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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 11:52:54
According to page 246 vanners have more feathers?
Looks like the vanner's manes and tails got longer as well. Good to see howrse listens to some things at least.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 12:03:16
thank you bothild default smiley :)
While I do LOVE the new coats, I do have a bit of constructive criticism for a few. I'll just go down the list pictured on previous pages.

-The highlights on the face appear a little strong. Not a major issue, but if the coats were to be fixed it might be something to look at.
Over all they look pretty good

Adult Gypsies
- They look pretty good to me. Loving the longer manes and better build (the old ones looked too frufru to me)

Gypsy foals
- look slightly buck kneed (or over at the knee, whichever term you prefer), almost appear to be standing on their tip toes. 
No major issues though, just a tweak that could be made.

Tennessee walker:
-Legs slightly too long, makes the neck appear a bit disproportionate, or you could say its the other way and the legs look to short. Just a slight adjustment in the proportions of the neck/legs would be needed if tweaks were to be made.

-Front pasterns look a little long
-Barrel looks a little long as well
Everything else looks pretty good

Looks good 

-Back leg is a little too far out. The hock and shank should line up with the point of the buttock.
-slightly camped under in the front

-Long in the barrel
- Looks a little buck kneed in the front to me. It may not actually be and the shading may just make it appear that way.

-same as above

Quarter horse:
-same as above

-Either the chest is too big, or the rear is too small. Just looks disproportionate.
-other than that it looks really nice

-The highlights on the faces look a tad strong for some of the coat colors (mainly the roans) but it looks good in general and that is a minor issue that wouldn't really need fixing.

-slightly camped under in the front and the knees look a little swollen.

I'm still in love with the new coats, these are just a few issues I saw and minor changes that could be made. Thought I'd go ahead and put them out there incase they wanted any further feedback on the conformation and shading for the coats. I'll try and find some of the other breeds later and post some thoughts on them. 
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 12:40:48
Retired breeder wrote:

It's been really fun watching the development of the coats through the spoilers. Such a great feeling seeeing that howrse is working very hard on bringing lovely new graphics to horse and very exciting seeing the new coats come through one by one...

...but is it really so hard to at least make the friesian look black, the original is so nice default smiley (8)

Can i point out the features of the Frisians are so much more defined i can actually see what they look like, because they arn't totally black, also look at the DA Frisians, i think these coats are so much better.
-Either the chest is too big, or the rear is too small. Just looks disproportionate.
-other than that it looks really nice

Swiftfirewarrior: I agree with that completely. I think the chest is a bit to big and rounded.
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I REALLY dislike the new Shetlands. They look very scruffy and disproportional. (Did I spell that correctly?) They used to look sturdy and well drawn, but know it looks like some drew a box of fuzz and the used the eraser to outline a horse.
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Has anyone seen Herbert in the Horse Parade? If that's the future Friesan... It jjust looks... Not as majestic.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 13:47:06
default smiley :).......default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 14:22:34
Tzipporah wrote:

I REALLY dislike the new Shetlands. They look very scruffy and disproportional. (Did I spell that correctly?) They used to look sturdy and well drawn, but know it looks like some drew a box of fuzz and the used the eraser to outline a horse.

totally agree. they did that so tack fits on , but even the rubber bands fly above its head!!!
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 14:46:45
I like many of the new coats; they look generally morenatural and alike the breed.

But like swiftfirewarrior, I would give a little constructive criticism, this time for the friesians:

It seems to me that it is the most disliked new coat. But, to me the body seems very well done. It is only the face and neck that does not fit exactly.

If you look at this picture, http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/198/7/4/Friesian_Mare8_by_Breathless_dk.jpg

you see that the neck forms a sort of bent triangle from the shoulder to the back of the cheek. The head is sort of outside this triangle. It is sort of attached to the top of the triangle, but not inside.
If you look at this pic:
or this one:

You see this clearly. The back of the cheek lines well with the front of the neck. These are drawings, not real pics, a real friesian would not have a neck completly like this, but I used these pics toshow what I meant. On the friesian in howrse the back of the cheek is in the middle of the neck.

Otherwise just coloring the friesian black, and giving it a wavy longer mane (friesians have natural waves, but I almost don't see any) would do wonders. default smiley :)
Atleast this is my opinion. I am sorry if I explained myself poorly. Im not english default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 14:49:23
Oops, Ive written a little wrong in the post above;
**you see that the neck forms a sort of bent triangle from the shoulder to the ears. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 14:56:20
Hello, I think the paint horses were looking much better before ... default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 15:12:53
I tried fixing the Friesan, I think it looks better. (I'm just a hobby artist and not very good at drawing horses, they can be a pain default smiley xd )

If Howrse fix it like I did, I wont complain about the friesian and would enjoy owning them.
My 'feathering' sucks lol
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 15:19:17
Tzipporah wrote:

Has anyone seen Herbert in the Horse Parade? If that's the future Friesan... It jjust looks... Not as majestic.

That *is* the new Friesian, they changed todaydefault smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 15:40:30
anyone got any tips on the next promo ?
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 15:58:46

By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 15:59:22
I would like to see your honest answer on this change.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 16:02:47
Sorry forgot to add a few things.

Click to display

I want to see your honest answer, which one looks better? Mine or the original?
The original
Raf's Mum
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 16:13:03
Raf's Mum wrote:

The original

Mine kind of looks more pixel-like. I agree.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 16:16:01
I must say I don't mind some of the new coats..I actually like the curly's now...

as a big breeder of the shetlands , I am very disappointed with their new look, so will be getting out of that breed...... ah well.....
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 16:24:24
I am looking into breeding Friesians.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 16:27:11
How coat come tomorrow
Retired breeder wrote:

default smiley :( I was hoping they would keep editing it

Same I really really do not like what they have done there.
And the Unis...no just no.

They look fairly fine with the new tack, but without it default smiley :'(

Guess it may not be needed to put a tacked Fry in spoilers, but here is is none the less.
My intention with the hole dress-me-up-barbie feature was to turn the feature off. But if my beloved ones look like that without tack I really do not know.
I've been breeding Destrier since 2012, and pure Fry even longer, but if they now look like that...

Any ways sad days....and a tacked up Fry in the spoiler below.

Click to display

Vtel wrote:

What happened to one of the primary aspects that makes a Friesian a Friesian? The Feathers? I'm sorry, but what happened with the new graphic...those are NOT Friesians. I really wish that people's opinions would have been considered and that they would have shown all the graphics when they did the voting. Many breeds don't look at all right and now these Friesians....well this is just downright wrong. As it is, all the horses pretty much look alike now as well which is really sad. It was nice to be able to look at the different breeds and see the differences and know what breed you're looking at without reading it on the horse's page. Makes me wonder what the draw is of the game anymore.

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