The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 30th September 2019 20:06:22
Sierra Sue: she was a brown curly. Unfortunately she died this past summer.
Sweetheart! She was my older sister's Quarter Horse. She truly was a sweetie! She knew when a kid was on her back and treated them well.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd October 2019 01:00:49
Chief! He was some sort of quarter/arab cross. He came with the house when we moved.I was 2 when we moved in so I don't remember a whole lot about him.
My first horse was Tony Tu. He was a 28 year old retired jumper. He was such a pretty old horse, and the gentlest. I only got to ride him on the weekends, for lessons, but I had the time of my life on him =D
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2019 19:27:28
Mine was Polly an appaloosa cross, that was 8 years ago and I still see her every weekend but don't ride her. She's blind now but still my first love!!!!default smiley (7)default smiley (7)default smiley (7)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
It was Veros, a 30 year old dutch warmblood. Such a sweetheartdefault smiley (l)
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Last horse I rode was grulla? Blue dun mare that belong to my friend. Shes a quarter horse. Part of her name was dun in silver can't remember her barn name. I put the usual ones of the horses I rode at 3 barns a few pages ago.
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Hi there, it’s PoTaToE here,
The first horse I ever rode was called ebony, she was a grey, with a pink muzzle area and outer eye area, then it was del, he had one wall eye and one pigmented iris, he was the prettiest skewbald I have ever seen, then it was fig, a beautiful palomino. Now I’m getting way to excited

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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2019 17:13:20
Loviisa. She is really cute, black shetland pony who has always loved food.
By Retired breeder, 5th October 2019 23:44:58
Mine was a retired racehorse mare, Circe who died last year. default smiley (l)default smiley :(default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2019 23:59:43
The first full-size horse I rode is a Peruvian Paso/Paint called Synette and I've had her since I was 9. I'm 18 now and she is getting old but still keeps up with our young horses. Always be grateful for your first horse and the horses you meet along the way because they will build you up both as an equestrian and as a person in general.default smiley (y)
Johnny! A black, 16 to 18 hand thoroughbred. Beautiful boy, and gentle too! I was in California visiting family and I've loved horses ever since
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2019 11:18:21
Went to Ocean Shores in Washington, there I rode a horse named silver. And Silver like the waves and weather she was default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2019 09:53:00
The first pony I ever rode was a wee palomino Shetland named Pheonix. He was absolutely class, had my first accidental canter on him too!
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2019 22:25:48
BUTTER!!! she was sooo prettydefault smiley ^)default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2019 22:29:28
Then Jessie, a brown and white pinto, with one blue eye.default smiley *-)default smiley *-)default smiley *-) Sigh. default smiley ^)default smiley ^)
(Butter was a Palamino.)
I think the first horse I ever rode was named Rocky, but that was just like being lead around on a leadrope. The first horse I ever took an actual lesson on was named Shy.
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By Retired breeder, 29th October 2019 23:30:27
her name was patch and she is a gray and white paint
love herdefault smiley (l)default smiley (l)
default smiley :)default smiley :)default smiley :)
A little 12.2hh grey connemara x Welsh pony called Dessie. He was my first pony, still got himdefault smiley :)default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2019 21:08:25
I just thought and it might have been ether a horse named star or a horse i rode in a rodeo when i was like four years old, His name was grey
The first horse I have ever rode is a quarter horse-Arabian gelding. His name is Ceasar And he is the most obidient horse I have ever rode. Ceasar is my favorite horse too. I also rode an Arabian paint mare named molly. She normally rides western but I rode her classic. Her specialty is barrel racing. I also rode a horse named Niko. He is a gentle giant and is amazing at speed stamina and jumping. I ALSO rode a horse named bailey. She is beautiful and has black socks. Even though she is a bit green, she is surprisingly good at jumping and trot poles. There is also a horse I haven’t rode before, but he is very sweet. He is a border and his name is Sirocco. He is one of my favorite horses in my barn and he is so sweet. Well those were some of the horses I rode!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2019 00:11:46
My aunt's horse, his name was Pluto! He was super lovely and I got to ride him twice only, but it was amazing. I never got to have riding lessons no matter how much I asked as we couldn't afford them, so riding a horse genuinely meant the entire world for me (even though it was just my aunt leading me around on him really slowly!).
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2019 15:46:14
The first horse I’ve ever ridden was Yesra, a white Arabian x Welsh! She was really sweet while riding, but would always try to bite you when tacking up, I was one of the few people who managed to tack her up without getting bitten!
By Retired breeder, 7th November 2019 02:32:49
Foriegner and he was an OTTB and he was this huge black super sensitive horse that usually rode in hackamores better than bits
By Retired breeder, 7th November 2019 03:03:03
How do I sell a horse?
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