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I quite understand the fear of what ubisoft will do. Many of their changes have not been "good" for many, if not most, of the players. Like the nonstop promos, the time limited bmis as prizes. The game has changed for the worse since I started. I can't play my game, I have to do what the promos want, and now, what the new points system wants me to do. And please, no griefing about how "I don't have to do it." Yeah, about a hundred of my old friends who helped me get started dropped the game completely. I used to love developing and showing horseses, but I can't compete because I am not on a team. At the same time, it's very difficult to get established so new players drop out quickly. I started a USA account to find out what it was like, and even though I know the game pretty well, I would NOT stick around with the new rules, it's just no fun. Just try getting your EC started now, it was a lot easier with seperate accounts. The old objectives were great, IMO. I'm here for the art, I gave up "competing" in every aspect, because I can't. What I'm afraid of, and reasonably so, is that the "tasks" we are given will be impossible or very difficult, like dehorning, dewinging, "donating" horses, etc, and may well be impossible for the new players.

The very least they could do is spell out what the changes are. Why all the mystery? Why not tell us and get some feedback before we have the only option of not playing?

If you want money from me, I have a suggestion. I would pay a good sum if I could download my horses with their lovely GA coats and a library of HRs and I could play with them to my heart's content, put them on my computer and use the lovely art as wallpaper.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
  • Karma: 10 points
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

I'm not definite, but I think Starry meant that there aren't limited points to give to select players a day over others. So nobody would need to compete since we all have a chance to get those ten points, and nobody would be left without any points for completing the objectives later than other players.

Yup! Thanks bab for reading and understanding what I meant!

And Dina, please leave me alone. Do not comment on my posts, do not reply, just don't interact with me at all in any way, shape or form. Okay? That'll be better for everyone.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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I've been asking that Howrse have a block function, similar to what they have on fb, on yahoo, on google, and on all of the games and chat rooms I used to love (but are now departed, nothing lasts on the net). I can't stand the "middle school popular girl's lunchtable" approach of some players with their comments.

It's simple, it works, and it's a cheap fix to make from the coder's side.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
  • Karma: 10 points
tiggrrrsf wrote:

What I'm afraid of, and reasonably so, is that the "tasks" we are given will be impossible or very difficult, like dehorning, dewinging, "donating" horses, etc, and may well be impossible for the new players.

I'm pretty sure that the objectives won't be /that/ extreme. I'm sure howrse are taking new and more casual players into account, so objectives will most likely just involve taking care of horses, congratulating players, etc- Just something that people may not want to do on any extra accounts if they have any, since it would take more time just for that one extra pass in comparison to just logging in and out for the day.

Besides, since unicorns and some horses are usually worth at least a pass most often than not, it wouldn't really make sense to me to have an objective that would cost a pass to gain one, or cost us a lot of equus when they probably want to help us save our game money and use it for other things in the game.

tiggrrrsf wrote:

I quite understand the fear of what ubisoft will do.

tiggrrrsf wrote:

If you want money from me, I have a suggestion.

I'm sure we'll have more information on it soon, but I personally don't think that this is a 'plot' or anything by either Ubisoft or Howrse to get more money from us in any way. If anything, it sounds like they are trying to help us (by saving our equus and by preventing multiple accounts/cheating from some players). If the objectives do end up being a little more extreme, then I'm sure there will be enough players to (hopefully) talk howrse into making things simpler for said newer/casual players.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
  • Karma: 10 points
Legacy Ann wrote:

Click to display

On the page of the pass , you can discover the gauge of the hard pass . This gauge increases depending on your actions on the game of 10 points per day at most , to a total of 300 points. Playing normally , you will see this gauge climb gradually.
Once completed the gauge , go to the page of the past and playing a mini-game. You receive the pass when you pass the mini-game. If you fail the mini-game , you can repeat as many times as necessary.

If you do not log or do not share about the game, your gauge will not move.
By driving up your gauge of 10 points per day , you will get your pass after 30 days.
If you do not obtain enough shares to 10 points / day you can get less. For example 3 points the first day , 9 points to the second day will make you so 12 points in total.
Co-management does not raise the gauge.
The actions that drive up the gauge are kept secret.

Did anyone notice that it says "or do not share about the game" as one of the two absolute requirements for moving the gauge? Does this mean inviting other people you know (spamming their emails) and sharing things to clutter your social media, or is it a more friendly 'post in the Howrse forums' type of thing? I'm worried...
  • Posted messages: 918
  • Karma: 10 points
Raf's Mum wrote:

as no one knows what the point system is, and it could simply be logging in, working horses, entering comps etc etc....it seems a little extreme to be suggesting you can't possibly do it, when there is nothing to say what it is...

Starry-Eyed wrote:

They aren't going to make these impossible tasks. Like others have said, it will MOST LIKELY be things like working horses and entering competitions, which is stuff that you should be doing anyway if you're really playing the game?

I agree. If Howrse made getting a pass so difficult they would probably have an uprising. So as said above I would not expect a huge degree of difficulty.

agletdontforgetit wrote:

but just generally there was no reason to change the pass system (it has never ever been needed to change or really asked to be changed, though some players didn't like the 20% eques reserve fee- this was easily overcome.)

Yes so easily to overcome is why I refuse to pay 8 to 10 million to get 1 pass. I haven't gotten a pass from my reserve in over 2/3 years, but have contributed to this site all along with no reward ( at least this way).
  • Posted messages: 5,915
  • Karma: 10 points
are37 wrote:

Did anyone notice that it says "or do not share about the game" as one of the two absolute requirements for moving the gauge? Does this mean inviting other people you know (spamming their emails) and sharing things to clutter your social media, or is it a more friendly 'post in the Howrse forums' type of thing? I'm worried...

I think it's just a little error in translation. That line probably says something like 'If you do not log in or carry out the needed actions on your game, your gauge will not move'.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
  • Karma: 10 points
Even Dr. Phil knows that the best predictor of future performance is past performance. Therefore, I am very uneasy about what will happen. I foresee a bunch of really easy tasks, until you get to the top, then you get something like dehorn a uni, kill a horse, buy a horse, etc, things that I may not want to do. I REFUSE to spam my friends. I did suggest this game, back when I started, to a couple of friends from a game that got killed when it got bought. I would not recommend this game to anyone as it is now.

It would be very easy, and show respect for the players, to tell us NOW what the new rules are. The fact that they won't makes me think the worst.

Those of you who have the "pass system" down, who get free passes and other things from your extensive divines, who can afford to buy passes of course will love any changes, because it will, and you can quote me on this, cause even more players to drop out, and drive away more new players. You experts, in the breeding groups and the VIP accounts, sure you'll have no trouble, but that's only some of the players. And you will go along to get along.

See "The Sunk Cost Effect"

Until the number of players goes below "critical mass" and the game is killed.

Might I suggest that ubisoft take all of the changes and just start a new game?
  • Posted messages: 3,334
  • Karma: 10 points
Gee I hope we don't have to share this game on social media. Cuz that's not happening. I don't even have more than a FB. And I'm not getting more just for the purpose of this game.

Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of prize for reaching 1000 days of seniority? I didn't get anything yet I'd always heard there was.

I've played this game forever and have never received any gratitude from the game. I had to buy passes for my amethyst. I've never won anything from the promos because you have to buy passes or obtain them to win. And they always require you to dehorn or sewing at some point. And If I have no chance of winning, I'm not going to do that.

I guess this is my biggest frustration. I've never won anything here. It seems like only the newest newbies and oldest seniority players ever win anything. Probably to award the oldies and keep the newbies playing.
I've tried waking up at 2:00 am to do things quickly on here to keep up with promos and nothing.

However. I do agree that the pass system needed changed. But this system is basically exactly the same without involving equus. Plus, at least with the old system, all you had to do was log in for 30 days. Now you have to do things...I hope they are basic.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
  • Karma: 10 points
Speedy, you don't know any of what you asserted. I could be right, you could be right, but the fact is they don't want us to know, and that is a tip off. Please let players form their own opinions and please don't talk down to any of us. Personally, I have liked NONE of the changes that have occurred after Ubisoft took over. None. Nary a one.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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DinaStar wrote:

you can't get more than 10 points a day
and you need to have 300 points to play the mini-game, and get the pass

True and that was pretty much figured out a few pages back, at least it was for me.default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 5,915
  • Karma: 10 points
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Those of you who have the "pass system" down, who get free passes and other things from your extensive divines, who can afford to buy passes of course will love any changes, because it will, and you can quote me on this, cause even more players to drop out, and drive away more new players. You experts, in the breeding groups and the VIP accounts, sure you'll have no trouble, but that's only some of the players. And you will go along to get along.

Yes, I own divines. Yes, I am VIP. Yes, I bought passes (I don't anymore). Yes, I'm on teams. Do I like this change? Yes, because I like that we have to work for that free pass rather than it being a hand out like the increase GP of foundies for new players. This change won't "drive away players" because once implemented everyone will see that the tasks are likely going to be about basic care for your horses. Nothing like:
tiggrrrsf wrote:

dehorn a uni, kill a horse, buy a horse, etc

People are jumping to conclusions and freaking out about the unknown. Guess what? Change happens. There is only 2 options now: Accept it, or don't. People ranting about what they don't know doesn't help anyone and only makes it appear like they are whining because they aren't getting something for nothing.

And for the record, it is a bit offensive when you are pointing fingers and making false accusations about what top breeders and VIPs want and would like.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
  • Karma: 10 points
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Even Dr. Phil knows that the best predictor of future performance is past performance. Therefore, I am very uneasy about what will happen. I foresee a bunch of really easy tasks, until you get to the top, then you get something like dehorn a uni, kill a horse, buy a horse, etc, things that I may not want to do. I REFUSE to spam my friends. I did suggest this game, back when I started, to a couple of friends from a game that got killed when it got bought. I would not recommend this game to anyone as it is now.

It would be very easy, and show respect for the players, to tell us NOW what the new rules are. The fact that they won't makes me think the worst.

Those of you who have the "pass system" down, who get free passes and other things from your extensive divines, who can afford to buy passes of course will love any changes, because it will, and you can quote me on this, cause even more players to drop out, and drive away more new players. You experts, in the breeding groups and the VIP accounts, sure you'll have no trouble, but that's only some of the players. And you will go along to get along.

See "The Sunk Cost Effect"

Until the number of players goes below "critical mass" and the game is killed.

Might I suggest that ubisoft take all of the changes and just start a new game?

You phrased everything I could have ever tried to do into a perfect several paragraph s. I agree with every single word 100% without a doubt. Every. Single. Word.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
  • Karma: 10 points
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Speedy, you don't know any of what you asserted. I could be right, you could be right, but the fact is they don't want us to know, and that is a tip off. Please let players form their own opinions and please don't talk down to any of us. Personally, I have liked NONE of the changes that have occurred after Ubisoft took over. None. Nary a one.

Yes, and since any of us can be right, and we won't know anything until further details are brought out, please calm down. She wasn't talking down to you or anyone. Just as she is being overly positive right now, YOU are being overly negative.

People, PLEASE just stop panicking. Stop overthinking this, you will only drive yourselves into a frenzy. International Howrse literally found out about it today. We don't know much, and what we do is from a translation that might have inaccuracies in it.

You are of course welcome to form your own tentative, key word here being TENTATIVE since we know very little, opinions, but squabbling about every tiny little 'could be' will not do anyone any good.

Just chill, everyone, please.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
  • Karma: 10 points
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Speedy, you don't know any of what you asserted.

I know I don't know for definite of what's going to happen, but that's what I stated - Until we get to test it and see for ourselves, it's unknown.

I'm just saying that it would be a pretty stupid move for howrse to just forget about the new/casual players, so objectives surely wouldn't be that difficult. And if you see lyrael's post here, you'll see that they didn't even know where they got their points from and don't do much on their game, so they clearly didn't need much work to get the points.

AlyxStone wrote:

People are jumping to conclusions and freaking out about the unknown. Guess what? Change happens. There is only 2 options now: Accept it, or don't. People ranting about what they don't know doesn't help anyone and only makes it appear like they are whining because they aren't getting something for nothing.

And for the record, it is a bit offensive when you are pointing fingers and making false accusations about what top breeders and VIPs want and would like.

I agree with this - We should just wait and see what happens. If we don't like things when they happen, /then/ we can have a real opinion on it and either agree or disagree with it. I'm just being optimistic about the new system for the game. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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I'm not pointing fingers. Your inferrence is not my implication.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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I am voicing my opinion default smiley :) but all the details will fall into place when it happens.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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And your implication that I am whining is very offensive.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

Your inferrence is not my implication.

I apologize for misunderstanding, but that is how it came across to me because of the wording when you said:
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Those of you who have the "pass system" down, who get free passes and other things from your extensive divines, who can afford to buy passes of course will love any changes, because it will, and you can quote me on this, cause even more players to drop out, and drive away more new players.

It may not have been intentional, but I can guarantee it probably came across the same way to other players as well.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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AlyxStone wrote:

And for the record, it is a bit offensive when you are pointing fingers and making false accusations about what top breeders and VIPs want and would like.

Oh I've noticed this a lot. The higher up you get, the more people think they know what you think. Oh and that you should give stuff away. No, sorry, you gotta work for your stuff too like I did..... I do not buy passes (I bought a few in the past though, spent on useless stuff) so I mean if I can do it then so can you...

Ah well. People are freaking out, nothing new. It's always like that when new things are introduced here, some people seriously think it should still be like when it started. Guess what, the game would've been dead then.... Change will happen, and it's necessary.

There has been bad changes (rising GP, like there's no point to it, constant promos and whatnot) and good ones (like the teams, VIP) and I think the best we can do is to voice our opinions. We've stopped things before, like the item that allowed you to buy more copies of retired coats..
  • Posted messages: 3,854
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  • Seniority: 1,776 days
tiggrrrsf wrote:

And your implication that I am whining is very offensive.

That was by no means directed at anybody individually. It was a general statement.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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Did I anywhere mention the word whining? No. I said you were being overly negative towards the change (which you are, with no basis *about this particular change*, since we know so little at the moment, and I said that people (notice plural???) are squabbling over every little detail, which again, we don't know yet.

Everything will be inferred differently online -shrugs-

You inferred wrong about Speedy's post. Maybe I inferred wrong about yours. But please, let's just stop the arguments.

We know very little.

We will probably test it soon.

And advice to everyone? Try the change before fully deciding whether you like it or not.

(I agree with you too, Gypsy.Soul. It seems like whenever there are new changes announced, the forums just turn into a zoo...)
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

And your implication that I am whining is very offensive.

I wasn't talking to you....

Anyhows. Of course people should work for what they have. But the only reason I have a DA is because of a giveaway.

You wouldn't imagine how nice it is to hear a "Thank you" from somebody for helping them. It's rewarding.
And also. I bet you guys wouldn't imagine how many people on chickensmoothie.com just go around and giftbom people. It lifts people's souls to know someone actually CARES.
  • Posted messages: 9,558
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Did I anywhere mention the word whining?

That was directed at me starry. Sorry for the misunderstandings yet again.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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AlyxStone wrote:

That was directed at me starry. Sorry for the misunderstandings yet again.

Ah, whoops then.

I think. That we should all take a breather. Step away from the device you're on, maybe get a drink, look at the sky, play with your pet, whatever you do to calm down.

And then come back and put the useless arguments aside.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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