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Retired breeder wrote:

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When is Virgo gonna come out?

Probably in the promo after the next one, so after

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the Maze.
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By Retired breeder, 8th July 2016 03:06:29
Is there any info on what the prizes in the lottery will be?
Retired breeder wrote:

Is there any info on what the prizes in the lottery will be?

No, as testing closed before we could bring that information over. It should be the standard set of prizes, though. Tack, APs, Equus, Mashes, Carrots, a variety of BMIs, stuff like that.
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By Retired breeder, 8th July 2016 03:14:00
Starry-Eyed wrote:

No, as testing closed before we could bring that information over. It should be the standard set of prizes, though. Tack, APs, Equus, Mashes, Carrots, a variety of BMIs, stuff like that.

Thanks Starry-Eyed.

I'm hoping there will be a Golden Apple or Harmony pack, I know there's one for completing the daily objectives in the GC. Totally out of GAs now and only one Harmony pack left.

Also hoping some of the smaller stuff will include C. Fortunes, and resources for the EC.

APs are always welcome.default smiley :)
I am really hoping that there are more HP's and GA's in the Lottery as well.
That havent really added them in the last several promo's and I am actually trying the GC to get that GA.
Normally I dont even bother with promo's because I am mostly interested in HP's, HOPs, GA's and COLORED tack.
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* And we have been lacking in all of those the last several months.

Sorry, I someone hit the post button before I was done. Haha
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So it looks like
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the sweets in the TCs aren't going to be out today on pre-prod.

I may be wrong and they might be out later in the day, but if they aren't, then I'm afraid pass calculations/maze gift maps are going to have to wait until next weekend. I'm sorry, guys! default smiley :$
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By Retired breeder, 8th July 2016 14:30:48
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

So it looks like
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the sweets in the TCs aren't going to be out today on pre-prod.

I may be wrong and they might be out later in the day, but if they aren't, then I'm afraid pass calculations/maze gift maps are going to have to wait until next weekend. I'm sorry, guys! default smiley :$

No worries! I'm sure I can wait until then.
Same here! I actually forgot all about it until you mentioned it. Waiting another week won't make any difference
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

Is there any info on what the prizes in the lottery will be?

No - but I'm willing to bet that they will be similar to the past Great Challenge we had that gave us Aquarius...

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Cancer will be the Jack pot prize, as well as she'll be available in HOPs once the Lottery starts.

Assuming nothing has changed - other prizes will probably include;

**Remember - the Divine for this is Cancer! These are old images from the last Great Challenge Lottery that I am using as a simple way to show possible Prizes!
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By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 05:53:15
I liked the prizes from last time, hope this time the prizes will be similar. Didn't like the amount of eqqus I had to spend to get tickets, though.
French players have already the M___ for next promo ! default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 07:33:21
ShorahNagi wrote:

No - but I'm willing to bet that they will be similar to the past Great Challenge we had that gave us Aquarius...

I hope they don't set a time limit like last time. I don't often use BMI's and I had to quickly use them because I forgot I had them. Still.. something is better than nothing, right? default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 9th July 2016 07:56:08
I personally don't mind timed items in the Lottery as they are more or less free. It's when they require pass spending that I have an issue with it.
DinaStar wrote:

French players have already the M___ for next promo ! default smiley :d

If you're talking about the
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maze maps
then we have them too, thanks to Dacota. default smiley (y)
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

then we have them too, thanks to Dacota. default smiley (y)

Of course, Dacota. is Flowcon from the french version default smiley :d
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default smiley (b) Help for the M___ promo below! default smiley (b)

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I took a screenshot of the map without any path, and drew on dots for where each gift, sweet, and spyglass can be found. On the right-hand side I have also compiled a list of what each gift is and their locations (thanks to Starry-Eyed, HighFlyer and GemTwist for their help default smiley (l)), so players can choose their own path if they would like to stray from the recommended path posted earlier by Dacota. default smiley ^)

This map and all other screenshots, maze maps and calculations can be found in my EC's forum, if anyone loses track of my posts and would like to look at them again. default smiley (y)

  • Posted messages: 1,057
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SpeedySonic2 wrote:

Help for the M___ promo below! default smiley (b)

Click to display
I took a screenshot of the map without any path, and drew on dots for where each gift, sweet, and spyglass can be found. On the right-hand side I have also compiled a list of what each gift is and their locations (thanks to Starry-Eyed, HighFlyer and GemTwist for their help default smiley (l)), so players can choose their own path if they would like to stray from the recommended path posted earlier by Dacota. default smiley ^)

This map and all other screenshots, maze maps and calculations can be found in my EC's forum, if anyone loses track of my posts and would like to look at them again. default smiley (y)

Awesome, Speedy, thanks a lot! default smiley (l)default smiley (b)
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By Retired breeder, 10th July 2016 01:51:42
Thanks, Speedy!
By Retired breeder, 10th July 2016 04:02:54
Thank you so much Speedy!default smiley :-))
Starry-Eyed wrote:

Awesome, Speedy, thanks a lot! default smiley (l)default smiley (b)

Retired breeder wrote:

Thanks, Speedy!

Retired breeder wrote:

Thank you so much Speedy!default smiley :-))

You're welcome! I'm working on the next now. default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 10th July 2016 08:54:08
Regarding to the pass metter, mistery solved:
1p for giving an apple to a horse that didn't belongs to you
1p for congratulating a player
5p for taking care of any horse including foals
3p for entering a horse to competitions (I think only 1 comp. is enough)
Hope I helped default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

Regarding to the pass metter, mistery solved:
1p for giving an apple to a horse that didn't belongs to you
1p for congratulating a player
5p for taking care of any horse including foals
3p for entering a horse to competitions (I think only 1 comp. is enough)
Hope I helped default smiley :)

I don't think it's the same for all players...
  • Posted messages: 617
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

Regarding to the pass metter, mistery solved:
1p for giving an apple to a horse that didn't belongs to you
1p for congratulating a player
5p for taking care of any horse including foals
3p for entering a horse to competitions (I think only 1 comp. is enough)
Hope I helped default smiley :)

As someone suggested before, I think it can range from a whole selection of actions, as I haven't given an apple to someone else's horse and yet have gained the 10 points each day.
  • Posted messages: 80
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Not that your ideas are wrong, of course, just that they are probably not the only ones default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 80
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