[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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T i g r e s s wrote:

Question about the water Divines:
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If Source and Brook are the same Divines, has anyone tried using brook in the URL instead of Source? I tried using ruisseau (brook in french) and it leads me straight to the prepod link. Don't know if that means its possibly an answer or just an 'error'. Here is the URL if anyone on Prepod wants to mess with it.

I get a page doesn't exist message

The link I posted is the one from Preprod, and I beleive it will be the final URL.

I say this because the same thing happened with Cloud when he was first found (we had the cover image of the happy cloud - that just before release got updated to the correct image)
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JadedHunter wrote:

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has anyone talked about the change to the usernames yet? personally, I dont like it.

Yes, here's the information *copied from Preprod topic*

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From now on it'll be possible to change your login name when you get fed up with your current one.

This action is performed on the "My account" page (The little cog top right side of the pages.)

Of course as you'll all well understand we have had to set a few limits to avoid abuses with this feature.
This is why you can only change login once every 6 month and it costs 5 passes.
Your previous login name is displayed on your page for two weeks once you've decided to change it.

Your login will change everywhere it's displayed on the game.

Nothing else on your account changes: You keep your horses, affixes, teams, presentations, avatar. Everything.

Anyone you put on your Black List will remain on it and remained blocked (the username will update too on it).
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ShorahNagi, can you please tell me if these 2 prehistorical divines which are now in special packs will be possible get later on game in other way??? I asking this because I'm not sure I can allow myself to buy them on this time..sadly because I really like them a loot and I dont want to be disable get them later during the promos or events!
Horses of Angel
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 23:44:44
when will we be able to change them?
i hate mine XD
I like it, I had an old username from about 6 years ago that id quite like back! when i tried to use it for this account it had been taken, but its apparently available again default smiley ^)
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Questions about user name changing ability. Would we be able to change it back to our original username again if we wanted? And would someone be able to use our old user if we changed ours?
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 00:33:24
Oh no...we've reached 103 divines on the game. (I think..., trophies are being weird)
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Do we have anymore new divine info besides Wave, Dew, and Midas?
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh no...we've reached 103 divines on the game. (I think..., trophies are being weird)
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Do we have anymore new divine info besides Wave, Dew, and Midas?

I haven't heard of the last one. Could you share info on him?
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Does anyone know if, with the next update in February, we get control of the market? I know they're launching the production cycle and there was something about players' supply and demand controlling how much what sells for how much instead of a fixed price by the shop - does anyone know when that is coming online? I want to know if I should spend 12 million on fodder in case THAT price goes up because of demand (I mean, I can't lose any money unless Howrse introduces decimals, so what's the risk?)
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 01:19:51
BRM wrote:

I haven't heard of the last one. Could you share info on him?

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We only have an image...but he is a donkey divine
He is cute, I would not mind having him.
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Horses of Angel wrote:

ShorahNagi, can you please tell me if these 2 prehistorical divines which are now in special packs will be possible get later on game in other way??? I asking this because I'm not sure I can allow myself to buy them on this time..sadly because I really like them a loot and I dont want to be disable get them later during the promos or events!

In all honesty - I have no way of knowing this any faster than anyone else here (us mods aren't as in the loop on new things as everyone seems to think we are).
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Retired breeder wrote:

when will we be able to change them?
i hate mine XD

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Sometime in January I believe the ability to change usernames will go live


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Questions about user name changing ability. Would we be able to change it back to our original username again if we wanted? And would someone be able to use our old user if we changed ours?

Honestly - I don't know on this...Let me see if any of the Admins are on Preprod or if I can find something about it...
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Honestly - I don't know on this...Let me see if any of the Admins are on Preprod or if I can find something about it...

Thanks for looking into it. I am really curious and would love to know.
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Click to display
There is a 6 month waiting period in between name changes - so if this is possible, you need to wait 6 months to do so.

Though I don't know for sure if it would be as Ow stated in the Preprod topic:

Also normally when you change login your old login isn't available and stays that way. So someone can't come and "replace" you after a few months.

So it's possible the name might remain in a 'limbo' sort of status. Again though - give me a bit of time to see if I can't find out more

And I've copy/pasted your question over into the official topic (as well as one of my own that popped up). I'll keep people here posted.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Does anyone know if the elven packs will be available again for this magic ride?
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catlover4 wrote:

Does anyone know if the elven packs will be available again for this magic ride?

Nothing is known for sure - but my guess is

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If they are going to do them one more time - it will probably happen Friday or Saturday night just before the promo ends
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 07:13:24
I know this may have been answered already but my question is, when is the next Lottery/Great Challenge?
Retired breeder wrote:

I know this may have been answered already but my question is, when is the next Lottery/Great Challenge?

in January. So Maybe Thursday or friday. Might be after the magic ride so maybe the 5th
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 09:37:52
@ShorahNagi, Thank You (:
@ Satkin
[spoiler] howrse was very clever in making midas a donkey. Do you guys know the story of the music festival? Midas had to judge a music contest for apollo and Pan. Midas Said pan was the winner, so Apollo was a sore loser and said "you must have the ears of a donkey!" so that is how he had donkey ears. [spoiler]
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darn i got it messed up lol
first time ever.
  • Posted messages: 484
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 13:21:58
Supposed to be like this take the star out
[spoiler]type here what you want and VOLA![/spoiler*]
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Should look like this.. if you remove the star.. and VOLA!
What does
Click to display

  • Posted messages: 1,364
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2014 15:03:40
catlover4 wrote:


We don't know
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