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I plan to write a message to the game about finding a way to have something slimer to the silver apple as this is upsetting as I was hopeing to be able to add coats I have been looking for a long time for
Horse Fan
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Horse Fan wrote:

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I plan to write a message to the game about finding a way to have something slimer to the silver apple as this is upsetting as I was hopeing to be able to add coats I have been looking for a long time for

This makes 2 of us! I was really excited for this item.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 10:03:41
Horse Fan wrote:

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I plan to write a message to the game about finding a way to have something slimer to the silver apple as this is upsetting as I was hopeing to be able to add coats I have been looking for a long time for

I doubt that will ever come to pass,

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OW said that they make special RC coats in the future that they let out in limited supplies. But to add more to past coats would be nullifying the 20 passes us coat creators give up to have a limited coat at a certain number. Not to mention they would ruin the value of ultra rare pre-creation space coats.
Well if other players write the game they might reconsider as players besides my self are welling to pay real money for such an item
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 10:47:03
Horse Fan wrote:

Well if other players write the game they might reconsider as players besides my self are welling to pay real money for such an item

I think Howrse realise the money they would gain from players willing to buy them would be far outweighed by the money they would lose from those not willing to buy passes for RCs.
By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 11:54:32
Can someone on the test sever check to see if we can upgrade boxes? thanks default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

Can someone on the test sever check to see if we can upgrade boxes? thanks default smiley :)

checked (after searching for the option to buy a box default smiley xd ): no upgrade option.
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Starkitty wrote:

Well, Asfridur, you did (!) forget to say what shall be concluded from your graphic. default smiley :d

I mean, the general thing about new rides is not new. And to be honest, I fail to see what else we are to see there. default smiley xd

default smiley :-)) it holds more that just general info. Sorry if the numbers aren't clear enough.

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And no the talk here doesn't even remotely scratch the surface....of what will happen once we get the change of the rides.

It will have a massive impact on how we blup a horse.
Once we get the next change set for February, removal of the option to put a horse in the box and the meadow, it will be even more clear.

But never mind the change will get here soon enough, and you'll seedefault smiley (lol)
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I am still really confused about where to choose to place ec, my main breeding stock is vanners, Fresians, k nabbies, thb, and apps.

Does it really matter? My ec is junk anyways cant seem to get even close to what it was before change.
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 16:27:16
Not sure why my first message got blocked...? default smiley (o)

Anyways, super excited for the new Divines. Their art work looks solid, and it'll be nice to have a new flavor of Divines (ie ones that aren't based on mythology). default smiley ^)
Retired breeder wrote:

I think Howrse realise the money they would gain from players willing to buy them would be far outweighed by the money they would lose from those not willing to buy passes for RCs.

Yes, I believe you're absolutely right!
Arabians are best
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Retired breeder wrote:

I think Howrse realise the money they would gain from players willing to buy them would be far outweighed by the money they would lose from those not willing to buy passes for RCs.

They wouldn't lose people buying passes. They'd gain more people buying passes to buy the item.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 17:41:13
katiedingo wrote:

I am still really confused about where to choose to place ec, my main breeding stock is vanners, Fresians, k nabbies, thb, and apps.

Oh man, that is a rough selection. For your Vanners, definitely mountains, since they're XC horses. The other ones would probably do a bit better in a forest EC, but it'll be hardest on your Friesians and Knabs.
katiedingo wrote:

I am still really confused about where to choose to place ec, my main breeding stock is vanners, Fresians, k nabbies, thb, and apps.

Does it really matter? My ec is junk anyways cant seem to get even close to what it was before change.

The chart Asfridur posted ( in you can interpret gives you what breeds work best with what location you select.

I breed many breeds and as a non specialist I am thinking the beach location is the best choice for me.
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 17:50:55
i can't help but feel some people miss the point as to why howrse changed their mind on this item. there was two sides it would of been unfair to - coat collectors and the actual person that submitted the coat as retired.

it is mostly a slap in the face to people that made the choice as they handed over 20 passes in order to choose to make the coat limited. how would you feel if you made that sacrifice and then found out howrse went against the agreement and made more copies available? i don't think you would be very happy and in reality you would probably feel used and betrayed. do try and think how this would make the artist feel. if you want a copy of the coat then save up and try to buy one in sales. (to be clear you get 40 for a non limited coat and 20 for a limited one)
When's the next challenge and will it hops or t challange
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I was just wondering, regarding the changes to everyones EC's, has it been explained yet what horses would be best at certain areas?
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 18:17:35

it is written in the TAC and GUC that when a player submits a coat or anything given to howrse, is now howrses. they pay you how many passes agreed on. It is now their property to do what they wish with. the player should understand this before submitting a coat.
By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 18:21:16
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When will be released seasonal horses?
By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 18:21:29
Retired breeder wrote:


it is written in the TAC and GUC that when a player submits a coat or anything given to howrse, is now howrses. they pay you how many passes agreed on. It is now their property to do what they wish with. the player should understand this before submitting a coat.

i know that but then it is taking advantage of the choice they made. nowhere did it say howrse would turn around and try to make further profit outside the agreement from what i can tell. so howrse should be allowed to go outside their side of the agreement just because they now happen to own the rights to it? as the passes were agreed on, so too are the amount of uses that coat has. it is taking advantage as far as i'm concerned.
Retired breeder wrote:

i know that but then it is taking advantage of the choice they made. nowhere did it say howrse would turn around and try to make further profit outside the agreement from what i can tell. so howrse should be allowed to go outside their side of the agreement just because they now happen to own the rights to it? as the passes were agreed on, so too are the amount of uses that coat has. it is taking advantage as far as i'm concerned.

Doesn't matter. It is now the property of Howrse and they can do with it as they chose, whether or not you agree with it.

You made that commitment when you said you read the TOU.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 18:27:09
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀ wrote:

Doesn't matter. It is now the property of Howrse and they can do with it as they chose, whether or not you agree with it.

You made that commitment when you said you read the TOU.

it just doesn't feel right that players can be taken advantage like that. this is my opinion which i am allowed to have.
so if I sold you a horse for 10 passes, that was what we agreed on, then you had all rights to the horse correct?
then if you sold the horse for 20 passes, then thats ok. because its yours to do what you want.
Point being,
if howrse said they will never change the prices on anything or if they said they would never resell that howrse, then i understand that. But they clearly state that they can do what they want with what is theirs. No they didnt do it, but it wasnt because it was illegal, they were perfectly in their legal rights to do that.
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2014 18:47:00
JadedHunter wrote:

so if I sold you a horse for 10 passes, that was what we agreed on, then you had all rights to the horse correct?
then if you sold the horse for 20 passes, then thats ok. because its yours to do what you want.
Point being,
if howrse said they will never change the prices on anything or if they said they would never resell that howrse, then i understand that. But they clearly state that they can do what they want with what is theirs. No they didnt do it, but it wasnt because it was illegal, they were perfectly in their legal rights to do that.

there is a huge difference between reselling a pixel horse and reselling a piece of art work. there was no written agreement that the horse cannot be resold. however there was an agreement made when the artist accepted half of the usual pay in exchange for a choice as to how many copies the coat had. as i see it, that -20 passes was given in exchange for the right to choose how many copies there were. your not losing anything by selling a pixel and then having the new owner resell it.

Im not saying it was wrong or right morally, im saying legally, they have a spot in their terms that if you put up a creation, they will (they dont have to) pay you 20 passes compensation for it as a bonus.
so there are people saying that its illegal to open up the rgc but its not. thats all default smiley :)
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