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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:15:56
Hahaha, everyone is whining saying the friesians neck should be thicker now, but everybody was complaining before that the neck was too thick. People are never happy! I liked the original neck.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:24:24
rhavennah wrote:

while everyone is ranting on the new images and claiming that their opinion of the breed is better than some other artists...and yes, realize that these were drawn by an artist...and that horses in *your* area or that you have see might *not* actually be very good examples of the breed...the simple fact here is, these are pixels

i'm more concerned with the fact that some of the breeds are shown in poses or lines that look *nothing* like what the standard describes, let alone real horses

i'm still waiting for a decent morgan drawing...both versions have been horrid for the true breed...the only type the current one fits is the minority show type that is more like a standardbred...nothing like the WWF or Lippitt type...and nothing baroque at all...which they should be...

I must say, I completely agree. There are some breeds where I preferred the previous coats, but howrse has improved the majority of those, and I can't deny these look much more realistic.

The one thing I didn't particularly like was the lack of muscle definition which much of the older horses showed, however it is growing on me. The new ones look better, smoother shading, less harsh lines. Some may be slightly off, like i dont know, legs a bit too long, or neck too thick, but as rhavennah said, they are close to the breed standards, and thats what we've all been asking for. Yes many of the horses look quite similar, but many horses are if you arent well versed in breed differences.

In short; yes some are slightly off, and we're all going to want to change little things, but they look a lot moer realistic, and generally better. We all hated the v.2 and v.3 changes, now we dont want them to leave, so they'll grow on us.
I really don't understand why some people are getting agitated by the people that don't like certain coats. This topic is for discussing the changes and things to come. As long as people are being respectful and giving *constructive criticism* then I don't see an issue. Say "oh it's so ugly" is rude and shouldn't be posted here. If you see an issue with a coat and have an idea of how it could be fixed, then post it. If all you want to do is complain about the coat and have nothing of substance to say, keep it to yourself because it isn't helpful. As we've all seen, Howrse is listening to the community and adjusting some of the coats. With more players *kindly* bringing up ways to better the new images, I don't see why Howrse wouldn't continue to make the adjustments. Basically, if you can say something that would further the development of the coats, do it. If you don't speak up, they'll never change anything.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:35:42
BigTimingFarm wrote:

I really don't understand why some people are getting agitated by the people that don't like certain coats. This topic is for discussing the changes and things to come. As long as people are being respectful and giving *constructive criticism* then I don't see an issue. Say "oh it's so ugly" is rude and shouldn't be posted here. If you see an issue with a coat and have an idea of how it could be fixed, then post it. If all you want to do is complain about the coat and have nothing of substance to say, keep it to yourself because it isn't helpful. As we've all seen, Howrse is listening to the community and adjusting some of the coats. With more players *kindly* bringing up ways to better the new images, I don't see why Howrse wouldn't continue to make the adjustments. Basically, if you can say something that would further the development of the coats, do it. If you don't speak up, they'll never change anything.

Well said. I think this was the aim for my post just before, not to sure I reached it tho default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:36:30
Retired breeder wrote:

Look here:

Click to display

Which one is better, my revised one or the original? (please be honest)

Please stop posting those, they have nothing to do with howrse spoilers or changes, also it acquires individual taste, which doesn't belong here.
I still don't like the new Gypsy Vanner coats as much as the current ones, but they're much better than the first version of the new coats that they released, and I'm really glad that Howrse took at least one of our comments into consideration.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:43:23
I don't like the new gypsy vanners, the're so cute now...
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:47:25
Milka070: Please look:
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:48:36
What is up with the wart looking thing on the freasians cheek? and the thin neck?
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 18:55:45
Gypsy vanners are so much better now although the mane on the chestnut ones looks odd
Retired breeder wrote:

The new Gypsy Vanner's with all coat colors-
Click to display

Click to display

That last foal with no mane has been fixed by howrse I just haven't updated this thingdefault smiley :p

They fixed the feathering! Yay =) That was my only real problem, with that they look much better.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 19:08:03
Anyone notice that the safe haven is now giving 2k for horses?
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone notice that the safe haven is now giving 2k for horses?

That's only for failed unicorn foals and unicorns.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 19:09:39
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone notice that the safe haven is now giving 2k for horses?

I think that is only uni rejects, if so it has been like that for awhile.
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 19:10:09
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone notice that the safe haven is now giving 2k for horses?

I think that is only for equines with unicorn parents.default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 19:34:48
Just to save some time, can someone please post a pic of the new Appaloosa coats? default smiley (l) Thanks!!! (And message me when you do??)

Sorry if I sound kinda bossy or lazy!! default smiley :s
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 19:57:20
Milka070 stop acTing like a mod as you are not one. gamegame did not mean anything offensive and was not.trying to upset.you or do any such thing!
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 20:04:26
Retired breeder wrote:

Milka070 stop acTing like a mod as you are not one. gamegame did not mean anything offensive and was not.trying to upset.you or do any such thing!

They were not acting as a mini mod, simply stating the rules. I am sure they did not mean it rudely. and if I revised image is to be posted it is prefered if theyt are done properly.
Does anyone know what coat is changing tomorrow? I can't wait fir the Appy, Paint and QH coats to change. Those are my top 3 fave new coats!
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And...is it just me...or dies the current paint, appy and QH coats heads remind you of pittbulls? Sorry if that does not belong here.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 20:12:03
CowboyCrazyGirl wrote:

Does anyone know what coat is changing tomorrow? I can't wait fir the Appy, Paint and QH coats to change. Those are my top 3 fave new coats!

Ik. I am wondering when the Appaloosa are coming out! Do you know what they will look like?
appys will look the same as QH and paints...since all 3 breeds are now closely related...unless you breed old style appys...then they shouldn't look like a QH...but i digress...
  • Posted messages: 67,113
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CowboyCrazyGirl wrote:

Does anyone know what coat is changing tomorrow? I can't wait fir the Appy, Paint and QH coats to change. Those are my top 3 fave new coats!
I was noticing the V3 are strange, so I understand why you want them to change.
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 20:25:31
My only problem for the fresians is that they should be black default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2014 20:28:18
Now that I look again foal look real cute and like they're living especially the curly foals they're so cutedefault smiley :)
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