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By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2016 21:56:51
I am VIP on the US server, and just casually play here on the INT server to collect RCs. But wouldn't the new change be a little unfair to the VIPs? Being a VIP is supposed to be a special thing for hardworking players but if you can get 10 passes a month a lot more people will become VIPs, therefore it loses it's (for lack of a better word) specialness? I can't talk about it on the US server without a mod censoring my post because it's still a rumor.

Am I wrong on this?
By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2016 22:07:29
Retired breeder wrote:

I am VIP on the US server, and just casually play here on the INT server to collect RCs. But wouldn't the new change be a little unfair to the VIPs? Being a VIP is supposed to be a special thing for hardworking players but if you can get 10 passes a month a lot more people will become VIPs, therefore it loses it's (for lack of a better word) specialness? I can't talk about it on the US server without a mod censoring my post because it's still a rumor.

Am I wrong on this?

You have to actually buy the passes to become VIP (well, to become eligible). So, it would make no difference. People think it may be harder to become VIP though, since you can only get 10 passes with the new system, and you can get more than that now.
By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2016 23:10:27
Retired breeder wrote:

You have to actually buy the passes to become VIP (well, to become eligible). So, it would make no difference. People think it may be harder to become VIP though, since you can only get 10 passes with the new system, and you can get more than that now.

]spoiler]You actually do not have to buy them. I never bought passes and I'm still VIP. You can become eligible trough some rankings. But if new pass changes come here it will become hard to keep up VIP acc if you are not pass buyer like you said. I get 30 passes a month from pass horses so this update would change my completely game from what I got used to in last few years. That is why I hope it won't happen default smiley xd [/spoiler]
By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2016 23:28:21
Retired breeder wrote:

You actually do not have to buy them

Sorry, I only meant that the passes wouldn't change eligibility, but of course you can get it through ranking too default smiley (8)

I get why everyone is upset about it. At the moment, I have lot of horses that dream of becoming pass horses, but I haven't been on here long enough to actually age many of them out default smiley xd
Does anyone know what page the pass calculations for TT are? I've looked through the past ten pages and haven't found them. I know I saw it a few days ago!
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By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2016 23:33:28
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
are37 wrote:

Does anyone know what page the pass calculations for TT are? I've looked through the past ten pages and haven't found them. I know I saw it a few days ago!

You mean this one because it is the only one floating around.

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First you need 7600 points to get the divine.

You get points by feeding two candies to each kid that shows up. The points depends on what you give and if you give all right ones. Giving two of the easiest will get you 22 points. Giving two rarest gives you 26 points. Giving a mixture of rare, medium and common will earn you from 23 to 25 points.

So for this calculation I am going to use 24 points. On this basis you will need 318 kids to come knocking for the promo duration ( estimated 19 days). Calculated by dividing 24 into 7600.

You are given 6 kids the first day and it increases by 1 extra kid per day. This will give you 261 kids for the complete promo. Enough to get all the prizes without spending any passes.

You will be approx 57 kids short of the total required for the divine. If you wait for the promo "special" which gives you 3 extra kids plus 1 treat for each jar from common to rare ( guaranteed).

So what this means is even if you have all the treats available to give you will need to spend passes to get the 57 kids you are short, no getting around it.

My suggestion is to buy 10 of the special the first weekend it is offered and buy the rest you need from the second special when it is offered. This is the best way to take advantage of the free kids and buying only the kids needed when the second special is offered at the last weekend (the end of the promo).
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By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 01:28:46
What is the next promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

I am VIP on the US server, and just casually play here on the INT server to collect RCs. But wouldn't the new change be a little unfair to the VIPs? Being a VIP is supposed to be a special thing for hardworking players but if you can get 10 passes a month a lot more people will become VIPs, therefore it loses it's (for lack of a better word) specialness? I can't talk about it on the US server without a mod censoring my post because it's still a rumor.

Am I wrong on this?

Actually, if anything I think there will be less VIP players with the change.

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There are a lot of VIPs who have never bought passes/no longer buy passes/only buy passes rarely/at certain times of year (e.g. buying Christmas packs), and many of them use pass horses to pay for their VIP subscription. With pass horses it is guaranteed that they will be able to get the 10 passes they need - plus the ability to get up to 20 more passes a month for spending on other things.
With the change, all it takes is one day of not logging in, or even one point missed when they do log in but don't manage to hit all the point earning actions for that day, and they don't have the passes for their next month's subscription. Also, without the possibility of earning more passes by killing off pass horses for the 1/3 chance of a pass, there will probably be players who decide they need the passes more than they need the VIP subscription, and either downsize to a Pegasus account or don't bother with a subscription at all.
Of course, pass horses aren't the only way of getting passes without buying them, and most VIPs have pass income from elsewhere too, but they are the most reliable way of maintaining VIP subscription without paying. I doubt there will be a mass exodus of non-pass buyer VIPs, but I do think there will be quite a few who will decide to downsize.
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Retired breeder wrote:

What is the next promo?

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The promo after this one is the Celtic Cards promo.
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By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 02:24:54
But if everyone has the ability to get around 10 passes a month, doesn't that mean the prices for RCs and GAs etc will go up? And there will be more passes floating around for people to spend on team horses? But would that mean the price of BMIs will inflate? Isn't this just kind of inflating the pass market? Does what I am saying make any sense?default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

But if everyone has the ability to get around 10 passes a month, doesn't that mean the prices for RCs and GAs etc will go up? And there will be more passes floating around for people to spend on team horses? But would that mean the price of BMIs will inflate? Isn't this just kind of inflating the pass market? Does what I am saying make any sense?default smiley xd
Don't worry, you make sensedefault smiley :) *warning: long winded thinking out loud post coming up!*
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However, we won't know until this change goes on for awhile how it will affect the horse market. You never know what could happen after all. Comparing now to a few years ago, I don't think that players spend passes on horses like they used to. We have Peggy and VIP accounts now that players use their passes on, and the constant promos are also a pass drain. With this change I really don't know that *everyone* will have the ability to earn 10 passes like they do now. I still think pass horses are a more reliable method because you don't have to log in everyday to get those passes. And, we currently have the possibility to get another 20 passes if you feel like going through a ton of extra pass horses to get them. From the info we have those extra 20 passes are going to be nixed. As the current system stands I rarely spend a pass to buy a horse. If this change goes through then "rarely" will become...well, whatever less than "rarely" isdefault smiley (lol). If I keep my VIP I'll only have a few extra passes that I'll be lucky to get from selling horses. I don't know if I'd rather use them in promos or on horse sales. My theory is that less players will be buying horses with passes because you are now only limited to 10 a month, if you log in everyday and get your points. You won't have a possible 30 a month. Just my personal theory, and I do hope I'm wrong. I suppose it is also possible that players who didn't bother with pass horses before will now get passes due to their game play style being more suited to the change. I just think it will be offset by the amount of players who do better with pass horses that might not do so well with this new change. I think what is certain is that some players will benefit from this change and others will not.
Legacy Ann
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
For the Trick or Treat Promo
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Do we know how much the Treat Packs will cost?
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I've been following The Controversy with interest. As some of you may know, I am opposed to the whole "pass horse" thing It makes me kinda sick. So I've never done it. I stand to benefit a great deal, since I shall be able to get more than one pass a month for free, but I still don't think it's fair to those who have worked so hard over the years.

I remember when they redid the landscapes. They gave everyone with a HR an Unlimited HR. Which is my all time favorite BMI. If I were able to afford passes, all my horses would have them, and would be immortal, and I'd pretty much just play a bit with my unicorns, while being able to visit them in my EC.

So why not make an offer to those who worked hard for their passes a special deal, and grandfather their VIP and Pegasus accounts, with a special trophy or something. Reduce te number of passes to a lower, more obtainable level.

That would be very nice. I am not nor do I want to be a VIP/Peg player, not really, too much like work

default smiley (a)
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What I dont think people are considering is that you wont be getting 10 passes all at once. Itll be 1 pass every 3 days. For some people, the temptation to buy something or use a pass on a promo will be too great and they will not be able to renew vip. Also what about the people whos VIP needs to be renewed at the middle of the month? Itll take a bit more strategy to do instead of killing off 10 horses all at once.
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By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 11:02:02
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i feel that one improvement that could be made to this if it must be put on the game is having like a 'meter for the month', what do I mean by this? Having a meter that has 300 points with 10 being able to be gained each day and every time you get 30 you can get a pass. People could choose to let the points stack or claim the pass as soon as they reach the next 30. The meter would reset every time it has reached 300 and the pass or passes have been claimed. This would fix the whole losing points thing and help prevent people from spending when they are trying to save. Doubt it would happen, though.
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 13:01:45
Well, there's a simple saying:
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 13:02:40
Retired breeder wrote:

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i feel that one improvement that could be made to this if it must be put on the game is having like a 'meter for the month', what do I mean by this? Having a meter that has 300 points with 10 being able to be gained each day and every time you get 30 you can get a pass. People could choose to let the points stack or claim the pass as soon as they reach the next 30. The meter would reset every time it has reached 300 and the pass or passes have been claimed. This would fix the whole losing points thing and help prevent people from spending when they are trying to save. Doubt it would happen, though.

Ooh, this would be great. While I support the change, I'd also have issues not spending every pass on some new shiny, and an... almost "pass bank" would be fabulous.
@Epona's Loyalty & Candy3015 I think if such a change were made, a) it should be harder and b) any more than 1 that you gain should be taken away from the number of pass horse passes you would be able to gain that month so that the equivalent that you could get was still the same. That's just my two cents on the matter.

Anyway, on the message we received this morning, will the objects with expiration dates be removed or just the expiration dates? The wording wasn't very clear.
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Please can you all put messages relating to things that have not yet happened into a spoiler banner.

Quoted from the pm: " the use-by date for items in your inventory will be removed" which means the use-by date will be removed .
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By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 13:23:40
lelan wrote:

@Epona's Loyalty & Candy3015 I think if such a change were made, a) it should be harder and b) any more than 1 that you gain should be taken away from the number of pass horse passes you would be able to gain that month so that the equivalent that you could get was still the same. That's just my two cents on the matter.

Anyway, on the message we received this morning, will the objects with expiration dates be removed or just the expiration dates? The wording wasn't very clear.

Have you been reading this forum lately? (:
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We're talking about the future (in the works) change, where Howrse is planning to take pass horses away as a way to earn passes, and instead replace them with a different Loyal Player's Pass system.

And on that note, I don't think it should be harder, considering the points for the Loyal Pass are already pretty vague.

As for expiration dates, it was stated on this page somewhere that
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only the dates would be removed, not the items. So unless you have an item that expires before Nov.8th, which I'd recommend using asap, you're safe.
By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 14:17:02
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Well, bad news guys. Got to test the changes with the pass system and the new divine. The divine is totally worthless. You get no items or diamonds or anything out of it. You just get to age it with aging rings whenever you kill and send off a 25+ horse. There will be a ranking system among the divine as to which one is the oldest but that is it.
By Retired breeder, 24th October 2016 14:58:22
Hello, I don't mean to take away anything from the current topic, I have been following the discussion a little but personally I'm just waiting to see what happens. Though I would like to say thanks for the research you all put in.

I was told to come here to discuss the recent announcement about taking the timers off items. I was also told any discussions related to this don't need a spoiler banner.
Basically... just here to express my disappointment for one thing... why on earth can bonus items can no longer be exchanged ? What does that have to do with BMIs having timers on them? I just feel that howrse has switched one unnecessary punishment for another. If the issue lies with people undercutting sales prices then take away the ability to sell bonuses for equus, don't take them out of trades altogether. If I want to swap my BMIs for bonuses I think I should be able to do that. And finally I don't like that I had to hijack this topic just to express my opinion... it's hardly a spoiler now default smiley (8)

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