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katiedingo wrote:

I agree Asfirdur.

I miss the 350 babies.default smiley :'(

as do I.. I had a whole herd of 350 babies and had started a breeding program and next thing you know Bam! howrse made it all obsolete..so sad really and not necessary.. the new "foundies" make no sense at all..and now a new pass system that sounds perfectly ridiculous
..I hope its not implemented..

I really wish Howrse would stop with these constant changes and at least take into consideration the work players put into certain breeding programs..like the NiB bers and the unis....Bad enough we are flooded with worthless divines..default smiley (li)
Painted Lady
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sw1999! wrote:

All you new players, don't give up!! You can do it! You just have to put in the effort.
ALWAYS manage your equus. Set goals for how much you want to have in your reserve, and don't compromise. Don't forget to claim that free pass when you can. default smiley ;) Set goals for where you want your EC to be (number of boxes, quality, items available to boarders). Having an EC will help you earn money. If you buy cows and grow leather, you can make luges in your workshop and sell them. Right now they're going for over 7,000e a piece and even a few luges add up. Set goals for what you want to get out of this game. You get out what you put in. If you want a strong horse, work for it. get the playing skills! BLUP it and train it as best you can (if you ever need help, PM me. I do thoroughbreds, marwari, shire, hackney, and Arabians). Work hard at events, you might not get the divine, but you can get helpful BMI and other stuff. Always pick the highest GP covering you can afford if your looking to have strong skilled horses. Reach out to teams! Some will offer coverings (although they are usually max price). Don't worry! Do what YOU want.

Always remember that although teams seem mean and exclusive, they're only like that because, like me, they put in the time, and the work, and often for them real) money. Many teams will help you if you need it. Some mods and high ranking players have tips on their forums.

I know this because I was in your shoes once. I've been playing for almost four years. I've been on and off playing, but everything I have and own is from my own work. I had to find my own way to do things with helpful guides from more experienced players. So don't be afraid to ask. I do not buy passes, I do not farm passes regularly. I do not AP farm. However, I still have 22 immortal, GA, horses who I will keep for myself. I am not on a team. But I have put serious time into my thoroughbreds (my top breed). AND I have a horse with two rosettes which I worked extremely hard to win.

YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT PASSES! You can have good horses without buying passes. It just takes work, strategy, and time.

Amen to that! Wonderful pep talk there.

I'm a non pass buyer, and where I am I've gotten to with my own hard work, time, energy, brain power, and luck. Thanks to promos, UFOs, friends, and divines like Archimedes, I've made it to where I am today! With my mare Light Up the Sky, I have a Highland Pony breeding program (Graystone Highlands) I started thanks to Sky's dam Dashing Light.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2017 22:20:22
Can someone please answer the question for upcoming promo. Thanks in advance. default smiley :)

blaze490 wrote:

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Does anyone know what the cards are that aren't for the puzzles? Just the BMI cards?
By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2017 23:29:15
Can anyone direct me to

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information kn the upcoming promo with K_?
∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨ wrote:

The greed is mind blowing. Howrse has got every right to release higher GP horses and unicorns. You know why? Because newer players that don't or can't spend passes have to content themselves with lower gp horses and get their horses comp stomped or blup stomped by those very same teams. Teams don't like competition. They don't like the average user owning a horse that can beat theirs in a comp or blup wise. I spent more than enough passes on team horses only to be told to stop asking for coverings. In other words, i must stop trying to improve my game. Oh sure you'll happily take my hard earned passes, but dare i try anything and I get that said to me? Yeah no, i couldn't care less if this divine affects team. For the life of me, i cannot pity the greed driven teams. I have no problem spending passes or x amount of equus, but I have a problem when someone tries to root out the competition.

But see here is where this doesn't make to much sense, you HAVE to work to improve, if players can't get a Unicorn there is a low chance they will get K__. A divine takes lots more passes to get then a unicorn does. I'll give you a personal example, when I started I decided I wanted a unicorn, so do you know what I did? I saved, I bred horses and sold them eventually i had enough to purchase my first female unicorn. It only took me a few weeks to meet my goal because I was determined. Another few weeks passed by and I had gotten my own winged unicorn. K__ could be very harmful to not only teams but private breeders too. Remember many teams aren't purposely taking your wins, they are most likely filling the comps they put their horses in. There are many ways to earn money on the game as well, if you want a high GP horse you are GOING to have to work for it, that's life. So to all new players thinking they can't succeed, remember. You are going to have to work for things, just like in real life. But you can do it, make small goals and work up to your big one. Just because your not on a top team don't think you cant do it, you can! Trust me, put some work in and it will amaze you when you see how far you have gotten.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 00:10:44
Legacy Ann wrote:

I'm not into the GP race, and I only casually breed my unis once in a while, but
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I would not mind seeing the Kaktos uni GP dropped a bit, or at least put at a set amount instead of this rolling gain. The top Newfoundland Uni GP is at 3907. Foundation Newfoundlands introduced today have 2968 GP according to the horse directories. That's a 939 difference, and with GP gains between generations being higher for those at the bottom it wouldn't take long to catch up to the top if you were lucky in producing uni foals. It's also about 400 GP higher than what's in sales. Perhaps the public covers are higher, in which case, it's no big deal then, but I don't have a Newfie uni mare to check.

It might not affect the market that much, but I just think that a less than 1000 point difference is a bit too close, and it slightly undermines the work that has already been done for that breed, especially with the GP gain between gens you get when you breed with such lower GP.

Of course, we're just speculating about the Howrse market, which has never been a reliable thing to predict, but regardless, I personally would not mind seeing the foundy GP either dropped to a set 1000, 1500 or 2000 GP.

Yay someone finally mentioned my Newfies! default smiley :p I'm the top breeder for Newfoundland Pony unicorns. Not sure if this needs a spoiler since I usually don't post in forums but here it is anyway:

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Took the #1 spot only a couple weeks ago, and it took me 6 months to get here... slowly but surely, I did. I started with a mare that had 1879 GP (was top at the time), and now I'm at 3907. I put a lot of hard work into these guys, and I'm pretty upset that as soon as my hard work has the potential to pay off by having the full ability to control sales release and earn a little bit back, Howrse dumps this... I had the release set at about 2000 until a couple days ago. Very recently bumped it up to 2500 to prepare for this divine default smiley :'( (and no, covers aren't higher, I left those at 2164). I really hope Howrse lowers the uni GP, or least pushes back the release of the divine so I have more time to sell my unis up to this GP as well as get a bit farther ahead with my top unis. I know its not the end of the world if they don't change it, but since unis are so slow to sell, I wish we could get a little more time... :/
blaze490 wrote:

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Does anyone know what the cards are that aren't for the puzzles? Just the BMI cards?

I had to borrow these from another server as I couldn't remember which page ours was posted on
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if I remember correctly, I think the prizes were the same as on our test server
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 01:29:46
Can someone pls DM me w info on the next promo
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 01:41:40
Thank you Legacy Ann.
[spoiler][/spoiler] So are they introducing a new breed with this promo?
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silvermoons wrote:

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So are they introducing a new breed with this promo?

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Are you talking about the Spanish Mustang? That's a Wild Horse that's been out since 2012.
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Sorry but when teams are entering already blupped horses into the same comp as other horses that haven't reached 100 blup, they're not filling, they're stomping. Say what you will, my competition history shows he same teams, same users and same horses doing it. Doesn't matter which competitions I enter that are empty, at the end of the day it comes back with unwanted results because of those people, thus I stopped entering my unis. Look at the gp of my horses and unis then come tell me I haven't worked for what I have. My reserve isnt the best, but I tie up most of what I want, and make available what I needdefault smiley :)
∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨
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∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨ wrote:

Sorry but when teams are entering already blupped horses into the same comp as other horses that haven't reached 100 blup, they're not filling, they're stomping. Say what you will, my competition history shows he same teams, same users and same horses doing it. Doesn't matter which competitions I enter that are empty, at the end of the day it comes back with unwanted results because of those people, thus I stopped entering my unis. Look at the gp of my horses and unis then come tell me I haven't worked for what I have. My reserve isnt the best, but I tie up most of what I want, and make available what I needdefault smiley :)

Yes and working hard to build up slowly is the way a lot of players do it. Your account is 88 days old and your a pass buyer. Very good, thats your leg up on howrse. Do you have any idea how many passes Ive personally bought, sold, killed, and used? Over 3000 bought ALONE. Hundreds of thousands gained in game.
Point being, it takes a lot of hard work and money to get to a top spot in anything on this game. I was one of the ones who originally helped selles get to the top spot with the new players. We took on people who NEVER bought passes or could blup fast. And guess what? We now hold the top spot over a team whos been there for years. Hard work, patience, TONS of time, and a few good people will get you what you want on this game and real life.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 08:46:14
∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨ wrote:

Sorry but when teams are entering already blupped horses into the same comp as other horses that haven't reached 100 blup, they're not filling, they're stomping. Say what you will, my competition history shows he same teams, same users and same horses doing it. Doesn't matter which competitions I enter that are empty, at the end of the day it comes back with unwanted results because of those people, thus I stopped entering my unis. Look at the gp of my horses and unis then come tell me I haven't worked for what I have. My reserve isnt the best, but I tie up most of what I want, and make available what I needdefault smiley :)

Seems to me you are mixing blanketing and stomping. Stomping is done over a period of many days where they only enter over your horse to prevent you winning. However, blanketing is where they just enter as many comps to get equus/wins, there is a massive difference. Stomping is insanely hard to prove as a result.
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 10:18:04
Are there going to be anymore celtic divine horses released?
Retired breeder wrote:

Not even to mention that every generation you breed is nearly worthless as a lot of "top" teams have developed this new trick involving watching their competition and dropping sales release .01 or as close above them so they will never get top sales. default smiley (d)

That is not a new trick, even when I had the top Arabians, and then the top Vanners, in the early days of Howrse, all the top teams did that..
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2017 13:33:47
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Please make sure you use a spoiler banner, if you want to discuss issues or items that are not currently part of the game. If you are not sure how, the main post at the top of this topic explains how.
Raf's Mum
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Retired breeder wrote:

Are there going to be anymore celtic divine horses released?
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We haven't heard anything more so far, so unfortunately we don't know.
Legacy Ann
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∂α૨ƭɦ ѵα∂ε૨ wrote:

Sorry but when teams are entering already blupped horses into the same comp as other horses that haven't reached 100 blup, they're not filling, they're stomping. Say what you will, my competition history shows he same teams, same users and same horses doing it. Doesn't matter which competitions I enter that are empty, at the end of the day it comes back with unwanted results because of those people, thus I stopped entering my unis. Look at the gp of my horses and unis then come tell me I haven't worked for what I have. My reserve isnt the best, but I tie up most of what I want, and make available what I needdefault smiley :)

I am going to be blunt with you. I was new five years ago. Had no clue what I was doing. Never knew how to blup. Now I"m a leader on the top trakehner unicorn team. Do you know how much work I had to put in? How much money I put in? How many late nights, waiting for cover times before this new covering change? Any clue? No. You don't even have 100 days seniority. It makes me disgusted that you new players think you are entitled to everything. Us older players had to WORK. put in hours and hours. And you want to just be given that? We protect our spot for a profit. That is the way of life. And I'm sick of Howrse undermining the work that their loyal, pass buying players have done to give in to the newbie 'gimme' way of thinking. It's outrageous, and you need to learn that in life nothing is handed to you. You work for it or you don't get it. I started playing in 2011. I didn't complete my first blup until 2014. Didn't even know how. Since then I"ve learned, had to learn the hard way. If you fill your lower GP horse comps and get a friend to help you then it's possible to get your wins. May be difficult, but not impossible. I remember a time I didn't care what the GP was, I just wanted a unicorn. Now you have a chance to get a unicorn, and you are angry because it's not top GP. It's absolutely ungrateful and ridiculous. And a slap in the face to all unicorn teams who have WORKED to get where they are. Of course they want to protect their work. You would too!! If this whole newbie gimme stuff isn't stopped I may leave entirely. I didn't get anything when I started, I had to work. That's what made the game fun. Not anymore. Now everything I worked for someone else just gets for free. That said, the reason we have a problem is because remember it's going to take a LOT of passes to complete the promo to begin with. So, the only people liable to get the divine are people who have the means to overtake top teams just to make a profit. Not because they want to better their own game. Besides, if you work really hard and learn to blup odds are you can find a uni team with people willing to help you learn. That's how I learned, my trak team leader found me, recruited me for the walker unis when they first started, and she taught me step by step how to blup. I was TERRIBLE at first. little by little I learned, I got better, and now I can blup a unicorn in less than 10 minutes. It doesn't matter the GP....I found a formula that I use for every breed, and it never fails to get my wins. And once I get my wins I'm no longer in beginner comps, so whatever comps I enter after that are in regular comps suited to my horse's skill level. And my teams fill their comps so usually our winning comps are run ONLY by our team's horses.
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On the divine Kaktos? and when will he be available?

Can someone please Im me to tell me when and how to get him???
Thank You
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Sorry to be blunt but I have come here to see information on the NEXT promo and all I see are players complaining about other players and arguing with eachother...

Please can someone direct me to the page where the promo information is please?default smiley :)

Thank you!
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Koda58 wrote:

Can someone please Im me to tell me when and how to get him???
Thank You
weasleysimpala wrote:

Please can someone direct me to the page where the promo information is please?default smiley :)

Thank you!

The next event is
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The cards, with the plant divine Kaktos as the jackpot, and the Spanish Mustang Wild horse as a diamond card prize. When his skills reach 2000 you can prune him and he will give you a unicorn of a breed you don't yet have. Or a random breed if you already have all the breeds.

I posted the prize cards on the previous page. The puzzle cards should be posted around 2085-2089, but the event will likely start in about 2 days if you'd like to wait to see what the prizes are then.
Legacy Ann
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I'm on pre-prod, and I'm not sure about release date, but this is the cent I'm testing.

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It's pretty much like the Halloween Candy thing. You get stuff for daily activities, like comps, grooming, ect. And you can make things in the workshop or buy with passes. I would imagine that this is the one after cards. The preprod opened for it today.
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urrrrg. the pic didn't work. Sorry. How do I get the url of my picture?
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