
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I've not heard of it, but it sounds interesting. I also only collect horses though
Falling off
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horses rock623 wrote:

On another note, I've just noticed 1. Schleich have changed their UK website... I can't find anything

Ugh, same for the US site...i don't like change ha ha. They're changing the logo a bit too and i don't like it!default smiley (li)default smiley xd

On a positive note, i added this cutie to my collection today!

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Its the Shire foal that was available from 2003-2008. He's in great shape and still has his tag, but his legs/feet are a little wonky and if you don't set him up right he falls over. But he's so cute!

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I thought the logo had changed, but I deemed it was my bad eye sight. Does this mean we'll be trying to find all the models with the old logo on now? default smiley (lol)

Oh what a cutie!
horses rock623
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Ahhh they changed the logo!
I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that
Falling off
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That foal is a very good find!! And another thing, I am having a little trouble navigating the new updated site, hahadefault smiley xd
I am also getting some new schleich from the sale the other day and I completely forgot what I even ordered. Oh well, I guess we'll see when I get the order in a few days�♀️
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I have no clue what those last 2 symbols are, very confused as to what happened
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horses rock623 wrote:

I thought the logo had changed, but I deemed it was my bad eye sight. Does this mean we'll be trying to find all the models with the old logo on now? default smiley (lol)

Oh what a cutie!

Lol, nope it did change...but a quote i stick by is if it ain't broke, don't fix it! The old logo was not broken, sigh. I wondered for a moment too about looking for the old logos, but i don't think it will be a big deal...the tags have changed before and i haven't noticed anyone going after a model for that reason. As the tags changed before, and now, and possibly more over time, it'll just be a good somewhat indicator of the age of the model in question...what "era" its from, if you will.default smiley :)

Thanks guys, i sure thought he was a cutie! And i was surprised to find that i didn't have him yet.

Splash16 wrote:

I am also getting some new schleich from the sale the other day and I completely forgot what I even ordered. Oh well, I guess we'll see when I get the order in a few days�♀️

Lol, if you find you can't wait, they should have emailed you the details of the purchase, including what models you got! Also, i have no idea how to make those symbols myself so i couldn't tell you how they got there!default smiley xd

Falling off wrote:

Ahhh they changed the logo!
I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that

Seems pointless to me, but maybe they were looking for some kind of so many businesses/brands do. Go shopping and you're bound to find some product that says "New look...same great taste!" or something along those lines.
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Oh! I forgot to guys know about the Collector's Cases? I've seen them around but always found them to be too expensive. If i remember right, some were just the case, and others had little animals included, of which i already had them all. They wanted like $30 or something a piece, and i'd rather buy models i don't have yet. So i had always passed on them. But i went a couple days ago to my local Orscheln's for something else, and of course i had to look on the toy aisles for Schleich/CollectA/Breyer. Well i found a table set up with different brands of toys that apparently had been knocked down by like 50% in price, and then on top of that, those on the table were another 25% off, to be taken off at the register. Well i found one Schleich Collector's Case, the Farm World one, WITH six included animals, so i had to grab it. By the time they took all the discounts off at the check out, it totaled $13 after tax, instead of $30. So i'm pretty happy about my little find!default smiley ^)

Sorry, the image is a little large...

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This is the one i got, except mine does not have the added tag, rather, it came wrapped in plastic. Also, it doesn't come across in the image, but the front animals are actually "bumped out" on the front of the case, especially their snouts! And i think the animals that you actually get inside are random, so different cases come with different crittersdefault smiley :)

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That is a very good deal, especially for schleich!
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By Retired breeder, 5th August 2022 04:21:47
Sale theme BM where is the?
I just got my order!!!!!!!default smiley <:o) I got the stall with the Arab mare, foal and groom. Next I got the exclusive trakner stallion from 2013. Then I got the trakner foal, I also got the mia's vaulting set, and the boy walking with Labrador
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Bump up so this doesn't get deleted
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Splash16 wrote:

I just got my order!!!!!!!default smiley <:o) I got the stall with the Arab mare, foal and groom. Next I got the exclusive trakner stallion from 2013. Then I got the trakner foal, I also got the mia's vaulting set, and the boy walking with Labrador

Nice! And it was probably like your birthday or Christmas, opening the box, since you didn't remember what you'd ordered!default smiley xd

I got this little (old) fella today!

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I got the Schleich Wirehaired Dachshund, which was available from 1997-2005! He still has his tag even! default smiley *-)

I'm so happy he is an older model, before they really shrunk the dogs, etc. If they made him today, he would be too tiny!
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It kinda was like Christmas or a birthdaydefault smiley xd
I absolutely love your find, he is so cute!default smiley *-)
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Everyone's got some lovely finds recently! That Dachshund is adorable! I can imagine he would be miniscule in todays models!

My mum went to the toy store I'm known at, and I asked her to get me one of the sweet treat unicorns I'm missing. Just one (gives me a reason to keep going back there). What did she do? Buy all five and hid them round the house. I had some confusion when I went to pack my work bag, and one's hidden in there default smiley xd
horses rock623
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That is the best prank/surprise ever, I hope my mom does that at some pointdefault smiley xd
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Lol, that is a fun prank! How sweet of Mom!default smiley (l)

So i was talking about the Dachshund i got the other day...well i got to thinking about the size thing, and remembered that i also have the new one. So i put them side by side and was pleasantly surprised to find that they are actually comparable in size. The old one is only slightly larger than the new one. That's not the case for many of the dogs! I'm so glad that this is the case for such a little dog. Speaking of little any of you have the CollectA Yorkie? I do...must be the little dog i have. He is tiny! His Breyer by CollectA tag is the same size as he is lol. He is about half the size of Schleich's new Dachshund, and smaller than the CollectA Dachshund, i think because the Dachshund is longer lol. And the CollectA Jack Russell isn't much bigger. But its tough to compare the sizes of Schleich and CollectA dogs, cause some CollectA dogs, like the ones i mentioned, are pretty small...but some of the other breeds are quite a bit larger than the Schleich ones. The sizes, big and small, seem more extreme in comparison to the Schleich sizes. Anywho...enough about that i guess. I got a new oldie in the mail today!

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I got the old Schleich Eagle Owl, that was available from 2002-2008. I got him from the same seller i got the Dachshund from, so he is also like new, with tag. And he's a decent size, which i always love!default smiley :)

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He's really cooldefault smiley *-)
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Splash16 wrote:

He's really cooldefault smiley *-)

Thanks!default smiley ^) Picked up these cuties today! (Big Picture Alert!)

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I got the new Koala Mother and Baby! They are pretty nice sized too!

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Here's a smaller pic i found!

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I don't know if I already asked this here, but does anyone here know Starshine Legacy or Star Stable? Because I am looking for horses that look like Starshine, Tin-Can, Meteor and Concorde. If anyone knows Schleich horses that look similar to them, please answer (and if you have pictures, that would be even better)!

Also, has anyone noticed that the girls from Horse Club look like the Soulriders? Sofia looks like Anne, Hannah looks like Lisa, Sarah looks like Linda and Lisa (kind of) looks like Alex...
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I love those koalas
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Koala question: can the baby be removed from the mama and the two become separate as well as being stacked?
Falling off
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Skystorm wrote:

I don't know if I already asked this here, but does anyone here know Starshine Legacy or Star Stable? Because I am looking for horses that look like Starshine, Tin-Can, Meteor and Concorde. If anyone knows Schleich horses that look similar to them, please answer (and if you have pictures, that would be even better)!

Also, has anyone noticed that the girls from Horse Club look like the Soulriders? Sofia looks like Anne, Hannah looks like Lisa, Sarah looks like Linda and Lisa (kind of) looks like Alex...

Sorry, I am not familiar with those, so I have no idea lol.

Falling off wrote:

Koala question: can the baby be removed from the mama and the two become separate as well as being stacked?

Yes, they are separate, and both come in separate little plastic baggies. The vegetation is separate as well, and came loose in the box for me (no baggie).default smiley :)
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That's cool!
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