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Retired breeder wrote:

I think the old Gypsy Vanner was better. Before I ever saw a real Gypsy Vanner I thought that couldn't be what they really look like after all it is a draft horse. All the draft horses I'd seen before were VERY muscular and looked heavier boned and actually looked taller than other horses, with a big strong neck and a very roman nose. The Gypsy Vanners on the game look really short, a little potbellied, and not as muscular as I though a draft horse should be. Then I went to a horse show where I saw real Gypsy Vanners. Their legs are actually short and they really do have big bellies and a lot less muscles. They are way smaller than most other draft horses. The proportions in depiction that Howse had of Gypsy Vanners was actually correct. Just look. These are photos I took myself of Gypsy Vanners. They are not long legged like the new Gypsy Vanner coat nor do they look that skinny. See? (Keep in mind these are kind of short people.)

See how big its tummy is?

And you can really see just how small this one is.

Little bitty legs. Huge tummy. And these are Gypsy Vanner show horses.

This was the only one out of at least 10 that even remotely looked like the new GV coat. It is way more dainty and thin looking than most other Gypsies. It also is proportioned more similarly to a shire or a non-draft breed than any of the other Gypsies.

Please tell me what you think? Which coat looks more like the Gypsies in these photos?

On howrse there really isn't anything to compare the size of the horses to. The Shetlands looked huge compared to the thoroughbred, but that's just because it was a closer image. There isn't anything to get a proportion to, there's no image of an average height human to see how tall the horse is, so it's hard to tell how long their legs really are.
  • Posted messages: 576
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Does any one know when the Paint Horse coats are going to change?
Deacon Kirkland
  • Posted messages: 32,817
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 02:41:33
Deacon Kirkland wrote:

Does any one know when the Paint Horse coats are going to change?

No one can really say, but it will be by the end of the Horse Paradedefault smiley (y)
I have to wait until my Paint horse Chestnut gets a new coat ..good grief!

'Gets out popcorn and waits for more new coats '
Deacon Kirkland
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 02:51:50
Wow, there are a ton of updates! I hope this passes by soon so things can settle down...

...or not. default smiley 8-)
I personally don't love the way the unicorns looks like but that's just me
Deacon Kirkland
  • Posted messages: 32,817
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 03:21:14
What does the new QH look like, again?
They're on the previous page SwimSista.
  • Posted messages: 879
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what horse comes out tomorrow
  • Posted messages: 3,782
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 04:01:19
The next breed to come out is the Curly. default smiley ^)
Retired breeder wrote:

To those on the test server: If they are testing visible tack, do you have the object to not see the tack?

And for all those worried about seeing the tack on the horses
Click to display

What this says in English translation is: "Display equipment on horses", so yes, you can choose to see it on if you wish, or off if you don't want it.
This is a picture from the test server.
  • Posted messages: 13,747
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 06:17:47
I am beginning to like some of the new coats, although one thing I will never get over is the tiny little unicorn horns, which to me, seem a little bit too small. But I guess we have no real unicorns to compare them to.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 06:27:31
Also, does anyone have ideas on whats going to happen to the visible tack on unicorns, pegasus and winged unicorns? I think it'd be hard to fit a saddle on a pegasus default smiley :p
Someone posted a screen cap with some information about that on page 242 RainbowBubbles.
Visible tack doesn't seem like it will be available for horses with wings.
  • Posted messages: 879
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

Here are each breeds new coats I have gathered with all the colors. Bringing them back to the front yet again so you all can see

Click to display

Gypsy Vanner
Click to display


That last foal with no mane has been fixed by howrse I just haven't updated this thingdefault smiley :p

Tennessee Walker
Click to display

Trotters (Standardbreds and the ones with like breed art)
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Paint Horse
Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Adult Gypsies look a bit better now, but I still prefer the older style mane/tail.
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 09:55:05
question : if a player has the tack turned off and another player with the tack turned on looks at the horses of the other player can they see the tack or can they not?
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 10:33:44
Retired breeder wrote:

question : if a player has the tack turned off and another player with the tack turned on looks at the horses of the other player can they see the tack or can they not?

Most likely not
Retired breeder wrote:

question : if a player has the tack turned off and another player with the tack turned on looks at the horses of the other player can they see the tack or can they not?

It shouldn't matter if the owner of the horse has it turned off. It may be 'turned off', but the tack is technically still on, so anyone who does have it turned on will be able to see it on the other horse regardless of the owner's settings.
  • Posted messages: 45,098
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 12:47:11
what is the test server?
Retired breeder wrote:

what is the test server?

The test server is where Ow chooses some players and has them test new features on the test server before adding them to the game
  • Posted messages: 3,797
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 13:21:10
Sorry, I never checked back here; did someone post the Chincoteagues? I'm just curious XD
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 13:23:29
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry, I never checked back here; did someone post the Chincoteagues? I'm just curious XD

They should be a few pages back.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 13:23:55
Will you be able to see the tack on horses with Pegasus Wings?
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 13:52:58
Here is a link to a uni with tack. (sorry if the spoiler doesn't work)

Click to display
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 13:56:08
Tack does not show up on Pegasus (at the moment). There is a known glitch with some of the tack not appearing.
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