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Retired breeder wrote:

I read back a bit but can not seem to find an answer. What are Libra's perks?
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Besides the 5th element he offers a timed Medusa's Blood. We think it's on the 7th of every month. From Equideow: Balance vous offre un cadeau le 7 du mois (après la mise à jour quotidienne) à condition de vous être connecté au moins une fois dans les 3 jours qui précèdent : sang de méduse 1 x Sang de Méduse à utiliser dans les 90 jours.
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

I read back a bit but can not seem to find an answer. What are Libra's perks?

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From what I can remember, Libra gives its owner one 5th Element a year if they were born under that sign (same as the rest of the Zodiacs), and they also receive a timed M. Blood once a month, although I believe there is a log-in condition for that. Does someone perhaps know if that is true or false?
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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How often do the pass UFOs show up? The ones where if you click it and purchase passes within a certain amount of time, you get extra passes. Do we know approximately when the next batch of these will show up? I'm fairly sure they only occur on weekends about every 1-2 months, but could someone please verify or correct me?
The Fifth Queen
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

How often do the pass UFOs show up? The ones where if you click it and purchase passes within a certain amount of time, you get extra passes. Do we know approximately when the next batch of these will show up? I'm fairly sure they only occur on weekends about every 1-2 months, but could someone please verify or correct me?

They appear once a month - I'm thinking they may be here as early as next weekend, but it's never certain. We don't get any warning beforehand, so we can only guess and wait for them to reappear.
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

They appear once a month - I'm thinking they may be here as early as next weekend, but it's never certain. We don't get any warning beforehand, so we can only guess and wait for them to reappear.

Alright, thank you. ^^ Looks like I'll need to go grab some iTunes cards and stock up so I can purchase trough mobile.
The Fifth Queen
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By Retired breeder, 2nd September 2016 16:57:31
default smiley xd i do itunes too
I'm confused, can I get the w____ h____ without having to buy anything with passes, simply by fulfilling all of the tasks?
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・ wrote:

I'm confused, can I get the w____ h____ without having to buy anything with passes, simply by fulfilling all of the tasks?

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No, pollen needs to be purchased for one of them and it's likely you'll need to spend passes to buy that. Also, unless you have HOPs in stock, you'll need to purchase those too.
  • Posted messages: 8,717
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Does Libra breed to anyone to give a foal? Or is it even a girl? The name with the l just sounds like a girls name..
  • Posted messages: 7,473
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

Does Libra breed to anyone to give a foal? Or is it even a girl? The name with the l just sounds like a girls name..

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No she doesn't breed, but I believe it is a female. I don't believe the gender came through from French PreProd, and we won't find out for sure until international PreProd opens.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 3rd September 2016 10:49:17
anyone wining the wild in the GF?
By Retired breeder, 3rd September 2016 11:09:21
Retired breeder wrote:

anyone wining the wild in the GF?

me on the uk server... 1 try default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

anyone wining the wild in the GF?

took me about 10 GFs.
  • Posted messages: 280
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By Retired breeder, 3rd September 2016 15:37:55
Does anyone have a master post for the next promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have a master post for the next promo?

Check bibb's and disco's posts on the previous page.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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By Retired breeder, 3rd September 2016 15:40:47
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have a master post for the next promo?

There's one a few pages back
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have a master post for the next promo?
Yep, there are 3 posts on it on the previous page
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 3rd September 2016 16:03:24
on equidow the divine has changed in the tresure chest default smiley ;) has it changed here default smiley :d
Retired breeder wrote:

on equidow the divine has changed in the tresure chest default smiley ;) has it changed here default smiley :d

You mean the BMI? I'm still seeing Svadilfari offered... What has it changed to?
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Does anyone know when the Treasure Chest is planned to come back to this servers Black Market?

Thanks is advance
Golden Glyndwr
  • Posted messages: 17,554
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Golden Glyndwr wrote:

Does anyone know when the Treasure Chest is planned to come back to this servers Black Market?

Thanks is advance

No, we don't. It will 99% be available in this year's Christmas Packs, but those you need to buy with real money, not passes on the game.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Retired breeder wrote:

anyone wining the wild in the GF?

I won one on my second GF default smiley :)
Also can someone tell me what the treasure chests do? I seem to have forgotten :3
Poseidon's Trident
  • Posted messages: 1,086
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Treasure chests are just basically vamped up HOPs. You're guaranteed 2-3 BMIs as well as other prizes, and there's always a Divine found when you open one.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Didn't see it here yet.


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  • Posted messages: 318
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By Retired breeder, 4th September 2016 07:12:06
It is changing to earth... ive heard on equidow default smiley (7)
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