical Saddle, 1 x Spurs, 1 x Ploutos' Parchment

Poplar Admiral
- 50 x flax, 1 x 2** polo wraps, 1 x Croesus' Fortune

Red Admiral
- 1 x 2** ear bonnet, 1 x 3*** bridle, 1 x Apollo's Lyre

Spanish Moon
- 1 x Horseshoe Studs, 1 x 5th Element

- 10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack

Tailed Jay
- 20 x APs, 1 x Horn of Plenty (Use within 90 days.)

Retired breeder wrote:

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I think that's a good idea.

I'm wondering whether I need to hold on unlocking some even though they're available because the meters are going to fill up just from doing what I would be doing anyway. Some don't allow for as much control.


Here is my guide for this promo, using lyrael's calculations of 17 passes (11 pollen packs and 5 HOPs). Other players may use this if they want! default smiley (y)
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default smiley (b) For yellow pollen:
* Use 64 on Brimstone, then open 5 HOPs for the rest of the points
* Use 2 on Scribonia, then give pollen to other horses
~ Age 5 horses to 50 years for Spanish Moon

default smiley (b) For purple pollen:
* Use 66 on Orange Tip, then give 2 gifts to friends
* Use 66 on Poplar Admiral, then do foal games (I have 500 hours of games, but plenty of foals. Just unlock this one and see how far you get, but if you complete it before adding pollen then give to Orange Tip - Or you can split the pollen, whichever is easier for you.)
~ Give 10 mashes to horses for Daggerwing

default smiley (b) For red pollen:
* Use 66 on Blue Icarus, then donate 3 horses to Ow
~ Stroke 17 horses in the Safe Haven for Swallowtail
~ Log in for 17 days for Glasswing

default smiley (b) For blue pollen:
* Use 66 on Death's Head, then give 34 apples to other players' horses
~ Complete rides for Red Admiral (Again, I have 500 hours of rides but plenty of horses in training, so this shouldn't be a problem for me - But if you think you will struggle with this one, even though not everyone has 500 hours, then either split the pollen or use it on this horse instead. You can always buy apples - This is just the cheaper option.)

default smiley (b) For orange pollen:
* Use 66 on Monarch, then remove 7 pegasus/winged unicorn wings
~ Take part in competitions for Blue Menelaus (For me, I have 1000 comps.)
~ Birth 9 unicorns for Tailed Jay.
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