[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

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The Howrse Team
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Just noticed they added a trophy filter so you can pick which ones show up on the page (maybe it was always there? I don't know) which is nice, but it also shows just how heavy they're leaning on trophies for divines and event participation. Those take up a ton of space, whereas pretty much everything else (community, equestrian center maintenance, customization etc.) has barely any. The breeding farm tab is probably the saddest, since that's the horse care trophies which in theory should be what the game's all about, right?

It's a measly ONE, the droppings collection. default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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By Retired breeder, 25th April 2023 00:14:14
jsniper wrote:

they need to do something about the Validate 4 Special features objective in the beginners objectives. The question comes up SO OFTEN! Perhaps the words' Special Features' could be a link, and when you click it scrolls down the page with the helpful green finger pointing at them?

I don't know...
Click to display
It may be the word validate. They could use the language as the statement underneath and say unlock. Something like "Unlock all 4..."? But idk
  • Posted messages: 72
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blueyedoll wrote:

It may be the word validate. They could use the language as the statement underneath and say unlock. Something like "Unlock all 4..."? But idk

I agree with this, "validate" sounds like you have to do something specific, not just keep doing objectives until they unlock on their own.

I get that it's probably a minor translation issue because the game is originally in French but I think it could be reworded a bit.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Crookedstar915 wrote:

Just noticed they added a trophy filter so you can pick which ones show up on the page (maybe it was always there? I don't know)

It's been there for a couple of months at least. default smiley :)
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Thank you for your messages!
  • Posted messages: 938
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Asfridur wrote:

You forgot to mention that you have been tinkering with the resolution as well default smiley ;) As a PC player I now have to set my zoom level to 110% At 3840 x 2160 it is VERY clear to me that the resolution of the graphics and art has been lowered significantly. So one more step towards going mobile then. Not using the mobile app, and still waiting for a fix on the trophies.
Mikunotcheating wrote:

STOP changing the resolution! For Xanthos's sake y'all! your mobile site will never match the desktop site and attempting to match them is a futile waste of time and energy. Fix the dang trophy page you're all so proud of ruining!
.: Dяєαм :. wrote:

Um. I genuinely though my eyesight was getting worse. default smiley :o

We've been looking into this and haven't found any changes in the resolution.
  • Posted messages: 938
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I am sure other collectors than me have their views on this, but I must reiterate how dysfunctional the Collections page is when it comes to... viewing your actual collections. Looking at golden apples and retired golden apples; I actually have zero interest in looking at coats I have NOT collected for whatever reason. I want to see my collection as it is, with the coats I have. With the coats I have chosen to own and with the coats that are aesthetically pleasing to me.

"Only display missing elements" is useless to me. If I want to look for coats I might be missing, I have the Directories to look those up with.

I just want to be able to look at what I have at a glance and with a single click or two, like we could before the beautiful trophies and the old wonderful trophy page were removed. Having to click through endless pages of coats I don't have gives me zero pleasure or incentive to collect more. The layout is messy, hideously large and clumsy, and requires a ridiculous amount of clicks.
  • Posted messages: 323
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Oh geez, I just took a look at my next rosette trophy.. win 2500 rosettes with the same horse? Isn't that near impossible, with how fast GP goes up and how good the horses get completely outclassing your horse in almost every comp?

I just got the 1000 trophy one, and my hand hurts from entering all of those manually. Its going to be a nightmare trying to go for the 2500, and then that's only a gold one?? Is the diamond trophy 5000?? The horse with the highest rosettes has 4300! How is this even obtainable?? Not to mention even finding that many comps to enter..
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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jsniper wrote:

Oh geez, I just took a look at my next rosette trophy.. win 2500 rosettes with the same horse? Isn't that near impossible, with how fast GP goes up and how good the horses get completely outclassing your horse in almost every comp?

I just got the 1000 trophy one, and my hand hurts from entering all of those manually. Its going to be a nightmare trying to go for the 2500, and then that's only a gold one?? Is the diamond trophy 5000?? The horse with the highest rosettes has 4300! How is this even obtainable?? Not to mention even finding that many comps to enter..
The only wayto do the rosette one will likely be a divine, not because skills increase so fast, but because there probably aren't 5000 rosettes in a single discipline. We need a horse with the ability to change its skills (like a Water divine) so we have more rosettes to enter.

And even then, there's the issue that a divine can only enter one open comp a day. Divine comps don't offer rosettes, so assuming you entered your divine every day, and it won, it'd take you the same length of time as the highest seniority trophy. 5000 days for 5000 rosettes.

Really hope this one is lowered eventually

(Forgot to add that Gullfaxi, or whichever "faxi" divine that wins a rosette without placing 1st, should also count, I'd think).
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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Cranedaughter wrote:

"Only display missing elements" is useless to me. If I want to look for coats I might be missing, I have the Directories to look those up with.

Not to mention, when placing coats on you already have the option to filter coats your horses don't have, which is where that would be most useful. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of unused RA coats I don't have isn't helping. I only have maybe 20 total, and there's no way to see them.

And there IS no Golden Apple collection anymore, nor is there one for Helios' Ray. They've been scrapped, and now there's no way to view your collection, which makes it kind of pointless to collect them, no?

I would say the "filter items you don't have" feature is useful for things like the classic coat and breed trophies where there isn't an option to view those and the actual number is smaller (plus, I believe that's the only way to unlock the quick sales link now which used to be on the old trophy page and WAS very handy. I haven't tried it with the new version so I don't know if it works as well there, but it would be a shame to lose it entirely).
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Okay, just tried the sales link. It seems to work the way it used to, which is nice. I wouldn't get rid of the "filter elements you don't have" option for that reason, but I wouldn't mind if there was a "filter elements you DO have" if only for the RA one because of the sheer number of items in there.

I also wish they'd add GAs and Rays back in. default smiley :$ Seriously, what IS the point of collecting those if you can't see what you have anywhere on the game?
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Exactly, it is so frustrating.. it feels like they nerfed all the time and effort and resurces spent collecting up until that point.

I also personally wish there was a way to scale the view down on the Collections pages, to resemble the old overview we had on the trophy page and on the profile page. I find the current layout way too big to be comfortable enough to use and to look at. There are so few coats on each page, which has wildly increased the clicks. Thinking about it, the pagination itself bothers me too.

I think the current version would have been fine as an additional, optional way to view things. Not as a replacement for the old way.
  • Posted messages: 323
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I cannot quote your reply so copy paste
>>> We've been looking into this and haven't found any changes in the resolution.

Thank you for investigating.
How ever I am not the only one that has noticed.
I can see a difference, and so can they.
The colors are less vibrant, the horses and critters look less 3D, and have less depth and details.
This goes for both divine, regular coats and GA.

My NVIDIA card has the latest driver update, same with windows. I have zero issues with other games, only on howrse
Games on Steam, Origin all work fine with plenty vibrant and details, so the "thing" is on howrse.

It has become a little better over the last past few days. So hopefully something is being tweaked.

It is a real shame - I normally like to collect the GA and Helios.
The trophy change was a slap, now the color and depth change, I simply see no reason to grab GA's any more, unless I win them in promos, then I can toss a random BM on random horses and move on.

Already shortly before the parrot chimera was released, and we saw the first pics, it was very clear that details and depth was far inferior (sorry to be so harsh), compared to the normal detail we are used to seeing on divine.

But nrm I can see there is a difference, and I do NOT like it.
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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@EchOw - ok I was harsh and di not mean to lash out. It's not your fault.

You guys might want to look into color palette changes, rendering overall, and how cromium renders colors.
Even switching to CSS colors could help.
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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Asfridur wrote:

Thank you for investigating.
How ever I am not the only one that has noticed.
I can see a difference, and so can they.
The colors are less vibrant, the horses and critters look less 3D, and have less depth and details.
This goes for both divine, regular coats and GA.

My NVIDIA card has the latest driver update, same with windows. I have zero issues with other games, only on howrse
Games on Steam, Origin all work fine with plenty vibrant and details, so the "thing" is on howrse.
Are you able to post a screenshot?
It sounds like your monitor is 4k, which mine is not, so I'm wondering if that's why I'm not seeing a difference (maybe I can't see the difference because of my monitor's resolution or something, I mean). I keep my browser at the 100% default option.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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@Legacy Ann - absolutely. Sorry has taken me a while - sick atm with a flu pneumonia combo.

Anyways here are some screenshots. The overall quality is not like 100% what I see, due to uploading at the imagehost etc. But it was the best quality I could get.

Yes I'm on a 4K monitor.

The pics are big - just rightclick and choose open a new browser window.

Easiest way to see the issue, is looking at the red Falabella

Click to display

The picture to the left was taken pre trophy change. The one to the right is from yesterday (04-29).
I got the color issue after the latest howrse update.

Can you see how the red and the overall colors are way less vibrant? Like they have a filter on them?

A Shagya - they never used to have such fat outlines and markings.
Click to display

Link to the horse

Here from a tablet

PC version

Hrimfaxi used to be way more black . now he's greyish and the mane and tail are pixlelated
Click to display

Another one that has become very blurry and used to have a way more shiny and detailed coat. The helios is very blurry as well.


Click to display

Last one - the horse used to be way more black - now it's greyish tinted and fades into the background.... interesting part with that the helios still maintains the amazing reds that made me choose it back then.

link: https://www.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=43611037

Click to display

I do not use the app, but it would be very interesting to compare how they look on that platform.
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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It's about to get a whole lot worse friends... check out Prepod default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 9,629
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Just when we thought they couldn't make the trophies any worse, huh?

Couldn't be content with JUST screwing over the collectors, now they gotta aim for everyone else on the game too, I guess! default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Honestly thought my eyesight was going real bad when I came back to this game but it had been so long since I last played I brushed it off. Screenshots definitely showing a drop in quality. Colors are super muddy.
Flara Starburst
  • Posted messages: 120
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Why is that irritating add banner back?? At LEAST make that thing stagnant, it's a nuisance!! default smiley (li)default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 799
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Sent to contact us about the potential (insane) rosette trophy change

Click to display

I want to try to help you see a players perspective on this:

I think whats getting to me the most is that all the rosettes I have won through hard work, dedication, and real money are now going to be handed to the player who only bred the horse.

I'm the one who thousands of passes training the horse
I'm the one who spent months carefully entering comps
I'm the one who won 4000 rosettes - not the original breeder!

I like the analogy one player thought of - It's like you bought a canvas, painted a piece of art, then its the person who made the canvas that gets the credit/rewards for your art work!

It's mind blowing how someone on the team thinks this is okay... I've never been this close to quitting before... 4100 rosettes that now not only don't earn me anything, but are actually being given to someone else.

Additionally, the grand prix trophy is still with 'any horse' which makes this change make even less sense!

What you could do:
Trophy:Earn 5000 rosettes with horses you have bred

Allowing players to use multiple horses gives an achievable goal that players can work towards. It would give players a sense of achievement and that they are able to work towards something on the game by breeding their own horses.

Please listen to what your players are saying. We love this game! default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 9,629
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@ Bell_z,

I sent my rant to contact and got "Your suggestion will be shared with the team." I didn't even make a suggestion.....I just ranted. I'm sent a 'Can' response with no thought of what I said. I'm so, so tired, it's like talking to a brick wall. For me, this is just another game killer. default smiley (n)
Arabians are best
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Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad wrote:

Instead of being gung ho about mobile - do NOT forget your loyal base that plays on PC - if it weren't for those Owlient would've sunk long time ago

Now this is an underrated comment! So true! [Found on Pg 128]
  • Posted messages: 128
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How about a tweak to how IBS is calculated? It is so aggravating to breed 50+ times and get no where near IBS worthy oi skilling. The gap between lowest and highest possible IBS is now 579 skills (with top GP pair). I know it's based on luck but breeding 4-5 mares and getting nothing is a huge waste of time and supplies with no reward.
Crystal Coven
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