[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I love not having to keep track of my numbers now. It got so repetitive having to keep track, even with keeping the details in a document that was updated when a decent amount of progress was made.
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The game has been updated! Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner.

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 15
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Hey, pretty satisfied with trophies' page, especially with the fact repetitive block animation was removed. But I just checked the page from my phone and, just so you know, it still has percentages instead of numbers. Are there any plans to make mobile app display numbers like PC game?
  • Posted messages: 23
  • Karma: 10 points
I love the organization of the new trophy page. It's a lot easier to understand and easier to look at. The trophy icons, however... I'll say it. They're ugly. I loved the bright medals... why were they replaced with these new dull, bulky trophies?
  • Posted messages: 1,516
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I'm very happy to see the updated trophy page!! I love all the information displayed for each category and the organization!! I'm still sad that we lost the OG icons before the new trophy page was added but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
Thank you for the update Howrse & keep up the good work! default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 276
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I love giving us the choice to display the trophies in a list or block format!
Multiple display options is always good, because there are so many different devices and displays that are played on, and one of the options may be better than another depending on how big your device's display is, or just based on how you ingest information.

I'd still prefer the top portion of the page to be condensed more. Perhaps shrinking the reward box, and making it longer to help bring the trophies themselves up higher. It's really weird that the actual trophies don't start until halfway down the webpage. If I were on my laptop, I'd have to scroll before I could actually see them, because of how far down they are.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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OMG love the trophy changes. Thanks so much for finally listening. a DC that actually does something productive. Best part is the numbers. It drove me crazy knowing that i was like 88% into enter 100000 comps. do you know how many comps cover 88% of 100,000? a lot. many it's not a big deal but anything more than like 1000 the actual # is a huge help
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,879
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Another vote in favour of the trophy page changes. It's much easier to read and understand without extensive calculations. I'm actually trying for trophies now whereas I rarely did under the old system. Thanks, Howrse. default smiley (y)
Kitty Poker
  • Posted messages: 6,672
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10/10 for the new interface! Super easy to sort find and see, plus having an actual count instead of a percentage is a HUGE help!! Super happy with this change.
That being said not a huge fan of how the new trophies look. They're not bad but something seems really off about them, especially the blue one. It seems out of place.
Still really miss the old trophies but this is a leap in the right direction. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 2,839
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Like the new trophies display... however that DOES NOT mean that I like it in general. I still despise what ya'll did to the trophies a year ago and sincerely wish you'd bring it back
  • Posted messages: 167
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The trophies are ugly and it seems like I'm the only one that doesn't like it.

While I'm glad we can see how much left we need to fill before completing the trophy, I didn't mean a complete makeover of the trophy page itself.

The medals were beautiful to look at, these trophies are just ugly and guady.
  • Posted messages: 569
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To little to late.
With the previous update a year ago, that wreckied the trophies entirely, I lost all interest to complete them.
The new layout hasn’t changed that.
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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Wow, the trophies page is so much better now that it provides me with my progress in number form rather than percentage. It was getting annoying to constantly google "what is 92% of 50000" (as an example), in order to figure out how much more progress I had to make!!
  • Posted messages: 31
  • Karma: 10 points
1. LOVE the filtering and numbers on the trophy page!!! default smiley <:o) default smiley <:o) default smiley <:o) it was SO overdue and the percentages particularly on the higher-level trophies was always a pain from the start, as mentioned by others above. Not to mention the option to hide completed trophies so they aren't cluttering the page!

2. It looks like the option to filter by type is gone, though? That I admit I might miss, especially with how many there are. But we'll see, I don't know that I used the type filter that often as it was.

3. I also like the more spaced-out look (no more rows of bar after bar!) and the icons, although they aren't as pretty as the old style. By this I mean the ones with actual personalized art instead of just an icon, not the ribbons. I still wish they had a player page display that showed what they actually were though, and not just the number and type each player won. It's a little thing, but it used to be fun to visit pages and see who got what.

4. With the new prize box is everything still going to be randomized? Mine shows specifically what's on board for me next instead of just a random prize.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Edit: I just figured out how to filter by type. default smiley (y) Very good!
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Second edit: The look of the completed trophies is a LOT better, too. This should cut down on people asking why their trophies aren't registering and reporting glitches because "the bar is stuck" because admittedly the filled bar looking "stuck" at 100% and not being taken off the page wasn't that intuitive as complete.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Cʜoso wrote:

The trophies are ugly and it seems like I'm the only one that doesn't like it.

I do agree that they look somewhat ugly, but not too bad in my opinion. I love how we can see the numbers instead of percentages, and that we can filter, but the trophies themselves can't begin to compare to the pretty trophies we had before last year's update.
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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Hi,I really think I love this update! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 2
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  • Seniority: 13 days
Absolutely love the new look of the trophy page!!
  • Posted messages: 19,604
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Hi all, unsure if this is the correct play to post this so apologies if not. Just wondered if this was the right place for a game suggestion? I have multiple special horses (japanese/fairytale/Celtic etc) where at certain points they give you random gifts, I had an idea and I’d love it if it would be possible to have like an item history for each horse to see which gifts you’ve received from them.

I know this would be super beneficial for me as for example, when my fairytale horses get the 4 plot elements and I get the gift, it would be interesting to see how often I receive the top gift (they each offer 3 gifts but generally there’s 1 gift that’s better than the other 2) and also, interested to see how often I get the main prize from my Japanese horses.

Just an idea and not sure if this is something that can already be viewed somehow (I know there’s already the item history in the black market but it’s difficult to see as there’s also lots of other items received from different things).

Thanks for reading default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 140
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Just a bit of criticism, the progress tab also factors in trophies you already have. I finished the competitions entered and victories trophies ages ago, yet I'm still getting them in the progress tab, It's bad to the point that these trophies are pushing down the actual progress that I wish to keep track of because of the amount I enter every day.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Just a bit of criticism, the progress tab also factors in trophies you already have. I finished the competitions entered and victories trophies ages ago, yet I'm still getting them in the progress tab, It's bad to the point that these trophies are pushing down the actual progress that I wish to keep track of because of the amount I enter every day.

Mine doesn't seem to? I haven't completed those two trophies so maybe it's just an error with those specific two, but I have the progress filter on and "completed trophies" filtered out and there's none that are fully complete showing up on the page. They only appear if I turn on "completed trophies."
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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I'm talking about the progress tab that updates whenever you gain points. For some reason, it also records points for trophies that are finished. It's under history.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Oh, I see that now, I never went into the history setting before. It seems like it might be an error though? I admit I can't check since mine only goes back a few days before running out of room (it counts just about everything in +1 increments) but what I do see labels the specific "in progress" trophy the action counts towards, so if there isn't one it doesn't seem like it should be counting it.

Maybe ask Contact Us and see if that's working as intended? I never noticed if there was a previous history feature but if it's new it could certainly be a bug.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Also under "how do I play" it says there's only 20 Divines total (up to level 200) so does anyone know how many are missing? We have about 16 known, right?
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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