The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 20th February 2019 15:46:48
I dont remember the name of the first EVER horse I rode, but the first horse I rode in a lesson was named OB default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2019 17:48:42
Motel (Moll for short) Fox trotter mare who was 23 years youngdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 22nd February 2019 06:45:28
First horse I ever rode was named Dixie. Her name should have been nightmare, cause she was. default smiley :))
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2019 03:17:44
A horse called Maisy from a trail ride default smiley :-))
first horse i ever rode was named sunshine! that name will always have a special place in my heart default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 1st March 2019 02:47:04
The first horse I remember riding was Skeeter. He was a grey Throughtbred/Quarter horse gelding. He was GREAT!!!
Brenon, a little brown pony. The riding centre he lived at was shut down a few years ago and I lost him but I found out last week that he was retired with another few ponies into a companion herd.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd March 2019 03:15:39
His name was Fred. He was a registered Appaloosa with exactly one spot on the back of his leg.
Tenpin, he was old and died a few years later. Such a gentle giant tho
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By Retired breeder, 7th March 2019 10:11:54
Sofia, a sweet beautiful palomino welsh pony.
It's a bit hard to remember since it's almost 8 years ago, but I'm sure the name of the horse is Joker! default smiley :d
Jerome Valeska
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Raining Fire aka Fire. Was my moms Arabian mare that i grew up with from birth to 6 years old. Theres a picture of me sitting on her at 18 mo. old. default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 10th March 2019 21:29:02
Bertie the Shetland at 3 years old

Lost him in 2017 due to colic default smiley (a)
By Retired breeder, 10th March 2019 21:39:45
I'm pretty sure my first was a proud old gal named Sully.
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2019 03:44:57
The first horse that I ever rode was a 6 year old Quarter Horse roping mare named Pearl. She is now dead though, I was four. She was not mine or my parents, but one of our friends, we were at a roping, her last one, for she broke her leg the next week while chasing a cow in the pasture...
An old mare called Daffy, or Daffodil. She was a little Welsh cob and was super patient.
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2019 23:53:28
My first horse was named Candy! She was super sweet and patient!
a shetland arab cross named topper. he was a stinker
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The first horse i ever rode's name wasn't given because they were horses from a county fair. But the first horse that I've ever "Rode"s' name was Sandy. She was a Pony, not sure what breed with a bay coat and a white stripe. She was a jerk Lol
I remember one time i was like, "Hey Sandy!" And I leaned on her stall door and she ACTUALLY turned around default smiley xd
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Drøftn. She was an icelandic horse
it was in 2006 or something
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By Retired breeder, 15th March 2019 14:03:36
The first horse I rode's name was Gribouille, a Fjord pony. It was in 2008
2014 The horses name is Drew (or Drewbie)

quarter/thoroughbred/shedding machine

Bay coat

Don't ride him anymore but still work with him a lot at the barn I ride at.
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Cupcake, a little grey fleabitten pony. I think she's gone now. default smiley (a)
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A grey connemara pony named Tinkerbell, she was always in another world of her own, but very kind and tried her best to look after her rider.
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Princess was my first pony, I had Freckles, and Fonzy after.
Seleena Forrest
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