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By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 19:53:06
I didn't even know! default smiley (lol) Looks like I'll be buying some bran default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2016 21:33:36
Retired breeder wrote:

I didn't even know! default smiley (lol) Looks like I'll be buying some bran default smiley xd

Also, if you put in 100k of it and press buy as fast as you can, depending on your connection, you can store up to 300k in one sitting, saves a lot of time and you get through your Equus faster.
Gotta be fast on those mouse clicks though. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 00:42:49
Retired breeder wrote:

Also, if you put in 100k of it and press buy as fast as you can, depending on your connection, you can store up to 300k in one sitting, saves a lot of time and you get through your Equus faster.
Gotta be fast on those mouse clicks though.

thank for that! I've always bought bran but I always found it took forever when I had a lot of equus.
Omg. Leo has to be my favourite looking zodiac divine yet
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Sunny12810 wrote:

Omg. Leo has to be my favourite looking zodiac divine yet

He does look really good!
I haven't checked this in a while and came to see what the next promo's going to be. Have we had the P__G__ promo before? I can't remember.

It also looks like I just missed the party a couple pages back...
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 02:29:14
horsetail9910 wrote:

Have we had the P__G__ promo before?

Yes, we have had one before. default smiley :)
Thank you for answering, zephyrus. I must've been on my Howrse break at the time, then.
Was it relatively easy to do? (An example of "easy" for me would be like logging in and competing 2x to get Cards for that promo.) I'm just curious.
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how does this work?
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nvm I got it default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 552
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 02:55:15
horsetail9910 wrote:

Thank you for answering, zephyrus. I must've been on my Howrse break at the time, then.
Was it relatively easy to do? (An example of "easy" for me would be like logging in and competing 2x to get Cards for that promo.) I'm just curious.

You get water when you log in and p_____ grow daily after the update. There are objectives you can dodefault smiley (y)
OK, thank you so much, jennosaur!
  • Posted messages: 356
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i wasnt active when the Zodiac promo started.. do you think when the time comes of the year that the zodiacs of that month with be released again. (it was really hard for my to put this in words, i could think of it but i couldnt type it) default smiley (lol)
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sprygirl10 wrote:

i wasnt active when the Zodiac promo started.. do you think when the time comes of the year that the zodiacs of that month with be released again. (it was really hard for my to put this in words, i could think of it but i couldnt type it) default smiley (lol)

If I understood your question correctly, you are asking if the zodiacs will be re-released at some point? That is likely to happen eventually but we don't know when or how they will be brought back.
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thanks Azure Iron
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 07:21:16
Just a question, but if the promo started today, would it start at the daily update, or after it, considering it takes 3 hours.
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 07:40:46
Wasn't the promo supposed to start today?
Don't they start at the update?

(I'm not usually on this early... I'm going to the airport to fly to Disney in a n hourdefault smiley :d)
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 07:57:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Wasn't the promo supposed to start today?
Don't they start at the update?

It wasn't "supposed" to, we only speculated and guessed that it might.

They normally start for me around 1:00pm, which is in an hour. Not at the update time...
Retired breeder wrote:

Wasn't the promo supposed to start today?
Don't they start at the update?

I am keeping fingers crossed for at least a week without a promo...default smiley *-)default smiley *-)default smiley *-)

Will be on my toes for the next 4 hours, updates have been know also to start 5/6 hours after the update (accordingly to everyones' timezone that is, for me it's either at update, or at 3 pm GMT+2)
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I guess I was asking too much.... default smiley :'(default smiley :'(default smiley :'(
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By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 09:32:36
Any information of Virgo?
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 09:38:50
Retired breeder wrote:

Any information of Virgo?

Not that I would know too much myself, but from earlier posts, I don't think anyone knows anything about Virgo, although I am looking forwards too it!
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 09:57:53
I am guessing the next divines we'll get info on are
Click to display
Sekhmet (looking forward to her! default smiley :d ) and then probably Virgo and possibly Libra, if Libra is born from Virgo. We'll just have to wait and see.
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2016 10:10:44
Retired breeder wrote:

Any information of Virgo?

Probably not for a few weeks at least. We only just learnt about the next two.
Not a huge fan of this promo already.
Why can't I plant the seeds that give better prizes even though they're showing up?
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Have you not wanted to do wheat bran banking? Even if I'll no longer need to use it for my reserve pass I'll still use to keep my covering fees low

Me too ^_^
I have 65 million equus worth of fodder on the main account I play on default smiley xd
Worked out that over the years I have saved 48 million equus in vet fees by keeping my reserve under 10,000e. Not a bad deal in exchange for having a lousy wealth ranking imo.
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