The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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Mine was Cascade! She was a lovely old thing at a riding centre. I haven't ridden a horse since but it was really fun and memorable and would love to get into leisure riding when I'm much older.
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My first official ride was on a 18? year-old chestnut quarter horse mare named Tiffany
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He was an old OTTB. I loved him! He did a great job teaching me the ropes of Hunter/Jumper riding, which is what I started with before falling in love with Dressage.
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2019 23:37:38

She was a bit of a rescue horse, but a real sweetheart nevertheless.
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2019 15:58:24
My first official ride was on a really sweet pony named Anuschka default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2019 23:37:30
A beautiful brown and white pinto pony named Shedaisy default smiley (l)
Silver, a gentle palomino quarter horse
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By Retired breeder, 4th December 2019 21:50:53
Mine was named Scooby
I rode a little trail pony named Dolly, but the first arena ride I had was on a horse named Pebbles
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Her name, I believe, was Roxy. She was a shall grey mare and I loved her to pieces.
The last horse I rode was Spiderman. I had to emergency dismount and run into trees to avoid being trampled due to a bee stinging the horse in front of us.
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2019 19:56:26
first horse I rode was my very own horse Harris. check him out on my profile
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2019 17:46:28
the first horse I road was freedom she was a pinto.
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2019 21:01:53
Amy and she was a gorgeous seal brown Welsh cross!
Maddie, a black paint/quarter (Don't remember the breed) possibly, a cross
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Beverly default smiley (l) she was also my first horse and she passed away last year in october
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The first horse I ever rode was a paint horse named Patches. She's also my first horse on Howrse! She's also famous - her picture has been on the Wikipedia page for the American Paint Horse under the Tobiano tab since 2005!
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By Retired breeder, 19th December 2019 07:38:48
His name is George. He's 15, I think.
A 20 year old Paint stud named Boe. He was my father's horse. I was 1 1/2 years old.
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Mine was Mirza! She was a beautiful chestnut mare default smiley (l)
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Mine was a minny named penny, she’s gone now. She was pretty old already when I had got her when I was 4
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2019 19:03:08
Jasmine! A beautiful quarter horse mare. She was a totaly sweetheart. I desparatey wanted to purchase her but at the time I didn't have the correct fencing in my pasture and my barn was still being built.
Boo. He is now 22 (I believe, haven't seen him in a year or so). Sweetest, laziest little quarter horse there was. It was at my friends 9th birthday party. I had had no interest in horses prior to this experience, but it all changed after that. default smiley ^)default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 1st January 2020 04:38:26
Maddie saddlebred lesson mare default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2020 09:16:53
My first horse I ever rode is named Liberija. She is a chestnut trakehner mare with short white socks. She is super calm, and she often attends meetings with people with disabilities default smiley :) (She is a hippotherapy horse). Although, she is super comfortable to ride. I developed my love for trakehners because of herdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2020 09:21:08
The first Horse i rode... i think that was a white gelding with gray dapples named Picasso. Hes a Lusitanian horse and was used for Bullfights in Portugal. By now he‘s probably dead.
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