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I'd really like this next divine, seriously hoping he won't break the bank.
Thanks for all the info Speedy!!
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 14:52:45
For the M___ contest, I have a question.

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For the first prize for the maze, the Drum Horse, which is a draft horse, I think. Are we able to make teams with the Drum Horse?
Retired breeder wrote:

For the M___ contest, I have a question.

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For the first prize for the maze, the Drum Horse, which is a draft horse, I think. Are we able to make teams with the Drum Horse?

No, you aren't able to.
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The Drum Horse is a draft horse, and no teams can be created for draft/donkey breeds (most likely because they only have 3 coverings and not many variations exist for the species).
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 14:59:06
kay, thanks Speedy!
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Just started out the first maze on PreProd and the first prize I came across was a Vintage Apple. I am so excited about this promo! I am so fond of Sehkmet's perk also. A Themis' Scale once a month (if it's given as often as Anubis gives his prize) would be absolutely amazing. I just really hope she isn't as expensive as Anubis was. Also, I noticed on PreProd that Sehkmet is a she? I have been reading this forum most everyday and I am sorry if this has already been discussed, but will she be able to breed do we know? default smiley :o
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Aerondight wrote:

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Just started out the first maze on PreProd and the first prize I came across was a Vintage Apple. I am so excited about this promo! I am so fond of Sehkmet's perk also. A Themis' Scale once a month (if it's given as often as Anubis gives his prize) would be absolutely amazing. I just really hope she isn't as expensive as Anubis was. Also, I noticed on PreProd that Sehkmet is a she? I have been reading this forum most everyday and I am sorry if this has already been discussed, but will she be able to breed do we know? default smiley :o

If it's not too much to ask-
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Would you be able to PM me with the prizes that you come across and where? It doesn't have to be for all mazes, I'm just curious to see if the prizes are the same for everyone so we can confirm that. If the prizes are all the same, then I'll also try and work with Starry to uncover every prize if possible. default smiley (y)

We haven't heard anything about her breeding with any other divine, but maybe something will come up about that soon. I was curious about that too, and I'll definitely be going for her if we can get a divine foal from her~
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 15:09:48
Aerondight wrote:

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Just started out the first maze on PreProd and the first prize I came across was a Vintage Apple. I am so excited about this promo! I am so fond of Sehkmet's perk also. A Themis' Scale once a month (if it's given as often as Anubis gives his prize) would be absolutely amazing. I just really hope she isn't as expensive as Anubis was. Also, I noticed on PreProd that Sehkmet is a she? I have been reading this forum most everyday and I am sorry if this has already been discussed, but will she be able to breed do we know? default smiley :o

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No, she will not. Following Isis.
By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 15:17:21
But Isis DOES produce foals, just not her own default smiley ;)

I hope
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is breedable. And I also really like the changes that were made to the
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Well done Howrse team!
To add to HighFlyer's query...
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Sekhmet will be the 8th in the Egyptian series, so there are 2 left to collect(I'm not counting Ra here since you have to collect all 10 to get him and he is number 11.)
Isis is also a female but we can't breed her (yet?) either. So if one of those mares can breed and have a foal, that would mean either Isis or Sekmet's foal would be number 9 and then there would be a male remaining which is possibly the sire(so reverse that to the foal being number 9). Or...we get 2 unbreedable divines in 2 more promos or...Howrse announces that we can breed Isis and Sekhmet with 2 already released males to produce 2 foals.

I feel like someone did an outline of how this could possibly work but it was quite a while back and I never bookmarked it. Honestly, this divine set seems as long as the Egyptian gods are old so I'm just ready for them to be over alreadydefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 15:24:20
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sorry, I thought someone said that she is not breedable. But they must have meant 'at the time being.'
By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 15:28:43
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Loving the fact that it now takes 10 paces rather than 20 to move. default smiley :d
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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Would you be able to PM me with the prizes that you come across and where? It doesn't have to be for all mazes, I'm just curious to see if the prizes are the same for everyone so we can confirm that. If the prizes are all the same, then I'll also try and work with Starry to uncover every prize if possible. default smiley (y)

We haven't heard anything about her breeding with any other divine, but maybe something will come up about that soon. I was curious about that too, and I'll definitely be going for her if we can get a divine foal from her~

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No problem at all Speedy, I am going to go around and see what prizes are worth detouring for (if they turn out to all be in the same place) I will PM you what I find and where when as soon as I come across them!

I really hope something does come up about breeding her. I was going to go for her anyway but knowing that there may be a chance that she could reproduce makes her all the more appealing!!

Bibbs I can't tag you for some reason, it may be the laptop I am using. I laughed at that last line. At least their perks are nice. I'm getting quite bored of the Zodiacs! Here's hoping we might get a second divine out of Sehkmet anyways default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 15:50:23
Regarding future Egyptian Divines

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The remaining ones after Sekhmet should be Ptah and Apep. It does not fit the myths that Sekhmet would give birth to either. But we'll see.
Legacy Ann wrote:

That bit about the

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I'm not sure if I like that or not..because you won't know when to stop opening TCs default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 16:17:58
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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If it's not too much to ask-
Would you be able to PM me with the prizes that you come across and where? It doesn't have to be for all mazes, I'm just curious to see if the prizes are the same for everyone so we can confirm that. If the prizes are all the same, then I'll also try and work with Starry to uncover every prize if possible. default smiley default smiley (y)

We haven't heard anything about her breeding with any other divine, but maybe something will come up about that soon. I was curious about that too, and I'll definitely be going for her if we can get a divine foal from her~

If you want Speedy:

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I can keep track of the gifts I get as well. It might be good for a few of us to collaborate and see if they are all the same or not and where we find them. I'm not going specifically for the gifts right now. Just want to get trough the mazes and really see how long it will take me, how many passes it will cost. This would be my first Egyptian but I can't pass up this perk lol I am halfway through the first maze and forgot to keep track but I'll do so now and as long as I can remember lol
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GemTwist wrote:

If you want Speedy:

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I can keep track of the gifts I get as well. It might be good for a few of us to collaborate and see if they are all the same or not and where we find them. I'm not going specifically for the gifts right now. Just want to get trough the mazes and really see how long it will take me, how many passes it will cost. This would be my first Egyptian but I can't pass up this perk lol I am halfway through the first maze and forgot to keep track but I'll do so now and as long as I can remember lol

Ah, that would be great, thank you! So far there is Starry, HighFlyer and I, so having you on our little team would help a bunch! default smiley (y)default smiley (lol)

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So far I have the locations of four gifts, and what they are. If you could PM me with what you find and where, that would be awesome. default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 17:38:07
So what's after the plants? I'm not sure; I've heard
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the lottery
or the
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First is the GC and lottery, and after that it's the Maze.
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 17:59:47
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Is there anyone who has fully uncovered at least the first maze and has an uncovered map? Sorry if I missed something a page or so back... didn't see it.
By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 18:00:45
Retired breeder wrote:

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Is there anyone who has fully uncovered at least the first maze and has an uncovered map? Sorry if I missed something a page or so back... didn't see it.

Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

there it is.default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Is there anyone who has fully uncovered at least the first maze and has an uncovered map? Sorry if I missed something a page or so back... didn't see it.

Not at the moment.
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We aren't able to buy sweets or anything yet, so the only way we can get to the end of the maze besides just using regenerated paces would be to wait for the sweets in the TCs this weekend.
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By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 18:07:34
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 18:54:20
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why the map were removed ??
By Retired breeder, 6th July 2016 18:57:09
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You deleted the correct map....
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