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I've seen black, and like mahogany bay, one of my coaches has been training at the school, 10 years now, he said 2 bays have come into training in 10 years.
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Now folks, lets not get into color discussions for pages, remember the last time you have seen a uni or pegi, or for that manner a Dun Arab, so the zanners can be any color howrse wants them.
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A trophy with only grey, bay, and black to collect is fairly uninteresting- having a few more "old" colours isn't going to cheat players from any advantage/disadvantage, so I don't really mind
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katiedingo wrote:

Now folks, lets not get into color discussions for pages, remember the last time you have seen a uni or pegi, or for that manner a Dun Arab, so the zanners can be any color howrse wants them.

As it is coming to the game I think it is a perfectly fine topic to discuss. The last I heard Howrse conformed to breed registries, so I see no reason why we cannot speculate without being reprimanded by other players.
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anyone on prepod have any of the new breed trained and want to run a test with me please contact me.
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katiedingo wrote:

ni or pegi, or for that manner a Dun Arab, so the zanners can be any color howrse wants them.

then why not just have every breed any color? why not black fjords and palomino donkeys?
because they are still going for a realistic interpretation of the real horse breeds.
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but then again we are missing some coat colors lol like the palomino arabs!
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Ok, so it looks like vanners, and apps both did well in mountain, default smiley :s

Has any one tested, thb, or fresians?
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 00:34:13
JadedHunter wrote:

but then again we are missing some coat colors lol like the palomino arabs!

I was under the line of thought that palimino arabs came from a birth defect usually meaning that the foal had a prenatal virus/disease. I knew of a palimino arab colt, but he passed away a couple of days after he was born because his immune system didn't function. I can totally understand howrse not wanting to bring "negative" coat mutations into the game. (If you understand what I mean by negative.)
I believe palomino Arabians are not purebred Arabians. There is a strain of a palomino breed in there for the color, yet the breed is mostly Arabian for the look. For example, the breed Pintabin is 99% Arabian and 1% Paint just for the paint color. Yet the horse aside from the color looks like a purebred Arabian.
Sissy Long Stockings
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Oh wait, I'm wrong. I just looked it up. The palomino Arabians can be purebred. Apparently they lack the cream dilution gene so they aren't a true palomino; they are a flaxen chestnut with coloring so close to the palomino shade that they are considered a palomino.
Sissy Long Stockings
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 01:37:13

As it is coming to the game I think it is a perfectly fine topic to discuss. The last I heard Howrse conformed to breed registries, so I see no reason why we cannot speculate without being reprimanded by other players.

Purebred arabs don't carry dun or roan genes either, but those are legit colors on the game. I've never heard the theory that Howrse totally conformed to breed registries. The Jockey Club doesn't recognize dilute colors in TBs either, but they are on the game.
Retired breeder wrote:

Purebred arabs don't carry dun or roan genes either, but those are legit colors on the game. I've never heard the theory that Howrse totally conformed to breed registries. The Jockey Club doesn't recognize dilute colors in TBs either, but they are on the game.

I had no idea. I haven't studied horse color genetics, so would have no knowledge of this. I have always heard that Howrse conformed to breed registries on the game. So naturally I assumed that they would only include legitimate colors.
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 02:12:50
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Will there ever be an opportunity to select a 'guild' or 'faction' which is either good, neutral, or evil? Also, are any of the Divine Horses associated with such alignments? I ask because very soon, all players will be able to select a location for their Equestrian Centers.
Henry's Dynasty
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 02:25:28
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

If it's the wrong topic, why post it? I don't believe Howrse looks through here often.

Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

1. No. People use multiple accounts to enter the lottery more times, get more stuff, send their main account all their valuables, use the starter horse to send to the main account, send any good horses they happen to pick up to their other account....Howrse is already inflicted upon multiaccounters and we *don't* need more*
2. Divines are already a whole lot cheaper than they were before, it's just becoming easier and easier, to ask for them to become even more easier to get...they wouldn't be special anymore, as they almost already are.
3. Can you imagine how many teams we would have? Everyone would create their own teams, and everyone would be asking for VIP holders to get more slots, and not many people would start joining others' teams because they'd all want to be the admin of their own team.
4. It's been in the game for as long as I can remember, it's just a way to get more passes. We're getting more divines and more BMI's from the GC, I Don't think that we need more passes too. There are other ways to get them.
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 02:26:02
Henry's Dynasty wrote:


Will there ever be an opportunity to select a 'guild' or 'faction' which is either good, neutral, or evil? Also, are any of the Divine Horses associated with such alignments? I ask because very soon, all players will be able to select a location for their Equestrian Centers.

I doubt it...it doesn't show in the timeline. I don't think that we're a game centered around this though, teams are probably the closest
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 07:59:46
1) Does anyone know when the Great Challenge will end?

2) Are there any leaked images of the adult Cloud?
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 08:07:50
Retired breeder wrote:

1) Does anyone know when the Great Challenge will end?

2) Are there any leaked images of the adult Cloud?

Henry's Dynasty wrote:


Will there ever be an opportunity to select a 'guild' or 'faction' which is either good, neutral, or evil? Also, are any of the Divine Horses associated with such alignments? I ask because very soon, all players will be able to select a location for their Equestrian Centers.

Why is everyone quoting?
Henry's Dynasty wrote:

Will there ever be an opportunity to select a 'guild' or 'faction' which is either good, neutral, or evil? Also, are any of the Divine Horses associated with such alignments? I ask because very soon, all players will be able to select a location for their Equestrian Centers.

But those locations have nothing to do with any good-against-bad stuff. Nothing on this game has anything to do with those alignments, and why should it? That is not the kind of game Howrse is.

Retired breeder wrote:

Why is everyone quoting?

Well, I (!) am to make clear whom I am responding to. I have no idea why you (!) did it since the things you quoted seem to have nothing to do with your question ...
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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Retired breeder wrote:

1) Does anyone know when the Great Challenge will end?

2) Are there any leaked images of the adult Cloud?

This is the last GC till January.

This is the adult Cloud:

Click to display
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 12:46:39
Is it just me or is Howrse loading really slow? I can load everything except my horses pages to take care or them. It isn't long it doesn't load. at all. default smiley :k
I have no loading problems at the moment. Have you:
*cleared your browsers cache and cookies?
*made sure your computer is not trying to download something that takes a lot of resources at the moment?
*looked if between your place and France is bad weather someplace? (storms and such sometimes seem to make problems)
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2014 12:58:15
Starkitty wrote:

I have no loading problems at the moment. Have you:
*cleared your browsers cache and cookies?
*made sure your computer is not trying to download something that takes a lot of resources at the moment?
*looked if between your place and France is bad weather someplace? (storms and such sometimes seem to make problems)

Yep, cleared my cookies and browser.
I am not currently downloading anything
No bad weather occuring near my area.

It is only the horses page that I can't load. This happened yesterday. All I am doing right now on Howrse is going through sales. haha
Not sure if anyone has posted it but here are the new breed's colours.

Click to display
Species: Horse
Size: from 15.1 hands to 16.2 hands

The allowed coats
Bay 10 %
Dark Bay 7 %
Black 4 %
Fleabitten Gray 1 %
Cherry bay 4 %
Light Gray 47 %
Chestnut 2 %
Liver chestnut 1 %
Dapple Gray 24 %
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