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By Retired breeder, 3rd July 2016 17:59:08
I'm excited about the next promotion. It's one of my favorites. Now, if only we can add the cards to keep up a good string of promos... default smiley (lol)

A tip to players:

Uni prices usually skyrocket when the
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Great challenge

is on, if memory serves me right, so if you want a unicorn, I'd advise buying one now.

Carry on. default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 3rd July 2016 19:56:40
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About the uni; make sure to buy one before tomorrow objective if you want extra water.
agletdontforgetit wrote:

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For the GC does anyone know if the objective 'to gain the colour bonus for a horse that has never had it before' will be in this GC? As I know that was a hard objective. ,

This objective is not very hard.... 1.find a horse that is just under 3,
2. age it to 3
3. Put all tack of the-the same color on it
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well not everyone has tack that has all the colors so we cant do that objective
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I have a question about Zodiac horses

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Are Gemini from other players able to offer coverings to Cancer, or did I miss out on getting my Leo because I never got a Gemini? I've been wanting Leo since Zodiac horses were introduced, but I never thought I would need a Gemini.default smiley :'(
October Lilac
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littlekatie wrote:

well not everyone has tack that has all the colors so we cant do that objective

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If you have (or buy) a horse with 2/3 pieces of tack and you have the third, you can complete it. It can be difficult, but if you have Some 2* tack it shouldn't be completely impossible.
October Lilac
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By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 06:16:21
October Lilac wrote:

I have a question about Zodiac horses

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Are Gemini from other players able to offer coverings to Cancer, or did I miss out on getting my Leo because I never got a Gemini? I've been wanting Leo since Zodiac horses were introduced, but I never thought I would need a Gemini.default smiley :'(

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You don't need a Gemini, you just need to get a covering from one. This can come from any player, not just you.
By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 09:30:09
Can anyone explain about the concept/overall objective of

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The Great Challenge?

I took a break from Howrse for a couple of years and don't remember ever encountering it.
By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 11:25:47
When can we expect the next event to start default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 12:12:49
Retired breeder wrote:

When can we expect the next event to start default smiley :)

Possibly on Thursday
Does anyone know when any other backgrounds will be released with the Ow's Helios ray and what they may be?

Thanks in advance, okaybye
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Retired breeder wrote:

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The Great Challenge?

I took a break from Howrse for a couple of years and don't remember ever encountering it.

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Well, you complete objectives to earn horse shoes and tickets for the lottery then the lottery promo would go on and you get lots of stuff durring that.
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Ok so does anyone know
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what objectives there will be for the great challenge?
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okaybye wrote:

Does anyone know when any other backgrounds will be released with the Ow's Helios ray and what they may be?

Thanks in advance, okaybye

When other promos come out as the backgrounds are from the promos. Unless Howrse decides to add previous backgrounds in randomly
RachelCinnamon wrote:

Ok so does anyone know
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what objectives there will be for the great challenge?

it's been discussed pretty frequently on the last few pages, but nothing was ever posted because it's basically just
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objectives like we've had in the last two promos I'm thinking. Groom a horse, place tack(hopefully you have some colored tack in your inventory specifically, etc.) And last time the players didn't share the same objectives everyday. I kept seeing help requests to dehorn a unicorn throughout the contest but I never got that objective until the last 2 days.
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

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The Great Challenge?

I took a break from Howrse for a couple of years and don't remember ever encountering it.

RachelCinnamon wrote:

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what objectives there will be for the great challenge?

Here's what I posted on the previous page that gives an overall description of everything.

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The objectives themselves are similar to the ones we've had for the plant promo. Congratulate players, donate equus/horses, remove wings/horns, win comps, enter comps, groom horses, etc.

You will get 3 objectives a day, and everyone gets random ones. First objective is worth 1 horseshoe, second is worth 2 horseshoes, and third is worth 3 I think, for a total of 6 horseshoes per person per day. If you can't complete an objective, you will have 3 days to do it because you can see the previous two days objectives as well. But you can only earn lottery tickets by helping people (one ticket per day) if you complete all three objectives on the day they are given.

The more horseshoes we gather, the more lotteries per day we will unlock. We can only have one per day, or if we gather enough horseshoes, we could potentially have up to four per day.

And yes, the more horseshoes you personally gather, the better the HOP offer you'll unlock. I think the best offer you can have is open 2 HOPs, get one for free.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

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on what page does discussion on the great challenge start
  • Posted messages: 4,253
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kitcat wrote:

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on what page does discussion on the great challenge start

Well I put a general description in the post right above yours...
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^ I'd like to read as much as I can about it before it starts
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kitcat wrote:

^ I'd like to read as much as I can about it before it starts

I'd look around the last 10 or so pages then. Maybe even farther than that, since testing for that particular promo has finished already.
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By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 18:39:20
Do we know what promo is coming after
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the great challenge
Retired breeder wrote:

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the great challenge

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the mazes are coming back with Sekhmet as the divine prize.

*Information on the M___ promo below!*

default smiley (b) Divine:
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"Sekhmet is one of the Egyptian divines.
She will offer you one treasure when she wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1x Themis Scale
Some mash
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Sekhmet's skills
This horse cannot be sold."

default smiley (b) Promo:
Click to display

Observations from above picture:
1. It doesn't look like there are any teleports as part of this promo, unless they appear later.

2. There are numbers beside each maze, which makes me believe that there is an order to them (I hope that we can still pick and choose, but those numbers aren't making me feel very hopeful right now...)

3. The first maze's prizes appear to be the new draft horse breed and Golden Horseshoe; the second maze's prizes appear to be Ow's Helios Ray and GH; the third maze's prizes appear to be a Titan's Challenge and GH, and; the fourth/last maze's prizes appear to be the divine (Sekhmet) and GH.

default smiley (b) Misc.
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A new draft horse breed - The Drum Horse!

Coat colors:
- Bay
- Mouse Gray
- Black tobiano
- Bay tobiano
- Mouse Gray tobiano
- Bay tovero
- Black tovero

Skill set (best -> worst):
1. Dressage
2. Trot
3. Stamina
4. Gallop
5. Jumping
6. Speed
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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Anyone have any idea if/when draft teams will be available?
  • Posted messages: 445
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RaeonMist wrote:

Anyone have any idea if/when draft teams will be available?

We don't know, and I believe the Howrse team have said that we wouldn't get draft teams at all, due to their limited covers.

In any case, we've never gotten a date, so I would operate on the assumption that we won't ever get them.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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RaeonMist wrote:

Anyone have any idea if/when draft teams will be available?

What about donkeys?
Ash Duke01
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