
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I ordered a rare oldie Schleich off of Ebay today. Took a little risk as its got a few marks on it, but they didn't seem all that bad in the pics, and it made it much more affordable. So hopefully when it comes, it will be a nice addition to my collection! I'll let you guys know when it comes, but for now, here's a belongs to my still small but hopefully growing sea life collection!default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 12th July 2022 06:15:02
I have tons or schliech, around 150 horse models
By Retired breeder, 12th July 2022 11:56:40
I have so much Schleich. It literally won't fit in my rooom anymoredefault smiley :o
I have so many I have to rolling tubs of horses!default smiley (l)default smiley (7)default smiley (lol)
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*two rolling tubs*
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Lol, hi everybody! Welcome to the "Too Many Yet Not Enough Schleich" Support group!default smiley xd
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Famousamos wrote:

.i need someone who really knows their Schleich, because i have a question about variations. I have these two pintos, available from 2007-2014. It won't let me copy the pictures but you can see them here, at Number 13616. Its the same horse, but the paint jobs are a bit different, and one is from Germany, and the other Tunisia. I have one of each of the pictures. However, the tummies of said horses say Made In China. Although the tummy stamps are different, and one says Germany too. One says '06, and the other says 2006. So obviously made in different places. I'm wondering why they say made in China instead of Germany and Tunisia? I always thought that meant the paint job was done in that country. I thought the molds were made in Germany, and they were shipped out to the various countries to paint and distribute. I know its a long shot but can anybody clarify any of this?

aight so the pinto thing. that paint job thing has more to do in which year your mold was painted. im assuming the one that sais 2006 also has germany on it. The germany thing later got changed into the the full adress bit and than in 2020 to designed in germany. It basically represents their head office where models are designed.
anyway since the model was in the collection/production for seven years it falls within a change period of schleich. sometime between 2008 to 2011 they changed the belly prints and with the pinto model they changed up his colouring a bit. i can actually trace it in the little collection booklets since the 2008 booklet still has the older colouring and the 2011 booklet has the newer. i am sadly missing 2009 and 2010 so i can't pinpoint the exact

As for the made in part on a schleich that tells you which country/factory produced it.
Models are designed in germany and that design is shipped out across all schleichs factories and per factory they get the made in (country) stamp
wild horse stables
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Ah ok, thanks for typing all of that out!default smiley :d

Didn't somebody in here say they were going to Breyerfest this year? Its all about to go down in a few hours!
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I got my new (used) aquatic friend in the mail!default smiley :-))

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Its the Schleich Threadfin Butterfly Fish! It was released in 2000 and retired in 2002. Thrilled to have this oldie!default smiley ^)

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Ummm...where did everybody go suddenly?default smiley :odefault smiley xd
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Got another oldie Schleich aquatic friend!default smiley ^)

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Its the Right Whale! Kind of an odd looking fella lol...why they call it a Right i have no idea! It was only available from 2006 to 2008.

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Ooh I like the whale!
Falling off
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By Retired breeder, 20th July 2022 15:07:10
I absolutely adore the Andalusian! They have such amazing detail! default smiley (l)
Famousamos wrote:

Ummm...where did everybody go suddenly?default smiley :odefault smiley xd

nowhere yet. but i am pretty buzzy juggeling a 42 hour work week along with riding lessons, friends and packing for my vacation. so im not to active on here and probably wont be for the next month or so
wild horse stables
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I've been busy with work and been 'dragged' by my parents out the house... On the upside I got four of the 2022 models (the Sunrise pegasus, Belgian Draft mare, Oldenburger mare, and Criollo mare), and I was chatting with one of the staff in the store about Schleich, and I showed her some photo's of my collection. She now knows me as 'the girl with the bookcase'.

(fingers crossed this works, and sorry for the large size.)
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Not my entire collection, but I'm glad my dad decided not to reclaim the shelves default smiley xd

On another note, I've just noticed 1. Schleich have changed their UK website... I can't find anything default smiley xd 2. Schleich have released their 2nd half of 2022's models, and I am in love with some of the 'Sweet Treats' unicorns. Got to be good... Got to be good... But the Shadow Dragon...
horses rock623
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wild horse stables wrote:

nowhere yet. but i am pretty buzzy juggeling a 42 hour work week along with riding lessons, friends and packing for my vacation. so im not to active on here and probably wont be for the next month or so

Oh! Well have fun on your vacation! Sounds like you've earned itdefault smiley :) Be sure to check in with us now and then when you can!default smiley :)

horses rock623 wrote:

I've been busy with work and been 'dragged' by my parents out the house... On the upside I got four of the 2022 models (the Sunrise pegasus, Belgian Draft mare, Oldenburger mare, and Criollo mare), and I was chatting with one of the staff in the store about Schleich, and I showed her some photo's of my collection. She now knows me as 'the girl with the bookcase'.

Lol i'm kind of a private person so not many get to see my collection, but if they could i'm positive i would have a similar nickname ha ha! I have a number of shelves, most of them full. Some of the workers in my local Orscheln's and the Tractor Supply 30 minutes away in a neighboring town know why i'm usually there lol.default smiley ^)
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Welp, i got a couple new oldies today!default smiley ^)

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I got these two kitty kitties! Its the Schleich Sitting Tiger and Tiger Cub, all the way back from '94-'03!

The sitting tiger has no tag and is almost new, and the cub is brand new with tag...i figure these are pretty good finds for such old models!default smiley *-) Also, now that i have found these two older tigers, i discovered that there is an identical set of white tigers...which means i will want to find those as well, if i can...someday! And i don't know if anybody noticed, but that cub's back foot does not touch the ground in the picture, which rather irks me lol. Thankfully, i can report that the little guy i got in the mail does not have such issues!default smiley ^)default smiley (y)
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The tiger is pretty cool!!
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Cool! Y'all are lucky to get so many Schleich all the time default smiley :)
Falling off
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Falling off wrote:

Cool! Y'all are lucky to get so many Schleich all the time default smiley :)

Oh believe me, i have dry spells too!default smiley xd But yes, i have been blessed to get a lot of Schleich! I started collecting something like 11 years ago now.

Splash16 wrote:

The tiger is pretty cool!!

Thank you, i thought so too!default smiley ^)
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I went on a little trip over the weekend, which included going to a theme park i love. To my delight, they were having a kidsfest event going on, and in one location in the park they had a giant Schleich display and a giant tiger and elephant statue there for the kidsfest days! Even the two giant statues had giant Schleich tags around their legs ha ha. They were selling a bunch of Schleich figurines but the prices were higher so i didn't buy them there. But it was still cool! I did buy a couple elsewhere! Here's what i got...

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I got the new Schleich Iguana!

The other one i got was the new Schleich Tapir!

I must admit, i am quite disappointed with the Tapir. I have the old retired Tapir, and was expecting something pretty similar to it, but the new Tapir is much smaller than the old one, to my dismay. The new baby Tapir that came out this year even looks a bit too big to be its offspring. It seems better suited to the older, larger one. Its just like how they have been shrinking the dogs the past few stunned me when i saw the new Tapir. So i'm rather unimpressed with this one. Oh well, nothing i can do about it!

Oh! I also picked up this lovely Breyer horse!

Its hard to see in the picture, but it has some lovely light dappling on it, and the story on the back of the real life horse is inspiring!default smiley ^)
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Do any of you guys have the Gascher's Collectors Guide for Schleich Animals book? I have it and love it...i've learned of and found many of the older models that are in it!
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all those finds look awesome.

i dont have the book myself though ive seen it in person.
its a cool book but as someone who only collects the horses im not much intrested in getting it for myself
wild horse stables
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Yeah i guess only a part of it would be useful for you then...hopefully when you saw it in person you were able to snap a pic or two of the horse pages! Useful info in there...default smiley 8-)
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I can't say I've heard of it, but I'm like wild horse stables, mainly collect the horses. I guess the unicorns and pegasi can count as horses? Maybe I should look out for that book default smiley (lol)

Though, I broke the above today... I did buy two of the new 'sweet treats' unicorns, but I also bought the stork for my dad, and the baryonyx for myself. The poor manager specifically went up to the store room to get the sweet treat unicorns. I said I was happy to wait until I was back next, but he went and got the box, so I got first picks. There goes my payday money default smiley (lol)
horses rock623
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