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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:29:25
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Paying for something they took down? default smiley (o)Oh no Howrse you dont.default smiley (o)
Time to start riot on test server against this guys.
As soon I get aces...(if I do),join me in the forums.I will be there.

They are not madatory so you don't need to pay for anythingdefault smiley (lol) It's an optional bonus item.....so should we start complaining that all bonus items cost something?
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Paying for something they took down? default smiley (o)Oh no Howrse you dont.default smiley (o)
Time to start riot on test server against this guys.
As soon I get aces...(if I do),join me in the forums.I will be there.
Agreed default smiley (y) If we bring it up on our test server and everyone is against it, all we can do is hope that howrse see it and then ask the other servers for their opinion, and just hope it's all the same.

*note to self* don't miss prepod
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:31:48
Also they do not function as the old jobs did so no they are not bringing back something they took away.. they are adding new bonus items that just happen to have 'job titles'.
Yes but it's still a version of a job.

Honestly it they're bringing them back players should have the opportunity to get their job back.
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boobrrypiegrl:Im not complaining Im showing my misapproval for something that existed,was taken down and changed into something that I hope wont be necessary to keep enough prestige to keep ECs at 60e.

No. Its like taking away autocomp ,coding it differently and then bringing ti back and asking "hey,pay 1 pass for this so you can use it like before!".
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:41:16
^^As I read it, it's like the temporary employees, but more expensive. =) They aren't required, but they sure do help. (The temp employees were useful if you couldn't find a player for the job.)
We're still bemoaning the loss of 200e per day? e.o
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:46:09
Aoife wrote:

We're still bemoaning the loss of 200e per day? e.o
No, I think the complaints (ahem, disapproval) are for the fact that something that is essentially the equivalent of a temporary employee is being added, but at a much higher price than we paid for employees when we hired other players or temporaries.
By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:46:22
From what I've read on french server it's bonuses and not required for prestige. If they changed the so called job and turned them into flowers that you sprinkle over your EC it's still just a bonus. Doesn't matter what they introduce it as. They just happen to go with a so called employee named bonus.

The only thing that 60e lessons require is a top horse. Nothing else is currently used it the lesson calculation. Only the skills of the horses.
By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 19:46:46
No we are bemoaning that employees will now cost a pass if you want the benefits when they could have done the same thing with players as employees
Employees that hold a much much more significant bonus. Before they were a requirement to keep prestige and functionality. Now they're like showers/scarecrows. They probably pay for themselves and more if the farm is fully equipped.
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Question regarding the drafts.

Click to display
If they're like donkeys, does that mean their GP also goes down?
  • Posted messages: 3,563
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Laur wrote:

Question regarding the drafts.

Click to display
If they're like donkeys, does that mean their GP also goes down?

I want to know too. :P
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Laur wrote:

Question regarding the drafts.

Click to display
If they're like donkeys, does that mean their GP also goes down?

That is unknown - though considering that:

Click to display
a screen shot I found showed them as a horse a team could use for their breed, I would assume it goes up (As there are no Donkey teams because GP goes down). The whole 'like Donkeys' thing I assume means that they can only breed 3 times, and probably only with other Drafts.

Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Paying for something they took down? default smiley (o)Oh no Howrse you dont.default smiley (o)
Time to start riot on test server against this guys.
As soon I get aces...(if I do),join me in the forums.I will be there.

I would avoid rioting until testing actually starts and we see how things will work...then decide default smiley ;)

For all we know, by the time testing starts for us...due to reactions on the French server, this feature might be removed/changed.

Personally, and this is just my thoughts on the whole thing:

Click to display
I'm glad that Employees in their original form were removed. It became harder and more expensive over time to maintain full staff (I was shelling out a good 36,000e a month on temp. Riding Instructors alone). True, players could take the jobs...but the majority just wanted to be the one that paid the most (anyone else recall when Vet was a job, everyone wanted that job because it paid the most and there were little to no regular players for other jobs?).

If they kept employees in the old form - the same thing would have probably happened quickly (everyone wants to be the one that pays the most/offers the best benefit for their center, etc) and we'd be back in the same boat of needing to hire expensive temps.

Yes, I must agree, it is a little underhanded that Howrse removed a feature, only to bring it back in a different form where you need to pay...but the fact remains that the way they brought it back makes it an *Optional* thing for centers (whereas original employees were a requirement to have for certain things)

I know I won't be spending my passes/diamonds on employees - but if other players want to, that's their choice (For newer/smaller centers...I feel some of them might actually be worth it for a center just starting out)

This is a screen shot of the page if anyone's curious about the employees and what they do (sorry, it's not translated default smiley :()

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and apologies that the image in my spoiler is so large default smiley :(
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ShorahNagi: shorahNagi,:I didnt mean I would riot the same second I got acess,I will test it, but in the end it dosent change certain facts.Despite my annoyance I will test the "new feature" on Test Site.

I wish I could speak french... seeing those reactions would be fundefault smiley (lol)

You can use TInypic to make images smaller default smiley :d But big pic means details how it looks like with is awsome,thanks for sharing default smiley :)
Shishi no Seirei
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@Assassins Creed, I know - just throwing that out there to everyone that it is better to test first...then riot if the need arises *looking at you memories of the Retired GA*

AS for that shot - I didn't make it and didn't want to risk ruining anything with it with re-sizing
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 20:22:20
Retired breeder wrote:

No we are bemoaning that employees will now cost a pass if you want the benefits when they could have done the same thing with players as employees

That would mean we'd be paying passes to hire players for the new bonuses.... I'd rather not, sorry. ..the cheating I could see happening in this situation....
By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 20:41:19
I didn't mean pay passes for players in bmeant keep players for Equus
What is really disheartened my is you pay a pass for a shower you keep it you pay a pass for an employee for a limited time
Retired breeder wrote:

That would mean we'd be paying passes to hire players for the new bonuses.... I'd rather not, sorry. ..the cheating I could see happening in this situation....

The ability to cheat will always be there but this can ( and probably will) be taken to a higher level.default smiley :s

For me, I will be too busy this month with all these changes as I am on a few different servers.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I didn't mean pay passes for players in bmeant keep players for Equus
What is really disheartened my is you pay a pass for a shower you keep it you pay a pass for an employee for a limited time

Plus the fact that now you can decide how to buy the shower. Either work for eq and buy it with eq or work for passes and buy them this way. But the new "employees" can only be bought with passes. Together with the number of 11 of them to obtain for passes for a very limited time makes it a bit questionable. Even if it is optional.
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By Retired breeder, 7th February 2015 20:59:49
Retired breeder wrote:

I didn't mean pay passes for players in bmeant keep players for Equus
What is really disheartened my is you pay a pass for a shower you keep it you pay a pass for an employee for a limited time

Ok I'm hoping I'm understanding..

You meant keep it as hiring players as the employees but the cost would be equus?.. I'd hate to see what we'd have to pay to hire for the types of bonuses that could be offered...

The fees I was paying monthly for employees when I was working on my ec here was huge. I can't even begin to image what I would have to pay if the bonuses were equus purchases. I was very happy to see the removal of hiring players or temps just due to the cost of their upkeep.

I agree with you on how we can keep the shower forever but what's being proposed is temporary is a bit off.
I think if the prices get adapted for the employees, things should be ok.

Getting players for all those jobs would be impossible given the number of ecs, so people who want the employees would have to pay for temporaries anyway.
But 1 pass for 30 days ...

I'd say the problem is the price, not the "we had something like that and now it is back but changed". default smiley :d
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Starkitty wrote:

I'd say the problem is the price, not the "we had something like that and now it is back but changed". default smiley :d

That's how I feel...
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So if you wanted all the employees that would be 11 passes per month. Think I'll be passing on that. Thought the VIP account was expensive.....default smiley (d)
Arabians are best
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