[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 31st May 2023 00:54:30
Howrse team be making up problems nowadays where there aren’t any to keep entertained by our reactions. Ready with popcorn and soda in hand.
Players: Hey can you maybe edit the trophy page so that it's usable or find a fix to the issue where team players can make their horses unbreedable and unsellable with no warning or make the rules page clearer so people stop getting penalized for things that weren't even stated or fix some of the legitimate bugs or focus on the multitudes of players being allowed to very obviously cheat in the public sales or


Players: Okay thanks
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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HellOw everyone,

We wanted to clarify on the reason why Javanese characters were added to the list of forbidden characters.

When players used Javanese characters, it would break the game layout and prevent other players from using game features.
  • Posted messages: 938
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EchOw wrote:

When players used Javanese characters, it would break the game layout and prevent other players from using game features.

Figured this was the case when I went and looked at the characters...

Although, I think for the Howrse Team, it would be a good thing to add why IN the Dev's Corner, to avoid confusion. default smiley (y) Just randomly taking them out looks odd to most people.

Javanese Characters have been removed from the game *because* they broke game layout when used, making it hard for other players to use certain features

Looks a lot better then just

Javanese characters have been removed from the game
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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Wouldn't it be best to find out *why* it's breaking the game layout and fix it if possible? If you have yet to even try to fix it before completely banning an entire language then thats pretty weird.
I've never seen anyone use any Javanese characters either. How exactly does this prevent other players from using game features?
  • Posted messages: 4,577
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RheaMone wrote:

I've never seen anyone use any Javanese characters either. How exactly does this prevent other players from using game features?

Some alphabets aren't oriented left to right like the Latin alphabet is so it may be an issue where it goes in a different direction and messes up the layout of posts and such, but I'm not sure.

Howrse is indeed pretty buggy so I'm not too shocked that having a different alphabet used on the game would break it somehow. It would have been nice if they'd explained this in the Dev's Corner as was mentioned but I guess it makes sense.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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I wish Howrse wouldn't keep forcing potentially important discourse to happen on Discord, because by choosing to do so they are excluding a significant portion of their playerbase from participating and from being heard.

A player cannot be expected to sign up for a separate entity in order to communicate with the game... Conversation about Howrse should be happening on Howrse.
  • Posted messages: 323
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Cranedaughter wrote:

I wish Howrse wouldn't keep forcing potentially important discourse to happen on Discord, because by choosing to do so they are excluding a significant portion of their playerbase from participating and from being heard.

A player cannot be expected to sign up for a separate entity in order to communicate with the game... Conversation about Howrse should be happening on Howrse.

Tricky one. Because, although I don't go on discord, I can see that it is probably done this way in order that players from all servers are able to join the same conversation.
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deimos wrote:

probably done this way in order that players from all servers are able to join the same conversation.

Not if they can't speak english. International server thats english only? Yeah thats not inclusive whatsoever.
"Hey look we made a server for everybody! No you can't speak your native language, you have to speak english!"


Anyone else notice that they changed the japanese divines? Instead of their prizes showing up immediately after you click the ufo, you now have to either reload the page or do an action with the divine to make it show up. What was the point in that?? They changed the passes to show up immediately yet they removed that ability with the japanese divines? Yikes
  • Posted messages: 4,577
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Well, I for one won't be going on Discord. So, if anything that is actually relevant to game play is said by the big wigs, please let us know here or pm me.

I agree with Cranedaughter, "Conversation about Howrse should be happening on Howrse."

Why is that so hard to understand?
Arabians are best
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It's nice that they're trying but yeah, I wish they'd just do this sort of thing on the platform itself. I guess it's a step, though, and hopefully if anyone is on Discord and gets relevant info they can bring it here.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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RheaMone wrote:

Anyone else notice that they changed the japanese divines? Instead of their prizes showing up immediately after you click the ufo, you now have to either reload the page or do an action with the divine to make it show up. What was the point in that?? They changed the passes to show up immediately yet they removed that ability with the japanese divines? Yikes

Have you told Contact Us?
  • Posted messages: 25,610
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deimos wrote:

Have you told Contact Us?

Yes I did and their "solution" was to "refresh the page" default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 4,577
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Since my post I have done all mine with everything as normal and not seen anything from anyone else.

Have you tried the usual cache and cookies clear and see if a different browser makes a difference.
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I was having the same problem, Quinn, but looks like it's fixed now, for me at least...
  • Posted messages: 3,201
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@Crookedstar915 (the game won't let me quote your message since your message quoted another message).

“Some alphabets aren't oriented left to right like the Latin alphabet is so it may be an issue where it goes in a different direction and messes up the layout of posts and such, but I'm not sure.”

I did a Google search and the results said that Javanese is written left to right, just like English, so I don't think that is the issue.

Also, Howrse had an Arabic language server, which was shut down, and it was able to display the Arabic script just fine.

I've seen horses on the game that have an affix in Arabic, and they display properly as well.

I hope Howrse doesn't ban the Javanese language forever, and instead tries to find a solution to the problem.
  • Posted messages: 1
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I joined a few months ago but never really used it, but saw the "ask the art team (and others) questions!" and then immediately had to leave the server before I said something snarky.

honestly the only decent use I saw with discord (that the site certainly doesn't see as a feature) is the reply emojis. seeing 20+ Yikes and angry faces on the announcements of anti-consumer changes they roll out is certainly validating default smiley (lol)

site communication NEEDS to be ON the actual site! stop trying to shunt players onto a totally separate, unrelated app. -.-
  • Posted messages: 566
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answrs wrote:

site communication NEEDS to be ON the actual site! stop trying to shunt players onto a totally separate, unrelated app. -.-

But then how do you make it inclusive for all 24 servers? It does not make sense for the same conversation with slightly different questions to happen in all of them at once. And think of the work load to deal with it all when there are other things to do.

Believe me I'm not trying to defend Discord as I don't like it any more than you do but it just doesn't seem logical to me to do something like this other than on an unrelated site. I suspect thats why the general surveys are done the way they are as well.
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But honestly deimos, nobody really cares about the inner workings, what we care about is the game-play. I would bet all 24 servers have basically the same concerns and questions. The powers-to-be could cut and paste the answers that are given and post them on all the servers on a regular basis and quail much of the anger.

It is not our fault that they have stretched themselves thin. Many of these 24 servers are like ghost towns. I wonder how many of the ghost-town players actually showed up at Discord?

I will repeat what I said before that we should not have to go to an outside source to have game-play questions answered.
Arabians are best
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I rather suspect the people who run the game and the shareholders who support it care very much about the inner workings and the efficiency of them.

Is Equidow a ghost town? Perhaps they should be the 'chosen one (two)' to lead the way and everything could be done in French. They were the first, have the longest lasting players and most history.
  • Posted messages: 25,610
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Is there like a recap on all the questions and answers to the discord thingy with the developers for the people who don’t have discord for us to read?
ty lee ✿
  • Posted messages: 665
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deimos wrote:

But then how do you make it inclusive for all 24 servers? It does not make sense for the same conversation with slightly different questions to happen in all of them at once. And think of the work load to deal with it all when there are other things to do.

Believe me I'm not trying to defend Discord as I don't like it any more than you do but it just doesn't seem logical to me to do something like this other than on an unrelated site. I suspect thats why the general surveys are done the way they are as well.

I'd like to add to this-
Howrse is targeted towards the younger audiences correct? Say age ranging from 8+ years old right? Which means a pretty good amount of younger players are not allowed to create a discord account (their age limit being 13yo minimum)
So howrse removing the forums where these children were able to communicate and ask questions in a safe and controlled environment was a horrible idea. Now they're enticing these children to make an account on an app they're not allowed to be on at that age so that they can have free range access on a server with thousands of people (many of which, likely over 80% of the server, are grown adults over the age of 20)

And that means that now these children have a high chance of being preyed on as Howrse mods can't do anything about someone over private messages on discord. Sure you can report them to discord themselves but you're only outing yourself as under 13yo which means your account would likely be deleted.

Not only that but forcing multiple servers into one giant server and saying they're only allowed to speak english is absolutely horrible. Imagine having to use a translator just to be in a simple conversation because you can't understand the language being spoken? Now these people are no longer allowed to speak their own languages in a server that was claimed to help them, they have to do everything in english. How would you feel if it was against server rules not to speak your language but being forced to speak a language you can't understand? I'd imagine you'd feel pretty left out and irritated because thats the only possible way you can ask questions for the game.
Like I said in the OHD, a simple general channel for each of the servers that had their forums shut down where they can speak their native tongue would feel very inclusive, like they actually want you to be there. I'm tired of people being forced to speak languages they dont understand because a game is too lazy to have mods that can moderate a server of that language.
  • Posted messages: 4,577
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deimos wrote:

But then how do you make it inclusive for all 24 servers?

"inclusive" yet they can only speak english? Sounds restrictive to me default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 4,577
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RheaMone wrote:

"inclusive" yet they can only speak english? Sounds restrictive to me

English is an international language. All countries teach it in schools. Games that have forums have it as ONE forum even if servers are different. And it is a much better solution then discord imo.
  • Posted messages: 102
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deimos wrote:

Is Equidow a ghost town? Perhaps they should be the 'chosen one (two)' to lead the way and everything could be done in French. They were the first, have the longest lasting players and most history.

Isn't everything on the game already done in French and then translated for the individual servers? That sounds like it'd work actually.
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