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Sounds good. I'll drink my coke and go back to roleplaying.

Giving stuff away - doesn't always have to do with working for what you have. It also has to do with having a soul and making someone happy. It was the happiet day of my Howrse life when I got my DA. First and last give away I ever won on this game.
Second happiest was when a quitting player gave me 50k and a pass. And a unicorn stally I value very much now.
I gave the 50k. GAVE the 50k to someone. A close friend here to help with her team. No regrets. I had a heart and made someone ecstatic. It felt amazing.

We will figure all of this out when things come out. I'll continue to have fun whete my imagination can run wild.
Goodnight folks.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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I may not be a pass buyer, but I do work. I bash pinatas like a fiend. I give tickets to ALL my friends. Every single one. Don't keep track of what they do back because it doesn't matter to me. I built up my EC and my horses from nothing, with the help of now departed friends. For over the first 18 months of playing I had very little time to play. Now I do. If any friend wants something, from donated APs to whatever, I will do it. Silly me. I guess that makes me one of those whiners who wants everything for free.

Until ubisoft shows respect to the players by letting us know before they make the changes, and at least listens to us, I am not giving ubisoft the benefit of the doubt. Their reputation preceded this change.

Hey, if you love the game, love all the changes, if you feel that ubisoft can do no wrong, BULLY FOR YOU.

I base my opinions on their past performance. Those of you who have adored all the changes, I'm sure you'll love this. And more players will lose interest, more will drop out or play less.

As we've seen in the past. But why bother learning history?

It just keeps repeating. Oh well, I need to spend more time writing. Without the monthly GA I will go back to a few minutes at day, at most. No more pinata bashing, no more lotter tickets for anyone.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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As I just said,

I think. That we should all take a breather. Step away from the device you're on, maybe get a drink, look at the sky, play with your pet, whatever you do to calm down.

And then come back and put the useless arguments aside.


We don't know much right now. We've all probably formed out first impression opinions. Arguing amongst ourselves will change literally nothing. So please, let's stop. When PreProd opens, those who get onto it will probably have more of an influence on what happens with this change. Until International PreProd opens, we have to wait.

And before anyone comes in saying that only VIPs and pass buyers and people with overly optimistic views will only get through, that's not how it works. Yes there are certain slots reserved to VIPs, but Ow also invites other players of all seniorities to test as well.

Let's just cool it before we all get told off and/or warned.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Stop stirring the pot, then, and allow others to say as they wish.

That is as simple a request as I can make.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Let's look at the few facts we have. You need 300 points in a month to get a chance to play a game to get the pass. That means you might make it up to 290, say, and run out of time. Miss a single day, sorry, no pass. And since we don't know what the objectives are, it may very well end up that you have an objective you can't do or won't do (such as spam my fb friends, dewing, dehorn, sell a horse) and all of the work you put in is gone. Now, this is how a carnie huckster hooks you. Makes it easy at first, then the last task is made very difficult, and you're so close, you'll do just about anything .. .. this is the main motivator in any number of games, online and offline, it's no big thing. So say that you've gotten all the objectives, and on day 30, you lose your internet. Happened to me the last day of the Pinata promo, but luckily, I'd opened the last pinata I was aiming at, so I didn't lose all the work I'd done. Turns out that my ISP was having problems due to server overloads because of a local strike by Verizon.

Now, if ubisoft doesn't want us to speculate about the changes, it would be simple enough to simply post what it will be, not just send a cryptic message in the mail. Transparency never hurts the honest and upfront.

I mean, isn't speculation what this particular thread is about, anyway . ... so where is the problem here?
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Dude, you're 'stirring the pot' right now. Please just stop.

You've said your piece (practically rammed it down our throats-) and it's obvious that no one will sway you on your opinion, and you won't sway anyone. So just stop, before a mod comes in here and does start dishing out punishment.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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I am not a dude, and you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of.

Are you going to complain about me to the mods? Please take your own advice and step away from the keyboard.

Or better yet, ask them to put in a block function if you find you can't help yourself from doing unto others.

Look, here's the deal. If you think it's all great, and that's how it works for you, GREAT!

But why not let folks vent? As I said, all Ubisoft has to do to stop all the speculating is to tell us what is going to happen. Give us a chance to get used to it. As they did with the many EC changes.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

But why not let folks vent?

Because this thread isn't for ranting and raving or cramming ones opinion down someone else's throat, which is what you're doing. Actually, ranting and raving isn't allowed in ANY public forum.

This thread is merely for discussing possible additions to the game.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
  • Posted messages: 30,374
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

I am not a dude, and you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of.

Are you going to complain about me to the mods? Please take your own advice and step away from the keyboard.

Or better yet, ask them to put in a block function if you find you can't help yourself from doing unto others.

Look, here's the deal. If you think it's all great, and that's how it works for you, GREAT!

But why not let folks vent? As I said, all Ubisoft has to do to stop all the speculating is to tell us what is going to happen. Give us a chance to get used to it. As they did with the many EC changes.

I have to agree with starry97..

Chances are they will tell use exactly what is going on when the changes are ready to be added.. just be glad we get a chance at free stuff
  • Posted messages: 3,435
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So if your OPINION is that i am ranting and raving, realize that could also be applied to those who "rant and rave" about "ranting and raving" Which makes you a metaranter, I suppose, ranting about ranting . ..

We are discussing a REAL ADDITION to the game. And how can I cram anything down your throat? YOu don't have to read my opinions. You don't have to agree with what I say. You are free to say what you want. But when you try to shut down the opinions you disagree with, that is a problem, to me.

Like I keep saying, a simple block function would make it all go away, and you can play in your safe space.

You might want to ask yourself why you are so troubled by what I have written.

I miss my old friends. They were nice. I can see why they quit.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 01:21:57
tiggrrrsf wrote:

But why not let folks vent

I don't know why I'm involving myself in this argument, but I'm only doing so this once.
This is not the place for folks to vent, that's why multiple people have warned those who are venting to stop. Not a single one of us (at least, I hope) want to see this topic locked and those who continue venting here are not following the forum rules for this topic. And from what I've seen, continuous ignoring/disregarding/whatever you want to call it of the rules has resulted in mod warnings and/or topics being locked. So, please, everyone stop venting and let's let the matter drop until we have more confirmed and better translated into.
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 01:25:13
Little correction to my post --> Everyone who is venting, stop venting {etc.}
Not sure what I've happened upon here but quite honestly I'm sure it's best not to involve myself. Although I would like to know what exactly these changes are everyone seems to be ranting on about.
  • Posted messages: 1,321
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clearviatares2 wrote:

Although I would like to know what exactly these changes are everyone seems to be ranting on about.

Just the new 30-day pass changes that everyone got a PM about. Nobody really knows anything except you can get 10 points a day and need 300 points to get a free pass. It's sort of a war-zone over negative guesses versus positive guesses on how getting points will work.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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Wait? We have to get on all 30 days???? That's not possible with my family and the way they run!!
I hope they make it clear that we don't have to when it comes time. default smiley :o

I'm just curious how this will work out. I hope it works out I'm benefit of us who can't afford passes all day long/aren't VIPs, don't own unicorns, don't own pegasi.
Sort of like the objectives. I miss those things.
Plus. We really don't know all the details. But it's true that they should tell us what's happening since it's definite they are adding it to the game.

Hmm. Well. On the bright side. One thing I wished they would change is that when you go to use any of your BMIS, if you own one of what you are using, it comes up first and not your passes. I've lost a ton of passes to not paying attention to that. Because I thought I was using the BMI i had. Not the passes I was saving up.

That's a realistic change I've heard people complain about before. I wouldn't mind that.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

So if your OPINION is that i am ranting and raving, realize that could also be applied to those who "rant and rave" about "ranting and raving" Which makes you a metaranter, I suppose, ranting about ranting . ..

We are discussing a REAL ADDITION to the game. And how can I cram anything down your throat? YOu don't have to read my opinions. You don't have to agree with what I say. You are free to say what you want. But when you try to shut down the opinions you disagree with, that is a problem, to me.

Like I keep saying, a simple block function would make it all go away, and you can play in your safe space.

You might want to ask yourself why you are so troubled by what I have written.

I miss my old friends. They were nice. I can see why they quit.

You aren't having a discussion you are getting angry and ranting all while ignoring what other users are saying.

If you chilled out and relaxed a bit then people would be more willing to see your side of the conversation.

Remember this is a change happening on a game and won't really impact life outside of the game so it isn't worth being angry about.
  • Posted messages: 3,435
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I don't have a life outside this game lol.
Moving over to the RC Forum... where things are civil and simple.
We shall see what happens come July. Who was right and who was wrong.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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And it it's all good and everyone is happy, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. But if I'm right . ... my main point is why not let us know what the changes are ahead of time? Like they did with the eC changes. Gave us all time to readjust our game. I didn't like those changes but I did adapt. That's all I'm asking. But there are some players who will get shut out because not everyone has access every day. Some of us take days offline. Yes it's true! There are even people who (quel horreur!) aren't online at all! And some who don't want to be! Shocking, isn't it? default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Sarah745 wrote:

I hope it works out I'm benefit of us who can't afford passes all day long/aren't VIPs, don't own unicorns, don't own pegasi.

I'm sure it will be achievable for all players as lately changes (liked or not) actually are making the game much easier.

Sarah745 wrote:

One thing I wished they would change is that when you go to use any of your BMIS, if you own one of what you are using, it comes up first and not your passes. I've lost a ton of passes to not paying attention to that. Because I thought I was using the BMI i had. Not the passes I was saving up.

Been there, done that. default smiley (lol) Many times. Used a pass over an item then panicked due to being a pass or 2 short of being able to renew my VIP. default smiley xd Now I just don't use BMIs that often.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

And it it's all good and everyone is happy, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. But if I'm right . ... my main point is why not let us know what the changes are ahead of time? Like they did with the eC changes. Gave us all time to readjust our game. I didn't like those changes but I did adapt. That's all I'm asking. But there are some players who will get shut out because not everyone has access every day. Some of us take days offline. Yes it's true! There are even people who (quel horreur!) aren't online at all! And some who don't want to be! Shocking, isn't it? default smiley :o

The biggest thing about the EC changes was having to pay for employers. I strongly dislike that part because it only gives the benefit to the pass buyers whereas before the changes anyone could have them as long as they had the seniority. And you paid with equus. Not passes.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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Kachar, how can you objectively state you know my subjective emotional state? You don't know me. That assumpion is all you, what Freud called "projection" and it really is about what you feel, since you can't know what I feel. I have not personally attacked anyone here, yet I am being attacked personally. No, I won't complain, but I am aware that many of you will.

Which says it all.

Think about it.

In truth, I am not angry, just amused. If only you could read my mind! default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Sarah745 wrote:

it only gives the benefit to the pass buyers

That's not totally true because players who take advantage of other ways to get passes can also benefit from them. That being said, I get 30+ passes each month (from pass horses, selling horses and partner offers) but don't use the EC employees so technically I choose not to benefit from them.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 01:50:30
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Kachar, how can you objectively state you know my subjective emotional state?

There isn't a need to get worked up about it, what I suggest is just ignoring those around you.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but there is a certain point where we need to draw a line.

If we all just concentrate on the actual additional features coming, and all keep it friendly then we won't have these conflicting arguments between one another, yes, they are arguments.

Now, for me personally, I think the 30 day pass change should stay the way it is, however, in saying this, those who do use this feature often, like me, I may find it quite entertaining and be more determined to complete objectives, or whatever is thrown at me to be able to get that 1 pass. Also might give me something else to do except browse the forums and sales.

*Please remain Polite with each other* is one of the main things written at the main post.
Having a go at each other, although it may seem like that isn't the case,can actually hurt someones feelings.
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 02:05:11
If the 10 point a day, 300 a month system is correct, then what about those who may not have internet for a day or two but are active players who play as much as they can?

This, is one of the downfalls I see and where a lot of argument is going to appear.
12 passes a year from the 30 day reserve, you need to log on every day in order to get a pass every 30 days anyway, so what is the point in *rewarding our most active players?*

This is going to be such a downgrade, at least bump that 1 pass offered to 2, now that's a change I will be willing to support with the added points in order to achieve it.
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Kachar, how can you objectively state you know my subjective emotional state? You don't know me. That assumpion is all you, what Freud called "projection" and it really is about what you feel, since you can't know what I feel. I have not personally attacked anyone here, yet I am being attacked personally. No, I won't complain, but I am aware that many of you will.

Which says it all.

Think about it.

In truth, I am not angry, just amused. If only you could read my mind! default smiley xd

I based my assumption of your mood on the way you were typing and ranting. If this assumption is incorrect then I apologize however you do seem quiet mad.

I never stated that you did attack anyone just that you should relax and not get so worked up about changes to a game..

That being said I am going to refill my popcorn and return to just lurking in the forum. default smiley (m)
  • Posted messages: 3,435
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