[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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acedia wrote:

are there any divines/wilds coming this month in HOPs?

We don't know - we don't get advanced warning of luck item promos because they aren't tested on the test site.
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What can I do with my purple crystals?
  • Posted messages: 169
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Alright, thank you @bezo93
  • Posted messages: 2,476
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By Retired breeder, 10th May 2017 23:45:02
Quick question,
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Will there be Greyfells in cards in the next promo?
By Retired breeder, 11th May 2017 01:12:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Quick question,
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Will there be Greyfells in cards in the next promo?

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No, the next promo's diamond card is a Spanish Mustang Wild horse, and the grand prize is the new divine Kaktos.
When will the gems be in HOPS
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Buckeey wrote:

When will the gems be in HOPS
We won't see crystals in HoPs. We'll have crystal packs. You can see the information on that in my master post on page 2086 under the "special offer spoiler"
Legacy Ann
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Has anyone heard if the lottery/great challenge will be coming back soon?
  • Posted messages: 1,534
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Misstee_girl wrote:

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Has anyone heard if the lottery/great challenge will be coming back soon?

No, we only know what the next event is, which is
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the Cards. Since the Lottery was last seen in February or so we probably won't see it for awhile, but you never know.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2017 11:06:59
I am so excited; I won Mars!
Only took 2 tries. How cool is that. default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2017 13:25:02
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A translation of some new things coming about. The translation wasn't easy to understand, I got it from Equideow.

Added new ranks in the ranking of the best breeders:

• Number of horses sent to paradise this month:
The ranking is based on the number of horses of all ages that will be sent to the sky From the 1st day of the current month.
• Number of old horses sent to paradise this month:
The ranking is based on the number of horses over 25 who will be sent to Paradise from the 1st day of the current month.
• Number of horses sold in the haven this month:
This rank is based on the number of horses of all ages sold in the haven from the 1st day of the current month.

The system of 10 old horses giving a pass will be replaced by a divine one.

Above, the 4 phases of the divine trees. (This post would be way to big if I put it all in one.) default smiley default smiley (8)

On the Italian version, there is a novelty: the passes given for the sending of the horses of 30 years to the paradise will be suppressed and replaced by a pass of the permanent assiduity. There will be a 30-point gauge and depending on your actions in the day, you can earn maximum 10 points per day. This offer will be on the French version:

When you have sent 10 horses of at least 25 years to Paradise, you will receive the Horse of the Trees: Yggdrasil.

"A message from the VIT:
As you already know, the pass system per month will change soon.
It will be expanded to replace what allows players to win free passes by sending old horses to paradise as we want to prevail assiduous, active and loyal players.
You will not need to age your horses after the 30 years, you will only have to play regularly to get more pass.
We will also introduce the Tree Horse, Yggdrasil. An ancestral horse. You will get it once sent 10 horses over 25 years in paradise.
The team of Equideow

This is a screen showing what the divine will be like.

About the divine:

He will join the farm once you have sent 10 horses for 25 years or more into the sky.
Yggdrasil is a special horse. The only thing you can do is give it the growth rings. Each ring of growth that receives it grows a year.
Get the growth rings every time you send a horse 25 years or more into the sky.
Every day, when you visit your ancestral horse for the first time in a day, Yggdrasil could give you a seed. This will save you 10 growth rings in the next time you send a horse 25 years or older into the sky.
Over the years, his appearance changes! After the first change, you will have a photo album to remember that it was when it was younger.
This horse can not be sold

Bluebelle posted this in CA, and I noticed it hadn't been posted here yet.
It seems the howrse team is ignoring our feedback and still going ahead with such a dumb change.
@ Shmebulocke,
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I had a look on Equideow and it's still not on testing there yet (luckily!). They do keep it bumped up in the spoiler master post that they re-post on every page so players know about it, but from what I've read it's still not in testing there yet with no knowledge of when it will bedefault smiley :)

Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2017 14:41:24
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Do we have any idea when the pass change will take effect?
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I hope that this message will get to you...I have only few days here, but I'm playing on small version and we've had this change since November last year. They told us, that by the year 2017 this will be on every version, so be glad you still don't have it. Don't get me wrong,
I'm just trying to calm you down. It's not that bad as it seems now, yeah if you are old player with dozens of old horses this will hit you hard. But for players who don't have old horses this might be helpful. How it works...it's the same system like your current meter, but only for 30 points. It doesn't matter how many horses you take care of, it's counting every action only once, for me it works just fine when I have team horse in training, it gives me 10 points almost each day. What's worse is that so-called divine horse...you cannot take care of him,
he doesn't get older by his own, he won't give you anything. If your old horse die, you get something like points (I don't know how to call them in english, it's not my first language),
you can give that to him and he gets older, but you'll need not a small amount of them.
When he becomes older, he will change his appearance and into your album will be aded picture of him in his new look, nothing more. I won't tell you here if it's a good or bad change, I can only answer your questions as player with experience with this change. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 11
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2017 16:53:52
What will the next promo be?
Retired breeder wrote:

What will the next promo be?
All the information is on the previous page
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,104
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Retired breeder wrote:

I am so excited; I won Mars!
Only took 2 tries. How cool is that. default smiley :d

No fair. I tried 5 and nothing. default smiley :@default smiley (6)default smiley :k
  • Posted messages: 7,473
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Does anyone know if Lo will be coming in the Titan's Challenges, HOPs or Golden Fleece?
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And when?
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

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Does anyone know if Lo will be coming in the Titan's Challenges, HOPs or Golden Fleece?

No. We never know if and when divines will be available in luck items.
  • Posted messages: 4,016
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2017 23:16:31
What's this whole thing about the new pass per month system?
I have a question

Will there ever eventually be an update where we can search for horses that have an Achilles' Heel? Or is this something only available with a Pegasus or VIP subscription?
Sunshiney Daze
  • Posted messages: 70
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By Retired breeder, 13th May 2017 00:01:57
Does anyone know (approximately) when the C____ event will begin? Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know (approximately) when the C____ event will begin? Thanks!

Most likely the Thursday after the current event ends which will be May 25th
  • Posted messages: 4,134
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Lusill wrote:

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I hope that this message will get to you...I have only few days here, but I'm playing on small version and we've had this change since November last year. They told us, that by the year 2017 this will be on every version, so be glad you still don't have it. Don't get me wrong,
I'm just trying to calm you down. It's not that bad as it seems now, yeah if you are old player with dozens of old horses this will hit you hard. But for players who don't have old horses this might be helpful. How it works...it's the same system like your current meter, but only for 30 points. It doesn't matter how many horses you take care of, it's counting every action only once, for me it works just fine when I have team horse in training, it gives me 10 points almost each day. What's worse is that so-called divine horse...you cannot take care of him,
he doesn't get older by his own, he won't give you anything. If your old horse die, you get something like points (I don't know how to call them in english, it's not my first language),
you can give that to him and he gets older, but you'll need not a small amount of them.
When he becomes older, he will change his appearance and into your album will be aded picture of him in his new look, nothing more. I won't tell you here if it's a good or bad change, I can only answer your questions as player with experience with this change. default smiley :)
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In your experience, how much time spent in the game does it take to get 10 points? And how much seniority does your account there have? Sometimes they make things easier for newer accounts.
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