[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

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A reminder that this is not the place for trading/buying/selling BMI, horses or advertising or asking for someone to train your horse.
If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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So, you definitely *can* do it, but the way Howrse is set up, you will never see more than 5 breeds on any given horse's pedigree. Again, you can do it, it just won't show per se.

I did come across how to do an even 5 way cross once though. I'll put that below in the banner if it's something that interests you.

Click to display
Here is the "recipe" for creating a perfect 5-way cocktail. The letters A, B, C, D, and E represent the five different breeds you select. I have listed the horses by their proportions of each breed:

1st Gen: A + B = 50AB AND C + D = 50CD (this gen involves two couplings)
2nd Gen: 50AB + 50CD = 25ABCD
3rd Gen: E + 25ABCD = 50E/12.5ABCD
4th Gen: 50E/12.5ABCD + 25ABCD = 25E/18.8ABCD
5th Gen: 25E/18.8ABCD + 25ABCD = 21.9ABCD/12.5E
6th Gen: 25E/18.8ABCD + 21.9ABCD/12.5E = 20.3ABCD/18.8E
7th Gen: 25E/18.8ABCD + 20.3ABCD/18.8E = 21.9E/19.5ABCD
8th Gen: 21.9E/19.5ABCD + 20.3ABCD/18.8E = 20.3E/19.9ABCD
9th Gen: 20.3E/19.9ABCD + 20.3ABCD/18.8E = 20.1ABCD/19.5E
10th Gen: 20.3E/19.9ABCD + 20.1ABCD/19.5E = 20ABCD/19.9E
11th Gen: 20.3E/19.9ABCD + 20ABCD/19.9E = 20.1E/20ABCD
12th Gen: 20.1E/20ABCD + 20ABCD/19.9E = 20ABCDE
  • Posted messages: 4,017
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Thanks deimos did inform me of that in my original post (in the gameplay forum) regarding the fact that Howrse only shows five breeds that the other(s) are still there, you just can't see them. Which is a slight bummer.

That is very helpful. See my goal with the six breeds is to have a breed that is extra specialized in each skill and bring them together to try and form a skill and breed balanced horse. If I don't figure out the six breed thing I will probably compromise using a breed that is really good in two skills to compensate. Am I correct to assume (I'm not super familiar with "recipes") that the numbers in front of the letters are percentages?
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Yes, so 25ABCD would be 25% each of breeds A, B, C, and D.
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Perfect that makes it easier to read. Thank you so much!
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Is this one still active?

I'd love to join a xbreeding channel

Currently wondering if I can use the Finnish for a fun project. Haven't made up my mind what skills I want yet
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It looks like it's still got some traffic on it Asfridur
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Hello again - Hope everyone is well! default smiley (l)

I am an avid crossbreeder and primarily focus on breeding real world crossbreeds (Warlander, Pony of the Americas, Appendix QH, etc.) I work with a lot of the top teams on most of my current projects to make some of the highest GP crosses available, and am very thankful for their support.

I love what I do, am happy to answer questions, and enjoy brainstorming new ideas with others. Please visit my hompage and EC forum (Crossbreeder Central) for crossbreeding information, discussions, and other fun!

I'm posting today let you all know that I have updated the studbook on my homepage, which currently lists a variety of 9 high-quality, crossbred studs. The studbook includes a clickable banner to each stud, number of covers, GP and skill stats, breed breakdown (%), and current leaderboard positions. Hopefully this makes it much easier to find what you're looking for, if you're in need of cross covers.

Each stud will be retired after 20 covers. Please check for them in the public covers listings or private message me to reserve a covering at a discount.

Parent breeds in this set of studs includes:

Peruvian Paso

Thank you, and happy Howrsing! default smiley 8-)default smiley (y)
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I've also bred and am working up my first Dutch Harness Horse (Tuigpaard), which is Hackey x KWPN. Will soon have a Vlaamperd, which is Hackey x Friesian, available in a few days too. Very excited about both. default smiley (l)

Will show you how they turn out, once I've gotten them both worked up and ready. Am planning on having studs of each, so will be adding those to my studbook as well. I love the variety and challenge that crossbreeding offers. default smiley <:o)
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Hackney x KWPN
= Dutch Harness Horse
Stud: Rode Vos Nachtlied

Hackney x Friesian
= Vlaamperd
Stud: DJ Originale
  • Posted messages: 788
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Oooh, im liking both of those! I just need to figure out which mare's i want to cross them with default smiley 8-) Do you happen to add? default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 17
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Happy to help with whatever you'd like - What are you asking? I accept all friend requests and am happy to reserve private covers for others, and at a discount too. Will be adding both studs to my studbook on my homepage this afternoon, but also have public covers already available as well. Feel free to shoot me a private message. default smiley 8-)default smiley (y)default smiley (l)
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Hello all, quick question, can I breed a pony with a riding horse? Like if the dam is a pony and the sire is a riding horse and I breed them will it hurt the dam having a bigger foal or does the game not go that far in depth?
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  • Seniority: 209 days
Game does not go that far into depth. I cross riding horses and ponies all the time. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 788
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Crossbred stud update!

I have updated the studbook on my homepage, which currently lists a variety of TWENTY high-quality, crossbred studs. The studbook includes a clickable banner to each stud, number of covers, GP and skill stats, breed breakdown (%), and current leaderboard positions. Hopefully this makes it much easier to find what you're looking for, if you're in need of cross covers.

Each stud will be retired after 20 covers. Please check for them in the public covers listings or private message me to reserve a covering at a discount.

Parent breeds in this set of studs includes:

Arg. Criollo
Peruvian Paso
Quarter Horse
Vanner, Gypsy

Thank you, and happy Howrsing! default smiley 8-) default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 788
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I have been putting together articles about specific crossbreeds in the real world in my EC forum and just finished another one this morning, this time on the Henson Horse. If anyone is curious, please, come check them out!

I hope people enjoy reading these and find them interesting. I enjoyed doing the research for them and have learned a lot about the crosses I like to breed on Howrse. Please let me know what you think.

Here's what I have so far:

- The Abstang
- The Aegidienberger
- The Arappaloosa
- The Azteca
- The Dutch Harness Horse (aka: Tuigpaard)
- The Henson Horse
- The Morab
- Spanish Jennet: The Atigrado (aka: Atigrado Paso)
- Spanish Jennet: The Pintado (aka: Pintado Paso)
- The Tennuvian
- The Vlaamperd

What cross would you like to see an article on next? default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 788
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i made this horse

i rly wanted her to win a lot of gallop rosettes but she sucks, every horse in all of them is way better

i don't get how this game works
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Whenever I've bred a cross for a comp type, I look at what the top horses' genetics are for a comparison. The difficulty in crossbreeding is that you the genetics you need aren't always available in the public covers or sales, so it involves lots of comparisons.

I looked at one of the top 10 Thoroughbreds, and its gallop and speed skills are both higher than your horse. The Quarter Horse genetics are likely bringing it down. I've had success in gallop rosettes with TBxAppy crosses, because you get the Appie's speed combined with the TB's gallop. The Quarter horse has its genetics distributed a bit more throughout the other skills, while the Appy and TB are more concentrated toward the gallop comp skills.

Something else to keep in mind to are the bonuses. Most comp horses, rosette winners in particular are geldings do the bonus it offers, and are over 25 because they've had full lessons done, even if they didn't use Pieces of Cloud. A companion adds a needed boost, along with the tack. There are others too, like the +40 EC bonus, Falabella bonus and Bucephalus. You don't always need all of those, as I've had rosette winners without full lessons, the Bucephalus bonus or whatever, but they all add up when you're going against top horses.

This cross is super outdated now, but it won a small number of gallop rosettes with the bonuses shown. I think it did have the Falabella and +40 EC bonus when entering, and I got 138 skills from lessons (I removed the WoY at some point for an objective. PoCs weren't used at all because I was too lazy too botherdefault smiley (lol)). I think it was #1, or at least top 5 in speed skills, and was also in top for gallop skill. Companions must not yet have been introduced back into the game, which is why it doesn't have one.
Legacy Ann
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yeahh ig my logic was the higher speed and dressage gp frm the quarter horse would make more an advantage for the gallop comps n i thought her gallop would've already been high default smiley (lol) oh well

thanks for replying
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Appaloosa x TB crosses make great gallop rosette winners, if you breed with Tears and get a high IBS. Get a top TB mare from sales and then politely ask the top Appaloosa team for a top cover, and they should help you out. I recommend contacting rummington for that. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 788
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I bought the #4 Paint in skills and realized she’s a 50/50 Paint/TB cross. If I breed her to another Paint, would breeding that offspring to a TB bring TB genetics back into the line but keep Paint as the 3rd gen offsprings’ primary breed? Would I have to then breed that offspring to a Paint again or would I be able to breed it to a cross?
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It has been quite some time since being online. How is everyone?
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If you breed the 50/50 to a pure Paint its offspring would be 75/25 Paint/TB. Breeding that back to a TB would bring it back to a 50/50. As to which breed it would take I am not entirely sure, it has been a long minute.
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2022 16:58:31
Hi! I'm trying to get a high GP Morgan by cross breeding him with other horses that have a higher GP than him. So far every foal is taking after its mom's breed, not the Morgan dad. Any tips on how to get the foals to be Morgans? Thank you!
Are you still using the stallion you referred to in your game play topic the other day? If so, I'll paste what I posted there:

It depends on the percentages of the parents. If you're referring to the stallion you have, it's only 50%Morgan, with some TB and Paso mixed in.

The foal takes half from each parent, so if there is no Morgan in the other parent, your foal's Morgan genetics will be reduced to 25% Morgan. You'll have to do some calculations when picking the other parent to ensure you get a Morgan foal. Your best bet is to find something that's Morgan dominant, although another crossbred would work provided it has smaller genetics of those crosses mixed in.

If you're still not sure whether the mare you choose will work, it's easiest for us to help if you post the parents so that we can look at the genetics.default smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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Using one of your recent foalsas an example, the father is
50 Morgan
43.8 TB
6.3 Paso

The mom is 100%Curly.
The foal is Curly because that breed is the highest genetic between the 2 parents.
To break it down, you'd add up the numbers you see for each breed, then divide by 2:

The formula would look like: Breed=(sire+dam)/2
When you add up your results you should get 100, or close, due to rounding.

Therefore, your foal's genetics are:
50 Curly
25 Morgan
21.9 TB
3.1 Paso
Legacy Ann
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