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By Retired breeder, 30th August 2016 19:15:42
Oh I didn't expect that coat color for Libra.
Here's hoping their promo isn't too tedious, I need that divine.
By Retired breeder, 30th August 2016 19:50:51
Things that you can get without the use of passes from the next promotion:
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The next promotion is the Wandering Horse promotion.
There are 16 Wandering Horses, and one divine.

To get the divine, you would need to spend passes. However, some of the Wandering horses you can get for no passes! That's right! **no passes**! They stay on your account for five days, and when they leave they give you some special gifts!

This post will cover what is needed to get the no pass Wandering Horses!

*** Disclaimer: Your ability to get these horses will differ upon the Wandering Horse and the items that you have on your account. All of these can possibly be won with NO PASSES spent on the promo itself, however, you may need to spend other resources.

Ones that you can possibly get for free:

Blue Icarus

Blue Menelaus







Orange Tip

Poplar Admiral

Red Admiral

Spanish Moon


Tailed Jay

How to get each one:

(Level of difficulty to get it for free:
* = Easy
** = Medium
*** = Hard)

* Blue Icarus:
Objective: Donate horses to Ow - 12 points per horse donated
(It will take 5 donated horses to get this Wandering Horse.)

*** Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows .1 point per competition, which would equal 1,000 competitions to get this horse for free.)

*** Brimstone:
Objective: Open Horns of Plenty - 6 points per Horn of Plenty opened
(You would need to open 17 HoPs. HoPs can be won from Xanthos, but it is unlikely that you'd have so many in your inventory.)

* Daggerwing:
Objective: Give horses mashes - 10 points per mash used
(10 mashes required.)

** Death's-head:
Objective: Give apples to other players' horses - 1 point per apple donated
(100 apples required.)

* Dynamine:
Objective: Unlock Wandering Horses - 49 points per unlocked Wandering Horse
(100% free.)

* Glasswing:
Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day
(*Should* be 100% free, depending on length of promo. Will require you to log on for 17 days.)

*** Monarch
Objective: Remove the wings from Pegasi or winged Unicorns - 5 points per wing removed.
(Will require 20 de-wings.)

* Orange Tip
Objective: Donate items from the shop to your friends - 17 points per donated item
(Will require 6 gifts to friends.)

*** Poplar Admiral (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around 1 or 2 points per 30 minutes of foal games, which would equal around 1,500 or 3,000 minutes of foal games to get this horse for free. 25 to 50 hours of foal games.)

*** Red Admiral:
Objective: Take horses for rides (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around .2 points per 30 minutes of rides, which would equal around 15,000 minutes of rides to get this horse for free. 250 hours of rides.)

***Spanish Moon
Objective: Celebrate a horse's birthday when they reach age 30th - 20 points per horse
(It is unknown if the age will remain 30. The points per horse birthday will lower at the release.)

Objective: Stroke horses in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked
(100% free. Will require 17 strokes.)

**Tailed Jay
Objective: Have a horse give birth to unicorns - 12 points per unicorn born
(Will require 9 unicorn births. Twins unicorns count as two unicorns.)

Prizes that they give:

Blue Icarus
- 1 x Tractor, 50,000 equus

Blue Menelaus
- 1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Water of Youth, 1 x Nyx Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Bell boots, 5,000 equus, 1 x Black Orchid

- 100 x leather, 1 x 2** saddle cloth, 10 x APs

- 100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand

- 1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

- 1 x Zeus' Lighting Bolt, 1 x Harmony Pack (Use within 90 days.)

Orange Tip
- 1 x 3*** Classical Saddle, 1 x Spurs, 1 x Ploutos' Parchment

Poplar Admiral
- 50 x flax, 1 x 2** polo wraps, 1 x Croesus' Fortune

Red Admiral
- 1 x 2** ear bonnet, 1 x 3*** bridle, 1 x Apollo's Lyre

Spanish Moon
- 1 x Horseshoe Studs, 1 x 5th Element

- 10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack

Tailed Jay
- 20 x APs, 1 x Horn of Plenty (Use within 90 days.)

By Retired breeder, 30th August 2016 19:51:14
W_H_ promo information part one:

Promo main page:

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How to play?

To get a Wandering Horse, collect points by:
performing the requested action as many times as needed or
by giving them the right color pollen (except for the horseAtlas).
When you get 100 points, the horse joins you in-game for 5 days with their present or presents!

You can get pollen:
*in UFOs
*by buying them with passes
Win the divine horse Ptah at the same time as Wandering HorseAtlas.

Ptah is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Bonus Pack
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Ptah's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

See a list of everyone who owns Ptah
Golden horseshoes:

You can also earn golden horseshoes for the Event trophy once you've collected:
1 Wandering Horse
6 Wandering Horses
11 Wandering Horses
16 Wandering Horses


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Blue Menelaus


Leopard Scribonia



Blue Icarus

Tailed Jay

Spanish Moon


Orange Tip


Red Admiral

Poplar Admiral


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Ptah is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Bonus Pack
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Ptah's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

Prize list:

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1 x Philotes' Stroke
1 x Medusa's Blood
1 x 100 x Carrot
1 x 5,000 Equus
1 x 1 x Fertility Wand
1 x Achilles' Heel
1 x Hera's Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Shower
1 x Themis' Scale
1 x Bonus Pack
1 x Horseshoe Studs
1 x The 5th Element
50 x Flax
1 x Pink 2** polo wraps
1 x Croesus' Fortune
100 x Leather
1 x Black and pink 2** Classical saddle cloth
20 x Aging point
1 x Tractor
1 x 3*** Classical Saddle
1 x Spurs
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
1 x Horn of Plenty
Use within 90 days.
1 x Black and pink 2** ear bonnet
1 x 3*** Classical Bridle
1 x Apollo's Lyre
1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt
1 x Harmony Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Nyx Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Bell boots
1 x Black Orchid
By Retired breeder, 30th August 2016 19:51:50
W_H_ promo information part two:

Gifts (thanks to lyrael for the others):
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100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand

10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack

1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

Blue Menelaus
1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

Leopard Scribonia
1 x Shower, 1 x Themis' Scale

Begin lyrael's post.
- Zeus' Lighting Bolt and timed Harmony Pack

Blue Icarus
- Tractor and 50,000 equus

Tailed Jay
- 20 APs and timed Horn of Plenty

Orange Tip
- 3*** Classical Saddle, Spurs and P.Parchment

Death's Head
- 100 x leather, 2** saddle cloth, 10 APs

- 10,000 equus and Bonus Pack

Red Admiral
- 2** bonnet, 3*** briddle, Apollo's Lyre

Poplar Admiral
- 50x flax, 2** polo wraps, Croesus' Fortune

- Bellboots, 5,000 equus and Black Orchid

- Water of Youth and timed Nyx Pack

Spanish Moon
- Horseshoe Studs, 5th Element

Timed items have limit of 90 days)
End lyrael's post.

1 x Ptah

All known objectives:
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Objective : Stroke a horse in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked

Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day

Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - 0.1 points per competition participation

Leopard Scribonia:
Objective: Donate pollen to other Wandering Horses - 0.3 points per bit of pollen donated

- Remove Pegasus or Winged Uni wings

Blue Icarus
- Donate horses to Ow

Tailed Jay
- Give birth to unicorns

Orange Tip
- Gift shop items to friends

Death's Head
- Give apples to other players' horses

- Stroke horses in Safe Haven

Red Admiral
- Take horses for rides

Poplar Admiral
- Do foal games

- Give mashes to horses

- Open Horns of Plenty

Spanish Moon
- Age horses to xx years (Live version's aging date is unknown.)

Objective: Get the other Wandering Horses - 7 points per Wandering Horse obtained


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After a very long time, the Wandering Horses are finally back!

Collect all 16 Butterfly Wandering Horses and win prizes!

There are 16 Wandering Horses, each representing a species of butterfly. Each Wandering Horse has a meter that can be filled by completing an objective or by a pollen donation of a certain color, depending on the horse.

The objectives can be repeated as many times as needed.

When the meter reaches 100 points, you get the Wandering Horse in your breeding farm for five days, as well as the prizes linked to it.

Warning: The birthday objective ("celebrate a horse's 30th birthday") will be higher on the live game.

Major differences compared to previous Wandering Horses contests

You no longer get points for the Wandering horses in the Horn of Plenty as previously. Now you have to use pollen (which can be purchased directly during special offers with pollen packs)

You can’t get all Wandering horses from the first day. You can unlock 3 on the first day (during the tutorial) + the Wandering horse giving the divine. The following horses will become available at a 2/day rate.

Before you unlock them, you can’t start collecting points for them.

Other players' posts on it:
luki20's post
SpeedySonic2's post
bibbs' post
Starry-Eyed's post
By Retired breeder, 30th August 2016 21:37:38
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So if the age gets higher than 30 year at the live event, does it mean we will probably have to buy a Sky Pack to get finish with that one?
Retired breeder wrote:

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So if the age gets higher than 30 year at the live event, does it mean we will probably have to buy a Sky Pack to get finish with that one?

Not necessarily;
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Horses don't have to be mortal - They can be immortal and celebrate a certain birthday, too. So a Cloud Pack won't be needed if you have several immortal horses that can reach the specified age.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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the Wandering Horse you get is unique to you.

What does this mean exactly?
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cheanut wrote:

What does this mean exactly?

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just that it's your own. It doesn't move on to anyone else's farm. Once it leaves yours it just goes back into pixel space
Legacy Ann
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Okay thanks bibbs.
  • Posted messages: 2,301
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Another question about the
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wandering horses, can you have more than one wandering horse at a time?
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cheanut wrote:

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wandering horses, can you have more than one wandering horse at a time?

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yes, otherwise there wouldn't be enough time to get them since one stays with you for 5 days. Though it appears we won't be able to unlock and get them all within the first couple days like we used. to. Looks like you can only unlock a few per day similar to what the potions are allowing us. You can read about what I mean in disco's post above in the "other" spoiler.

If you'd like, I'd suggest watching this video of a player testing out the Wandering Horses promo on pre-prod. She just goes straight through to give an idea of what it's like, so it won't be exactly like when the promo goes live, but it gives a good idea of how it works.
Legacy Ann
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Next prmo is

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The great challenge and the lottery.

Libra can be got with the TC level 6
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Spyder wrote:

Next prmo is

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The great challenge and the lottery.

Libra can be got with the TC level 6

Wow, already? default smiley :o I don't have any complaints, I'm just surprised it's back so soon. default smiley (lol)

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Since it's coming back already, I probably won't renew my VIP for tickets this time around... I might open a few TCs for tickets instead, and see what I come away with. default smiley (y)
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Some more info:
His perk:
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Il fait partie des chevaux astrologiques.
Balance vous offre un cadeau le 7 du mois (après la mise à jour quotidienne) à condition de vous être connecté au moins une fois dans les 3 jours qui précèdent : sang de méduse 1 x Sang de Méduse à utiliser dans les 90 jours.

Si vous êtes natif de ce signe, Balance vous offre 1 x Le 5ème Élément tous les ans, le jour de votre anniversaire, si vous vous connectez ce jour-là.

De plus, le 22 octobre, à l'heure de mise à jour du site, un cheval Balance est offert à un joueur parmi les natifs de ce signe.
En réunissant les 12 chevaux astrologiques, vous obtiendrez le cheval Serpentaire

Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu.

>>>>>Basically, it looks like Libra offers a timed Medusa's Blood, but I'm not sure when as google translates it to a"gift of 7 months (after the daily update )"

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Balance can be found in the Challenge of the Titans (level 6), from the start to the VIP and during the festivities for everyone.

(It looks like there are a few changes to it)
The Grand Challenge:

- Interface objectives / puzzle pieces
* In block targets, it displays the actual piece of the puzzle in place of the generic part.
* More animation shows the image of the puzzle piece to move to its place in the puzzle.
* All special offers are displayed instead of just the current one. This way there is no surprise.
- The distribution of gold chains (I believe this refers to the horseshoes) has also been changed:
* Iron gold 1: 1st goal directed (rather 9th)
* Iron Gold 2: 12th goal directed (instead du18ème)
* Iron or 3: 24th goal directed (instead of 27th)
* Iron or 4: 36th goal directed (instead of 36th)

The festivities

- You can offer raffle tickets to the same friend once a draw, not once over the duration of the raffle.

- A history of raffle tickets available to friends added.

- Gifts of the raffle were slightly changed, for greater diversity.

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man, what happened to the 75 aging points from the last 2 GC's??
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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Il fait partie des chevaux astrologiques.
Balance vous offre un cadeau le 7 du mois (après la mise à jour quotidienne) à condition de vous être connecté au moins une fois dans les 3 jours qui précèdent : sang de méduse 1 x Sang de Méduse à utiliser dans les 90 jours.

Si vous êtes natif de ce signe, Balance vous offre 1 x Le 5ème Élément tous les ans, le jour de votre anniversaire, si vous vous connectez ce jour-là.

De plus, le 22 octobre, à l'heure de mise à jour du site, un cheval Balance est offert à un joueur parmi les natifs de ce signe.
En réunissant les 12 chevaux astrologiques, vous obtiendrez le cheval Serpentaire

Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu.

>>>>>Basically, it looks like Libra offers a timed Medusa's Blood, but I'm not sure when as google translates it to a"gift of 7 months (after the daily update )"

I think L___'s perk is
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A timed Medusa's Blood on the 7th of every month, provided you have logged in within the past 3 days. default smiley (y)

Legacy Ann wrote:

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man, what happened to the 75 aging points from the last 2 GC's??

But man, that does suck... I rely on those a lot when this promo comes around-
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There will also be released

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Also released will be 10 Ow H Res for the--

10 new landscapes were added:
• Hidden objects: Wearing of Alexandria
• Hidden objects: Room of the treasures
• Hidden objects: Souk of Alexandria
• Hidden objects: Temple of Anubis
• Hidden objects: Ruins of the Nile
• Hidden objects: Oasis of the Queen Scarabée
• Hidden objects: Desert Without End
• Hidden objects: Camping of Bedouins
• Hidden objects: Souk of Cairo
• Cursed sands: Cursed sands
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

I think L___'s perk is
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A timed Medusa's Blood on the 7th of every month, provided you have logged in within the past 3 days. default smiley (y)

Oh, yeah. That would make sense wouldn't it?default smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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Spyder wrote:

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Also released will be 10 Ow H Res for the--

10 new landscapes were added:
• Hidden objects: Wearing of Alexandria
• Hidden objects: Room of the treasures
• Hidden objects: Souk of Alexandria
• Hidden objects: Temple of Anubis
• Hidden objects: Ruins of the Nile
• Hidden objects: Oasis of the Queen Scarabée
• Hidden objects: Desert Without End
• Hidden objects: Camping of Bedouins
• Hidden objects: Souk of Cairo
• Cursed sands: Cursed sands

YESSS!! I have been waiting for these!! These are why I wanted that whole item in the first place!! default smiley <:o)default smiley <:o)


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all of my Egyptian Divines will be able to have a nice Egypt-themed background!!
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Oh boy, having ____ back so soon will make up for sitting out on the dumb potions.
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By Retired breeder, 31st August 2016 16:38:37
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Well looks like I am not getting my sign. TC are just a massive gamble and honestly not worth the risk. default smiley :( Never mind.
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2016 18:00:53
Okay L____'s perk is a little lackluster. But it's my sign so I need to try to get it. But I am surprised the G____ C________ is back so soon.
Same Epona's Loyalty.

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just too expensive - I might have been tempted had he/she been better looking.
Guess we'll be waiting for reserved sales some time into the future default smiley :'(
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Retired breeder wrote:

kay L____'s perk is a little lackluster. But it's my sign so I need to try to get it. But I am surprised the G____ C________ is back so soon.

Is my sign also but not one bit interested. I will be renewing my VIP status in the month of October though. default smiley :)
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I'm not sure if I find it...equivalent, I guess? that some Zodiacs are found in differing luck items and some by completing the promo itself.
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Especially when it comes to the Titan's Challenge (2 passes) vs. a Horn of Plenty (1 pass). I've always wondered if a T.C is harder to get a divine in compared to a HoP or Golden Fleece. The last 2 you just click and open so you know right off whether you won the divine or not. Compared to a T.C that you have to not only open, but then hope you get to a high enough level. And there is the pass difference between the items as well.

If anyone has the figures for the number of GFs and HoPs you had to open in the Great Challenges for Aquarius and Cancer respectively until they would appear in the reserved sales I'd be interested to compare the pass usage.

For regular divines this wouldn't be a big deal, but since the Zodiacs perhaps feel more special to players because of their birth sign, it just seems odd that some appear easier to get than others and some get an extra perk.
Legacy Ann
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

Wow, already? default smiley :o I don't have any complaints, I'm just surprised it's back so soon.

I think they are running out of ideas, I truly am.default smiley :$
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