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Vampirehorse wrote:

Is Shutterfly ever going to come back?

We don't know; there's been no word on it. But I wouldn't assume so. While Shutterfly horses are rare, they're not as in demand or in the spotlight as DA horses.
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 15:41:05
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Hello everyone, just popping onto the int spoiler zone every now again :3

Im just wondering, I would like Leo because he is my star sign, so is he actually going to be born from cancer, or released in a promo?

Thanks default smiley (l)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Hello everyone, just popping onto the int spoiler zone every now again :3

Im just wondering, I would like Leo because he is my star sign, so is he actually going to be born from cancer, or released in a promo?

Thanks default smiley (l)

He will be

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born from Cancer. However, the people who are Cancer who receive him at the end of the Cancer star sign term will get him as an adult with Ouranos and Gaia as the parents.
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*Whoops made a mistake, I mean those who are

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Leos, not Cancer XD
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 15:55:28
Okay, thank you ^_^
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 16:09:36
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how much is the divine horse passes Libra about cost?
Retired breeder wrote:

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how much is the divine horse passes Libra about cost?

We don't know anything about that Zodiac yet, or which promotion it will come in.
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I'm just going to cover some bases before questions are re-asked yet again.
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Info about Cancer and her foal Leo, along with info about the Great Challenge are back a few pages, just take some time to look for it.

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We know nothing about Virgo or Libra. No clue on what they look like, how many passes for them, or what promo they are in. There is no info.

3) Nobody knows anything about divines/wilds/etc in the sales/luck items. It's random and we never know what's coming back when.
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 17:23:02
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Does anyone know when the next promo will start? Sorry if the answer is obvious.
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 17:34:05
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know when the next promo will start? Sorry if the answer is obvious.

We never really know... Could be 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks...
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know when the next promo will start? Sorry if the answer is obvious.
Most promos typically start on the Thursday following the end of the previous promo, so it *could likely* start this Thursday. Or they could throw us a curve ball and start at another time
Legacy Ann
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What would the next promo be does anyone know
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 17:59:23
obsidian wrote:

What would the next promo be does anyone know

This has been answered so many times. Please read over the last few pages.
Info on upcoming promos/divines(*please* remember that we *never* know what divine will be offered in any luck item or reserved sale or when. It's a surprise). The links I provided are the player's posts I have bookmarked, so there might be a couple posts I may have missed that added a few other things

The next promo and divine: P___G___promo
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Here is a link to disco513's Plant Growing Promo post. This is the only post I have bookmarked about it but there are a few others posted
The divine is: Egyptian divine Amun.
His treasure chest offerings:
1 x Golden Fleece
1* Polo Wraps
and skill points

The promo after that and divine: G___C___
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The Great Challenge will follow the Plant Growing promo.
Spyder's GC images is the only post I have bookmarked about the GC, but if you've been through one before, then you get the general gist, though this time the divine will be in HOPs, instead of the Golden Fleece(I don't have the page bookmarked where I saw this info, so my apologies for not sourcing it)
The Zodiac divine Cancer will be the prize, and she will breed with Gemini to give birth to Leo. A link to Anap's post about their perks, though aside from the birthday 5th element they don't really have a perk if you aren't born under their sign.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2016 19:18:45
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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Cancer will be in HOPs during the Great Challenge and Lottery promo, after the Plant Growing promo.

Because Cancer is in the HOPs, it isn't really possible to come up with a minimum/maximum range of passes that could be spent. I don't think it is known yet if she will come into the reserved sales after a certain number of tries with HOPs - I haven't seen anything else about that recently, and because Pre-Prod hasn't started yet we aren't able to test that out for now.

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I think I might get Cancer....although it's not even my sign! default smiley xd
When are the Wandering Horses coming back?
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Vampirehorse wrote:

When are the Wandering Horses coming back?

Have a look at my last post and bibbs last post. The answer to your question (one that is re-asked pretty much every page) is in both of those posts.
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Hello Everyone,

We are writing today to apprise you that near the beginning of July, we will be implementing some changes to the ability to purchase a pass using your reserves. When the changes arrive, it will no longer be solely based on your seniority but also on your game.

If you play regularly, you have no need to worry as you will still be able to get one pass every 30 days. We are making this change because we'd like to reward our active players.

Best Regards,

The Howrse Team

anyone have any idea what this means?
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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Hello Everyone,

We are writing today to apprise you that near the beginning of July, we will be implementing some changes to the ability to purchase a pass using your reserves. When the changes arrive, it will no longer be solely based on your seniority but also on your game.

If you play regularly, you have no need to worry as you will still be able to get one pass every 30 days. We are making this change because we'd like to reward our active players.

Best Regards,

The Howrse Team

anyone have any idea what this means?

Nope. It's the first I've heard of it. (And I'm not sure that needs a spoiler since presumably it was sent to everyone-)

But I'm sure we'll get more info from Howrse closer to the launch date.
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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2016 12:49:43
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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Hello Everyone,

We are writing today to apprise you that near the beginning of July, we will be implementing some changes to the ability to purchase a pass using your reserves. When the changes arrive, it will no longer be solely based on your seniority but also on your game.

If you play regularly, you have no need to worry as you will still be able to get one pass every 30 days. We are making this change because we'd like to reward our active players.

Best Regards,

The Howrse Team

This has been live on Equiedow for awhile already. Putting this behind spoiler just in case.
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There's a bar on the pass page that fills up, up to 300 points. Once you have reached 300 points you can buy the pass. The pass page just says the bar is updated every day, based on the actions you do on the game, but there's no detailed info what actions affect it and how. There might be something more in the change log, I can try to dig that up later if I remember.
Lyrael, do you have any screen shots as to what it looks like please?
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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2016 13:14:10
mewichigo wrote:

Lyrael, do you have any screen shots as to what it looks like please?

Here you go.
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I'm not sure how I've earned 18 points, as I haven't really been paying attention. I mostly just go there to maintain my EC these days.
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Whoo-hoo! I am so going to save up HOP' s and Diamonds for the GC! Let's hope I can remind myself to do it everyday! But, today done.
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Lyrael, will it still be with 20% of the reserve? Or did they change that too? Thanks for sharing the info, by the way!
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Lyrael, will it still be with 20% of the reserve? Or did they change that too? Thanks for sharing the info, by the way!

No, once
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the bar it's at 100% the pass is free default smiley :)
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