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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 21:43:45
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"You can ask for help to complete the third objective. It costs 5000 Equus and you can ask for help once a day. In this case your objective will be proposed to the other members of the community. It is another player who will complete your goal. However, even if you have asked for help, you can still choose to complete your own objective."
~~~How will we be able to see the objectives of other people who have asked for help? Will they simply appear on the home screen or will there be a separate page for those? A screenshot would be appreciated, but I understand if that is not possible at the time. Thanks in advance! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 21:44:15
Oops, double post, sorry! Please ignore my other message. default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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"You can ask for help to complete the third objective. It costs 5000 Equus and you can ask for help once a day. In this case your objective will be proposed to the other members of the community. It is another player who will complete your goal. However, even if you have asked for help, you can still choose to complete your own objective."
~~~How will we be able to see the objectives of other people who have asked for help? Will they simply appear on the home screen or will there be a separate page for those? A screenshot would be appreciated, but I understand if that is not possible at the time. Thanks in advance! default smiley :)

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Just under your own 3 daily objectives, you can see what objectives other players need help with, you see the one at a time.
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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 23:18:06
Cute about those horses!
Retired breeder wrote:

Reading the spoiler for the
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GC, it says: *quote*When the next challenge begins, the story of the legendary horses will be told. *end quote* Does that mean *all* will be told, in the next GC, or is it just a miss translation?

Thank you. default smiley :)

Not quite;

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IF this testing is any indication - my guess is - like with the Season and Chinese Divines - we'll get one per Great challenge (each Challenge will bring out a new Legendary and thus a new story).

So while this coming one will only give us Altair's Story - it will be the Start of the telling of all the Legends (we just need to wait for a new CG each time)
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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 23:39:57
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Will you be able to go back and reread the stories if you wish anytime?

I would assume so;

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This is being based on the fact that a new page is being added to the directories for showing the legends of these horses.

Of course, I can't say for sure as we're still learning about them.
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By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 01:39:18
Ah, that makes sense. Kind of like a teaser for the others! Thanks ShorahNagi!default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 12:41:22
How can you get five pieces of
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legendary lack?
Retired breeder wrote:

How can you get five pieces of
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legendary lack?

The main way is;

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Once the Festivities start (or beforehand if you are a VIP) - you can win the pieces from the Golden Fleece (One piece per Fleece - and the odds are in favor of you getting a different piece each time as opposed to constantly winning the same piece it seems (though the chance is still there).

At minimum - a player would need to use 10 passes (2 passes per Fleece - 5 Fleece) to get all 5 Pieces.

You can also get the tack by:

Completing the Puzzle offered by the Daily Objectives (though it only seems to have one piece as a prize)

Hitting the Jackpot in the Lottery (will give you all 5 pieces)

There is also an Altair Pack that will be available for purchase BUT at present time, the cost of it is unknown (so we don't know if it will sell for Passes, Equus, or be something bought with real money like the Lucky Day pack from last year)
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Lucky Day Pack? What was that?
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By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 16:26:38
Anyone know when this will start? THe GC
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 16:30:15
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know when this will start? THe GC

Some people think it will start next monday.
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 16:31:23
GH39 wrote:

Lucky Day Pack? What was that?

A pack that you could buy with RL money. I believe it was one of the ones that gave you a choice of a divine. Sometime during the MR last year.
GH39 wrote:

Lucky Day Pack? What was that?

It was one of four different Pass Packs you purchased with Real Money - it contained (if memory serves):

2 months of vip membership
10x titans challenges
A Treasure Chest that contained the Tarpan Divine
10 passes

It is no longer available to purchase (it was only a limited time deal offered around the end of December last year)
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By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 06:49:08
Someone has any idea of what the next promo will be?
By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 07:03:06
Retired breeder wrote:

Someone has any idea of what the next promo will be?

it's either the GC or the B.....n promo
Does anybody know the day of the next promo?
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 12:24:43
Dessomeone have a screenshot in English of the A_P_?
Retired breeder wrote:

Dessomeone have a screenshot in English of the A_P_?

No, since we know nothing about tha A-pack other that it will be released. It is only mentioned in a sentence, and the link did not lead anywhere, so we only know the name of the pack.
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Again - for those asking about the Pack

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We know nothing about this item - and will probably not know anything until it goes live. It has been stated on Preprod by one of the Admins in response to what it looks like/how much it costs that:

<font color="purple">The Altair packs are not part of this test period and this information is not yet available. However, all of the tack that is contained in the pack, can be tested using the Golden Fleece option at this time.

- BOwer</font>

Thus - while we know there is a pack - we do not know how much it will cost, how it is purchased, etc. as they are still working out details of it.
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By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 16:19:33
Now I realize how long I've been away from this forum.....
By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 20:57:49
Retired breeder wrote:

Now I realize how long I've been away from this forum.....

Same thoughts exactly
By Retired breeder, 16th July 2015 00:00:07
ShorahNagi wrote:

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We know nothing about this item - and will probably not know anything until it goes live. It has been stated on Preprod by one of the Admins in response to what it looks like/how much it costs that:

<font color="purple">The Altair packs are not part of this test period and this information is not yet available. However, all of the tack that is contained in the pack, can be tested using the Golden Fleece option at this time.

- BOwer</font>

Thus - while we know there is a pack - we do not know how much it will cost, how it is purchased, etc. as they are still working out details of it.

Thank you for trying to answer.
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