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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 23:44:27
Anyone know when they will be updating the ECs??
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 23:51:06
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know when they will be updating the ECs??

I'm sure the Howrse Team does. The problem is, they're not telling default smiley ;)
I think the new Shetlands look pretty cute... Am I the only one? default smiley :-x

I really, really hope Howrse doesn't bring visible tack to Howrse... Ew, just ew. default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 8,022
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 23:53:22
Skeeterbug28 wrote:

I think the new Shetlands look pretty cute... Am I the only one? default smiley :-x

I really, really hope Howrse doesn't bring visible tack to Howrse... Ew, just ew. default smiley ;)

I think with the tack, you can choose if you want it on or off.default smiley ;) I think.

I like the new coats, the look more real. Well, whatever.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2014 23:55:29
can someone post the new IH coats? Thanks!
Have they done the Mustangs yet?
  • Posted messages: 2,588
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 00:12:26
Skeeterbug28 wrote:

I think the new Shetlands look pretty cute... Am I the only one?

I like all the coats, in varying degrees. The ones I don't care for are only so because I don't care for the breed in general, but all the coats are the result of very talented artists who worked hard to bring us these graphics default smiley (y)

Retired breeder wrote:

can someone post the new IH coats? Thanks!

The Irish Hunters have already updated. Just search for them in the Sales or Directories.

Corinnehuilin wrote:

Have they done the Mustangs yet?

No, they have not.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 00:13:27
To those on the test server: If they are testing visible tack, do you have the object to not see the tack?
Retired breeder wrote:

To those on the test server: If they are testing visible tack, do you have the object to not see the tack?

I have heard that you can choose to see the tack. It will be under the My Account tab.
  • Posted messages: 7,881
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Corinnehuilin wrote:

Have they done the Mustangs yet?

No they have not
  • Posted messages: 7,473
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 00:33:15
Here are each breeds new coats I have gathered with all the colors. Bringing them back to the front yet again so you all can see

Click to display

Gypsy Vanner
Click to display


That last foal with no mane has been fixed by howrse I just haven't updated this thingdefault smiley :p

Tennessee Walker
Click to display

Trotters (Standardbreds and the ones with like breed art)
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Paint Horse
Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 00:43:49
Thanks Nicole.N
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 00:53:36
Skeeterbug28 wrote:

I think the new Shetlands look pretty cute... Am I the only one? default smiley :-x

I really, really hope Howrse doesn't bring visible tack to Howrse... Ew, just ew. default smiley ;)

They are going to, but you have an option to switch it off.

Personally I'm looking forward to it. Especially seeing my Winged unis' bonnet and saddle all torn default smiley (lol)!
Retired breeder wrote:

To those on the test server: If they are testing visible tack, do you have the object to not see the tack?

Check out Raul98oh's post on the previous page (p242). I think the second spoiler contains info about that sort of thing.
  • Posted messages: 879
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:05:58
Nicole.N, thank you for sharing yet again. I absolutely love the new Walkers, Knabs and Wari's.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:12:26
I think the old Gypsy Vanner was better. Before I ever saw a real Gypsy Vanner I thought that couldn't be what they really look like after all it is a draft horse. All the draft horses I'd seen before were VERY muscular and looked heavier boned and actually looked taller than other horses, with a big strong neck and a very roman nose. The Gypsy Vanners on the game look really short, a little potbellied, and not as muscular as I though a draft horse should be. Then I went to a horse show where I saw real Gypsy Vanners. Their legs are actually short and they really do have big bellies and a lot less muscles. They are way smaller than most other draft horses. The proportions in depiction that Howse had of Gypsy Vanners was actually correct. Just look. These are photos I took myself of Gypsy Vanners. They are not long legged like the new Gypsy Vanner coat nor do they look that skinny. See? (Keep in mind these are kind of short people.)

See how big its tummy is?

And you can really see just how small this one is.

Little bitty legs. Huge tummy. And these are Gypsy Vanner show horses.

This was the only one out of at least 10 that even remotely looked like the new GV coat. It is way more dainty and thin looking than most other Gypsies. It also is proportioned more similarly to a shire or a non-draft breed than any of the other Gypsies.

Please tell me what you think? Which coat looks more like the Gypsies in these photos?
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:12:44
Sorry they are so big.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:14:46
sorry this was the other one I meant to put in there instead of the duplicate:
Retired breeder wrote:

Nicole.N, thank you for sharing yet again. I absolutely love the new Walkers, Knabs and Wari's.

I totally agree! The new Tennessee Walker coat looks so good, I just might have to start breeding them!
  • Posted messages: 3,797
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:29:25
will someone please tell me how to put up a spoiler bannerdefault smiley :'(
Retired breeder wrote:

will someone please tell me how to put up a spoiler bannerdefault smiley :'(

[spoiler] what you want in the spoiler, and remove the asterisk [/*spoiler]
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I am still deciding if I will allow the tack to be seen on my horses or not *thanks the Techs for the ability to toggle it on/off under My Account*

Though I would be able to decide better if I could actually SEE all the tack on my horses *Laughs at her Thoroughbred Unicorn who is now bald as his mane was lost when she put a bonnet on him (which she can't see)*

Don't get me wrong - I have seen the previews of some of the full tack on horses...but that one preview is not enough to sway me one way or the other
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:51:12
I'm very glad to see that the Gypsy has been updated!

Do not like the updates on the Friesian, though. Now the neck is too thin and disproportionate. IMO, they should have kept the neck the same thickness and adjusted the crest (moved it down to a more natural place and curve) then adjusted the withers if need be.

I think the new coats are overall great. In my opinion, the new shetland is a really huge improvement over the old one. I'm going to miss the old Marwari coat a little, but I like the new one quite a bit, too. I'm just glad I have some DA Marwaris so I get to have both versions.default smiley ;)

Also very glad to see that the Walker gets a coat that represents them better! It bugged me so much that they were/are shown as trotting. I may or may not be aquiring some Walkers now.default smiley (y)

Now back to lurking with me!
While I do LOVE the new coats, I do have a bit of constructive criticism for a few. I'll just go down the list of horses pictured in the above post.

-The highlights on the face appear a little strong. Not a major issue, but if the coats were to be fixed it might be something to look at.
Over all they look pretty good

Adult Gypsies
- They look pretty good to me. Loving the longer manes and better build (the old ones looked too frufru to me)

Gypsy foals
- look slightly buck kneed (or over at the knee, whichever term you prefer), almost appear to be standing on their tip toes. 
No major issues though, just a tweak that could be made.

Tennessee walker:
-Legs slightly too long, makes the neck appear a bit disproportionate, or you could say its the other way and the legs look to short. Just a slight adjustment in the proportions of the neck/legs would be needed if tweaks were to be made.

-Front pasterns look a little long
-Barrel looks a little long as well
Everything else looks pretty good

Looks good 

-Back leg is a little too far out. The hock and shank should line up with the point of the buttock. 
-slightly camped under in the front

-Long in the barrel
- Looks a little buck kneed in the front to me. It may not actually be and the shading may just make it appear that way.

-same as above

Quarter horse:
-same as above

-Either the chest is too big, or the rear is too small. Just looks disproportionate.
-other than that it looks really nice

-The highlights on the faces look a tad strong for some of the coat colors (mainly the roans) but it looks good in general and that is a minor issue that wouldn't really need fixing.

-slightly camped under in the front and the knees look a little swollen.

I'm still in love with the new coats, these are just a few issues I saw and minor changes that could be made. Thought I'd go ahead and put them out there incase they wanted any further feedback on the conformation and shading for the coats. I'll try and find some of the other breeds later and post some thoughts on them. 
  • Posted messages: 5,523
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2014 01:58:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Here are each breeds new coats I have gathered with all the colors. Bringing them back to the front yet again so you all can see

Click to display

Gypsy Vanner
Click to display


That last foal with no mane has been fixed by howrse I just haven't updated this thingdefault smiley :p

Tennessee Walker
Click to display

Trotters (Standardbreds and the ones with like breed art)
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Paint Horse
Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display
dreamwalker wrote:

While I do LOVE the new coats, I do have a bit of constructive criticism for a few. I'll just go down the list of horses pictured in the above post.

-The highlights on the face appear a little strong. Not a major issue, but if the coats were to be fixed it might be something to look at.
Over all they look pretty good

Adult Gypsies
- They look pretty good to me. Loving the longer manes and better build (the old ones looked too frufru to me)

Gypsy foals
- look slightly buck kneed (or over at the knee, whichever term you prefer), almost appear to be standing on their tip toes. 
No major issues though, just a tweak that could be made.

Tennessee walker:
-Legs slightly too long, makes the neck appear a bit disproportionate, or you could say its the other way and the legs look to short. Just a slight adjustment in the proportions of the neck/legs would be needed if tweaks were to be made.

-Front pasterns look a little long
-Barrel looks a little long as well
Everything else looks pretty good

Looks good 

-Back leg is a little too far out. The hock and shank should line up with the point of the buttock. 
-slightly camped under in the front

-Long in the barrel
- Looks a little buck kneed in the front to me. It may not actually be and the shading may just make it appear that way.

-same as above

Quarter horse:
-same as above

-Either the chest is too big, or the rear is too small. Just looks disproportionate.
-other than that it looks really nice

-The highlights on the faces look a tad strong for some of the coat colors (mainly the roans) but it looks good in general and that is a minor issue that wouldn't really need fixing.

-slightly camped under in the front and the knees look a little swollen.

I'm still in love with the new coats, these are just a few issues I saw and minor changes that could be made. Thought I'd go ahead and put them out there incase they wanted any further feedback on the conformation and shading for the coats. I'll try and find some of the other breeds later and post some thoughts on them. 

WOW i love the marwaris COAT!!!
But the gypsy are HORBBLE!!!
LOVE the akal-tekedefault smiley (l)default smiley (l)
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