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Nalu93 wrote:

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the bar it's at 100% the pass is free default smiley :)

How come I don't see a bar on my pass page???
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Koda58 wrote:

How come I don't see a bar on my pass page???

Because the changes haven't happened yet.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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Why does there have to be a mini game? If we get the pass at 300 points I don't see the use? It's basically going to be another waste of time and makes it hard for those of us on Mobile or with slow connections.
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Sarah745 wrote:

That's a realistic change I've heard people complain about before. I wouldn't mind that.

Players have complained about many things.

I still remember the multitude of unhappy people when the two reserves were put together and the resultant merge caused a lot of people to lose the option of their monthly pass as it would be too costly.

Over and over we had asked for Howrse to give us other options.

So it now looks like they have and I can now actually be able to get this pass after years of not really having the option ( unless I wanted to pay something like 8-10 million e for it).

I am happy with this change.default smiley :)default smiley :)
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Sarah745 wrote:

Why does there have to be a mini game? If we get the pass at 300 points I don't see the use? It's basically going to be another waste of time and makes it hard for those of us on Mobile or with slow connections.

The "mini game" is just something like groom a horse, or post on the forums. Or so I have heard by going through 5 servers worth of spoiler topics to make sure.
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Spyder wrote:

So it now looks like they have and I can now actually be able to get this pass after years of not really having the option ( unless I wanted to pay something like 8-10 million e for it).

Have you not wanted to do wheat bran banking? Even if I'll no longer need to use it for my reserve pass I'll still use to keep my covering fees low
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 16:39:02
Spyder wrote:

So it now looks like they have and I can now actually be able to get this pass after years of not really having the option ( unless I wanted to pay something like 8-10 million e for it).

The only reason I get my monthly pass is I change my 3 million e into wheat bran....

I'm interested to see what this new change will be.
It took me forever to reach 1 mil. And by the time I did. It's useless in the economy. I raise cattle in my fields and sell all the leather for my profit. And my apples too.
The pass system needed to be changed. But I'm just thinking that this isn't going to be a good way to change it to.

Seems like only the rich are happy about it. Anybody with more than 500k basically. They should have just put a price cap on it. Like 80k or 100k.
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 17:13:23
Monthly passes don't have to cost you a lot, Sarah, if you bank in Wheat Bran.
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does it matter which gemini cancer breeds with??
not sure if thats a spoiler but just to be safe
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 18:01:58
sprygirl10 wrote:

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does it matter which gemini cancer breeds with??
not sure if thats a spoiler but just to be safe

Yes it does.
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 18:02:17
sprygirl10 wrote:

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does it matter which gemini cancer breeds with??
not sure if thats a spoiler but just to be safe

Sorry...thought you meant Zodiac...no it doesn't.
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So in order to get Leo, i need to get Cancer and use the public covers to give birth to Leo?
♥ LeondreIsBae ♥
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♥ LeondreIsBae ♥ wrote:

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So in order to get Leo, i need to get Cancer and use the public covers to give birth to Leo?

If you don't have Gemini, yes.
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Sarah745 wrote:

I raise cattle in my fields and sell all the leather for my profit.

This is the least profitable way of earning equs.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Sarah745 wrote:

Seems like only the rich are happy about it. Anybody with more than 500k basically. They should have just put a price cap on it. Like 80k or 100k.

Even 80k or 100k can be a lot for some players though, especially when that equus can maybe be put towards something else. I think the major reason for bringing in the new system is to prevent multi-accounting, which can easily be done with any amount of equus.

I'm bringing forward Anap's post about how you (most likely) gain points for the upcoming pass system, because it sounds like it's really not going to be that hard to get your monthly pass.

Retired breeder wrote:

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There is no list of actions, but nothing like giving a horse to Ow etc. You just need to work a few horses (basic training and competitions included based on what I experienced, but that's not for sure).

Don't think about it too much, just play as you normally do on the first day and you'll see how much you win on the next one. If you have 10 points, perfect, if you have less, try and see what you can change -if need be- to earn 10 points. It probably won't be much or cost you more than a few more clics. default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Have you not wanted to do wheat bran banking? Even if I'll no longer need to use it for my reserve pass I'll still use to keep my covering fees low

Not with 100,000,000. I can store more in other ways if I want to.

12 passes a year is not going to break me so while I refused to pay 10 million for 1 pass this option makes it open for me to get an extra 1 per month with doing no more than what I am doing now. I rarely breed so even paying 2,500 vet fees does not make a dent in my total.default smiley ^)

I add about 3-4 million e to my reserve per month by doing very very little work.default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Spyder - how do you add 3-4 million equus to your reserve every month? I struggle to earn equus because I spend most of it on my team and pass horses. As a non-pass buyer, having a decent amount of equus is important.

Does anyone know when the P____ G_____ promo will start?
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Solasta wrote:

Does anyone know when the P____ G_____ promo will start?

It may start tomorrow as promos tend to start on Thursdays, but it's unsure for definite. It could even be next week for all we know-
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 19:30:26
Solasta wrote:

Spyder - how do you add 3-4 million equus to your reserve every month? I struggle to earn equus because I spend most of it on my team and pass horses

Breed and sell horses, grow the wheat and flax cash crops and sell them. I also save up the resources from my EC and sell them on too. I manage to make more equus that way, but it may be different for you as you are part of a team and I am not. I also don't spend much on my pass horses, I just spend money on boarding them in ECs and breeding them. Even then, I don't breed my horses much.
has the new testing opened up on here yet
  • Posted messages: 2,506
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jabfromNC wrote:

has the new testing opened up on here yet

Nope, not yet. We don't know when that'll happen either, but I'm sure it'll open up soon.
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 19:37:30
Does your vet covering fee cost more if you have a higher reserve then?
Solasta wrote:

Spyder - how do you add 3-4 million equus to your reserve every month? I struggle to earn equus because I spend most of it on my team and pass horses. As a non-pass buyer, having a decent amount of equus is important.

First I am not on any team so don't have to throw anything that way to them but the key to making a ridiculous amount of equs is your workshops.

I have 5 large pastures raising longhorn cows and 1 large greenhouse raising carrots.

I sell any extra carrots over 20,000 that I keep for my EC ( 6 day grow period and pays 10 e per) that are in my inventory so about 30,000 every 6 days. This supplements my iron reserve.

The leather ( along with the iron) makes tack that I harvest every day. Over a period of a month it grows and each 30 days I sell the tack ( keeping what I need for my EC. Time involved is about 5 minutes a day--equs gained is ridiculous for the time and resources invested.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 19:48:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Does your vet covering fee cost more if you have a higher reserve then?

Vet coverings are 1% of your total reserve, so the higher the reserve the more they cost.
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