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I had 290 points as soon as the update came out and I have looked after all my horses, bred, blupped and competed as well as do the safe haven and my EC yet not gained a single point?
  • Posted messages: 555
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 08:59:45
Cleo03 wrote:

I had 290 points as soon as the update came out and I have looked after all my horses, bred, blupped and competed as well as do the safe haven and my EC yet not gained a single point?

it has not updated yet today.
Raf's Mum wrote:

^^ Are you sure you are looking at the updated number of points, and not yesterdays ?

Considering I had 300 points yesterday, and did the game, yes, I am sure, as the bar clearly says 0/300. Or should I look elsewhere than on the actual free pass page?
  • Posted messages: 654
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Heloni wrote:

Considering I had 300 points yesterday, and did the game, yes, I am sure, as the bar clearly says 0/300

it said that yesterday, as soon as you used the points to collect the pass. I haven't seen it update today yet.
Raf's Mum
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I thought it updated as soon as the horses aged? Man I'm so confused default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 555
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Raf's Mum wrote:

it said that yesterday, as soon as you used the points to collect the pass. I haven't seen it update today yet.

I find that weird, though, as it says it'll progress at the daily update.

Well well, I guess I'll just have to wait anxiously default smiley :) If it does happen that I won't receive a single point for yesterday, it would be quite demotivating. Especially because I was so excited for this change in the first place.
  • Posted messages: 654
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Heloni wrote:

daily update.

the update hasn't finished - you can check when it has, as the rankings are done last, and they are dated when they last changed, and at the moment it still says the 5th default smiley (y)
Raf's Mum
  • Posted messages: 123,016
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Raf's Mum wrote:

still says the 5th

Of course! Don't know why I didn't check that out. Thank you default smiley :)
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Anyone know when the next event is?
  • Posted messages: 489
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I4Horses wrote:

Anyone know when the next event is?

Have a read back through the last few pages - it has been discussed
Raf's Mum
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I had a read through the older pages and was wondering, what does "GH" stand for?
  • Posted messages: 2,040
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 11:54:58
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RayeRaye wrote:

I had a read through the older pages and was wondering, what does "GH" stand for?

If your referring to the masterpost on the previous page-

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'GH' stands for Golden Horseshoe, which adds to the trophy that you can get during promos. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Ooooh- I think it's about time to get my calculating hat on. default smiley (h)default smiley (lol)

Thank you, Dacota!
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Do the eyeballs on the maps serve the same purpose as the scarabs did last time around?
  • Posted messages: 4,017
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RunNRide25 wrote:

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Do the eyeballs on the maps serve the same purpose as the scarabs did last time around?

Yes, they do. This time around, they are called:

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The binoculars.

Roughly translated:
Binoculars reveal 10 new squares on the maze map in which you are able to locate yourself easily.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 12:55:50
I think it doesn't matter how many horses you're taking care of, nor how you take care of them. I cared for only 3 horses and entered them in competitions. No frost, no topaz, no forum and no safe haven and still recieved 8 points. I think it might have something to do with the equestrian centre....
Oh, and if you just enter on the game for seniority you won't recive any point...they should gave us 1p for this default smiley :s
default smiley (b) Some calculations for the upcoming M___ promo below!

General info:
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- Maximum no. of points bar can hold = 100
- No. points recovered per hour = 3-5 (calculations are based on 5 to utilise the maximum possible number of strides)
- No. points needed per stride = 10 (better than the 20 points we needed last time!)
- Treats can be found on *all* levels of the TC, not just on the 3rd level.
- Mazes must be completed *in order*.
- When entering a new maze, points in the bar returns to 100.
- No teleports/shortcuts.

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Draft (Drum Horse) and Golden Horseshoe

- No. steps needed = 80
- No. sweets along path = 15 x 3 = 45 free steps (I'm assuming each sweet on the maze equals finding 3 of them like before, but if not then I will re-calculate everything)
- No. steps after sweets = 35

*Without sweets in TCs* (since I don't have information on how many sweets can be found in each level, I can't calculate TC usage just yet)
-> 35 steps = 350 strides needed
-> 350 - 100 = 250
-> 250 / 5 = 50 hours (2 days 2 hours to complete)

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Ow's Helios Ray and Golden Horseshoe

- No. steps needed = 161
- No. sweets along path = 27 x 3 = 81 free steps
- No. steps after sweets = 80

*Without sweets in TCs*
-> 80 steps = 800 strides needed
-> 800 - 100 = 700
-> 700 / 5 = 140 hours (5 days 20 hours to complete)

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Titan's Challenge and Golden Horseshoe

- No. steps needed = 214
- No. sweets along path = 31 x 3 = 93 free steps
- No. steps after sweets = 121

*Without sweets in TCs*
-> 121 steps = 1210 strides needed
-> 1210 - 100 = 1110
-> 1110 / 5 = 222 hours (9 days 8 hours to complete)

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Divine (Sekhmet) and Golden Horseshoe

- No. steps needed = 284
- No. sweets along path = 43 x 3 = 129 free steps
- No. steps after sweets = 155

*Without sweets in TCs*
-> 155 steps = 1550 strides needed
-> 1550 - 100 = 1450
-> 1450 / 5 = 290 hours (12 days 2 hours to complete)

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If we stuck to the paths shown in the maze maps provided, it should take around 29 days and 6 hours to complete the promo without passes.

Seeing as promos typically last from anywhere between 19-21 days, passes will obviously be needed to complete the promo. I'll work on calculating more accurate information with Starry once Pre-Prod is open. default smiley (y)
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Just going to leave this Preprod info here

Next Promo:
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The Mazes

Make your way through the mazes and stock up on prizes!

Some treats and spyglasses will help you find the exit.
You should also keep an eye out for the 4 Golden horseshoes in order to win trophies!

How do you move around in the maze?

Move by clicking on the direction you want to go in. Each move costs you:
a treat
10 paces

The principle remains the same, however, there have been some adjustments since the last time.


The sweets can now be found at every level of the Titan's Challenge
The maze must be done in the right order (1, 2, 3, and 4)
The difficulty increases with each maze
A movement uses 10 paces (instead of 20 previously)
There is only one entry for each maze (and no shortcut)
Each entry in a maze, the number of paces recharges to 100
On the map, the route you have taken will appear as a highlighted path
You recharge between 3 and 5 paces per hour, depending on the skills of the horse that is accompanying you.


Maze 1 - Drum horse (new draft horse breed)
Maze 2 - Ow's Helios Ray
Maze 3 - Titan's Challenge
Maze 4 - Divine horse Sekhmet


During testing it is not possible to buy treats or spyglasses. This is so that we can test the Maze event in "real" conditions. When the Titan's Challenge becomes available, you can gain treats on any level.


Sekhmet is one of the Egyptian horses.

She will offer you one treasure when she wakes up each day.

By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:

1 x Themis' Scale
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Sekhmet's skills

This mare cannot be sold.

*Sekhmet also can not breed - despite being female (she shares this trait with Isis)

New Breed:

Small changes:
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Unsellable horses

For all unsellable horses, we're adding a mesage to let you know why the horse cannot be sold through the Sell icon (back again) + menu next to the horse's name.

However, when you click on this link, it doesn't trigger the usual pop-up with the Sell and Place in the Safe Haven options. Another pop-up appears instead indicating that the horse cannot be sold and the reason.

This applies to the following horses:

Divine horses
Wild horses
Legendary horses
Horses with legendary tack
Horses with a Vintage Apple
Horses with the Golden Apple from the tutorial

Similar to divine horses and horses with the tutorial Golden Apple coats, horses that are not sellable cannot be sent to the Safe Haven.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

default smiley (b) Some calculations for the upcoming M___ promo below!

That bit about the
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treats being found on all levels of the TC just absolutely made my day as long as it's not random. I'd be disappointed to find out that there's a chance to find it on level 1 or maybe on level 4 etc.. I want to know I can always find treats on level 1 at least and just quit with that if I want to. If it is the latter I may go ahead and fully participate in the maze. My biff with the last maze was the amount of passes I wasted because I couldn't always get to level 3.
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

That bit about the
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treats being found on all levels of the TC just absolutely made my day as long as it's not random. I'd be disappointed to find out that there's a chance to find it on level 1 or maybe on level 4 etc.. I want to know I can always find treats on level 1 at least and just quit with that if I want to. If it is the latter I may go ahead and fully participate in the maze. My biff with the last maze was the amount of passes I wasted because I couldn't always get to level 3.

I'm pretty sure that
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treats can be found on every level as you go along, so the more levels you decide to risk going to, the more treats you get. It's just knowing how many treats you get per level, and whether or not you get more treats in certain levels than others (e.g. less treats for earlier levels).

I really hope that Pre-Prod opens soon so that I can test this - I think I'm going to go all out on this promo. default smiley (y)
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So Pre-Prod is now open, and I can confirm that
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Sweets found in the maze *do* give you 3 sweets, not just the one. So my calculations are correct, and I only need to work out the average number of sweets we can get from the TCs. default smiley (y)

We can't currently find sweets in the TCs, but I'm hoping that we will be able to tomorrow.
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Also, another upcoming change for VIPs (sorry I'm posting so much default smiley (lol))-

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  • Posted messages: 1,057
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Gah, the one thing I'm most anxious to hear about would be the one thing you guys aren't able to test right away. Not that it will kill me to wait, but the results will probably determine whether I go for the divine or not. But thanks for the info Speedy!
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Gah, the one thing I'm most anxious to hear about would be the one thing you guys aren't able to test right away. Not that it will kill me to wait, but the results will probably determine whether I go for the divine or not. But thanks for the info Speedy!

I was really hoping that we would be able to test them today too, but oh well. default smiley (lol)

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For now I'm just making a list of all the prizes I come across in the maze, and I'll compare them with what Starry finds to see if they're the same prizes in the same places. We'll test the TCs as soon as we can on Friday when we'll be able to~

But you're welcome! default smiley ^)
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