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Will the cows be like apples? Cycling wise.
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 23:37:29
Anyone know what the next divine for the GC will be? I know sometimes people know because other servers may have completed collecting horse shoes faster, and thusly the lottery ends earlier and the next GC (and new divine) is revealed sooner.
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know what the next divine for the GC will be? I know sometimes people know because other servers may have completed collecting horse shoes faster, and thusly the lottery ends earlier and the next GC (and new divine) is revealed sooner.

I don't know of any server that is close to ending (the soonest one I know of ends on the 12th (I think it's the Slovakian server))

Though I could have sworn someone posted here that on the French server - it was stated that there might be another break to allow for the upcoming EC changes to be better implemented...but I have not heard anything else on the subject (and I think one of my fellow Mods actually said it might have been a mis-translation or mis-read of the original mention of the challenge being put on hold for the month of December)

woww wrote:

Will the cows be like apples? Cycling wise.

Well, from what I've gathered:

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It will take 30 days for them to "grow" before they can be harvested...so they will be like Apples in that regard. I do not know if they will need to be "replaced" between harvest like any other seed of if they are a perma-crop like apples.
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 00:33:02
Does anyone know if you will still be able to get hoof picks and combs and tubs of grease after the boxes have been removed? Also, will you still be able to restrict the number of horses in your center? Oh, and when are the updates scheduled for? Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if you will still be able to get hoof picks and combs and tubs of grease after the boxes have been removed? Also, will you still be able to restrict the number of horses in your center? Oh, and when are the updates scheduled for? Thanks!

For question one:

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Bonuses gotten from the Box (Comb, Hoof Pick, Tub of Grease) - will be switched to being found during Missions (lessons)

Question two:

I would assume so (as players can still buy/make boxes and it is these that determine how many horses can be boarded at a center)

Question three: With luck, around the end of February is when they will be put into play
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Man, Shorah Nagi, your on top of your game. default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 8,389
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So no more buying boxes/meadows with passes? And no more hol?

I now see my EC falling deeper in ruin.
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Kate wrote:

Man, Shorah Nagi, your on top of your game. default smiley xd

With Green-name power comes Green-name responsibility...and one of those is helping players with questions they may have about things on the game (or things to come)

*Everything I know about new changes I posted a page or two back, please don't come PMing me thinking I know more than what I've posted (The Admins don't tell us Mods much on new things before testing starts...and even then, we get told much the same things as players do)
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As I have had no response to my question. Here it is again:

Will we be able to sell the leather back to the store? If so in what form: Actual equipment or just leather?
  • Posted messages: 2,038
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 01:24:17
Is the test server on this version up yet? I checked through the last few pages but all I can tell is that the French one is.
Retired breeder wrote:

Is the test server on this version up yet? I checked through the last few pages but all I can tell is that the French one is.

We suppose that it may be around one week before ours opens up.
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 01:56:08
Thanks ShorahNagi!! You are always so helpful, and we ALL appreciate it! default smiley (y)
mightysteed wrote:

As I have had no response to my question. Here it is again:

Will we be able to sell the leather back to the store? If so in what form: Actual equipment or just leather?

According to the Inside Howrse blog:

"The basic principle is:
-> harvest a primary resource
-> transform it to make it into an end product
-> use the end product to improve your EC, keep it for your personal use or sell it to earn equus."

That seem to suggest that primary resources cannot be sold.
I haven't seen any more up to date information just yet.
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when we make leather.. we will be selling to the players... not the store.. one of the updates is that the store will change as we know it... we just do not know the extent of the change.
  • Posted messages: 20,554
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*The following is translated from French, so some things might be off about it:

About boxes, green houses, and workshops

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Your installations wear out over time. You can then repair them with resources
What are the installations concerned ?
- The boxes , which are worn by 1% per day so busy
- The workshops, which are worn by 1% per day whether used or not
- The greenhouses , which wear of 1% per day when used
They can be repaired from 75 % wear . When an installation is completely dead , you can not use it until you repair it.
To repair an installation, you will need resources. The number of required resources depends on the degree of wear , quality and improvements of the development concerned. You will have more resources need to repair a large workshop 80% worn a small workshop worn 20%. Also repair a box with a shower will require more resources than a box without shower .
You can have as many as you like greenhouses . They come in different sizes, such as meadows , workshops and stalls . When used , they count as culture.Il is not possible to breed cows there . This means that you can have six cultures simultaneously in winter, whereas until now it was only possible to have a greenhouse cultivation.
They wear out when you use them and have no concept of fertility.
Tip: the performance of your greenhouse is not dependent on their wear. They always have the maximum yield
All these objects are manufactured in workshops. To get you started , we've given you a small workshop. If you want more or larger , you can buy them or make them.
The more your prestige , the more you can run workshops at the same time to a maximum of 5 .
Plus a workshop , the more you can make objects simultaneously.
- From now on, mash and fertilizers are manufactured in the workshop and not on the page.
- If you cancel a production, resources are lost.

About resources:

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Make what you need
Gather resources and build what you need in the workshops of your equestrian center . Buy, sell , resell to the shop to earn equus .
New resources are emerging about the game:
- Iron, sand and wood are obtained by the missions based on the location of your equestrian center (mountain , beach, forest).
- The leather is obtained by raising cows.
These new resources and existing resources on the game , allow you to make what you need or make the sale to earn equus .
Some examples: leather and iron used to make saddles, bridles , bells , ...; flax used to manufacture saddle cloth tapes, ...
Tip: for 30 days , you can change the location of your equestrian center as many times as you want to test the different options available to you.
Purchases, sales and speculation
Once things are made , you can either use it for purposes of your equestrian center or your horse or sell it to the market.
The prices of manufactured objects depends on supply and demand . Depending on the time of sale, they can be more or less expensive. Plus an expensive item is sold , plus it is interesting to resell it. More an object is low, the more it is worth buying.
You will also need to purchase at the store the raw materials that you can not harvest or directly buy the finished product. So if your equestrian center is located in the forest, the shop will be useful to get sand which is important in the construction of boxes . You can also decide to buy directly from a box ready for use. This will cost more but will be faster. See for yourself what suits you best!

mightysteed wrote:

Will we be able to sell the leather back to the store? If so in what form: Actual equipment or just leather?

Based on what is said in the Spoiler I put under the resources heading...

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I'm thinking leather might be able to be sold in both forms - the raw leather for those who don't want to raise cows, and as tack for those who lack the resources for making tack
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Who else is really excited for the cows than me? ^_^
  • Posted messages: 2,472
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 02:36:04
Does anyone on have any information on

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The new equestrian center tutorial that will supposedly be a viable when setting up an EC (like when you first began your account). Will it be available to those who already have ECs? I feel like it's going to give new ecs an advantage, sort of how your first horse got BMIs, maybe those ecs will get a shower or large box...?
I wasn't even aware of a EC tutorial coming so I'm pretty anxious the hear the news about it
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone on have any information on

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The new equestrian center tutorial that will supposedly be a viable when setting up an EC (like when you first began your account). Will it be available to those who already have ECs? I feel like it's going to give new ecs an advantage, sort of how your first horse got BMIs, maybe those ecs will get a shower or large box...?

Nope, all we know is that a tutorial is in the works...

My guess is though it would probably be something like this:

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I feel an EC tutorial would probably more or less take a player through the motions:

Start an EC - it takes you to the Meadows page to buy a meadow. Then to the store to buy seeds. Then it lets you plant them (regardless of season - kind of like how the tutorial lets you continue to compete with a pregnant mare after the 8 month mark).

It would also probably have you buy a meadow to use as pasture and show you how to set it up.
It would then probably have you buy a box, and buy bedding. Then make you set up a competition.

As for rewards from it - it would probably be minor things like - plant on the meadow, 5x bag of seeds. Make manure - extra droppings. The only major thing I can see given would be a shower for buying a box.
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camp3135 wrote:

Who else is really excited for the cows than me? ^_^

I am! Can't wait for the new changes. We'll all be ranchers.

I'm excited for the new economic system too. It will be interesting to see how it will be implemented. Since Howrse will apparently not be stocking the shops with things anymore (like they do now with some items where the price fluctuates) you would think the shops would be empty at the start.

Hopefully the preprod starts soon so we can get some more information default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 05:38:34
This is going to make everything so much harder and so much more expensive.
I translated the image about EC employees that ShorahNagi posted a few pages back default smiley (y)

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Sharecropper (Métayer)
The fertility of your meadows down half as fast.
1 pass for 30 days

Gardener (Maraîcher)
The yield crops in greenhouses is increased by 20%
1 pass for 30 days

Groom (Palefrenier)
The box wear out twice as fast (Translation fail? default smiley :s )
1 pass for 30 days

Coach (Entraîneur)
Your competition with less prestige does not count in the calculation of the prestige of the competition
1 pass for 30 days

Monitor (Moniteur)
Only 4 best boarders included in the calculation of the prestige of residents
1 pass for 30 days

Veterinary (Vétérinaire)
The skills bonus conferred by your equestrian center is increased 50%
1 pass for 30 days

The extraction missions relate to 15% of additional resources for your equestrian center
1 pass for 30 days

Overseer (Contremaître)
Daily regeneration of resources is increased by 25%
1 pass for 30 days

Craftsman (Artisan)
The duration of production in workshops is reduced by 20%
1 pass for 30 days

Saddler (Sellier-bourrelier)
Leather needs for production in the workshop are reduced by 25%
1 pass for 30 days

Worker (Ouvrier)
Repair workshops costs 2 times less
1 pass for 30 days


None of them seem essential for EC prestige so I don't have a problem with them. From the way people were reacting a few pages back I thought we would have to shell out a bunch of passes each month just to maintain our current prestige but it appears (if this information is true) that our ECs are safe default smiley ^)

The only one I'm a little worried about is the Veterinary one since anyone who boards Grand Prix skillor will pretty much have to buy that one.

I actually like many of them and would consider buying them. Heck, they offer better value than many of the BMIs priced at 1 pass do IMO.
  • Posted messages: 879
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So... just to clarify, when a lesson is performed, who gets the resources?

The EC owner? The horse owner? Both?
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2015 07:23:53
HistoryRocks wrote:

So... just to clarify, when a lesson is performed, who gets the resources?

The EC owner? The horse owner? Both?
So if you board your horse in your own Ec, would that mean you get double lesson reward?
Here's what the timeline says about lessons:

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Horse's Page
>Lessons carried out by horses have been renamed Missions.
>There are two types of missions:
>Lessons, which bring in money to the Equestrian Center manager
>Gathering missions, which bring in resources to the Equestrian Center
>This action always brings in money for the horse owner and skills for the horse.
  • Posted messages: 879
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