The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 14th January 2019 23:09:53
mine was Miracle, i own him and he is a pretty welsh shetland mix breed. he has a blonde mane and tail with a brown and white paint coat! im currently working on posting trot
By Retired breeder, 15th January 2019 15:31:56
First horse I rode was when I was seven. His name was Big Barney. I remember him because he seemed absolutly massive. default smiley :-))
I can't remember the very first horse I rode (I was only a year old default smiley xd) but I remember he was a little chestnut Shetland pony! However I do remember the horse I learnt to ride on properly when I was 7 - her name was Jenny, and she was a gorgeous little grey Welsh pony. She taught me everything, from walking, trotting, cantering and jumping, and she took me on my very first show and we came home with two 4th place rosettes default smiley (l)
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Kalana & Sallybell
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By Retired breeder, 19th January 2019 20:15:01
Bronston was mine
Flash, I can't remember what kind of horse he was. I was probably only 2 or 3 years old. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2019 23:42:46
The firet real riding i did was on either Blazer or Tutu, i dont remember. They were QH
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2019 23:45:58
Mine was Zeus or Zoose
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2019 04:28:40
The name of the first horse that I ever rode is Annie, which is now coincidentally the name of my horse now. (each are 2 different horses)
Zor.. Such a mischievous and sometimes mean mare she is default smiley xd default smiley :-))

If I remember correctly, she's a Paint/Gypsy half breed.
June 8nd
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By Retired breeder, 2nd February 2019 22:43:35
A palomino named Honey was mine.
Mine was a white/gray gelding named Prince. I miss him so, he's since passed away.
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By Retired breeder, 6th February 2019 21:03:54
My first horse that i rode was my familys 2 year old black sheland pony named Cletus default smiley :d
Mine was either Peanut Butter or Jazzy
These are my third cousins horses and they rick!
Custies forever Liberty!
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Captain was the first horse I ever rode! He was a skewbald (chestnut and white) and he had one eye from where thieves attacked him when they broke into the yard! He was the biggest legend and remained a firm favourite at the riding school! My sister learned to ride on him after I did! We learned to canter by being in a ride with much bigger horses and when they trotted we had to canter to keep up! 4 year old me thought it was absolutely delightful, 21 year old whos training to be a riding instructor gasps in shock at how health and safety wasnt after the riding school for the amount of small children who must've fallen off (I was gifted with good balance and great stickability so from a young age didn't spend too much time on the floor!!)
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2019 21:49:11
My first horse was a Quarter Horse filly named Chimo (meaning "friend" in Eskimo).
First horse I rode was a mare named Lucky!
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2019 03:34:17
Taffy a Shetland Pony.
By Retired breeder, 11th February 2019 03:37:59
The first horse I rode was Roany, a strawberry roan Quarter Horse mare. The first pony I rode was Mugsy, a black quarter pony with a star.
By Retired breeder, 11th February 2019 06:15:58
The first horse/pony I have ridden is called Gemma. I think she passed away and I missed her sooooo much!
Charelston, he was a retired TB racer wbo had been abused, but very gentle with kids default smiley :) I was 6 .in the old at the time. Sadly he passed away about 1p years ago due to sand colic.
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The first horse I ever rode was named Mr. Hugs, he was this absolutely ancient Quarter Horse, but he was always sweet and gentle default smiley :) I think he lived to be 42
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Summer, about eleven or twelve years ago? Adorable chestnut pony at the EC I have tons of fond memories of. She was actually the reason I like riding horses that people say have a bit of an attitude and are picky about their riders (a trend that continued up until I had to sell my horse).
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John Willis

He was an old 30-something year old saddle bred with a great sense of humor. He liked to fake a trip to scare me. He was beautiful and elegant despite his age and was very patient and well-mannered. Gave me quite a few 'balance checks' as well XD
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By Retired breeder, 20th February 2019 14:25:30
I don't exactly remember the first ever horse I rode, as I was only 4, but I remember the first one I truly learned to ride on was Blue, a handsome chestnut bay gelding. He was a sweetheartdefault smiley (l)
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