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By Retired breeder, 23rd August 2016 21:20:07
Things that you can get without the use of passes from the next promotion:
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The next promotion is the Wandering Horse promotion.
There are 16 Wandering Horses, and one divine.

To get the divine, you would need to spend passes. However, some of the Wandering horses you can get for no passes! That's right! **no passes**! They stay on your account for five days, and when they leave they give you some special gifts!

This post will cover what is needed to get the no pass Wandering Horses!

*** Disclaimer: Your ability to get these horses will differ upon the Wandering Horse and the items that you have on your account. All of these can possibly be won with NO PASSES spent on the promo itself, however, you may need to spend other resources.

Ones that you can possibly get for free:

Blue Icarus

Blue Menelaus







Orange Tip

Poplar Admiral

Red Admiral

Spanish Moon


Tailed Jay

How to get each one:

(Level of difficulty to get it for free:
* = Easy
** = Medium
*** = Hard)

* Blue Icarus:
Objective: Donate horses to Ow - 12 points per horse donated
(It will take 5 donated horses to get this Wandering Horse.)

*** Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows .1 point per competition, which would equal 1,000 competitions to get this horse for free.)

*** Brimstone:
Objective: Open Horns of Plenty - 6 points per Horn of Plenty opened
(You would need to open 17 HoPs. HoPs can be won from Xanthos, but it is unlikely that you'd have so many in your inventory.)

* Daggerwing:
Objective: Give horses mashes - 10 points per mash used
(10 mashes required.)

** Death's-head:
Objective: Give apples to other players' horses - 1 point per apple donated
(100 apples required.)

* Dynamine:
Objective: Unlock Wandering Horses - 49 points per unlocked Wandering Horse
(100% free.)

* Glasswing:
Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day
(*Should* be 100% free, depending on length of promo. Will require you to log on for 17 days.)

*** Monarch
Objective: Remove the wings from Pegasi or winged Unicorns - 5 points per wing removed.
(Will require 20 de-wings.)

* Orange Tip
Objective: Donate items from the shop to your friends - 17 points per donated item
(Will require 6 gifts to friends.)

*** Poplar Admiral (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around 1 or 2 points per 30 minutes of foal games, which would equal around 1,500 or 3,000 minutes of foal games to get this horse for free. 25 to 50 hours of foal games.)

*** Red Admiral:
Objective: Take horses for rides (Percentage seems to differ among people. However, for me, it shows around .2 points per 30 minutes of rides, which would equal around 15,000 minutes of rides to get this horse for free. 250 hours of rides.)

***Spanish Moon
Objective: Celebrate a horse's birthday when they reach age 30th - 20 points per horse
(It is unknown if the age will remain 30. The points per horse birthday will lower at the release.)

Objective: Stroke horses in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked
(100% free. Will require 17 strokes.)

**Tailed Jay
Objective: Have a horse give birth to unicorns - 12 points per unicorn born
(Will require 9 unicorn births. Twins unicorns count as two unicorns.)

Prizes that they give:

Blue Icarus
- 1 x Tractor, 50,000 equus

Blue Menelaus
- 1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Water of Youth, 1 x Nyx Pack (Use within 90 days)

- 1 x Bell boots, 5,000 equus, 1 x Black Orchid

- 100 x leather, 1 x 2** saddle cloth, 10 x APs

- 100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand

- 1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

- 1 x Zeus' Lighting Bolt, 1 x Harmony Pack (Use within 90 days.)

Orange Tip
- 1 x 3*** Classical Saddle, 1 x Spurs, 1 x Ploutos' Parchment

Poplar Admiral
- 50 x flax, 1 x 2** polo wraps, 1 x Croesus' Fortune

Red Admiral
- 1 x 2** ear bonnet, 1 x 3*** bridle, 1 x Apollo's Lyre

Spanish Moon
- 1 x Horseshoe Studs, 1 x 5th Element

- 10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack

Tailed Jay
- 20 x APs, 1 x Horn of Plenty (Use within 90 days.)
By Retired breeder, 23rd August 2016 23:55:02
What is the magic hat??
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 00:10:27
Retired breeder wrote:

What is the magic hat??

From the Magic Hat page:

Magic Hat
Turn your horse into a magical creature using the Magic Hat!
The Magic Hat will disappear 90 days after it first appeared in your inventory if you don't use it. It cannot be traded.
This item will give the horse the following bonuses:
Stamina: +5
Speed: +5
Dressage: +5
Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jumping: +5
Your horse can become...

Enchanter :
All of your horse's food becomes free.
Evil Witch :
Your horse will inflict 3 penalty points on every competitor in competitions (except for any Grand Prix).
Fairy :
Your horse receives an extra +5 bonus in each skill.
Shaman :
Your horse changes appearance each time they age. They may appear in any Magic Hat coat, as well as any Bewitched Pumpkin or Seal of the Apocalypse coat (except Ghost or Pestilentia). Your horse then gains the perks linked to the coat they appear with on that day.

Only horses that are more than 1 year and 6 months old can use the Magic Hat.
The Magic Hat cannot be used in conjunction with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then a Magic Hat, your horse will lose their Golden Apple.
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 07:11:14
How does one obtain the Alchemists Pack?
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 07:18:44
Retired breeder wrote:

How does one obtain the Alchemists Pack?

1. Unlock potion recipes. (up to 6 per day)
You'll receive 1 x Alchemist's Pack if you manage to unlock them all!

Or there will likely be an offer later with the A. Pack available to buy for passes. default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 07:50:17
Oh okay, sorry about that. default smiley :(
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 12:01:21
I got a PM saying I received an alchemists pack two hours ago for unlocking all the potions, but it's still not in my inventory... anyone else having the same problem?
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 12:17:22
Retired breeder wrote:

I got a PM saying I received an alchemists pack two hours ago for unlocking all the potions, but it's still not in my inventory... anyone else having the same problem?

You don't get an actual Pack into your inventory, you just get the stuff it contains. Check your history on the Potions page, it's the button on the far right. The stuff from the pack will be listed as "Event - Prize".

Also, this question belongs in the potions topic, there is nothing spoilery about it...
By Retired breeder, 24th August 2016 12:57:43
What is the formula for the saddler potion?
Retired breeder wrote:

What is the formula for the saddler potion?

You can test the potion without using ingredients and can have as many tries as you need, so you could figure this out with a bit of trial and error (or by waiting a day if you have already brewed 6 potions for the day) and without needing to ask in the forums...

The potion requires 2x snail spit and 2x moonstone, though.
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anyone know when alchemist become avaible to buy?
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CatchMeIfYouCan wrote:

anyone know when alchemist become avaible to buy?

The Alchemist Pack should be available during this weekend and the final weekend, so from the 26th-29th and from the 2nd-5th September.
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If I save up all my potions and unicorn horns, will I have enough stuff to get Virgo without using passes?
default smiley ^)
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buckin'n'rearin wrote:

If I save up all my potions and unicorn horns, will I have enough stuff to get Virgo without using passes?
default smiley ^)

No, you wouldn't. If you do all objectives from the start to finish (promo runs from 18th August - 5th September = 19 free unicorn horns and 38 random potions).

Seeing as you need 25 of each ingredient, you would need to buy 6 horns, red and purple potions from the flash sales. However, you will only be able to buy 2 ingredients every 3 days, meaning that you can get a maximum of 15 ingredients this way (if you manage to get exactly what you want within the time frame). This leaves you with 3 ingredients to get.

Whilst you are certain to get a unicorn horn per Alchemist Pack, it is highly unlikely that you will get 19 purple and 19 red potions with no blue potions throughout the promo, so you will likely need to spend more than three passes to ensure that you get the right amount of each potion (since it's random which potion you get from the pack/ingredients from passes).
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How many
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wandering horses
are there?
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cheanut wrote:

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wandering horses

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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
MikaNyanHenders wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

This needs to be in a spoiler. default smiley (y)
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But yes, the Wandering Horses are coming back after the Potions promo. It's unknown exactly what date, but most likely Thursday the 8th September.
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What's the potion for saddler again? The list on 1868 only included snail spit.
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By Retired breeder, 26th August 2016 12:52:20
which divinie will be available to win in next prom?
Retired breeder wrote:

which divinie will be available to win in next prom?

The next divine coming out in the next promo is
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Ptah in the Wandering Horses promo.

Ptah is one of the Egyptian horses.

He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.

By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Bonus Pack
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Ptah's skills

This horse cannot be sold.
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Gah of course Midas is available when I spend all my diamonds on coats. Him and Mist are the two divines I want most in order to finish the water collection, and to use to add to my coat collection.
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By Retired breeder, 26th August 2016 14:40:39
ᴇʀιѕᴛιc wrote:

What's the potion for saddler again? The list on 1868 only included snail spit.

Recipe is:
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2 Snail Split and 2 Moonstone
By Retired breeder, 26th August 2016 16:37:02
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Anyone know what's after the Wandering Horse promo yet?
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