[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 13:27:05
MadameEquus wrote:

Magic Ride info

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So you literally have to buy passes to progress your board? Is there any other way besides rolling the die at the times you can? And how is Greyfell achievable, is he in a present or is he on a space?
I didn't say anything direct so that stinks to be sensored... oh well guess I won't say anything at all.. tired of being sensored for what others do worse.
good luck and get out your wallets
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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 14:33:43
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When will release water horses for sale ? In my version Dr Zigg say it will be when lottery end .
Retired breeder wrote:

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So you literally have to buy passes to progress your board? Is there any other way besides rolling the die at the times you can? And how is Greyfell achievable, is he in a present or is he on a space?

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t's always been that way. Even if you complete all of the challenges and roll the dice the second it's available every time, you still have to buy the packs at the end to finish the last board (or get to the last board lol). All of the divines are on the last board. Two are under "coins" and the third is in the middle at the "end."
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wildfire7979 wrote:

I didn't say anything direct so that stinks to be sensored... oh well guess I won't say anything at all.. tired of being sensored for what others do worse.
good luck and get out your wallets

It's a flipping SPOILER THREAD! I don't understand why we have to use spoiler tags in the first place. It's not like it's a book or movie where it might *matter* to someone, lol. We're all going to see what's coming when it hits. Why wouldn't we want to know? And those who don't want to know. obviously are NOT going to peruse the "Spoiler" topic... default smiley xd
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so it seems it has been taking people around 80/90 passes to finish the board right away. If we roll every day and do objectives and everything perhaps it will take closer to 50?

I've never seriously tried to complete a magic ride promo before and I am trying to see how much to save up default smiley (lol)
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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so it seems it has been taking people around 80/90 passes to finish the board right away. If we roll every day and do objectives and everything perhaps it will take closer to 50?

I've never seriously tried to complete a magic ride promo before and I am trying to see how much to save up default smiley (lol)

Last year I want to say I spent around 30-40 passes to finish it a day or two early. SO... you might get away with fewer than that if you don't try for all of the gifts along the way.
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@ equestrienne1979, hmm that doesn't seem too bad. I mean, it's certainly a lot but less than I was expecting default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 14:45:23
MadameEquus wrote:

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t's always been that way. Even if you complete all of the challenges and roll the dice the second it's available every time, you still have to buy the packs at the end to finish the last board (or get to the last board lol). All of the divines are on the last board. Two are under "coins" and the third is in the middle at the "end."

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o you had to buy the packs? Are you referring to the Asgard & Olympus packs? I know you had to spend passes, but do you actually have to use real money, or is there an in game way of progressing? And which ones were under coins, and which was at the end?
Retired breeder wrote:

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o you had to buy the packs? Are you referring to the Asgard & Olympus packs? I know you had to spend passes, but do you actually have to use real money, or is there an in game way of progressing? And which ones were under coins, and which was at the end?

No, the elven packs that gave you extra rolls. On preprod they're 1 pass for 3 extra dice rolls.
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equestrienne1979 It's also a topic in the forums where a modicum of polite and respectful behaviour has been asked for not long ago by myself and i am again seeing that the way people talk in here is not improving.

Do you realise how what you write can impact others and the way it can be perceived?
Using a word commonly known as a synonym for a fairly rude and much too common expression doesn't mean the sentence is okay, add a few caps to the mix and the message comes across as aggressive.
It may not be your intent.
But I'm afraid that when I read it that's how I perceive it.
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How do I make a spoiler tag on here?
Henry's Dynasty
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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 15:29:43
About EC resources.. vague but just recently posted from Ow
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By Ow, 27th November 2014 09:15:47
There are a lot of questions concerning what choosing a localisation implies for an EC on the resource side in the future. I'm going to try and shed a tiny bit of light on resources linked to the localisations.
Of course bear in mind that we are talking about something that isn't here yet and is subject to change.

After next Monday's update:
- You will be able to chose a localisation and your boarders will gain skills faster if they are in an EC with the correct localisation.

Two updates after this Monday's update (however as this is in the mid term future it may be subject to change):
- Introduction of the resources
- Possibility of changing the location of your EC for 30 days before they become final

Roughly how are resources going to work?

Your EC is located in the forest.
You'll be able to exploit wood. This wood will be gathered by your boarders when they do "mission/lessons".

Your EC is located in the Mountain.
You'll be able to exploit iron. This iron will be gathered by your boarders when they do "mission/lessons".

Your EC is located in the beach.
You'll be able to exploit sand. This sand will be gathered by your boarders when they do "mission/lessons".

How do you get your hands on iron or sand when your EC is in the forest?
You buy it from the store where other players have sold their stock.

Each EC owner will have to buy a part of his resources to do things whit them from other players. He'll also sell his resources to the others.
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 15:30:46
Henry's Dynasty wrote:

How do I make a spoiler tag on here?

[][/] put the word spoiler into each set of brackets the second word come after the /
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in Ows thing it says monday, so i hope everything does come on monday. so excited
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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 16:11:55
Water divine question:

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Does anyone know when the water divines will be out in the sales/for how much?
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 16:20:44
Concerning water divines in sales
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This question has been asked over and over and so far there has been no information about.. if they will be in reserved sales, when they might be in reserved sales or how much the cost if they do go into reserved sales for the water divines . I'm sure if another version gets them in their reserved sales we will hear about it.
Well it looks like

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I will get up early Monday, and get a pot of coffee in me.
I already saw new tool bar, it will take a little while to get use to, but not to bad,

I can see the people with starving horses because they cant find the store to buy food.default smiley *-)
The store and the sales will be what throws me off the most.
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so from reading above looks like im gonna need more than the 18passes i have to complete the next promo or i might do what i usually do & buy the next Divine since i very rarely manage to win one default smiley (lol)
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is it just me, or do you guys think that frost will be 15 or 20 passes because she is breed able?
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By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 17:13:07
jlmiller wrote:

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is it just me, or do you guys think that frost will be 15 or 20 passes because she is breed able?
So are Cascade and Mist......I'm not thinking they'll all be 15/20 passes, maybe one will be 10?...... doubtful.
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2014 17:14:09
Oh, forgot to spoiler!!!
i bought mist for 30passes originally when she first came out!
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Whoa. Where's my message?
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