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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 08:06:37
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I've been hating all the new changes lately. First the pass bought every thirty days, now the pass horse changes - I have approaching big exams, and due to study, I only have two hours of free time a day, and if Howrse thinks I'll spend them on being a "loyal player" they're so wrong. /
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

^^ From the main post.
Raf's Mum
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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 09:12:04
REPOST! (Feel free to repost any time, that's why it's here.)

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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT

1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.

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we already announced, that there'll be system update for pass horses. The change will be in 8th November.

Today we want to introduce you new Divine horse, his name is Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil is new Divine horse. You can get him, through sending 10 horses, those are more than 25 years old to the heaven. Only one action, you can do with him is giving him tree-rings to make him older. (Dendrochronology, find on google, if you still don't know what's that.) For each tree-ring, he'll get older by 1 year.
For each horse sent to heaven, that will be older than 25 years, you'll gain one tree-ring.
While progressively aging him, his appearance will change. Once you'll change his appearance, you'll gain access to photo album, where you can see all of his apearences already opened. (Gained)

You'll have chance, for each first visit (one daily) ,to get a seed, for which you'll be able to get 10 tree-rings, for horse sent to heaven, that will be more than 25 years old.

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Based on you feedback we decided to cancel the limited items.
Items from promos will no longer be limited, as well, as items from your inventory. (Not sure here, heh.) Also items given by Divines (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini...) will no longer be limited.
Together with this, there'll be new changes in Item Exchange system:

- Hermes' Wings, Bewitched Pumpkin, Seal of the Apocalypse aren't tradeable anymore
- Magic Hat, Double-Sided Medallion, Ow's Helios' Ray aren't tradeable but without a time limit
- Bonus items (whip, spurs etc) not tradeable but giftable
- Golden Fleece is tradeable

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 09:13:52
Darn! I meant CARDS, Not cars! default smiley xd
Um m. .. since when did Morrigan have the power of prophecy? I always heard that she was a war goddess, part of a triad of goddesses, a shapeshifter. she does sort of predict deaths, just deaths. More of a harbinger of death, not a prophet.

Mythology is one of the things I love to read about, and it's all wonderful. Why rewrite the myths? They aren't under copyright!
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Not that I'm being critical, but a certain new divine looks like moose calf that had branches stuck in him.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 09:50:57
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Um m. .. since when did Morrigan have the power of prophecy? I always heard that she was a war goddess, part of a triad of goddesses, a shapeshifter. she does sort of predict deaths, just deaths. More of a harbinger of death, not a prophet.

She's a figure in Irish mythology associated with fate and, therefore, prophecy. I think you're reading into the Norse mythology.
tiggrrrsf wrote:

Um m. .. since when did Morrigan have the power of prophecy? I always heard that she was a war goddess, part of a triad of goddesses, a shapeshifter. she does sort of predict deaths, just deaths. More of a harbinger of death, not a prophet.

Mythology is one of the things I love to read about, and it's all wonderful. Why rewrite the myths? They aren't under copyright!

I know, right? default smiley ;) If you are going to name divine(s) after figures in any mythology at least get your facts straights.
History and mythology are my favorite subjects.default smiley (l)

tiggrrrsf wrote:

Not that I'm being critical, but a certain new divine looks like moose calf that had branches stuck in him.

default smiley (lol)default smiley xd That comment is hilarious. Kind of feel sorry for that divine at the same time.
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I wasn't going to say anything but they even refer to Morrigan as a "he" ... come on now . ... and being a part of Fate does not mean you're a prophet, per se. You can find this stuff so easily online, there is just NO excuse for ignorance.

default smiley :@

I swear, the internet is the greatest invention for storing and locating information ever, and what do we use it for. but posting selfies and searching for "adult content" of the most perverse nature . ....

default smiley ^)default smiley (li)
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"3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month."

I wasn't aware there would also be a ranking for horses sold to SH.
If this is Howrse's way of trying to reduce the number of throwaway horses clogging up the game, there are better ways to do it than rather morbid rankings. For example, people would far more likely to send horses to SH if it was more profitable to do so; at the moment, SH is an immediate loss of at least 200e for normal horses if using public covers (minimum 500e cover + 100e vet fee), and if using our own stallions it is only (barely) profitable if we have less than 40k (at which point it is a 400e vet fee and breaking even at best) - meanwhile, horses in the direct sales at 1,000e (more than double SH's offer) get snapped up so fast the page barely has time to load. The only horses remotely worth sending to SH right now are uni fails, and even then it depends on how high the vet fee is.

I also don't see the point in a ranking that counts the number of horses you have managed to kill before they reached 25. If you kill a horse before 25, it means you are doing something *wrong* with that horse's care - there is no other reason a horse under 25 will lose health. Playing a game badly is not something that should be rewarded in any way. It also takes zero effort to kill off horses of any age; bed them down without doing any actions (or do mission+bed to cover boarding fees), repeat for a couple of days, and there you go, one dead horse. How does that deserve a ranking?

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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 10:42:54
tiggrrrsf wrote:

I wasn't going to say anything but they even refer to Morrigan as a "he" ... come on now . ... and being a part of Fate does not mean you're a prophet, per se. You can find this stuff so easily online, there is just NO excuse for ignorance.

Could be mine, or anyone's elses translation error in some point.
The horse is female.

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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 11:33:53
tiggrrrsf wrote:

I wasn't going to say anything but they even refer to Morrigan as a "he" ... come on now . ... and being a part of Fate does not mean you're a prophet, per se. You can find this stuff so easily online, there is just NO excuse for ignorance.

To be honest, since there is supposed to be 3 sisters of the Morrigan the correct pronoun for them would be "they". Yes there is a triad of the Godesses, the one in this case is associated with war, but she is also associated with wisdom and prophecy. There is no ignorance here.
By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 11:38:13
tiggrrrsf wrote:

I wasn't going to say anything but they even refer to Morrigan as a "he"

Morrigan is actually referred to as a "she", where is she referred to as a "he"?
@bezo93...if that's the case (reducing horses), then they should just do that promo again, like it was for Venus few years ago.
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So this new divine doesnt even give you anything? He just ages? OOh wow yeah going to just throw away all my horses for nothingdefault smiley (d)
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Retired breeder wrote:

To be honest, since there is supposed to be 3 sisters of the Morrigan the correct pronoun for them would be "they". Yes there is a triad of the Godesses, the one in this case is associated with war, but she is also associated with wisdom and prophecy. There is no ignorance here.
You are exactly right! In general the association of the Morrigan is with fate, but as you say, often regarding death in association to war.
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JadedHunter wrote:

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So this new divine doesnt even give you anything? He just ages? OOh wow yeah going to just throw away all my horses for nothingdefault smiley (d)

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I think it's been said that it's all we know of him so far, but it has been implied that he will have some additional function default smiley :)
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Rynx wrote:

@bezo93...if that's the case (reducing horses), then they should just do that promo again, like it was for Venus few years ago.

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A promo would be a temporary help - provided they were asking for dud horses people use for AP farming, not valuable horses that people would be annoyed at having to part with (we already have enough dehorn and dewing promos without devaluing more horses) - but they may be looking for a more long term solution. If they introduce a feature that makes it more beneficial to your game to send throwaway horses to heaven/put them in SH than it is to keep them, then it will help keep the numbers of horses down more permanently.

The problem is, having thousands of random low quality horses in your breeding farm is better for your ranking than only having two or three high quality horses. Plus, a lot of people rely on AP farming for APs for their breeding projects (especially on competitive breeding teams, where you either need a lot of AP or a lot of MA for doing several blups a day), as farming is by far the most cost effective way of gathering lots of AP (plus money/resources from missions, dropping which can be sold etc.). They are also good for filling/clearing comps, make a few quick equus from comps, having for trophy purposes etc..

Basically, there are a lot of advantages to having hundreds/thousands of cheap horses sitting in your breeding farm, and three monthly rankings (that many people feel dubious about anyway) and a useless new divine are hardly an appealing alternative. If they want us to cut down on the number of horses we have, they need to make it actually beneficial to our game to do so, not try and placate us with "because look at the shiny shiny".

If this isn't about trying to encourage us to cut down the number of horses we have sitting about, then I honestly have no idea why they thought *three* (as though one wouldn't be bad enough) rankings for getting rid of horses was a good idea.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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its the next promo after this, and aparently Greyfell is coming back with it! default smiley :-)) does anyone know if you can get more than one Greyfell in the promo? Last time you could only win one default smiley (8)
It's the same as last time
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the Greyfell card is *not* cumulative
Legacy Ann
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The really nice thing about having a farm and raising your own cows is to get leather.. leather to whips/etc.. whips to trade on exchange. To take away these items as trade items rather spoils the process.
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If Howrse wants us to get rid of horses, why not have a promo like the one where we had to set free certain horses?
Lunar Moon
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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 14:28:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2016 14:45:49
Lunar Moon wrote:

If Howrse wants us to get rid of horses, why not have a promo like the one where we had to set free certain horses?

this isn't their goal, their goal is to make us pass the promo using passes and equus which usually leads people to buy more
the set free promo was once and it won't come due to rarity
Lunar Moon wrote:

If Howrse wants us to get rid of horses, why not have a promo like the one where we had to set free certain horses?

That promo made us get rid of divines, skillers, rosette winners, and other valuable horses. I hope it never returns. Those types of horses cost us a huge amount to get and/or make.
Dr Zig
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