
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Thanks to all who answered my question default smiley :)

I think the Oldie foal is so cute, Famousamos
Falling off
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wild horse stables wrote:

its the little number +1 in most cases
the number is the year the model was produced usually they are released the year after. tough for example recoloured models will have that original production year even if they were released years later.

i got three mojo horses today. it was the first time seeing them in stores. iheard if the brand but never really looked into it previously.
anyway i got the 2012 grazing fjord mare, 2014 suffolk punch mare and the 2018 friesian gelding

Yes! Thanks for explaining that about the years! And oh! I have the 2012 grazing Fjord mare too...i love her!default smiley (l) I don't have many Mojos and rarely ever see them in a store, but when i found her i had to have her. I also have the black Arabian Stallion. Congrats on your finds!default smiley ^)
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Here's an interesting topic guys...are there any Schleich you wouldn't buy, and why? For me, the main one i have avoided is the tarantula. Spiders really give me the creeps, and i'm hesitant to even touch this model, you know, with it being life like and all. Also, i'm afraid i would mindlessly come across it in my house and it would scare the bejeebies out of me lol. That being said, because i am very much into having as big/complete a collection as i can, I might very well give in and acquire it and tuck it away in the back somewhere, when the day comes that they retire it. Maybe.default smiley xd

The other one, or in this case, ones, that i have thus far avoided is the newer special set called the Hippity Hops. Have you guys seen these? Its an exclusive set of four bunnies, all the exact same model as the regular bunny number 13827, which is this one.

The only difference between the four is that the insides of their ears are painted a different color. I am not wowed by this, certainly not enough to pay $24 for the set. Maybe if they'd used four different rabbit molds at least. They did put a video on youtube i think of these little guys doing a song together as a band. Its a cute idea, but the models are just not original enough for me. The mold/model is the same, and the paint itself has just a tiny bit of different color in one little place. I'm not swimming in money, so unless they put these guys up for sale at a steep discount, i don't plan to bite. As much as i love exclusives, i can't justify it. I don't know, what do you guys think of them?

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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2022 00:37:21
Yeah, I agree. They're cute, but not worth it. My birthday was recently, hoping to get a few new Schleichs. Funnily enough, I have about 12 Schleichs and have only purchased one -the rest were gifts! default smiley :-)) Has anyone heard of Papo? I have two of their horses and if you have some please tell me -are they a bit smaller than Schleichs horses or am I seeing things? default smiley (8)
Oh well happy belated birthday! That's good that your friends know what to get you! I have heard of Papo before, but i don't believe i have any of those. I'm not even aware of any stores that sell them. What country are you in? I live in the US, and am curious where they can be found.
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Yeah, where are those? I'm also in the USA.
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2022 17:08:40
Honestly? I live in the US, too and I'm not really sure. I live near this store that carries "horse figurines" so it's a mix of Schleich and other brands. I don't usually order online or anything but since the store isn't very specific, I usually just look them up. Not sure where there's a Papo store, though.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2022 23:31:10
Does anyone have an idea for the name of this stallion? I'm out of ideas.**LP+Shop+-+Farm&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&hsa_ver=3&hsa_grp=1147890820540970&hsa_acc=2129352416&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=o&hsa_tgt=pla-4575342764858371&hsa_kw=&hsa_cam=9461843493&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&msclkid=97b5ad4977411dfc09bfcff19cfea6c6&utm_content=shopify_US_470622699557_5223772913701%20%7C%20Tennessee%20Walking%20Horse%20Toy%20%7C%20Safari%20Ltd%20%7C%20%245.99
sorry for the long link just copy and paste it
I know that this has nothing to do with schleich, but does anyone know where I can find the directory?
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The bunnies are cute, but I agree, not worth it. If they had different models, then I would be interested default smiley (lol)

I have several Papo, though they are a French brand, so being across the channel from them means I probably see them more often. Had a look on their website, and they operate like Schleich, from different stores. I found mine in independent toy stores and garden centres (of all places!). I've ordered a couple online too. To me, they don't seem to have any major difference in sizes, maybe a little smaller though? But not by much.

That's a pretty model! The first name that came to mind was 'Red Force One' though I'm sure there are a lot better names!

On Classic Version, Directories are under Community.
horses rock623
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Hey I have a question- is there a way to order a custom schleich? My friend said their was, but I looked on the website and can't find anything. I wonder if maybe she meant Breyer, because I really can't find anything on customizing a schleich other than getting someone independant to do that.
Falling off
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I have a bunch of different Schleich horses and I am in the US. I like to get them at Wilco. I don’t know if that helps any with the conversation that happened earlier. They are so fun and I have collected many Schleich models, horses and others, since I was 3! I just got them as presents and I just kept them around. Does anyone have names for Schleich models, mares and foals? I hope to meet others that love these models!


I also love Breyer models! I don’t know if anyone else on this forum does.
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Falling off

I don’t know if you can for Schleich and Breyer doesn’t have a page on their site for custom ones. Unless I missed a page lol. I think you would have to get someone to do it for you.
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Hey guys I make lots of tik toke with my schelich horses I make stop motion vids and also diy tack tutorial. If anyone wants info about making homemade tack let me know default smiley :).

TikTok: foreverheartstabbles/ schleichhorsesforever
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Falling off wrote:

Hey I have a question- is there a way to order a custom schleich? My friend said their was, but I looked on the website and can't find anything. I wonder if maybe she meant Breyer, because I really can't find anything on customizing a schleich other than getting someone independant to do that.

Nope, neither company does that. Its just individual artists that buy a model and then repaint it, or otherwise customize it.default smiley :)

AutumnRider wrote:

I have a bunch of different Schleich horses and I am in the US. I like to get them at Wilco. I don’t know if that helps any with the conversation that happened earlier. They are so fun and I have collected many Schleich models, horses and others, since I was 3! I just got them as presents and I just kept them around. Does anyone have names for Schleich models, mares and foals? I hope to meet others that love these models!


I also love Breyer models! I don’t know if anyone else on this forum does.

Hmmm. I'm in the US and have never heard of Wilco lol...must be a regional thing? That's awesome that you have been collecting since three years old! You practically grew up with them! I have a ton of schleich but i don't name them because i'd never remember those names or keep them straight lol. I am not near organized enough for that! But i love them! And yes, i also love Breyer and have several of those as well.default smiley (l) We share those here too! Along with some others, like CollectA, Mojo, Safari, Papo, etc...if its a model horse (or other critter, but i say horse especially since its a horse site lol), its welcome here!
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bella10011 wrote:

Hey guys I make lots of tik toke with my schelich horses I make stop motion vids and also diy tack tutorial. If anyone wants info about making homemade tack let me know default smiley :).

TikTok: foreverheartstabbles/ schleichhorsesforever

That sounds neat! Do you have any videos on Youtube? I do not use TikTok.
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horses rock623 wrote:

I have several Papo, though they are a French brand, so being across the channel from them means I probably see them more often. Had a look on their website, and they operate like Schleich, from different stores. I found mine in independent toy stores and garden centres (of all places!). I've ordered a couple online too. To me, they don't seem to have any major difference in sizes, maybe a little smaller though? But not by much.

I went looking for the site and found the one across the pond, so i went to their international page where it shows stores where there products are sold in different countries. I found one in the US, and i think it was somewhere in New York? No where near me lol. Anyway i clicked to go to the stores site just for fun, cause i saw a few figurines that i thought were neat and that i'd be interested in. I was, however, really put off when i added three figures to my basket so that i could go far enough to see what kind of shipping prices i was looking at. The only shipping option for the three figures DOUBLED my price, making it nearly $50. Big nope from me...i emptied my cart and left. I'm gonna check out Ebay later and see what i can find there.default smiley :)
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Mia Kabance, you could call him Copper, Redwood, Hershey, Feather, Hawk, Ruby, oh I could go on forever. ( No literally I've made ten pages worth of names)
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By Retired breeder, 29th June 2022 19:20:17
Those are great! If you have any more I would love if you would PM me with some! I am always looking for more! default smiley :d
Famousamos, I'm glad you call it 'the pond' too default smiley xd Owch! $50 for three models, including shipping? I don't blame you for leaving. Not sure if Amazon will do it? That's where I got some of mine.
horses rock623
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horses rock623 wrote:

Famousamos, I'm glad you call it 'the pond' too default smiley xd Owch! $50 for three models, including shipping? I don't blame you for leaving. Not sure if Amazon will do it? That's where I got some of mine.

Lol yeah, its pretty simple to call it that and gets the point across lol. As far as Amazon, i've never bit the bullet and made an account on there...probably should. I have a rich friend who has an account and uses it a lot and pays for the free shipping all year thingy. Too bad i can't take advantage of it...she's a friend and all, but i prefer to like her from a distance, if you know what i mean lol. Our personalities clash, cause she is outspoken, opinionated, and would certainly give her opinion of what i'm buying with my money. She's very pushy, emotional, can't control her tongue well and has a rather odd and type A personality. And she has a PhD in her medical field to boot so no arguing with her! Its a bit of a curse she has and has been trying to constrain for years, because she's very intimidating and it makes it hard for her to maintain friendships. She will admit this lol. And i am the exact opposite, a poor, laid back type B personality, and i admit i'm terrified of being around her and very much on eggshells. I say all that to say, i'd absolutely love to take advantage of that free shipping and order through her, but i just can't bring myself to do it!default smiley xd No way, Jose!

Ok, enough's the real reason i came in here today...i need someone who really knows their Schleich, because i have a question about variations. I have these two pintos, available from 2007-2014. It won't let me copy the pictures but you can see them here, at Number 13616. Its the same horse, but the paint jobs are a bit different, and one is from Germany, and the other Tunisia. I have one of each of the pictures. However, the tummies of said horses say Made In China. Although the tummy stamps are different, and one says Germany too. One says '06, and the other says 2006. So obviously made in different places. I'm wondering why they say made in China instead of Germany and Tunisia? I always thought that meant the paint job was done in that country. I thought the molds were made in Germany, and they were shipped out to the various countries to paint and distribute. I know its a long shot but can anybody clarify any of this?
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Retired breeder wrote:

Has anyone heard of Papo? I have two of their horses and if you have some please tell me -are they a bit smaller than Schleichs horses or am I seeing things?

Welp, i took the my first Papo today (through Ebay)! Schleich is my first love but i have other mini collections, so Papo is now one of those i guess.default smiley 8-) Just what i needed!default smiley xd

Anyway, i got the Tigress with Cub...mama is so pretty, and the cub is absolutely adorable and sweet looking! I am very happy with her. The pic is a bit large...

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By Retired breeder, 7th July 2022 05:20:27
I have a lot of schleich probably like 70 something and I love them
By Retired breeder, 7th July 2022 16:12:45
ok really sorry guys! I actually only have ONE Papo and the small one i THOUGHT was Papo is actually a Safari horse. So never mind I guess my question was more like are the Safari horses smaller? default smiley :) This is what happens when you get the horses as gifts default smiley :p
I have one Safari horse, and it is the Shire stallion...even being a Shire, he is about as big as my slightly smaller size Schleich regular horses. So i would say they certainly appear to be smaller.default smiley 8-)

I got some new Schleich!default smiley :-))

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I got the Mint Chocolate unicorn foal! Love me some Mint Chocolate! This is another one of those little sets like the fruit ones last year, though i don't plan to go after the whole set this time.

I also got the Criollo Definitivo Mare and Foal!

Then i also got this fella and i'm like, seriously, why on Earth does this guy even bother to HAVE those arms?default smiley xd They seriously look useless lol. Anyway, its the Majungasaurus!

And lastly l got a duplicate of the little mini stegasaurus keyring that i got last time as a thank you gift. I was kinda hoping for a different mini dinosaur keyring this time, but oh well...i just love that you always get a little free thank you gift each time you order!default smiley :)
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